Oh! I've heard of that condition!. It's actually a lot more common than people realize; basically, some people when you inject them with exotic mystery toxins, they pass out!

Crazy, eh?
actually, they did the same with posts about the four volunteers in England who got bell´s palsy after they got the shot. I can´t find it right now, but it was along the lines of "oh, people get that all the time, statistically it is to be expected, nothing to see here folks"...so yeah...
actually, they did the same with posts about the four volunteers in England who got bell´s palsy after they got the shot. I can´t find it right now, but it was along the lines of "oh, people get that all the time, statistically it is to be expected, nothing to see here folks"...so yeah...
I'm wondering...

If the reactions continue to be awful, then I have my fingers crossed that there will be enough public alarm and resistance to make my own dissent when the time comes easier to sell. It seems like a slam dunk, (or something approaching one), but I've also learned to never underestimate people's ability to completely B.S. themselves.

"It's perfectly safe. People are NOT dropping like flies because of this vaccine! They are NOT. It's normal. Do you WANT to kill grandma?? Roll up your sleeve, you selfish coward! Also, somehow it means you're a racist if you believe that it can make you sick. Denier! (etc.)."

Another tactic I'm planning to spread on thick is going to be to call it, "Donald Trump's Vaccine."

That might be enough to instill a few degrees more resistance in the NPC's.

I'm planning my opening arguments. We all should be.
It seems like a slam dunk, (or something approaching one), but I've also learned to never underestimate people's ability to completely B.S. themselves.
There´s a quote that´s supposed to be from Albert Einstein (not really sure if he actually said it) "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits". During this year I have been positively surprised by quite a few people who (unexpectedly) really saw through the B.S., while at the same time I was disappointed by quite a few people who (unexpectedly) didn´t. I guess we´ll have to wait and see...
Another rollout of restrictions in Sweden, only 4 people can eat together in restaurants. During spring it was 50... during fall it was 8.. and now, 4. They are also for the first time asking us to wear a mask on buses and trains. It's not mandated, it is only "recommended". That must mean I can just not wear one and forget about it... but let's see how the sheeple react to that..!
My biggest gripe

is what happens when mRNA vaccinated people encounter real corona virus later “in the wild” e.g. next corona season (typically dec - mar every year).

i have always seen that being the larger potential danger. Not necessarily the first time right after vaccination (even if bad things can and are happening - but i never expect it to do so on a larger scale at first).

(this will be used in favor for the new vaccines of course)

Earlier Corona Vaccines attempts

In the attempts to create corona virus vaccines in the past 18 years - they failed miserably !

In animal vaccine trials, everything was fine at first, showing antibodies etc - but when the animals encountered the corona virus “in the wild”, they got very ill and died.

All of them. In every attempt.

I see that as a serious potential risk - later along the road. I also feel that is fully justified and based on common sense with such animal trials gone wrong.

I should say: it should be based on common sense.

2020 however showed very little of that quality.

No animal trials where conducted with the new mRNA corona vaccines. From drawing board directly into humans.

Also allergic people has been exempted in the trials


Now that is a shady name for something that plays games with human lives, yet under the impression of being “tested and safe”.

Paying psychopaths in advance with borrowed taxpayers money to “save” human lives - while enjoying immunity for possible damages.

Now what could possibily go wrong with that formula ? :barf:

The new vaccines have been developed through bypassing so many common sense safety standards and medical thresholds - never seen before in vaccine development -
rushing them out in record time with highly doubtful standards.

A vaccine mRNA technology which has never been allowed nor approved to be used on human beings before in history.

It’s just so startling to sense (but not see in direct shape) this unknown x factor from a much larger formula, an ‘entity’, an invisible void without face - yet is able to make such a massive push collectively - capable to violate good science and almost all common sense, medical guidelines by mocking effectively anything that does not agree with the official narrative.

It even appears to get away with it !

It has to be a major lesson. Are we up for it as a human family ?

I am glad we discuss this here.
Another rollout of restrictions in Sweden, only 4 people can eat together in restaurants. During spring it was 50... during fall it was 8.. and now, 4. They are also for the first time asking us to wear a mask on buses and trains. It's not mandated, it is only "recommended". That must mean I can just not wear one and forget about it... but let's see how the sheeple react to that..!

Yes Echo is right

More restrictions are rolled out in Sweden - nationwide but under the umbrella of “recommendations”.

from 24 Dec until 24 Jan all national, communal and regional activities and commerce ceases - except important ones (whatever that means in detail i do not know at the moment)

Shopping centers are recommended to half the amount of people. How they do it - is up to them.

