Weheeee Yesssss

So, for Stockholm the place and time is finally out, meaning that the World Wide Demonstration will take place onsatruday 20 March 2021, at 13:00 at Sergels-Torg in the heart of Stockholm. My husband and I will go there, because I am off work and we can go together. And make photos 💕

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Gonna make panoramas, XPan? ;-)

While reading these excerpts from a 2005 article, just substitute “HIV/AIDS” with COVID-19, “HIV testing” with PCR testing and “AZT” with COVID-19 vaccines; and you’ll see a 30-year-old script being played out in the current COVID-19 “pandemic”.

The multi-billion dollar/pound AIDS/HIV fraud is based on two fabrications : that AIDS is a single disease and that it is caused by the “HIV virus”.

HIV-positive response means nothing of any relevance to health : it can be triggered by vaccination, malnutrition, M.S., measles, influenza, papilloma virus wart, Epstein Barr virus, leprosy, glandular fever, hepatitis, syphilis-- over sixty different conditions.

To prove HIV does not cause AIDS, Dr Robert Willner Injected “HIV” into himself on Spanish television. Three months later, he was killed in a “car crash”.
The great HIV/AIDS fraud was created by Robert Gallo “who was found guilty of ‘scientific misconduct’. It was no accident that Gallo just happened to patent the test for HIV the day after the announcement of the discovery of the so-called AIDS virus…Gallo is now a multi-millionaire because of AIDS and his fraudulent AIDS test.”[More recently, Dr. Judy Mikovits insists Dr. Fauci, her superior at the time, confiscated her research and passed it onto Dr. Gallo who edited and submitted it as his own research for publication.]

-- Dr. Robert Willner, Author of Deadly Deception the Proof That Sex And HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS (1995)

By grouping together 25-plus different diseases and other allied factors – pneumonia, herpes, candidiasis, salmonella, various cancers, infections, vaccine and antibiotic damage, amyl nitrate damage, malnutrition etc. and, particularly in Africa, TB, malaria, dysentery leprosy and “slim disease” – and calling the whole thing an “AIDS epidemic”, a multi-billion dollar/pound “AIDS research and treatment” racket has been created.

The mythical “HIV-induced AIDS plague” in the Third World generates huge sums of cash from Western relief organisations whilst smokescreening the vaccine/drug boys, responsible for the carnage.

Every death of someone “HIV-positive” is recorded as an “AIDS death”.

Glaxo Wellcome’s lethal drug, AZT, in combination with the diagnosis of HIV-positive and the prediction, stated or implied, that – “You will die of AIDS” is one of the great pieces of Medical Black Magic – Voodoo Medicine at its most impressive : people have committed suicide on the basis of the ludicrous diagnosis.

AZT began as a “cancer drug” but was withdrawn for being too toxic : like being thrown out of the Gestapo for cruelty. Its effects include – cancer, hepatitis, dementia, seizures, anxiety, impotence, leukopaenia, severe nausea, ataxia, etc. and the termination of DNA synthesis. i.e. AIDS/death by prescription. AZT eventually kills all those who continue to take it.

“WARNING : Retrovir (AZT)…has been associated with symptomatic myopathy, similar to that produced by Human Immunodeficiency Virus…”
-- Glaxo Wellcome literature

None of which stops the medical trade from pushing it on every trusting sap who is not ill, but is labelled with the “HIV-positive” nonsense, to then be destroyed by AZT, with “AIDS” getting the blame – and more billions pouringin for the drug boys.

“Over 2000 – and rising, of the world’s scientists are now disputing the HIV hoax, their efforts being continually suppressed by the AIDS establishment, the pharmaceutical/ syndicate and their political and media lackeys…It’s not even probable, let alone scientifically proven, that HIV causes AIDS. If there is evidence… there should be scientific documents which… demonstrate that fact… There are no such documents.”
-- Dr Kary Mullis, Nobel Laureate

“If you think a virus is the cause of AIDS, do a control without it….it hasn’t been done. The epidemiology of AIDS is a pile of anecdotal stories, selected to fit the virus/AIDS hypothesis…
-- Peter Duesberg, Member National Academy of Sciences

