You're not the only one to notice that:
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The soyjack (portmanteau of soyboy and wojack) with the gaping mouth, pretending to express mirth or amazement when in truth communicating barely hidden horror at his hopelessly dehumanized condition, has even become a meme:
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Holy cow. I knew it was a 'thing', but I didn't realize it was quite so pandemic.

I was thinking about it a bit more and realized that I'd noticed the phenomenon decades ago and had wondered about it then...

I remember seeing an interview in some kind of comic shop industry magazine with a fellow who had something to do with Magic The Gathering cards. They needed a photograph of the fellow to go with the story, and he provided one of those gaping, "Wacky Happy" face shots. I can't imagine that any sane editor would have picked the shot for their story if they'd had any choice in the matter, so it was probably something the guy sent them when requested and it was too close to the deadline to ask for another. -Guys who worked on obscure fantasy and sci-fi products didn't have professionally done portrait shots of themselves in their resumes. (Or probably, resumes.) They had a cruddy 1990's digital camera and a room mate to snap the pic. So that's what the magazine editor received.

Thing is, I'd been around that kind of person growing up a lot, the typical comics geek, and so recognized the energy immediately. I quite enjoyed the company of such dudes in small groups; they were smart, friendly and imaginative, and into sci-fi and all that fun crap. Good guys, for the most part, but..., they did tend to get really weird beyond a very narrow band of public spaces (beyond the movie theater and fast food joints). They especially would get nervous and self-conscious in any settings where they might have to interact with girls outside of school.

So the "Wacky Fun" mask was how they'd represent themselves when put on the spot. I figured it was a kind of exaggerated defense mechanism allowing them to still be able to function and present themselves while suffering from crippling self-consciousness.
If you overwhelm the people looking at you with a "Wacky Fun" energy, (which is controlled), then it's hard to see the uncomfortable and largely not controlled reaction which would be there naturally.

Which might be an argument for the importance of making boys not hide from social interactions when they are young, no matter how difficult they may feel it is. You must learn that stuff, or they'll make meme graphics of you when you grow up.

But again, it's the same kind of energy as I see on smartphone videos like that cringe "Vaccine slut" example. The use of a super-exaggerated expression of Happy Fun energy to hide a feeling of extreme discomfort and vulnerability. (Smiling at the predator to show submissive energy? Maybe. You'd never see a super-masculine dude make a face like that. Or a woman with any sense of self-worth.)

Living in a world where there are cameras EVERYWHERE, with the possibility of being photographically presented every day must make these kinds of people really uncomfortable, so maybe that's why we're seeing that intense mouth-face show up so much.

Oh, the poor, dear humans! Physical needs are met, but emotionally.., what a hard and weird time to be alive!
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Dr. Malone and others are being looked at closer now in the community of people who understand their field of expertise. Here is some interesting information,

Twitter link
DARPA's man in Wuhan,

Simultaneously in the U.S., it is claimed, an old colleague of Callahan’s Dr. Robert Malone had been conducting a study with U.S. government-sponsored research teams. Specifically, Malone was working alongside U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) consultants to carry out supercomputer-based analyses to identify existing FDA-approved drugs that may be useful against the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. Per their analyses, famotidine turned out to be the “most attractive combination of safety, cost and pharmaceutical characteristics“.

Callahan, who by then had been recruited to be Special Adviser on COVID-19 to the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (ASPR), Robert Kadlec, was presented the joint findings of the U.S. DTRA and Dr. Malone. Both Dr. Callahan and Malone claimed to be unaware of each other’s conclusions regarding the anti-acid, and despite agreeing to collaborate, each claims to have made the initial discovery. Malone offered a February post on LinkedIn as proof, where he asserts that he was “the first to take the drug to treat my own case” upon discovering the proper dose. Callahan, meanwhile, never provided any evidence of his ostensible breakthrough, though he claims to have told Dr. Malone himself about the discovery before the Virginia-based physician began running the sequences through DTRA computers.

