I am obviously still somewhat confused, as I’m sure many others must be, so I can’t confidently say “this” is what I believe is happening. Yet, as I set down and put my feet up with a cup of coffee, I regularly feel the need to sum up the probabilities/possibility of what is going on. FWIW: here are my thoughts. Kind of general but it where I start.

A working bio-project walks out of the lab in Wuhan. Possibly through the selling of animals meant for disposal. Someone couldn’t help themself from profiting.

The Chinese gov finds out “something” got out of the lab, or someone is attacking us! Full stop! Put plan A into effect hard-and-fast. A few weeks later, oh, yes, it did come out of our lab, but it’s a nothing burger at this point so let’s deescalate the situation, but slowly so as not to lose face. Oh, and btw, let’s get rid of all our dissidents and cover it all up in this virus mess, make some needed corrections and so forth.

Other governments/ptb/etc. say OMG what an opportunity! And off to the back room to make plans and coordinate with other governments if possible. First let’s get our people from the infected area back home. They will be our base group if we need to have one. And a few weeks later whala! We’re on the corona bus.

The media and the politicians (whom had been the scourge of the earth lately) have…wow! been given a new lease on life, their back! They are important people again, being listen to, and on the money train. World protest scenes just go away, and world compliance becomes the new video feed.

The stock markets? Well they have been waiting for something to blame it on. So, get on the bus.

Now the real PTB say: well… we could achieve panic, chaos, and full dominance now. Should we?

Just can’t wrap my head around: is this “it”, or the “set up” for the fall season, election period and return of the virus season?

I really didn’t have any future plans, but now…there is nothing. As we just don’t know what will be on the other side of this situation, or when we will get there. If ever there was a time to “surf” it’s now.

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Wait one second! If this is just another variation of the flu... Then why is the whole world going bonkers? :nuts:

Plus, why is Italy running out of hospital beds....
The Corona virus is different from the Influenza virus. They'd be different species too, right? I think they both come from very big families as well. But it might be helpful to do some sort of comparison. Does anyone know a virologist who can talk about what the differences are? It's as confusing as an IT person talking 'tech'.... to a person who doesn't understand any of it.
I am obviously still somewhat confused, as I’m sure many others must be, so I can’t confidently say “this” is what I believe is happening. Yet, as I set down and put my feet up with a cup of coffee, I regularly feel the need to sum up the probabilities/possibility of what is going on. FWIW: here are my thoughts. Kind of general but it where I start.

A working bio-project walks out of the lab in Wuhan. Possibly through the selling of animals meant for disposal. Someone couldn’t help themself from profiting.

The Chinese gov finds out “something” got out of the lab, or someone is attacking us! Full stop! Put plan A into effect hard-and-fast. A few weeks later, oh, yes, it did come out of our lab, but it’s a nothing burger at this point so let’s deescalate the situation, but slowly so as not to lose face. Oh, and btw, let’s get rid of all our dissidents and cover it all up in this virus mess, make some needed corrections and so forth.

Other governments/ptb/etc. say OMG what an opportunity! And off to the back room to make plans and coordinate with other governments if possible. First let’s get our people from the infected area back home. They will be our base group if we need to have one. And a few weeks later whala! We’re on the corona bus.

The media and the politicians (whom had been the scourge of the earth lately) have…wow! been given a new lease on life, their back! They are important people again, being listen to, and on the money train. World protest scenes just go away, and world compliance becomes the new video feed.

The stock markets? Well they have been waiting for something to blame it on. So, get on the bus.

Now the real PTB say: well… we could achieve panic, chaos, and full dominance now. Should we?

Just can’t wrap my head around: is this “it”, or the “set up” for the fall season, election period and return of the virus season?

I really didn’t have any future plans, but now…there is nothing. As we just don’t know what will be on the other side of this situation, or when we will get there. If ever there was a time to “surf” it’s now.

I appreciate this form.
I am not an expert at all but what I see is the globalists used the doctrine of the shock full plain. All is so well donne. And nothing is improvising. The plan to do states of siege or confinement everywhere is not improvised. It can not be. It is a doctrine of shock everywhere not just one country. This is a big coup.

