well virus...

nature is to mutate constantly a little. As Dr Wolfgang Wodarg many times said, the Wuhan Virus back in the days, is no more and since a long time gone. And has mutated 400 times since then.

So yes, virus mutate.

Our immune system which is highly tuned to re-occurring viruses (and their mutated variants) like from the corona family we encounter every year in winter - the immune system already has it covered (cross immunisation)

So, our immune system covers already the variants of changed virus/family as we are frequently exposed to it. The more we expose ourselves (live with) viruses, the better for our immune system (That is litterally what trains our immune system)

But not everything (in terms of immune response) is based on antibodies !!

It is the white lymphocytes which are the key (as well other aspects) in our immune system. This came to light from the video of Del Bigtree interviewing Dr Sucharit Bhakdi which was recently referred to here.

The “new dangerous strand” narrative that is pulled out the hat, is likely a desperate move, to up the game into a fiver pitch.

My assumtion is that this is done because the a lot of juridical processes are about to start against the corona narrative and the Covid-18 PCR test which was designed by “Dr” Drosten from Germany. And use worldwide (creating abnormal high “positive” numbers.

the Drosten paper about his covid-19 PCR test - on which the global scam is based on - has now been peer reviewed by 22 leading medical experts in the field, and they completly shred it to pieces due to the coarse medical errors that have been made by Drosten, as many as 10. Which completely disqualifies it to even been published in the first place

when the paper was published Feb 2020 It was accepted by the WHO within 2 days, without ever been allowed to be peer reviewed. Which is medically absurd.

That house of cards is crumbling more and more, thanks to the World Doctor Alliance and the juridical processes lead by the team of Dr Fuellmich and others around the world.

More and more of high seated judges from EU countries are finally beginning to cooperate with high profile medical scientists and doctors as united fronts.

it seems both powers are moving into a higher gear.
well virus...

nature is to mutate constantly a little. As Dr Wolfgang Wodarg many times said, the Wuhan Virus back in the days, is no more and since a long time gone. And has mutated 400 times since then.

So yes, virus mutate.

Our immune system which is highly tuned to re-occurring viruses (and their mutated variants) like from the corona family we encounter every year in winter - the immune system already has it covered (cross immunisation)

So, our immune system covers already the variants of changed virus/family as we are frequently exposed to it. The more we expose ourselves (live with) viruses, the better for our immune system (That is litterally what trains our immune system)

But not everything (in terms of immune response) is based on antibodies !!

It is the white lymphocytes which are the key (as well other aspects) in our immune system. This came to light from the video of Del Bigtree interviewing Dr Sucharit Bhakdi which was recently referred to here.

The “new dangerous strand” narrative that is pulled out the hat, is likely a desperate move, to up the game into a fiver pitch.

My assumtion is that this is done because the a lot of juridical processes are about to start against the corona narrative and the Covid-18 PCR test which was designed by “Dr” Drosten from Germany. And use worldwide (creating abnormal high “positive” numbers.

the Drosten paper about his covid-19 PCR test - on which the global scam is based on - has now been peer reviewed by 22 leading medical experts in the field, and they completly shred it to pieces due to the coarse medical errors that have been made by Drosten, as many as 10. Which completely disqualifies it to even been published in the first place

when the paper was published Feb 2020 It was accepted by the WHO within 2 days, without ever been allowed to be peer reviewed. Which is medically absurd.

That house of cards is crumbling more and more, thanks to the World Doctor Alliance and the juridical processes lead by the team of Dr Fuellmich and others around the world.

More and more of high seated judges from EU countries are finally beginning to cooperate with high profile medical scientists and doctors as united fronts.

it seems both powers are moving into a higher gear.
So, they have discovered a new strain LOL, this is nothing more than the old strain, the common flu or the old strain of the flu, or common cold. And let it be know it has been a joke for years, "There is no cure" for the common cold that has been circulation for decades, if not millennia, no cure, most people get over it, and have done for centuries, there are historical records but no longer available. And it is also well documented, it belongs to the coronavirus family or many circulating viruses at this time.

So it just another click bait journalist practice, a man with a long beard, that looks like, a man of knowledge, the push to instill his degenerate mind on the people beggars belief. ,

Is this nothing more than the emergence of the normal flu season, or viral shedding from the world pharma authorities that is the recommendation (and we are seeing nothing more then viral shedding of the vaccine). That flu shot is recommended, every year, in a so called world wide pandemic. My so called "woke" sister, also has succumbed to this.