A year later, in 2002, Callahan would be tapped by the State Department’s director for the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation to serve as “clinical director for Cooperative Threat Reduction [CTR] programs at six former Soviet Union Biological Weapons facilities as part of the Bioindustry Initiative (BII) program, where he was officially tasked with carrying out the stated goals of the mission, which entailed the “reconfiguration of former biological weapons production facilities” in the former Soviet Union and the acceleration of “drug and vaccine production”. More specifically, however, Callahan would be put in charge of gain-of-function programs for viral agents at these facilities.
Locations far from prying eyes to produce "drugs and vaccines" for .....

A Web of interesting connections
Smiling at the predator to show submissive energy? Maybe.
That's precisely it. Defense mechanism. It communicates frozen panic in the face of raw existential terror.
You'd never see a super-masculine dude make a face like that. Or a woman with any sense of self-worth.
I've stopped smiling in pictures entirely for precisely that reason.
Living in a world where there are cameras EVERYWHERE, with the possibility of being photographically presented every day must make these kinds of people really uncomfortable, so maybe that's why we're seeing that intense mouth-face show up so much.
I think you're onto something there, but it's more than that. The bugman (sort of similar to soyboy, crossed with Nietzsche's Last Man) is utterly alone in the world, powerless against the hive, with no sense of identity beyond the manufactured mass entertainments of comic book movies, craft IPAs, and whatever else the corporate behemoths decide that he will think is cool and unique. He has never learned to be independent; he has achieved nothing of note; his body is neglected; his social skills atrophied; his mind fried by electronics. His life is one of quiet desperation raised to the level of cosmic dread, for not only can he see no way out, he cannot even conceive that he should want a way out. His soul (which he does not believe he has) makes this known with his "smile" - the gaping rictus of primate panic, a silent scream to a God he denies the existence of to save him from the life his mind is convinced is his best possible life.
The whole purpose of self-deception is to avoid feeling bad or scared by tamping down any negative thoughts and replacing them with fake happy thoughts. As the number of legitimate reasons to fear increases and the subconscious yells louder to be heard, the volume of "HAPPPPPPPPYYYYY!!!!!!" is turned up to positively hysterical levels to drown it out.

How true. And not because we see it from the outside, but because we live it.

Today after lunch, I had an argument with my mother. According to her I see everything in a negative and depressive way. That I have no hope. I could only tell her that her "optimism" is the same as the ostrich burying its head in the sand...
Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin
Meeting 59 • "The devil is in the detail"

🇬🇧🇺🇸🇩🇪 Interview with Whitney Webb
(1 hour 31 min)

I personally felt this was one of the heaviest interviews I have listened to lately, in terms of information density. It makes you head spin! I highly recommend it to listen to. In between, Reiner Füllmich will translate the contents into german language.

Whitney Webb, an independent investigative reporter, e.g. working for The Last American Vagabond and behind - she is like a loaded gun - what a woman !

What makes this interview so interesting is how the everything comes out so concentrated: How the many strings are coming together, intimately intertwined in time & space - and how the players are indeed following sinister plans (but also with increased panic) - revealing their view onto humanity.... They see us as rats. Now where might this comes from ?

At the forum it has been discussed many times: how 4D STS is giving their predatory mind to the 3D STS puppet - through which everything is happening - and in the last 100 years - with vastly increased consolidated power, wealth and money, in order to pull though the eugenics and transhuman agenda - inspired by their dark overlords. They so want to keep us here as fodder.

The Interview itself, shows how deep the rabbit hole(s) really goes, how it is all connected: from • US military, • Darpa, • AstraZeneca, • Moderna, • Pfizer • Google • Zion groups • Epstein • Regina Dugan creating a "Global Darpa "healthcare system", Governments, NGO's • example of dark evil such as Israeli Yuval Noah Harari calling people "hackable animals" openly, • WEF Klaus Schwab, • Julian Huxley's speech at the founding of UNESO in 1946 "to make the unthinkable thinkable" (brother of The Aldous Huxley and his "Brave New World") • the whole icky eugenics puddings from back then, up until today, • the sucking up of investments though sinister ideas but wrapped into spectacular lollipops (remember in 2005 "stem cell research ?) Once they get the money, the subjects are often dropped into the background, • this of course also includes sucking up of tax money • digital healthcare apps and "digital services/diagnostics" in order to make traditional healthcare and house doctors obsolete, replaced by AI • transhumanism, • how german laws were changed summer 2009 (prior the election) by making gene therapy by law accepted as "vaccines", too... and so much more

Frankly: I was barely able to keep up. I would have to listen like 5-6 times more, to fetch the details in greater depth. Really mind boggling, the way Whitney Webb was able give image to what is going on in the background for a long time.

