About the hysteria spreading in Italy, i know that there are individuals that will lash out, beat up other people and just behave violently especially when the opportunity presents herself like in this case with the coronavirus panic , but still it's crazy and astonishing when you see these things happening again and again. The following twitter shows an individual trying to beat up a filippino man that he mistook for a chinese person in a italian supermarket:

About the hysteria spreading in Italy, i know that there are individuals that will lash out, beat up other people and just behave violently especially when the opportunity presents herself like in this case with the coronavirus panic , but still it's crazy and astonishing when you see these things happening again and again. The following twitter shows an individual trying to beat up a filippino man that he mistook for a chinese person in a italian supermarket:

Some people are idiots and nothing short of neanderthals.

The scary thing about the fabric of society breaking down is people like this will roam free to act out their inner callings which is to terrorise other people they consider less human than them.

I hope the police find this man and put him behind bars for assault, racial discrimination and whatever other laws he's broken in this one video.
FWIW, the last Thursday I noticed the hysteria taking off in Czech. Went to local building accessories shop to get a respirator / mask for plumber who came to my office to do re-piping for a new boiler (messy, dusty hammer-drill job). He forgot his respirator and asked me to get a mask with plastic vent for him. In the first shop they only had the ones without vent. I asked for the better ones and they said they won't be available for a long time since the supplier has none in stock now.

In another shop it was exactly the same situation and I was told that people bought out all the good masks and that I should buy the simple one anyway because soon there will be nothing left at all. Even the biggest specialized store for builders is out of stock for masks now. Crazy. Thankfully, tobacco is still available for sale everywhere without any sign of shortage :cool2:
A research study published on Researchgate and on pre-print reveals that the SARS-CoV-2 that causes the Covid-19 disease did not originate from the Wuhan market but rather was "imported" from elsewhere, according to the genomic and medical scientists from Xishuangbanna TBG Institute, and then the busy market had simply only boosted its circulation and spread it to the whole city.

Decoding evolution and transmissions of novel pneumonia coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) using the whole genomic data


The outbreak of COVID-19 started in mid-December 2019 in Wuhan, Central China. Up to February 19, 2020, SARS-CoV-2 has infected more than 75,000 people in China, and another 25 countries across five continents. In this study, we used 93 complete genomes of SARS-CoV-2 from the GISAID EpiFluTM database to investigate the evolution and human-to-human transmissions of SARS-CoV-2 in the recent two months.


Eight coding-regions have 120 substitution sites, including 79 non-synonymous and 40 synonymous substitutions. Forty-two non-synonymous substitutions changed the biochemical property of amino acids. No combinations were detected. Fifty-eight haplotypes were classified into five groups: 31 haplotypes were found in samples from China and 31 in samples from other countries. The rooted network suggested that H13 and H35 were ancestral haplotypes, and H1 (which with its descendants included all samples from the Hua Nan market) was derived from the H3 haplotype. Population size of SARS-CoV-2 was estimated to have had a recent expansion on 6 January 2020, and an early expansion on 8 December 2019.

Genomic variations of SARS-CoV-2 are still low in comparisons with published genomes of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Phyloepidemiologic analyses suggested that the SARS-CoV-2 source at the Hua Nan market was imported from elsewhere. The crowded market then boosted SARS-CoV-2 circulation and spread it to the whole city in early December 2019.
Furthermore, phyloepidemiologic approaches have recovered specific directions of human-to-human transmissions and the sources for international infected cases.

From Thailand Medical News:
The researchers found was that while the coronavirus had spread rapidly within the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, there had also been two major population expansions on December 8 and January 6
This totally contradicts earlier reports by Chinese health authorities and the World Health Organization announcing publicly that the first known patient showed symptoms on December 8, and that most of the subsequent cases had links to the seafood market, which was closed on January 1.
The study also implied that based on the genome data, it was possible that the coronavirus began spreading from person to person in early December or even as early as late November.

I can't help myself to remember this?
300 US military personnel arrived in Wuhan for the Military World Games on October 19. The first coronavirus case appeared two weeks later, on November 2. Coronavirus incubation period is 14 days.
About the exaggerated scare story angle...

I browse youtube all the time, and I notice how whenever I do a search, youtube piles on tons of related content. And this won't go away until your searchs steer your recommendations in a different direction. So, you are 'channeled' and fed the same content until you steer it elsewhere. So, it is supposed to aid in helping you find content, but as well, it fosters content creators who are trying to get visits, to put out sensationalistic content, based on your interests, to get a click.

So exaggeration comes with everything. And if you get in a pattern of just browsing what they serve up, they will reinforce what your interests are with exaggerated content, and at exaggerated frequency.

So youtube gives you what you want. But other than your search history, you will get mainstream media type content: news, sports, ect. ad nauseam. And if you search, they will steer you to content creators who want to draw you in and feed you nonsense, making your specific interests the entirety of your youtube experience - unless you feed their search engine with more queries.

Anyways exaggeration is always in the mix, unless you stick to specific outlets of information. So it can be scary simply by relying on what search engines serve up, and then the repetition of recommendations narrows the scope of your outlook, compounding the matter.

So, it's like higher level, interactive, couch-potato programming.
I've found this channel to have decent information so far. There is definitely something going on with the re-establishment of lockdown in Wuhan. China pretends the infection has peaked, which is contradicted by the fact that they're rush-building another 20 hospitals.
The concerning thing here isn't the virus. It's the chinese response. What do you think?
ver the years, I have observed that once an answer from the "C's" becomes public, and enters our concious thought processes, reality tends to start mirroring the Truth, sometime very quickly.

