Summarizing • Special Session
"International Legal Offensive - Part 1"
Investigative Corona Committee, Berlin
I want to apologize for having been a bit emotional yesterday morning, when I started to listen to the second part in the
Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin, called
"International Legal Offensive - Part 1", because I was really tired in my mind after having listened to the german part first
"Session 49 - "Der Offenbarungseid" [Oath of disclosure], and then when it was about Italy in the second, international part, at the very beginning... my mind toppled a bit. I was not aware of that the Parliament already is in progress of voting (likely for) mandatory "Covid vaccination" of
all Italians - while my husband is on it's way to Italy very soon...
Nevertheless, he was already aware of that process - and what did he say in the morning ?
"Don't worry. I always find a way back". He has some serious Jeezas powers, that guy. Like I mentioned - a night's good sleep - and I bounce back.
So, here is the summarization what the
4.5 hour "International Legal Offensive - Part 1" is about. It is held mainly in
english - but in reality, a mix of english,
german and
Lawyer Reiner Füllmich however does translate in between, into english ! I consider it worth to listen - because this video is all about the
legal situations in many other countries, told by different lawyers.
Some reports are shocking, I may add. Other give hope. Some are enlightened in unexpected ways, stating
"We can only win this - when spirit and law comes together" (lawyer Michael Swingwood, Reiner Fullmich)
"International Legal Offensive - Part 1"
Note: Content always translated into English by Lawyer Reiner Füllmich
4 hours 28 min (English, German, Spanish)

Situation in
Italy represented by lawyer
Renate Holzeisen. Bad situation. Mandatory vaccines for all people, in preparation due to Prime Minister Draghi (ex Goldman Sachs, ex boss European Central Bank). The Parliament has 60 days to vote for or against Forced Covid 19 "Vaccinations", starting 1 April.

Francis Hoar, reporting about the juridical situation in United Kingdom.

Situation in
Canada represented by
Dominic Desjarlais. Situation is bleak.

Situation in
New Mexico, USA represented by lawyer
Ana Garner. (very interesting !!) Active. Brilliant Lawyer. Things are moving. Courts starting to realize. Ana Garner, 40 years of legal experience, who is also trained in genetics.
Leslie Manookian president of Health Freedom Defense Fund - with longtime insight of Big Pharma, top positions.
Andrea Steindl (spelling wrong ?). Situation in
Austria (german language) but translated by Füllmich. False ads & info on medical vaccines. Vaccinated get no help, nor were told about anything.
Mag. Gerald Beneder from
Austria, showing some really interesting developments.
Füllmich is translating the german spoken contents into english.

The third
Austrian lawyer,
Dr Michael Brunner in a collection of 50, working for the same goals - had particularly very interesting info. It seems Austrian lawyers are very active. Again, Füllmich translates into english.
Betina Feldman (Translator),
Miguel Iannolli are reporting form
Argentina. Almost impossible to go to court because of the emergency of people in daily life not functioning. MEdia reports of full hospitals - but ain't true in reality. An aspect which appears all around the world.

Uruguay reported by
Gustavo Salle: It's the Wold West. The Government / Authorities do not even pretend to have any medical evidence revolving the "Covid Vaccines", Only 1 lawyer active against this.
Natalia Ravanales explains the situation in
Chile which is
outmost extreme (full Nazi). They already go all the way of Agenda 2030 population reduction.
Changing the entire Chilean Constitution in the background - while the people get fed (paralyzed) with numbers of positive cases.
Preparation of laws making it possible to kill weak and disabled people. Laws for kids (to vaccinate them, by force against/away from parents) and to transfer them to the Government. Only 1 lawyer is active against it - and this woman is mighty brave and not afraid. Incredible woman.
Michael Swingwood; top lawyer in
Canada, reports from Peru. Very very interesting interview, truly ! You get to known about Canada going very fascism. Border control between various regions. No freedom. All controlled. Taking photographs of you before you pit your luggage at the x-ray when flying abroad. Swingwood is one of the few in the world preparing a class-action in court against the fraudulent PCR tests in Canada. Speaks about major Jesuit factor in South American. But also in Canada and within the system of “justice”. In the end, short about institutionalized child abuse used under the umbrella of the covid Plandemic and changing laws right under the eyes of the sleeping consciousness in people.
Speaks of divine experience. Interesting to listen to lawyers of such dignity (Swingwood, Fullmich), also touching spirit ! Swingwood is brilliant towards very end of the video. Absolutely brilliant. I have never heard a lawyer taking spirit into account like he does.