Most of it I would say has already been discussed here over a long time - but this interview concentrates it down densely into an "all in one version" in 1.5 hours. It felt like a cannon boll hitting my stomach. (Yet, I am by no means surprised over what has been said in the interview - and I believe you will recognize the multiple strings that are brought in this interview, up into the light)

Puh !

Shift of focus required

Oh. Whitney Webb also pointed out, that we should pay more attention to what the vaccine manufacturers are doing. So far, we have mainly focussed on what the designers have been doing (e.g. Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, BioNTech, etc). But ultimately, it is the companies who make the "vaccines" - where the actions is (in the hidden) - and there, anything goes ! The beginning of the video is a lot about that subject.

If i recall correctly one manufacturer (Emergent BioSolutions - former Bioport, and connected to the Pentagon) is making "vaccines" for several of the aforementioned pharmaceutical "design" companies.
So there's a youtube vid in this article that is so horrifying I can hardly watch it to the end - the mad scientists playing god enmeshed in their Darwinian evolutionary beliefs - and belief is the key word here! My gut reaction is holy sh*t!

Alien Vaccines with Mutant Spikes

[Here's the terrifying vid - 17:40]

Article continues - READ MORE - <snip> [as NOTED in previous quote box, I'm unable to remove the italics - it simply will not post correctly]



They are manipulating code 3-5 or 35.

I still think that of all the clues we are seeing, they are modifying human genetics to:

1) Make us more docile and obedient.

2) Prepare the body for the new host, but previously expelling the original soul (see in this same topic the people who after vaccination have manifested feeling out of the body).

3) All the narrative and propaganda of fear created in order to manipulate the FRV and to be able to fulfill point 2.
How true. And not because we see it from the outside, but because we live it.

Today after lunch, I had an argument with my mother. According to her I see everything in a negative and depressive way. That I have no hope. I could only tell her that her "optimism" is the same as the ostrich burying its head in the sand...

Gosh Bluegazer, that is a Classic !

I have heard that many times in my own life: when I tried to shed light over problems/issues, trying to discuss it with those close to me - but the most common, as well very fast response was - "Oh, you see everything so negative".


Or when I tried to talk about a subject - it took only a few sentences and I got to hear "oh, you are analyzing everything so much".


What I really tried to do, wanting to shed light over a subject or issue, trying bring it up to discussion ... not to analyze things to death.

So, yes - it was very easy, to be seen by others as "cumbersome", "depressing", "complicated", "loud", "impossible". (Family issues are a classic in that regard) And how EASY it is to slip into a locked position, how easy it is to take upon that roll oneself... almost as if you take over a negative mind game... making it to your own prison. Like an invisible script going off - as long one isn't aware of the deeper mechanisms / dynamics that are playing out...

In my past, my head would often think the mantra of "Oh Ralf, you are so negative"


I would grind myself down into pieces from within.... a negative spiral until you barely can see straight anymore. It is also a perfect recipe to "life is flowing out of you". And that I have felt many times in the past; this draining life force... until barely anything was left, I don't know how many times.

Well, here in the forum, we know where that concept transfer is originated from... 👿


Add also those neuropeptides (I believe Laura wrote about those in her Wave series) - which to easily can take over your entire being. Well, those neuropeptides... easily fire with all their might, before you even know how to act - you act out in anger. (Well in my case that has often been the case) It steers you easily. I believe the Work is e.g. about consciousness in such a way, to create and increase the time span between stimulus and response, e.g. the space in which we have the power to choose our response - and in there lies our growth and freedom.

So; Growing Consciousness over Neuropeptides.