Now the army on the streets, now the old people at home, now a number of deaths here, now all roads free of cars, here planes that can not go there and there, but before the scare of this virus thanks to the medias, little by little but with no stop, and then in Italy and then like a very malignant virus everywhere. And suddenly state of siege in 2 or days. And the President (and all I can imagine): it will be very hard, many people will die, we will suffer, now and in the future. Their message to depress people, how many will suicide? I am sure that a lot of people.

The doctrine of the shock is a sadistic doctrine, you lie, you scare, you torture people in their minds, you said it is to save them but it is to make them suffer more and more in the name of health or security.

We can sing and dance on balconies, it is very nice. But reality is that this coup is something very Machiavellian.
Hey, everybody. Hi.!
There are good tips from a Russian doctor working in China.

Klimov Yura - a young doctor from Russia, working in a hospital in Shenzhen, transferred to the study of the pneumonia virus Wuhan. He called his loved ones and gave an explanation.
About the symptoms of the disease itself, the pneumonia caused by the coronavirus:

1. After penetration into the throat, dry throat may appear, which is found in angina. It will last 3-4 days.
2. Then the virus will merge with nasal fluid, enter the trachea, and then into the lungs and cause pneumonia. This process will take 5 to 6 days.
3. Coronoviral pneumonia will cause high fever and difficulty breathing. The nasal congestion is not like a typical congestion, it feels like you are drowning in water. In this case, you should see a doctor immediately.

Wow, Sergey, that's quite a hit hoping this doctor had the real picture of it all! I doesn't fit at all with what we've been told as yet about the virus, that it is way smaller... so it could be another clue about what is happening perhaps.

I had this extreme nasal congestion when I was sick at the end of January and there is a specific antibiotic that helps with upper respiratory problems, so it could be of help if you get those early symptoms I guess. FWIW it's the Cefpodoxime [link] it's usually a 6 + 6 pills pack, and it cleared me out of fever and nasal congestion at the first pill overnight.

Now tell me how much this stuff is toxic or not, please!:lol:
The Corona virus is different from the Influenza virus. They'd be different species too, right? I think they both come from very big families as well.
Here are some places one could try
Viruses Families with vertebrate hosts:
International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses
The Big Picture Book of Viruses
We are surrounded by and interact with viruses all the time. There are viruses that are suited for many different organisms and they have different shapes and sizes.
We - in Québec, 49th N parallel - experienced at the end of November 2019 to mid-December the worst FLU like symptoms that both my partner and I have ever lived in our lifetimes (53 & 60 years old) to our recollection, aching bodies and fever which have subsided now being March 2020.
In Alaska, I had a bad flu that I thought was turning to pneumonia. So, I went to the hospital and even had a chest xray. My doctor said that there was some cases of pneumonia going around. This was in the middle of Dec.
I hadn't had the flu for about 10 years prior.
Rumors are circulating about a new decree about total containment in France, the messages say pretty much the same thing I'm compiling here (The news is said to come from the senate and the government's crisis cell in Matignon :

"A total containment decree will be published in the official journal for implementation on Wednesday, with police and army mobilized. Curfew every day at 6pm. No inter-regional movement for four weeks."

However, I found this article which tends to confirm these rumours in part.

Coronavirus : un confinement total envisagé pour l'Ile-de-France et l'Est

Every day more bans, like the frog in the water that gets hotter and hotter and ends up cooked.
I wanted to share my 2 cents about the whole "italy running out of beds" thing.. My dad works in one of the central hospitals in Rome. I was talking with him about the ICUs apparently being overwhelmed..

According to him, they are indeed inching closer and closer to the breaking point (and no, people with coronavirus are not being quarantined in the ICUs unless they actually need intensive care). However, as someone had already noted in this thread, italian ICUs were ALDREADY in dire straits to begin with, and they have been for years. The number of available ICU beds and lung ventilators was already so low that this virus, mild as it is (and looking at the numbers, it is definitely mild, even considering the higher incidence of pneumonia in the critically ill), basically became the straw that broke the camel's back.

