Jedi Council Member
It's not a good look is it for a nation of rugged individuals!? Some local insanity from my locale, half way between Sydney and Canberra.Latest madness from the land of Oz.
Sydney's Northern Beaches is now on lockdown. Here are the rules you need to know in Sydney
Feeling confused by the constant health updates as the Sydney COVID-19 cluster grows? Here's a breakdown of the new rules from NSW Health as well as all the new restrictions imposed by other states and territories ahead of
28 "cases"!!! The horror!!
The following baffling statement is mentioned twice in the article.
Excuse me... what? You have to isolate for 14 days regardless? Why on earth would anyone even bother getting tested then? It's clearly a transparent attempt to bring up those "case" numbers again.
It seems that idiocy truly has no bounds.
Concerned cafes and bars close for weekend as Northern Beaches cluster rise
Some venues on Sydney's Northern Beaches are so concerned about a growing local coronavirus cluster they are voluntarily closing this weekend to help contain the
A 10 year old boy shared the same class room with a classmate that was infected. He was locked down in his bedroom for 2 weeks, despite testing negative.
I'm a first responder, met a cop at a job who told me he's paid top $$$ to sit in Nicole Kidman's driveway while she and Urban self isolate. They live about 10 minutes away from me and all this on the taxpayer dollar, us plebs would pay $3000 to do same in some stuffy hotel room.
My nurse friend works at a large hospital in South West Sydney, 2 covid patients, (according to the PCR test) with mild symptoms, sent home to self isolate. His daughter, also a nurse, no covid patients and she works mainly in aged care!
The local pastor has buried over one hundred people this year, none covid.
A nurse from the nearest hospital started at my platoon, I was introduced to people as the platoon's tin-foil-hatter. I asked her how many, one was the reply, mildly serious, sent to another hospital.
I work at a health retreat, one of the gym customers is an immunologist. He says that the bug was in Australia from November and probably earlier. Which means the bug is a lot less dangerous, however, we still need lockdowns and a mandatory vax! He shares this info with fellow customers and bluetooths the latest Fauci podcast to all in the gym!
That same health retreat, it's infested with Karens (not the staff, they're fantastic!), what I've experienced there covid wise after re-opening would fill an entire thread!
This ain't the country I grew up in!