Latest madness from the land of Oz.

28 "cases"!!! The horror!! 🤯

The following baffling statement is mentioned twice in the article.

Excuse me... what? You have to isolate for 14 days regardless? Why on earth would anyone even bother getting tested then? It's clearly a transparent attempt to bring up those "case" numbers again.

It seems that idiocy truly has no bounds.

It's not a good look is it for a nation of rugged individuals!? Some local insanity from my locale, half way between Sydney and Canberra.

A 10 year old boy shared the same class room with a classmate that was infected. He was locked down in his bedroom for 2 weeks, despite testing negative.

I'm a first responder, met a cop at a job who told me he's paid top $$$ to sit in Nicole Kidman's driveway while she and Urban self isolate. They live about 10 minutes away from me and all this on the taxpayer dollar, us plebs would pay $3000 to do same in some stuffy hotel room.

My nurse friend works at a large hospital in South West Sydney, 2 covid patients, (according to the PCR test) with mild symptoms, sent home to self isolate. His daughter, also a nurse, no covid patients and she works mainly in aged care!

The local pastor has buried over one hundred people this year, none covid.

A nurse from the nearest hospital started at my platoon, I was introduced to people as the platoon's tin-foil-hatter. I asked her how many, one was the reply, mildly serious, sent to another hospital.

I work at a health retreat, one of the gym customers is an immunologist. He says that the bug was in Australia from November and probably earlier. Which means the bug is a lot less dangerous, however, we still need lockdowns and a mandatory vax! He shares this info with fellow customers and bluetooths the latest Fauci podcast to all in the gym!

That same health retreat, it's infested with Karens (not the staff, they're fantastic!), what I've experienced there covid wise after re-opening would fill an entire thread!

This ain't the country I grew up in!
This is the most important interview you'll watch on why the covid vaccine won't work.

I doubt the information presented here is known by many. Antibodies are severely limited in their capabilities compared to killer lymphocytes. Fauci is either ignorant or he's running a big scam / fraud

What this guy is saying is quite dangerous in my opinion as it exposes Fauci and Gates in a way that just shows them as charlatans.

Virologist, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

He is such a great man - I think it is a great combination as a scientist and human being: between being outmost humble while also deeply knowledgeable. (I highly recommend to watch the video above, in which Bhakdi explains how our immune system really works (and why the vaccine will fail) There you have a scientist / virologist - a voice of reason !

I have been following Dr Bhakdi in the German language for a longer time, and I am impressed by his humbleness and knowledge. He really wants people to understand, and makes great effort in bringing it down to a level that can be understood.

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi also was the first, together with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, who warned about the pandemic fraud (swineflu) and the connected vaccines - back in 2009. They broke off the vaccine campaign - which lead to that only 4 million Germans where vaccinated, instead of the whole country.

Sweden on the other hand - as usual "best in test" :scared: with Anders Tegnell at the top - who vaccinated a large portion of its population - I believe 75% - with the consequence that over 500+ people (mostly young ones) got Narcolepsy from the too rushed Pandemrix vaccine made by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). They got their lives destroyed, and 10 years later (2019) the state of Sweden still refused most of them any economical support. writes: "The reason (for Narcolepsy) is believed to have been an unfortunate coincident".

'Coincidences' :scared:

How quaint.
Been having a mostly friendly argument about the plandemic and Trump with my ex-pat friend who lives in Thailand. He farms mushrooms there and has lived a varied and interesting life in his 60 years.

He believes covid is an existential threat and harsh measures are justified. So I asked him if he was taking the shot, he said only when the second generation vax was available. His reason, the first vax is faulty (aren't they all?!), his friend, who was high up in Pfizer and since retired in Thailand told him so. I'm trying to get more information but as we all know, stay away from those shots if you can!

Is my friend telling the truth? I've known him for five years and has previously provided sound investment advice gratis. He has many interesting stories to tell. I'd say he's right about this one but I wouldn't take the second generation vax either!

A big thanks to everyone here researching this subject. I've found a lot of solid information here, highly valued. Thanks!

Take care and avoid that vax! Brewer
Is your friend telling the truth when? When he says covid is an existential threat? That would be an opinion. Another opinion is that the existential threat comprises forces behind the scamdemic. Is he telling the truth when he says that the first vax is faulty? I'm not sure that "faulty" is the best word for it, but it sounds dangerous.

Suburban Hospital Temporarily Pauses Vaccinations ‘Out of Abundance of Caution' Following Adverse Reactions​

A suburban hospital temporarily suspended coronavirus vaccinations Friday after four team members experienced adverse reactions.

Since Thursday, Advocate Condell Medical Center in Libertyville said four people who received the COVID-19 vaccine experienced tingling and elevated heartrate shortly after the injection.

"Out of an abundance of caution, we are temporarily pausing vaccinations at Condell, which will allow us time to better understand what may have caused these reactions," the health center said in a statement.
Have you seen this? :rolleyes: The comments were disabled, and more than a half a million watched it. There are not much likes/dislikes in total, but there are more dislikes.

Here is a website that I discovered this week in my local newspaper started by two women who want to counter the spread of misinformation about Covid-19: HOME - Masks over Protests

They market themselves as a "grass-roots community organization" that promotes and encourages the restrictions and lockdowns and to help end the spread of pandemic "conspiracy theories". They even have an online shop where you can get a t-shirt or coffee mug, etc.: Shop - Masks over Protests. I don't know where they are getting their funding, but it might have something to do with the ad at the bottom of the webpages for the government of Canada's "Covid Alert app."

Revealing article about the apparently cranky CEO of Moderna. Do they use AI computers to design mRNA models? The reference to the Italian city is interesting.

He peppers his speech with Silicon Valley buzzwords, many of which are scrawled on a giant whiteboard in his spacious office. Messenger RNA “is like software,” he explained: If it works in one disease, it should work for thousands.

Most biotech startups focus on one or two leading drug candidates at first, pushing them through human trials before turning to another target. Moderna, by contrast, has nearly 100 projects going at once. With mRNA, “you can just turn the crank and get a lot of products going into development,” Bancel explained, flashing a smile as though he himself was bemused by the idea’s simplicity.
Here is another article by the same journalist about the biotech industry. It is peculiar because automotive/racing descriptions are used to color the article. These people seem to be churning out widgets in mad fashion with big money behind them. The synchronicities with autos (Modena is home of Ferrari among others) overlaps "riding with Biden" and his rally of Jeeps (owned by Fiat) and races for president. Maybe ESPN needs to start covering the biotech races and forget about football.

Also in PureTech's pipeline of companies are Vedanta, a microbiomics player that signed a $241 million deal with Johnson & Johnson ($JNJ); Tal Medical, a FierceMedicalDevices Fierce 15 winner developing a noninvasive treatment for depression; and Akili Interactive Labs, a startup working on a video game with potential to treat ADHD that has attracted the attention of Pfizer and Shire ($SHPG).

Few EU countries also stopped flights to UK.
Few EU countries (Germany, France) already confirmed new coronavirus strand (more deadly of course etc).

The Eurotunnel announced it was suspending access to its Folkestone terminal on Sunday after the spread of a mutant strain of Covid-19 prompted several European countries to halt UK flights.

Eurotunel is main connection between EU and UK, fresh food supplies etc.
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