Already now this evening, at the Stockholm subway (my workspace), I have noticed more people using masks than usual - but the vast majority is still without.

The sale of Alcohol will be forbidden after 20.00 in restaurantfrom 24 Dec and onwards.

the government has no mandate to rule over private businesses under the present infection law, so they can only recommend.

masks are now mainly recommended during rush hour or crowded spaces. But the gov will come with more details about this a little later.

But as i mentioned earlier there is a new (“temporary”) Swedish Infection law being in the works - and if accepted - will come to pass in march 2021.

It may give the state the power to close commercial businesses and restrict public traffic, including the Stockholm subway if i understand it correctly.

nevertheless - we are not there yet, so one step at the time and observe is better than projecting the future in ways we may not want to give too much energy into ....
I might be out of work, lets see on Monday.

My job is at a sportcentre run by Nyköping Municipality in Sweden.

Since (all operations that are run by state, region or municipalities that isn't necessary) such as bathhouses, sport-halls, and museums etc will close "immediately" (quoting Stefan Löven) until the 24 of January.

Then what happens after the 24? Will they prolong this?:umm:
I was thinking about the possible "perfect storm" that these adverse reactions to the vaccine could create. If in the next month or two a large majority of health care workers have been inoculated (doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc.) and then they begin to get sick and die, what will people do who will need medical care for any health issue? We would be left to ourselves. At that point we would begin to see real suffering.
Probably a good idea to look at what happens after the 2nd shot. It looks like the 1st shot isn't realy that much of a problem. I guess people need to be aware, especially when when the side effects can be so problematic.

There are at least 5 worrisome questions that may be needed to be asked about this experimental vaccine. There could be a whole lot more, who knows... :scared:

1. Will I become an asymptomatic carrier?
2. Will I undergo what is known as 'immune enhancement', meaning that having the vaccine will kill me, if, or when, I come into contact with the wild virus (It looks like these people are clueless about what antibodies and antigens can do). We already know what transfusing the wrong blood into people does.
3. Will I have a catastrophic allergic reaction, or ongoing autoimmune issues?
4. Is the similarity of a protein in the virus, so similar to a protein in the human placenta that it is a cause for concern, especially if we are 'vaccinating' against this protein?
5. What long term effects will this have on my my DNA?

It really is something that we need to ask questions about, especially for a virus that has a survival rate of 99.7%, for the vast majority of people.

I'm getting an inkling that the virus isn't the real problem and has never been. Maybe it's a bit like Trump - a contrary thing. Something that is capable of going into unexpected and surprising (often annoying) places. Trump would probably appreciate this, because he's so contrary himself.
Yes Echo is right

More restrictions are rolled out in Sweden - nationwide but under the umbrella of “recommendations”.
Yes, let's hope the Swedes learn the 'art' of subversion quickly enough to counteract this nonsense. I have a feeling about those Swedes. They come across as 'do-gooders', but push them too far? Well things could get 'really interesting, really fast'. I bet you thought Greta Thunberg was annoying, right? Imagine a whole nation of people like that . . . turning on you . . . .
In the attempts to create corona virus vaccines in the past 18 years - they failed miserably !

In animal vaccine trials, everything was fine at first, showing antibodies etc - but when the animals encountered the corona virus “in the wild”, they got very ill and died.

All of them. In every attempt.

I see that as a serious potential risk - later along the road. I also feel that is fully justified and based on common sense with such animal trials gone wrong.

The same enhanced immune response happened years ago in a trial involving children - two of the children died.

Unfortunately I cannot find a reference to it anywhere. Not surprising given our current state of rampant censorship I suppose.
The same enhanced immune response happened years ago in a trial involving children - two of the children died.

Unfortunately I cannot find a reference to it anywhere. Not surprising given our current state of rampant censorship I suppose.
Ah, found something...

Different routes to immune enhancement came to the foreground in the 1960s during clinical trials where young children were immunized with whole-inactivated virus vaccines against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). When the children contracted RSV naturally a few months after the vaccinations, those who were immunized got a lot sicker than those who weren’t. In fact, in one trial, 80 percent of children in the youngest cohort had to be hospitalized, and two died.
Yes, let's hope the Swedes learn the 'art' of subversion quickly enough to counteract this nonsense. I have a feeling about those Swedes. They come across as 'do-gooders', but push them too far? Well things could get 'really interesting, really fast'. I bet you thought Greta Thunberg was annoying, right? Imagine a whole nation of people like that . . . turning on you . . . .