Mind you, the camel's back is not even broken yet, just getting there.. We'll see what happens I guess. But from that perspective I guess that, at least here in Italy, *some* quarantine measures were necessary to stop our already very frail healthcare system from collapsing.. But surely not to this crazy extent.

On the plus side.. hopefully this will enlighten the people about the sorry state of our healthcare system.. We're lucky it was just a dud this time.

The goverment keeps repeating that "no one will lose their job", they're apparently taking some economic measures to help people stay afloat.. We'll see if by the end of this madness the people they "saved" will outnumber the people driven to the brink of financial ruin and either criminality or suicide.

Ending on a slightly "conspiratorial" note.. I wonder if Italy being the first European country to see such a high number of infected was actually done on purpose. The best lies are those wrapped around a nugget of truth, right? "Italian ICUs on the brink of collapse!"..
Anyone in the know about the state of our healthcare system should have been able to anticipate the effects this virus would have.. Follow the sensationalistic (*somewhat* truthful, yet taken out of context and thus deceptive) headlines. Follow people not bothering to ask WHY our hospitals are being overwhelmed and assuming that "the sickness"TM is far worse than it is. Follow bolstering of worldwide panic and everyone begging for more restrictions. I mean, these measure had already been taken in China.. But from the european people's perspective, surely it's one thing to follow the Chinese example, another to follow Italy. OSIT

Such a unique blend of amusement, bemusement, worry, sadness and outrage this whole situation brings.. But I sure can't wait to see how this will ultimately blow up in the face of mankind's enemies.. Assuming it will, of course.. :whistle:
I don't think this has been posted before but in case:

Canada’s First Coronavirus Vaccine Now in Testing Stages in Saskatchewan

The video is the best:

I quote:

Dr. Volker Gerdts, USask's Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac) director and CEO

... a vaccine in the long term is always the most effective… we can give it to people… we can vaccinate them all… and you don’t become infected… and that’s the ideal scenario…. but it takes years for a vaccine to become available and to immunize all these people.

(that's a lie straight up! But why say it when people want to hear you saying you'll be able to buy it in your local sweet shop come Tuesday...?)

What we are doing is underway… we already have a vaccine that is being tested currently (on animals)… but still even after we show proof of concept, it still takes 6 to 8 months before we can go into clinical trials

Ok, eyes down for a full house... so let me see... that's say another month from where they are to go through rushed 'proof of concept'... and then 6-8 months before clinical trials... which should be at least 4-6 months for safety reasons right....? even if that is inadequate...? so that means a vaccine on the market in say mid 2021 earliest, early 2022 more sensibly.

Hands up everyone who thinks the vaccine will be on the market in July 2020 latest? When the virus is gone from sight...?

So that means we have to look forward to hysteria until such a time as they get it to market this year... because otherwise, whats the point of all this? Who will line up without it... can't wait to see! So how exactly are they going to keep it going long enough when the sun comes out and it quietly dies its own death...? So I assume we're going to be told soon enough this is a naturally resistent virus to nature...

New reality on the way...
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Another thought about the hype/hysteria

In the videos of people acting irrational, I assumed they were mental people reacting to the hysteria. But we are creatures of routine, and so some of the madness can be from people whose lives have been upset, and in the breaking from routine, they are temporarily disoriented, and acting hastily.

Handicapped people probably don't care too much about hygiene, or at least are used to being in situations where you have to do without. A lot of times you can tell a handicapped person right away, some times it takes a little longer. But they are generally not the uptight type.

But people who are regimented, and in the routine of workaday activities - they are hit the hardest. And so, this is where we find out the dysfunction of people who are wholly reliant on structure. Without the regimentation, they behave erratically when their routine is upset.

And a lot is still just hype, but those susceptible are not so much mental cases as I assumed, but people who don't adapt very well to changes. They are in a bureaucratic bubble that don't account for anything outside of it.
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