“The cause of AIDS is multiufactorial ; HIV is neither necessary nor sufficient.”
-- Dr Lawrence Bradford, biologist

“…AIDS is not a disease at all – it is a government program.”
-- Tom Bethel, Hoover Institute researcher

“Electron microscopy reveals retrovirus-like particles in 90% of enlarged lymph nodes from AIDS patients but the identical particles can be found in 90% of enlarged lymph nodes from patients who do not have AIDS and are not at risk from developing AIDS. If the particles seen…in AIDS patients are, as the AIDS experts assure, HIV, what are the particles seen in patients..who are not at risk…”
-- Dr Valendar Turner, Autralian Broadcasting program 1994

“A major problem with the new AIDS definition is that it ignores the man-made environmental causes of immune suppression. Exposure to toxins, alcoholism, heavy drug use or heavy antibiotic use all can cause onset of the list of ‘diseases’ indicative of AIDS.”
-- Los Angeles Weekly, Dec 18 1987

“I have seen the constant terror and the programming to get sick and die…As long as we imply that ‘AIDS’ itself exists we are operating within the AIDS group fantasy.”
-- Michael Ellner, medical hypnotist

“Regarding the only type of HIV antibody test routinely used in the UK since 1992, called an ELISA, manufacturers, Abbott Laboratories, say : ‘ELISA testing alone cannot be used to diagnose AIDS...Roche Diagnostics..likewise say of their genetic ‘HIV testing kits’ : “The Amplicor HIV Monitor test is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV infection”
-- Continuum Magazine leaflet December, 1998

“Positive tests do not prove AIDS or pre-AIDS disease status nor that these diseases will be acquired.”
-- Manufacturers of Western Blot (HIV) test kit

Taking the “HIV test” is of no use whatsoever to anyone other than drug companies and governments ever eager to increase their control. Those who have had their immune system damaged by vaccines, antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics, amyl nitrates etc. need to detoxify and to build up immune strength with raw, vegan, organic foods, homoeopathic and herbal remedies : and, above all else, to stop swallowing the ” ‘HIV’ causes ‘AIDS” rubbish and the lethal AZT “medication”.

“I have known so many people who have died of AIDS … and all of them – all of them – took the drugs they were told to by their doctors. .. I have never taken any of them and I haven’t gotten sick. Not even a cold. The doctors told me I had five years left to live. .. these drugs companies that produce the medication are getting very rich… everyone I knew who has been HIV positive – and that’s a lot of people- has died after taking these drugs.”
-- Goldie Glitters – 30 years “living with the virus”


Yet, if HIV is not a killer virus it’s purported to be, it begs the question of why the government developed it as a biological weapon for mass killing? Or was the plan to develop a novel, easily-transmissable virus to frighten millions into taking medications that would do the mass killing via weakening the immune system to enable various diseases (as is being done with COVID-19 vaccines)?

The U.S. Army Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) requested $10 million to develop AIDS, 10 years before the virus was identified in the field. In July 1969 Dr. MacArthur, Director of ARPA appeared before Congress (the Appropriations Committee of the House) and stated:

"Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon when we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease."

This “infective microorganism” is AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome virus or HIV-1).

“the reality of the fact of U.S. involvement in the development of AIDS. The secret program’s “research logic” makes it unequivocally clear. This federal program was attempting to develop an immune suppressing virus. If this “Special” virus is not the “AIDS” virus, then this federal program will easily be able to account for the 15,000 gallons of AIDS the program produced in 1977…It is our contention the federal government “complemented” the vaccine programs.”
─ Boyd E. Graves J.D., lead attorney for AIDS accountability lawsuit, U.S. Supreme Court Case No. 00-9587

Read the full testimony at this link:
Operation Vaxx-All Deplorables: Codename; "Satan's Poker" -- Sott.net
Well it really hits home when you read the above article what were doing to ourselves by accepting the government's narratives of VACCINATE VACCINATE VACCINATE! It appears were all in grave danger.
On the BBC news this morning infection rates increasing in places in Europe such as Italy and Poland, new strains.
My wife and I have received our invite to volunteer our bodies to the experiment. I'm going to hold out until I'm forced to take it. My wife is cautious but isn't prepared to look into or listen to any dissenting voices. I assume she'll be taking up the offer. Free will sucks at times.
It kind of feels we've gone past the stage of people waking up and any major change taking place. We've created this mess and were going to have to witness the results of it.
This is an amazing interview
I had a quick look at the video and the point I saw, is Fauci contradicted himself: I you are healthy you must be vaccinated to not have a chance to transmit the virus to sensitive persons and immediately in the next question, he said that we are not sure that the vaccine stop the propagation of the virus because you can have it in your nose...