Oh Sweden is “best in test” :lol:

when it comes to subversion and submission. We have plenty of soya boys and nervous youngsters and agressive feminism. (I do however believe that the rapid changes go in both directions, both “bad” and “good”)

But one side is a very loud and propaganda filled often overdoing things - with large medial, single sided support and spotlight.

The subversions happen voluntary here, under the umbrella of intellectual knowledge, attitude, “being righteous” and humanism trendy.

Common sense and original roots nowadays have been hijacked (for example the gay/bi/lesbian/trans movement - how it totally has lost its roots, by stressing a sort of subverted mainstream version onto the masses - totally lost all sense)

We are submissive in so many ways, you wouldn’t believe it. We can bark privately (bicker ?) sure - but do not stand tall when it counts.

I believe this has something to do with older generations spirit having been timid, avoiding confrontations at all costs but also had a strong sense of being nice and thinking good about other people.

In an almost naive way when Europe alrwady started to change, we still where socially more of a little pond: cute, dear and calm.

These things somehow play into the new generation of Swedes - but at the same time with a lot of mind corruption (gradually infiltrated by the sudden release and focus of Ego starting in the 90s and accelerating in the latter 00s.

Media always had a very strong hold onto the general public. Wasn’t it in the early 90s up to 94% of the Swedish people read newspapers daily ?

The morning newspapers used to be really good, and with quality in educating people, explaining and making stunning illustrations. Many design prizes were won internationally 80s-90s. It was fun to read and learn !

But this has all changed - completly - become highly propagandistic by highlighting a lot of directed opinions and avoiding criticism, and i sometimes get the feeling of witchhunt. masked under the disquise of professionalism and righteousness. (Very unpleasant feeling)

Cracks are showing, nevertheless.

Allmost all of the quality reporters from the 90s are gone. The ownership behind most Swedish media is the hands of two families at the roots.

Swedish mainstream media reminds me of Trojan horses. Masked as something that is no more, and filled with nice sounding lies.

Corona and Climate change are pushed extremely hard in all “quality” media here. All the same script you find in many other countries. The proud land of Pippi Långstrump - is now the land of Gretaism and eco obsession.

It was the hysteria around Greta i felt was deeply disturbing combined with that she out of nowhere suddenly was able to march into the highest corridors of politics and NGO’s.

Such things don’t happen - unless it is allowed to happen on purpose.

One note:

this is my opinion and perspective of the Swedish Dilemma. It may or may not be like that for other Swedes you ask (regardless on which side they stand)
The same enhanced immune response happened years ago in a trial involving children - two of the children died.

Unfortunately I cannot find a reference to it anywhere. Not surprising given our current state of rampant censorship I suppose.

I read or heard something about it in german alternative media only recently, but because I heard too little and without reference, i was not sure enough to put that into my text.

So... they did use it on children after all. And some died. :scared:

I am beyond livid ... although at some extent it was predictable, Mexico City and other cities, follow same script as other cities (countries)...recently, read about the statment of AMLO The Mexican leader said pandemic measures that limit people’s movements are “fashionable among authorities ... who want to show they are heavy handed, dictatorship.” “A lot of them are letting their authoritarian instincts show,” he said, adding “the fundamental thing is to guarantee liberty.”
...yeah, well ...is not stopping his health guy, nor his governos, though.

Mexico City and the State of Mexico (metropolitan area of + - 20 million of people) enters to red emergency again whenever is convenient, due the similar script as o increase of cases that might collapse the hospitals in a ...distant future (even if they become full, is the seasonal flu and/or would be the bacterial pneumonia due masks, that had been mandatory at business, work, transportation and for the histeria of the people that had swallowed toomuch propaganda and are quite susceptible of an sneeze).

From 19 of December to January 10:
Only the sale of unprepared and prepared food will operate, only delivery services; the energy, transportation, manufacturing, health, funeral, telecommunications and construction sectors.

In addition, the sale and manufacture of medicines; various repair shops and spare parts; and services provided by the government such as taxation, public works, water and essential operating services.

The rest will close.

It has been beyond dificult to keep floating from the first lockdown, full in debt. I was going to finish the payments to suppliers of February, sells had been decimate since we re-open in July. Every supplier had been empathic, understanding the situation, things are difficult for everyone, and we have no other choice, we have to keep going, that's where we eat from. But I am frustrated and had been very irritating with people around me.

And, I better not keep writing because what comes to my mind is sending a barrage of obscene curses to the psychopaths who are making these unfortunate decisions for us, the people.
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