Mainstream have changed there tune, BBC news yesterday said something along the line of, it's not as bad as first thought saying 4 out of 5 get infected and recover even without medical help.
According to this article, several hospitals in China have begun to conduct trials on intravenous Vitamin C therapy, but Facebook has labeled it fake news. Here's the link. More Vitamin C Studies Approved in China to Fight Coronavirus: Therapy Censored in U.S.
I read the article and I tend to agree that the unilateral focus on the vaccine and the antiviral does not solve the treatment problem In China, which is actually a big problem. Last week if I remember correctly, I watched on CGTN (China Global Television Network), a press conference given by the People’s Party representatives. One statement was mentioning the use of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and introducing or using WM (western medicine). That made me realize the magnitude of the issue. TCM is preventive and holistic, and WM is reactive and specific. Even if authorities wanted to treat patients using WM, it seems that they are not equipped for that. It makes no sense to start building hospitals and call in cruise ships if the chinese medical system would have been sufficiently mature to deal with the situation, or so it is what appears to be, which is strange. To me, chinese medicine is very successful as applied in China. The current mortality rate is calculated at 7.4 deaths to 1000 people, ( China Death Rate 1950-2020 ), nearly half the death rate of Romania or Bulgaria, ex communist countries with far less population that practice a strong state dependent Western Medicine. Again it makes no sense. Going back to the focus on the vaccine and the antiviral treatment, the entire situation that got created (knowingly, in my opinion) with WHO immediately traveling to Ground Zero, the media frenzy, the instantaneous spread and now the petty squabbles around Vit C treatment (which is a valid treatment), serves more like an ambush to make the Chinese, by soft and manipulative means, submit to terms and conditions that under normal circumstance wouldn’t have even made the front door never mind the negotiating table. So maybe the virus is serious, but is a bad call to have been used as a trade war tool in the playbook. Everyone across the globe is making serious efforts to deal with the pressure, and resources are being depleted as they are mobilised, quite possibly for something that was just staged to look like a pandemic. I pray people will be able to apply themselves again if and when the real thing is going to hit in real terms.
(L) They're worried that it could further mutate and cause a real pandemic, but the odds are low.

A: Yes
It doesn't mean that there won't be a 'high' death toll. Last year's flu virus (2018-2019) caused about 600000 death worldwide as was posted earlier in the thread. If the coronavirus behaves like a strong flu virus, then that could cause perhaps a million death, which is still nothing out of the ordinary. Yet the way that the propaganda and fear has been ramped up from the get go, then we will hear a lot more about the corona virus as the death toll increases.
I doubt that it will be behave as the strong virus as it to me does not seem very infectious. In close to 3 months there are now officially 80000 infected. Even with the claim that the Chinese are lying, then that doesn't account for why the cases outside of China are not spreading rapidly. In the news a jump of 100 infected is treated like it is massive. Yet, the normal flu spreads way more rapidly. In 3 months it infects tens of millions if not hundreds of millions.

The stock markets are in full meltdown today.
As mentioned earlier in the thread perhaps that is part of the reason why the corona virus has been so hyped up. It is elite financial interests who own the media. Financial markets and key players have known for a long time that a crash would come and have offloaded their exposure. The corona virus might have been seen as a convenient scapegoat as to why the markets are collapsing and we are entering a recession. The smaller players in the market will bear the brunt of the market collapse and some private pension funds will also be in this category.

French Tourism Crashes By 35% Amid Virus Outbreak; Europe On Recession Watch
Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Tue, 02/25/2020 - 02:45

French Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, told CNBC's Dan Murphy on Sunday at the G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meetings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, that the Covid-19 outbreak will have a material impact on the French economy and the world.
The country's finance minister warned France's tourism sector has plunged following the outbreak of the virus last month. "We have fewer tourists, of course, in France, about 30%, 40% less than expected," Maire said.
So the Corona virus gets the blame. No mention of how the strikes and ongoing protests against the pension reform has affected the French economy. The French government only have themselves to blame as they haven't listened to the people and initiated constructive dialogue. They have been more interested in sending warships to the Mediterranean and to Mali and playing good puppets for the globalist elite than to care for their own population. That is the real reason for the dip in the French economy, but the virus is convenient to blame as they can then wash their hands of any wrong doing.

The elite sees every catastrophe as an opportunity and this virus will be no different. Predatory Commercial take overs comes to mind. The push for vaccines will become greater and so will the orwellian control system. All of course to protect us :rolleyes:
This is an example I think what the panic and the hysteria can do to people's minds. Though I do hope that in the next couple of days the situation will change for the better.
I doubt that it will become better in the immediate future and I also doubt that it will be contained. Despite the yearly flu killing more than 500000, then no efforts have ever been made to stop it.

As I work on international train lines in the center of Europe with trains going all over, I am well aware of the risk of exposure. Quite a lot of Chinese and South Korean tourists are on the trains and the last two months have been no different. The air is recycled, which is also why getting the normal flu happens just about every year to me due to exposure. Air traffic is no different with millions coming and going all over the world, also with recycled air. In our globalised world with mass tourism, viruses spread quite easily across the globe.

One should bear in mind that most of those who die from the disease are above 60 years of age and with previous health problems. The first two deaths in Italy were of a 77 and 78 year old. In one of the cases they were not even sure if the corona virus had any role in the death, but it never the less, still got blamed for the death and added to the statistics.

I continue to have a good dose of Vit C (Ascorbic acid) every day, iodine a few times a week and have bought some disinfectant spray to have with me at work. Rereading Gurdjieff's Last Hour of life, might also be appropriate ;-)
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