- And now I have a question about that the news has reported, that the the modern and physical vaccines are 95 effective. Does this mean that if I get the vaccine I won't get infected with the sras cove 2 virus?

- That means that there's a 95 chance that you will not get symptomatic infection, namely that you won't get infected to the point that you get symptoms. But we are unsure right now what the protection is against infection because it's conceivable that you could get vaccinated, get exposed, get infected, not know it because the vaccine is protecting you against symptoms but that you could have virus in your nasal pharynx, which is the reason why we say until we prove that the vaccine prevents transmission that people who are vaccinated should wear a mask when they're near people who might be vulnerable to infection.

- Ok but I'm confused with something. I thought immunity, I thought herd immunity works because by being vaccinated I blocked the virus from spreading to other people. But this vaccine, this vaccine may not do that, so how does herd immunity work if I can still spread the virus even after getting the vaccine?

- No but the fact is the vaccine protects many many many many people from getting infected. Some people might get infected and they might not even transmit it. We know that some people get infected, we know that but not everybody who gets the vaccine is going to get infected without symptoms so the overwhelming majority of the people who get vaccinated, not only will not get sick, they won't get infected, but there will be some who might be infected and when they are infected it is unlikely that they will transmit it.

- So there's a possibility that the vaccine can turn people into what is called an asymptomatic carriers which means they don't have symptoms but they're still contagious, correct?

- Yes we've said that, that's true.

I would add to not forget that the real debate is not here. This is smoke to conceal the real question about the vaccine which is about the hidden effects of the vaccine on humans.
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There are co-incidences and there are coincidences. How long will it take for people to realise that some so-called co-incidences are too big a (big pharma) pill to swallow. I wonder how they will explain this one away.
If / until the "souled beings" won't have enough of this BS and will decide to finally grow a backbone thus excersising their free will and choosing to refuse to be enslaved basically, because that's the direction where they'are heading right now. I'm pointing out without the slightest remorse that i've wrote "they" since i'm not associating myself with them, i've made my own choice already as everyone here in our community.

Life is religion, all there is is lessons so no one needs to or has to be saved. Everyone follows the path he chooses for himself. What i'm trying to say is that at this point i can only observe what's going on around me without judging, hating or pitying no one while following my own path along with like minded souls. Sorry for the rant, it's just that it's incredible the willing blindness that i'm noticing around me.

A few days ago when i had to do the pcr test because one of my colleagues at work caught the covid, i've asked a girl with whom i work with which one of our colleagues caught the virus, she told me as if it was a secret, pointing out to me that the administration didn't want to be known nor talked about our colleague that caught the virus. Then she added that he most probably caught it because he wasn't wearing the mask properly "like you under your nose, right now as we speak", when i've heard her saying this i've laughed in my mind, not having even a slightest negative feeling towards her, why bothering anyway, it's not worth it. This is the girl with whom some time ago i've had the chance to talk about the danger of wearing the muzzle for many hours a day, for many days a week. I remember that at the time when we talked about it she nodded as if agreeing with me, though it seems that the urge to follow blindly the parent/government figure is just too strong and maybe impossible for her to overcome.