Gentle Discernment is crucial

Which in my opinion means, to see though the veil of deceptions, when people put titles on you (even emotionally) and of course our own program going off - insisting on telling "you see everything so negative, without hope" - that it might simply be their own inability to look straight, to look deeper into themselves and into the world. It also means, through awareness stop playing the part, in which we take up the burden, playing the mind game which only weakens us on this level.

I mean it in general, not person specific: Do not beat yourself up about it - be gentle towards yourself ! Be mindful (yet decisive when necessary) of those who challenge you in what looks or even plays out in a negative way. They are teachers, but may not look or sound like it, at first glance. Sometimes you get repetitions, which can give you a hint of where you are standing in your personal progress... Many times, the people in our lives do what they do, but not because they are evil per se. It's more like "They don't know what they are doing", so the portal to higher negative powers can easily work through them.

The Wise Heart

The gentle heart is wise, decisive and with depths which go way beyond what meets the naked eye or common understanding. When we listen - honestly - it gives us valuable hints. Beyond the fuzz of our automatic brain's chatter, I mean. The heart, is able to nudge us towards a more truthful way to look, understand, act and navigate this 3D STS world. When I say "the wise heart" - i do not mean the stupid, foolish "heart" we falsely often refer to in genera - which I believe is rather based on the childish ego, who wants. (you know, party and all. No responsibilities). But that's not the heart. It never has been.

Perhaps that heart-soul connection is the link to our 'future' and 'past' selves from higher realms - nudging us into the proper direction here - when we honestly ask, gently keen choose to listen, and do so by free will, as well capable of going beyond our own spoiled, impatient (ego) child's chatter (and interpretations)

.... it is then the 'magic' works !

I hope, I didn't give the impression of "hijacking" this thread with my personal reflections here, because that as not my intention.

Gosh Bluegazer, that is a Classic !

You know what's really...twisted to the point of being kind of gaslight? During that discussion we were talking about everything from UFO abductions to other conspiratorial topics! But the moment I said that we should also question the big pharmaceutical corporations (vaccines, of course)... How dare you question vaccines! (figuratively speaking, it was not her exact words) It is really hard to understand how in two seconds the program is activated! But of course, it's the fear underneath, because I'm a diabetic and I'm in the risk group and blah blah blah. But they forget all the flu that I passed a lot of times, that this same year (supposedly) I already got the covid and I am still ALIVE they seem to ignore that my condition is autoimmune and that such a vaccine can give me a bigger problem than my diabetes... of course, they know that pfizer and modern are not reliable but astrazeneca and sinopharm or sputnik are the best.

But let's speak the truth. It's something psychegram said above:

The bugman (sort of similar to soyboy, crossed with Nietzsche's Last Man) is utterly alone in the world, powerless against the hive, with no sense of identity beyond the manufactured mass entertainments of comic book movies, craft IPAs, and whatever else the corporate behemoths decide that he will think is cool and unique. He has never learned to be independent; he has achieved nothing of note; his body is neglected; his social skills atrophied; his mind fried by electronics. His life is one of quiet desperation raised to the level of cosmic dread, for not only can he see no way out, he cannot even conceive that he should want a way out. His soul (which he does not believe he has) makes this known with his "smile" - the gaping rictus of primate panic, a silent scream to a God he denies the existence of to save him from the life his mind is convinced is his best possible life.

Aside from being a housewife, what my mother does most of the day is play games on facebook. And I can tell you with pain that she carries a lot of frustrations because of the choices in her life. She is kind of defeated.

It's all very crazy... I wish you could see it.... and then you would understand what I am telling you because words are not enough.
During that discussion we were talking about everything from UFO abductions to other conspiratorial topics! But the moment I said that we should also question the big pharmaceutical corporations (vaccines, of course)... How dare you question vaccines!

Wow. Absolutely wow !

I mean, what a switch !!

By the way, my parents wanted me to get to an insanity institution (!), just because I loved to lean out of the window at night, in Berlin, as a 12-14 young teenager, watching the stars (which I did not even do all the time, but instead was looking out now and then, to see how the stars and planets had moved).

Later, after I had run away from home at 15, insisting to the authorities to get to an orphanage - I got later to hear from behind, that my father was boasting in front of his buddies, that his son “Knew all the stars by their name”. Not entirely true, but yeah i knew most of them (back then). What a silly puppy that man was. Well he was much worse, but it just isn’t worth to put names on him.