Crazy World, crazily minds, I feel as though I am living in an insane reality, that has been created In some virtual reality studio in some dark place in the Hollywood Hills, and its called "Movie Land". Except it's not movie land, it's the land of virtual reality.

What is it that Carl Rove voiced.

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”​

And that is what we have witnessed and experienced for almost the past year, now. So from my poor recollection from Lord of the Rings. The phrase is running in the back of my mind "Who will Stand Up for Truth"
Is your friend telling the truth when? When he says covid is an existential threat? That would be an opinion. Another opinion is that the existential threat comprises forces behind the scamdemic. Is he telling the truth when he says that the first vax is faulty? I'm not sure that "faulty" is the best word for it, but it sounds dangerous.
He believes its an existential threat, he also has severe TDS. I can understand, he's worked hard and invested a lot time and resources into his farms and is probably suffering considerable losses. It is possible that he could lose everything over there, he says the police haven't been paid for months and they're extorting ex-pat farangs.

As for his Pfizer friend and what he said, I think my friend is reporting truthfully what was told to him, is Mr Pfizer telling the the truth? Don't know but I wouldn't be surprised if he was, throughout my life I've met people with inside information that turned out to be true and they've been oh so candid about it.

At the beginning of the plandemic prior to lockdown I went to quote on a job felling dead trees, when I met the property owner we did our distancing dance and he said, 'it's all BS you know'. I feigned ignorance and he went on to explain in detail what was planned and it all came to pass.

How did he know this? He contracts to the government in Canberra and it's pretty much part of the conversation around the water cooler. They can be this way because they know that people don't care. Happens in the organization I work for too, so blase!

Just been chatting to my friend again, now it's nothing that we don't know but it's refreshing that he actually seeks alternative views rather than following the narrative. It's interesting that the information might be coming from a big pharma insider.

Take care and thanks!

He believes its an existential threat, he also has severe TDS. I can understand, he's worked hard and invested a lot time and resources into his farms and is probably suffering considerable losses. It is possible that he could lose everything over there, he says the police haven't been paid for months and they're extorting ex-pat farangs.

As for his Pfizer friend and what he said, I think my friend is reporting truthfully what was told to him, is Mr Pfizer telling the the truth? Don't know but I wouldn't be surprised if he was, throughout my life I've met people with inside information that turned out to be true and they've been oh so candid about it.

At the beginning of the plandemic prior to lockdown I went to quote on a job felling dead trees, when I met the property owner we did our distancing dance and he said, 'it's all BS you know'. I feigned ignorance and he went on to explain in detail what was planned and it all came to pass.

How did he know this? He contracts to the government in Canberra and it's pretty much part of the conversation around the water cooler. They can be this way because they know that people don't care. Happens in the organization I work for too, so blase!

Just been chatting to my friend again, now it's nothing that we don't know but it's refreshing that he actually seeks alternative views rather than following the narrative. It's interesting that the information might be coming from a big pharma insider.

Take care and thanks!

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There are stories about a strange pneumonia reported around Ft. Detrick in June 2019 (all IIRC). I'm pretty sure it was discussed here, and pretty sure I read about it elsewhere too. That perhaps was around last April, which will be my excuse for being a little fuzzy on things. [For all I know, I could have posted it here myself.]
There are stories about a strange pneumonia reported around Ft. Detrick in June 2019 (all IIRC). I'm pretty sure it was discussed here, and pretty sure I read about it elsewhere too. That perhaps was around last April, which will be my excuse for being a little fuzzy on things. [For all I know, I could have posted it here myself.]
Hi, it was reported here back in March, old news to us but it's good to see others picking up on it. One can use such information to inform others and I can now mention to my colleagues the possibility that covid was created without receiving groans in reply now. Also, they're now aware that yes, governments do experiment on people not just '30s era Germans and also to the possibility that the virus was around months earlier, which means it's much less deadly than first thought. It all helps, the less that take that vax, the better.
Few EU countries also stopped flights to UK.
Few EU countries (Germany, France) already confirmed new coronavirus strand (more deadly of course etc).
Do you have a source that mentions that the new strain is more deadly? What I have read so far is that it is more contagious, and as a general rule, the more easily a virus spreads, the less deadly it is. I believe this was mentioned in the book Plague Time, discussed elsewhere in the forum.

