Had watched Reinette & Tenpenny at the bottom of this SOTT article today - part of the discussion came around to the subject of family, wherein, and it is no doubt harsh, that individual family members were told to read up on what they do not know, and if their free will decision was to take these so called vaccines, and then if dire health problems develop, they will be on your own, essentially. Tough love, was the comment made.I was really hoping to point her to Dr. Tenpenny before she got the jab.

The TOP 10 Ways The Shot Will Affect You, Reinette Senum Interviews Dr Sherri Tenpenny
PART 2 INTERVIEW. This March 2021 update gives step by step explanations of the Covid inoculations-- what most medical professionals, and public health department directors either don't know, or aren't telling you. Dr Sherri Tenpenny breaks down the different inoculations, including the most...
As many know through their current experiences, the likelihood that family members will actually read up, is slim. What will happen in the next 6-months to a year is not clear either. However, the possibility looms large that many family members might become extremely ill or worse on account of said vaccines, and it is a families love and responsibility to each other to help navigate.
The context below, although the current vaccine situation may turn to this, is recalled from when Daniel Defoe wrote in his A Journal of the Plague Year of the times in 1664:
Tears and lamentations were seen almost in every house, especially in the first part of the visitation; for towards the latter end men's hearts were hardened, and death was so always before their eyes, that they did not so much concern themselves for the loss of their friends, expecting that themselves should be summoned the next hour.
If it comes to this again, a plague, or a vaccine self-inflicted plague if that is the case, people will need to steel themselves in order to deal with it - and none now have experienced this in their lifetime on this level of magnitude. When the C's made reference to the trial run of old, now right before our eyes in incremental stages, all is being maximized; control, propaganda, social pathology et cetera. If death comes in an exponential manner that reflects something outside and beyond this trial run - maximized, people will need to be ponder this - and how it is important.
The Stoics look at thinking about such matters in terms of what is the worst thing that can happen, a mental tool used to help them navigate:
First, you must begin with one of the most important practices in the Stoic tradition: the premeditation of evils. What is the worst that can go wrong…the absolute worst? Study that. Feel it in your bones and skin. Understand what it will look and taste like. Good. Now you’ve removed the surprise and some of the fear. You’ve readied yourself for the worst. As Seneca put it best, “the man who has anticipated the coming of troubles takes away their power when they arrive.”
Osit, the forum has acted in ways that help to look at the wide picture, to add knowledge and being, to see the worst and to help remove "some of the fears". Would add that the forum also offers opportunity to share what is bottled up individually, and this is important going forward into these many unknowns. With family, though - which get to where this post started, and if it gets to this, the best one likely can do is listen, help when asked and comfort when possible.
Lastly, much seen points to the abject tyranny and cruelty being imposed globally, and the word, hopelessness, may come to mind.
A: Yes, you have a period of time in which to work while the reality is disintegrating around you, do not waste it!!! Goodbye.
In this thread - among the cruelty that was ongoing in the series, Ertugrul had said, "hopelessness is a sin". It seems something to keep in mind...