Sometimes i really wonder if the majority of the people will open their eyes before it's not too late, actually we are almost there.
Fauci was put through his paces lol.
Nice to see Fauci put on the spot. He was doing a bit of the "I'm not comfortable with this man" shuffle. The interviewer was relentless in pushing him to answer and he was obviously not happy about it, but the interviewer displayed respect and probably gave the impression that he was just a simple man who did not understand all the situation around Covid and the vaccination protocols and wanted to know more. He seemed to be very competent with his questioning however. It was interesting that Fauci denied there was any residual DNA being injected with the J & J vaccine, when they state on their product fact sheet that each injection may contain residual amounts of host cell protein and/or host cell DNA. Fauci needs to get up to speed with his knowledge. I can imagine that his advisor cohorts sitting off camera were waving their hands in the air and mouthing "no...don't say that". Great clip.:-P
Remember how Tanzanian President John Magufuli stood up against the Corona Madness by telling the unfiltered truth about the nonsense and refusing to toe the line? Well, he is still Rocking and Rolling, refusing any Lockdowns and telling the unfiltered truth about the vaccines, warning his population against them by warning them against allowing themselves to be used "as guinea pigs" in the allocation of those "dubious" vaccines. Read it: he doesn't beat around the bush at all! Kinda sad that he is pretty much the only country leader worldwide that is so outspoken (unfiltered) about the nonsense and all its madness and dangers.

President John Magufuli’s disappearance makes him potentially the 2nd “Covid denier” head of state to lose power.

writes Kit Knightly in the Off-Guardian's article from March 12
Tanzania - The Second Covid Coup?

John Magufuli, President of Tanzania, has disappeared. He’s not been seen in public for several weeks, and speculation is building as to where he might be.

The opposition has, at various times, accused the President of being hospitalised with “Covid19”, either in Kenya or India, although there remains no evidence this is the case.

He famously had his office submit five unlabelled samples for testing – goat, motor oil, papaya, quail and jackfruit – and when four came back positive and one “inconclusive”, he banned the testing kits and called for an investigation into their origin and manufacture.

Last summer Pierre Nkurunziza, the President of Burundi, refused to play along with Covid and instructed the WHO delegation to leave his country…before dying suddenly of a “heart attack” or “suspected Covid19”. His successor immediately reversed every single one of his Covid policies, including inviting the WHO back to the country.


Source africanews.com President Magufuli
This is an amazing interview

Fauci was put through his paces lol.

I would add to not forget that the real debate is not here. This is smoke to conceal the real question about the vaccine which is about the hidden effects of the vaccine on humans
Right and, I think the purpose of that interview was to not ask those line of questions.

Eugenio Derbez is a very well known mexican comedian within the system, not a good one, just well known.

There is a letter to Derbez regarding this interview with intersting questions.

Note, did not post the Translation of every tweet, though.

Open letter to Eugenio Derbez on the occasion of his interview with Dr. Fauci (2nd letter).

By Rodolfo Ondarza*
You ask the public to send you questions; although you mention that you are slow.
During your interview you limit yourself to asking Dr. Fauci which vaccines have been "officially" approved by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) (a point that Dr. Fauci corrected).
The questions I would like to ask you, since you were so kind as to request them, are the following:

1. Who asked you to talk to Dr. Fauci? Since this was not your motivation, it is a valid question to find out the origin of such a unique interview.
Perhaps then we would understand why your somewhat biased interview unfolded in a certain way. It wasn't a pharmacist, was it?
Why did you forget to mention the clinical incidents with any of these vaccines, such as allergy issues?
You declared yourself "sceptical" during the same interview with Fauci, yet you never mentioned on what basis. This is very important, because one cannot decide about health and life on the basis of beliefs.
So I ask you: What are your reasons for being "sceptical" about vaccines and saying so publicly, and after the interview did you stop being "sceptical"?
Your expression was one of suffering during the interview, was that it? I loved the body language of Dr. Fauci touching his face, adjusting his shirt collar, etc., while answering your questions. Fantastic the explanation he gave you with little African animals.

Translated with www.DeepL
It seems voicing one's opinions on the plandemic can have grave and serious consequences as this ruling in a custody case in Ontario, Canada shows:
... the judge explicitly wrote that the man’s public promotion of his opinions was affecting the health and welfare of his children:

“Ontario Superior Court Justice George W. King denied a Windsor man interim custody of his kids because the man’s fervent anti-masking beliefs means he wouldn’t take appropriate actions to keep them safe from COVID-19. The decision notes the man believes COVID-19 to be a hoax and has boasted in public about flouting health restrictions such as masking and social distancing.
“The health and welfare of the children (and by extension their principal caregiver) should not be jeopardized because of [his] public behaviour in promotion of his opinions,” he wrote.”