For example, this BBC article says:

Why is this variant causing concern?​

Three things are coming together that mean it is attracting attention:
  • It is rapidly replacing other versions of the virus
  • It has mutations that affect part of the virus likely to be important
  • Some of those mutations have already been shown in the lab to increase the ability of the virus to infect cells
All of these come together to build a case for a virus that can spread more easily.
However, we do not have absolute certainty.
New strains can become more common simply by being in the right place at the right time - such as London, which had only tier two restrictions until recently. [...]
The figure mentioned by Prime Minister Boris Johnson was that the variant may be up to 70% more transmissible. He said this may be increasing the R number - which indicates if an epidemic is growing or shrinking - by 0.4.
That 70% number appeared in a presentation by Dr Erik Volz, from Imperial College London, on Friday.
During the talk he said: "It is really too early to tell… but from what we see so far it is growing very quickly, it is growing faster than [a previous variant] ever grew, but it is important to keep an eye on this."
There is no "nailed on" figure for how much more infectious the variant may be. Scientists, whose work is not yet public, have told me figures both much higher and much lower than 70%.
But there remain questions about whether it is any more infectious at all.
"The amount of evidence in the public domain is woefully inadequate to draw strong or firm opinions on whether the virus has truly increased transmission," said Prof Jonathan Ball, a virologist at the University of Nottingham.

Does it make the infection more deadly?​

There is no evidence to suggest that it does, although this will need to be monitored.
However, just increasing transmission would be enough to cause problems for hospitals.
If the new variant means more people are infected more quickly, that would in turn lead to more people needing hospital treatment.


Basically they are trying to create more panic based on a strain that may be able to spread quite easily but may also be quite harmless. If the 'old' strain had a 99.98% survival rate on average, and this one spreads more which probably means is less lethal, then we are possibly talking about a regular cold type of thing, aren't we? Of course, we don't know anything for certain yet, but that's how it sounds to me so far.

Lets remember also that mutations make genetic code less efficient, not more (except in superhero movies, that is).
Hi, it was reported here back in March, old news to us but it's good to see others picking up on it. One can use such information to inform others and I can now mention to my colleagues the possibility that covid was created without receiving groans in reply now. Also, they're now aware that yes, governments do experiment on people not just '30s era Germans and also to the possibility that the virus was around months earlier, which means it's much less deadly than first thought. It all helps, the less that take that vax, the better.
Yes, that was a very interesting session that you linked to. There also were other articles, on SOTT or elsewhere, that reported the pneumonia cases near Ft. Detrick and possibly a couple of other places.
Yes it'll be panic stations in the UK. Telling us there may be food shortages due to the travel restrictions and countries banning travel to and from the UK.
I've just heard the new strain is more contagious and the r rate will jump from 0.39% to 0.93% :headbash:
Were in for fun here. The big question will the new vaccine work. Oh nobody asked that on MSM.
God give us strength more testing times ahead. My patience wears thin with my temper.
So not only is Sweden caving in when it comes to the Covid restrictions, now there's talk of officially joining NATO. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that it's happening in tandem...not. And it's all because of the "Russian threat".

Sweden upgrades military as it considers joining Nato

Sweden is making the biggest upgrade to its armed forces in more than half a century and debating whether to join Nato in response to a burst of Russian military activity around the Baltic, the north Atlantic and the Arctic Circle.

Troop numbers will rise from 60,000 to 90,000 over the next four years and annual defence spending will increase by 40 per cent to £7.2 billion, or about 1.5 per cent of GDP, under a budget passed by MPs on Wednesday.

The country’s long-held principle of non-alignment is also coming into question after a majority of parliamentarians voted for the first time in favour of considering Nato membership.
Yes it'll be panic stations in the UK. Telling us there may be food shortages due to the travel restrictions and countries banning travel to and from the UK.
I've just heard the new strain is more contagious and the r rate will jump from 0.39% to 0.93% :headbash:
Were in for fun here. The big question will the new vaccine work. Oh nobody asked that on MSM.
God give us strength more testing times ahead. My patience wears thin with my temper.

I think this is all games. Boris announced Tier 4 on Saturday after he sent parliament home for Xmas on Friday. This new strain was first discovered in September.

Boris bypassed democracy again by making unilateral lockdown decisions by press conference without consulting parliament.

Some people are saying this is because he needs a distraction from Brexit. The EU won't let the UK get a favourable deal so Boris needs something to distract people.

As the vaccine rollout continues, the propaganda will go up considerably. Remember that. In my opinion, it'll get to a place of mandate or strong coercion as a reaction to something else (as of yet to be revealed).

I bet the 70% more contagious figure is BS. Where did the 70% figure come from? BS, watch it get called out in a couple of months as BS.