Now, imagine I would have insisted on talking ufo’s :lol: And their faces…:wow:

But you guys actually did discus ufo’s and abductions - of all strange subjects - yet they turned all off the sudden completely into the opposite when it comes to vaccines and - how you could call them in question… Like you said, a program went off in them… but how in all gods name is that even possible ?!?

It’s truly incredible, Bluegazer. I mean that the programming can kick off so sudden. I do not know nor can i remember any similar example out of my own life, with such a 180 degree turnaround of mindset.

Really jaw dropping.

But I can see and live it in front of my inner eye/sense, seeing you guys in those situations… (not claiming that it is exact, but i do get a feel of it, how it could have been similar)
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I just noticed that our ‘old friend’ calling himself The Saker has demonstrated his ignorance when it comes to the Covid psyop. Since the Ukraine crisis, which kinda prompted the creation of his website, I’ve enjoyed some of his articles - he has a pretty good understanding of the global war games and how the ‘big generals’ think. However, there has always been a sort of ‘besserwisserism’ and arrogance that one could perceive ‘between the lines’ in his writings. And now with his latest article his ‘wrong crystallization’ is apparent.

You can read his ‘pro Covid’ article here:

To his defense, he does make a couple of good points, but the way he mocks the ‘Covid dissidents’ and ‘anti vaxxers’ (his words) is just appalling. The negative feedback he got (which he, in an arrogant way, “expected”) has apparently been overwhelming, and now he has closed/erased all commenting, so that the site can “go back to normal”.

Not a huge loss, and not that important, but it’s another example of alternative voices who only look at one direction, thus jumping on the wrong train.
But you guys actually did discus ufo’s and abductions - of all strange subjects - yet they turned all off the sudden completely into the opposite when it comes to vaccines and - how you could call them in question… Like you said, a program went off in them… but how in all gods name is that even possible ?!?

It’s truly incredible, Bluegazer. I mean that the programming can kick off so sudden. I do not know nor can i remember any similar example out of my own life, with such a 180 degree turnaround of mindset.

I'll be damned if I'm lying, but that's what happened. They know I'm not going to get vaccinated, they even have the (futile) hope that I'll change my mind. Some of it is because of that. Another bit I assume is because of their political bias, cult of personality (although they deny it!) and another bit because of the above; fear.... A father who is an authoritarian follower and from time to time throws tantrums against the oligarchs of the country saying that a quota of communism is needed.... (but father! you want to extinguish fire with gasoline!) impossible to see the tone of things. It's either black or white.

Another thing is that they assume that I am a know-it-all, and they confuse arrogance with data and arguments that I offer (sott articles for example) but on their part, there is no will to "scrape the paint to see if the car was a taxi".

But this is their mentality: If we talk about topics like UFOs or conspiracy, it's nothing more than the subject of a History Channel documentary. I mean, they are content with those documentaries that don't really say anything. But to read a book like the ones Laura wrote, over 800 pages long and in English? Forget it...

You know, I also look at the sky and the stars from time to time. When I do that for me it's "scraping the paint to see if the car was a taxi". And a way of talking to the universe...

The craziest thing I left out earlier about the argument with my mother: She said I should go to another planet...
A couple of incidents recently that give an indication that the programming is not only complete but is affecting all sorts of social interactions. I recently met some new neighbors, had a very pleasant and welcoming 10 minutes of chat, then came the, "So are you fully vaxxed yet?" When we replied "No, not yet", you could see them turning frosty and conversation ended soon after. Then, a friend reported that she was at a community event and overheard one of her neighbors advising her 14-year-old son that he should get vaxxed without telling his parents because their hesitancy was dangerous to the community. I've noticed that it is now completely socially acceptable to ask literally anyone, from an acquaintance to a store clerk what your vaccination status is. People who would never have dreamed of asking invasive questions about someone's medical information now feel free and empowered to demand this information.

We really are living in the strangest of times, just watching the minds of people being completely taken over. I can only wonder how these people are going to react when and if this scam gets exposed.
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