This is quite an astounding thing for a judge to write, since it shows how the judge has bought the official COVID narrative hook, line and sinker. The judge is saying that if you challenge the theory (i.e. brainwashing propaganda) that COVID is a highly lethal dangerous disease, that can only be contained or avoided with mandatory social distancing and masking, that therefore you are “jeopardizing” the health of your kids. Wow. It is truly shocking a judge could be so out-of-touch with scientific reality. However, it gets worse. The CBC further reported:

“I have concluded that the respondent’s behaviour is dictated by his world view. Everything else is subordinate to that view, including, but not limited to, his love for his children,” the decision by Justice King read.”

The ruling includes giving the mother the power to make decisions around vaccination.
I guess rulings like these will be adhered to while rulings (in the Western world) stating that the lockdowns, curfews, masks, PCR tests etc. are unlawful are tossed aside. I could not find a link to the ruling online.

Recently a family member asked me if I have any links to articles about the Covid vaccine that I'd like to share. They're trying to decide on whether or not to get the vaccine. They said they'd read a bit about the vaccine so they only know so much about it.

I thought I'd start by sharing this article with them: 5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine -- Sott.net.

Curious if others here think that's a good place to start. I've also thought about sharing some articles from Mercola. Also, the few times I've talked to them about it, they mentioned possibly waiting it out a few years before getting the vaccine, that they'd rather not be a guinea pig.
Recently a family member asked me if I have any links to articles about the Covid vaccine that I'd like to share. They're trying to decide on whether or not to get the vaccine. They said they'd read a bit about the vaccine so they only know so much about it.

I thought I'd start by sharing this article with them: 5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine -- Sott.net.

Curious if others here think that's a good place to start. I've also thought about sharing some articles from Mercola. Also, the few times I've talked to them about it, they mentioned possibly waiting it out a few years before getting the vaccine, that they'd rather not be a guinea pig.

I would suggest

that the Sott.net article is indeed a great way to start 💕 a journey asking good questions - which are valid - without being intimidating aggressive.
Operation Vaxx-All Deplorables: Codename; "Satan's Poker" -- Sott.net
Well it really hits home when you read the above article what were doing to ourselves by accepting the government's narratives of VACCINATE VACCINATE VACCINATE! It appears were all in grave danger.
On the BBC news this morning infection rates increasing in places in Europe such as Italy and Poland, new strains.
My wife and I have received our invite to volunteer our bodies to the experiment. I'm going to hold out until I'm forced to take it. My wife is cautious but isn't prepared to look into or listen to any dissenting voices. I assume she'll be taking up the offer. Free will sucks at times.
It kind of feels we've gone past the stage of people waking up and any major change taking place. We've created this mess and were going to have to witness the results of it.

Ad Hoc

There is an additional Ad Hoc 8 video to the 43th meeting of the investigative Corona Committee in Berlin, where a medical informant in Germany analyzed 98 so called severe Covid-19 case files - and found out that not a single one died or got severe ill from covid-19 as the main cause. He also states that it is the treatments themselves which are partially responsible for the deaths, because they alone can break a camels back. He was chocked over the widespread criminal forgery in the hospitals being done that systematically.

Now... Remember ?

So, that would well align with the exessive deaths during the the “first wave”, spring 2020 were caused a lot due to the wrong and extensive use of toxic treatments (remember WHO spider recommending such - but in reality enforcing them to be used), causing an excess of 70.000 unnecessary deaths in the EU, and 130.000 in the US during that first wave.

This also was analyzed in the public numbers, by Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr Carina Weiss in their book “Corona - False Alarm?” (which became a Bestseller at Amazon in Germany last autumn)

Also - already back in may 2020 stated by the german Doctor Med. Klaus Köhnlein - that the sum of toxic treatments is enough to kill a healthy person !

So. They did it again. Does it really surprize? It worked so well during the first wave, right - so there you have corona wave 2 and wave 3.

In today’s world - we have a lot of metabolic diseases in old people due to the general medications and bad food and wonky care homes - making them far more sensitive to any viral infection / virus. And then this war-like state of fear in top on humanity, the economical stress plus the terrorizing lockdowns, mask mandates and fear mongering.,, lack of human interactions... jeezaz

it is A LOT coming together, affecting health.
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