I think this is all games. Boris announced Tier 4 on Saturday after he sent parliament home for Xmas on Friday. This new strain was first discovered in September.

Boris bypassed democracy again by making unilateral lockdown decisions by press conference without consulting parliament.

Some people are saying this is because he needs a distraction from Brexit. The EU won't let the UK get a favourable deal so Boris needs something to distract people.

As the vaccine rollout continues, the propaganda will go up considerably. Remember that. In my opinion, it'll get to a place of mandate or strong coercion as a reaction to something else (as of yet to be revealed).

I bet the 70% more contagious figure is BS. Where did the 70% figure come from? BS, watch it get called out in a couple of months as BS.

No doubt you won't be far off the truth here Sottreader. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
It's relentless and tiring. The propaganda has finally got to my parents which triggered me at the weekend. I allow myself to be angry at these idiots now and again though.
Protests continue in the UK every weekend.

I met a few 30 something year olds yesterday and we spoke covid. A lot want the government to mandate vaccines. They say they won't be allowed to go back to their normal lives without 80% taking the vaccine. They don't think people will do it willingly. I asked how many do you think will resist. They were like 30% - 50%.

I was like, how can the government force 30% - 50% to take something they don't want to? They were like they make it that you either take it or are under house arrest! I was like, how can they enforce house arrest? You can see where this is going too....

On the vaccines... I said some people wouldn't want to take this because of fear for negative reactions. They were like that it'll be better for people to get negative reactions from vaccines than to get covid!!

All these stuff was bloody scary. These were middle class guys and their mind was in a completely totalitarian place. This is scary, don't you think? The government already has foot soldiers in waiting. How many in the UK are just waiting for the greenlight before they become Brown Shirts?

We now live in a divided society where people will be pitted against each other.
Food Lifestyle • Metabolic connection to e.g. Covid-19

There are other aspects which play into covid-19 (and corona type of influenza) - interacting with pre conditions in the body - which does not even have to be known or diagnosed. But it hits the elderlies who already have illness - and in some cases also younger ones (with strong deficiency of vitamins and minerals)

In a way - our society at large has become far more exposed - more prone to illness more easily - due to the way we eat today (industrial food, fast food, the increased lack of essential vitamins and minerals, the huge amounts of sugar and fast, carb rich food, and the dire mistake of using vegetable plant oils such as corn oil, sunflower oil, rapseed/Canola oil, Soybean oil, margarine etc. (which is in a lot of our processed food - touted as being healthy, "green", friendly and so on.

It's exactly the opposite.

[Olive oils is fine, but how often do you actually get real one - when it is one of the most cheated products in the stores].

All these things are highly inflammatory to our bodies. On a micro level, in the finest blood vessels the damages goes very quick - the process starts already from one single heavy high glucose meal - as the inner lining of the blood vessels, called Glycocalyx, get inflamed - and start to expose the lining that resides below.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus (if it exists from an honest medical scientific perspective - as it is claimed to have been isolated, albeit those studies scrutinized still do not show any isolated, purified sample in the world. This needs kept in the back of the mind as a potential yet unknown factor.

But let's say the virus exists in the way it is told - it is still a member of the mild Corona Virus family. No more, nor less.

The virus issue is well explained and covered e.g. by Dr Andrew Kaufmann who is also in the front panel of the World Doctor Alliance - which has collected the worlds leading medical experts in the field - scrutinizing the whereabouts behind covid-19 in all aspects. This is now the most powerful medical front line we have in the world, to expose what Covid-19 is, and what it is not. Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and his crew is also associated with the World Doctor Alliance, because of the fraudulent Dr Drosten Paper, and his creation of the scientifically mindless (criminal) PCR Covid-19 test - which we know as "The Test" that is still in use worldwide ! A lot is moving right now at the juridical front with powerful connections and people from high level courts worldwide ! Apparently the Italians have come furthest, also employing skilled ex Mafia lawyers. (I don't know if that is the correct name, but it is lawyers who dealt processes against Mafia in Italy)

Which is it ? The Virus or the quality of the terrain it attaches to ?

The Virus appears to attack the finest blood vessels in the body. The question is, if the virus is the problem - or it may be the catalyst of something we already have in our bodies ? I mean, "the quality/condition of our terrain" the virus attaches to, reveals a deeper problem and the way how things develop though illness.

The combination of how we eat over time - might just reveal something larger - making us more exposed to illness complications. Of course even more so for old people, who when they already have more severe pre conditions, does bring their health in serious danger (plus consider also - that once in a hospital - what protocols are used ? Invasive intubation ? Toxic anti-virals ? Those things make survival outmost difficult)

Sugar/fast carbs in blood vessles

Inside our blood vessels even down the smallest ones (e.g. in our lungs), there is a layer of fine micro hairs, which help to steer the flow of the blood. Those are made up of proteins, and is called "Glycocalyx"

When you eat vegetable oils, sugar and fast carbs - you generate a lot of inflammtion - which needs to be adressed. For that you primarlily need Vitamin-C (ascorbic acid) - because it is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory vitamins in existence - because it so readily gives away it's electrons from it's Hydrogen molecules - to the free radicals that rave in the body though inflammatory processes.

Those free radicals miss an electron - which makes them highly aggressive, in their hunt for "those missing electrons" - and they steal it from wherever they come in contact with: the surrounding tissue. This goes on like a chain reaction !

That is what creates the damage in our bodies.

Now Vitamin-C readily gives away it's Hydrogen electrons to the raving free radicals - as those reach again equilibrium: The inflammatory process stops, healing can begin.

Vitamin-C is the key.
But what if the person lacks Vitamin-C ?

The inflammatory process uses immediately up the local storage of vitamin-C in the tissue - and therefore what happens is a local lack of Vitamin-C there. It is like the old disease sailors got back in the days during long journeys and many died - called scurvy - before they knew that citrus fruits cured the lack of Vitamin-C.

A local lack of Vitamin-C, creates local Scurvy !

Now, the lack of local vitamin-C in the inflamed tissue (because it get absorbed rapidly), creates local scurvy - the process of bleeding and rupturing - the fine vessels break.

The alleged SARS-Cov-2 appears to attach to the fine blood vessels in our lungs - creating local sepsis - making it increasingly difficult in the exchange between oxygen and CO2. That is what leads to that people did not get enough oxygen over time. Their fine blood vessels in the lungs where too inflamed, creating thrombosis.

Therefore you can say, it is rather a metabolic disease at the core, created through the way we eat (sugar, fas carbs, lack of vitamins/minerals) combined with the lack of vitamins. Ignorance in food lifestyle makes people more vulnerable to viruses - because our "terrain" (body tissue) isn't on top of things.

Young people only died in cases of severe Vitamin-D deficiency. So, that too plays a roll. Of course, if you hang for many nights at the computer screen, see no sun for weeks, play games, drink cola, eat junk food...

The body will use up most of it's reserves of Vitamin C and D - making it more exposed to illness when additionally an ingredient comes into play: like a virus for example.

Care facilities for the elderlies, like in Sweden, where micro food is served - is cheap, sad and very poor in nutrients.... Suddenly a mild virus becomes a larger threat to those that are more exposed by pre existing illness and poor food.

The situation in Swedish Care facility for our Elderlies is a disgrace. Sweden lives on an old reputation being a great country - which it was up until the 80s. But that country is long gone, replaced by a high level of technocracy and cowardliness.


"Clueless Doctors & Scientists" --> The Story of Covid-19 describing the Covid-19’s Connection to Metabolic Disease being an Endothelial Disease. It shows a good illustration of a blood vessel and it's layers, and how the issue oxygen starvation domes into play.

• "Anthropocene" by Lars Bern [in swedish] • "LCHF would save thousands of lives in Covid-19"
• "Anthropocene" by Lars Bern [in swedish] • "Covid-19 is a metabolic disease"

"Lecture on vitamin C by brilliant Suzanne Humphries"

(I call her "The Queen of Vitamin C")
, if you want to know everything there is to know, how vital this vitamin-C actually is, what it does, and she also kills off many stubborn myths behind using Vitamin-C in medicine, and why it is so potent for inflammatory processes in the body. Also important as she explains: How do you really use Vitamin-C in a more effective way ? What is the latet science in the field of Vitamin-C (I believe the video is from year 2015)

Absolutely brilliant doctor and woman !
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I once read a book 20 years ago

stumbled over it out of the blue during a lunch break at my subway work in Stockholm, in a normal commercial "convenience store" - and that book would mark the beginning of a spiritual journey for me. I mean the first miniature steps into something I sensed, but never had any words for really.

The book contained a sentence I still think of from time to time

(I believe the book was called "The Anatomy of the Spirit" by Carolyne Myss. There was the tale about an elderly woman who traversed the US on her pilgrim journey, who said:

"Don't think shit. Don't eat shit".


Right to the point, isn't it ?
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