Fauci has been busy all weekend threatening a new even worse variant on the horizon. Seems he's big on the twenty-seven dollar words when he's saying virtually nothing, while he says practically nothing at all regarding the things that cry out for some legitimate, scientific explanation (as in the "variants"). I notice he loves using the word "nasopharynx," thinks it sounds "scientific."

But that's the best this administration can do apparently. In other words, they're giving it their best shot (no pun intended).

Meanwhile, sleepy Joe is...


President Joe Biden is at his home in Wilmington, Delaware today. After receiving his daily presidential briefing at 10 a.m., the White House called a lid shortly afterward.

"The White House has called a travel pool lid at 11:27," the White House pool report states.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki isn't scheduled to give a briefing Monday afternoon.

[end excerpt]

This, after Biden spent the weekend at home.

It does seem like the damn is just about to break. Increasingly people, even willing people who voted for Biden and got the vaccine, are now fending off encroaching doubts--most especially those who are experiencing the deleterious effects of the vax.

Meanwhile, Mike Lindell his starting his copious presentation on the 2020 election fraud tomorrow, which, from what I've seen thus far, is seriously damning. Even if the MSM tries to ignore it, it's still there to further erode this pathetically fragile "appearance" of governance that we are now seeing at the White House.

Also: protesters in the UK stormed the BBC... and when the media loses all credibility, these paper mache regimes do tend to crumble.

It really seems as if the tide is turning. Not that we won't have to endure all kinds of mayhem no matter what. But the PTB is on the defensive. Yes, those in power are becoming the subject of ridicule: look at New York. Cuomo is going down, and today, as part of the protest against the covid work mandates... (would have liked a bigger image, but...


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Germany 2021 going 1942

discussing to shorten the validity of the rapid tests down to only 4 or 8 hours instead of 48 hours. (Not for free of course) And from autumn they will be required in every store, from IKEA, to ALDI, all food stores.

There are all kinds of restrictive and humiliating scenarios being played through by the media and politicians at the moment. The aim is to frighten weak minds making them believe that they will not be able to shop without being fully vaccinated or face buying tests for 20 Euros each.

A certain number of people may actually take the two shots and move the number of fully vaccinated up to 60%.

At the end of the day nothing dramatical will happen before the 26 September election.

If they really make people pay for rapid testing then the 7-day incidence rates will plummet and the necessity for lockdowns will decline. When the vaccinated increasingly start catching the mutating viruses they cannot be bothered with going to a test station because of their vaxx status.

Welfare recipients cannot cough up the money for a test they would need to go to the grocery store.
We know that poor people specifically distrust vaccinations - so will they cave in?

The pressure on the unvaccinated will lead to people organizing their own way of life, cheating, bribing, counterfeiting, cooperating and offering resistance to the control freaks.

I can't see the Germans making an uprising of fighting in the streets, though.

I'd rather think they will allow the system to grind to a halt and they will be helped by empty shelves, apocalyptic weather phenomena, inflation and economic destruction...
Here is a Dr speaking out at what looks like a school board meeting in Indiana.
Dr. Dan Stock affirms what I mentioned previously, that Covid recovered should not get the vax. Here's more confirmation from Dr. McCullough:

‘Under no circumstances’ should a recovered patient get a COVID jab, expert MD tells LifeSite

One of the world’s most qualified and skeptical COVID-19 experts believes that people who have already recovered from COVID-19 should not take a vaccine against it.

“We do know that COVID-recovered patients have a higher side effect rate when they do get needlessly vaccinated,” Dr. Peter A. McCullough told LifeSiteNews, and cited research papers showing higher rates of vaccine injuries among the naturally immune.

“Really, under no circumstances should a fully-recovered patient receive a COVID-19 vaccine … and authorities should accept that.”

McCullough, who is a cardiologist, internist epidemiologist, academic researcher, and journal editor, sat down with LifeSiteNews last Friday to discuss his work with and for COVID-19 patients.


A concerned citizen contacted the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, GA yesterday and spoke to multiple employees. When asked if the CDC was mandating its employees to inject themselves with the experimental gene therapy called a ‘vaccine’ for the CCP virus, they pushed back, got defensive, and finally said no, they are not mandating CDC employees receive the ‘vaccine’ for Covid-19, which has not even been tested on animals and is still experimental, under an emergency use authorization only.

You can listen to part of the conversation on the video below. The hypocrisy is mind-blowing.

The citizen also spoke to supervisors who simply ‘expedited’ the call to nowhere and would not answer further questions.
See at your own risk. Out of words, really.

Will THIS get more Americans vaccinated? Jen Psaki uses 'Gen Z' TikTok influencer Benny Drama to push shots in arms with video of him in a skirt and long nails as a White House 'intern'

  • The White House has recruited Gen Z TikTok influencers to promote covid-19 vaccines on Monday
  • Skinner, flashing long white nails and dressed in a multi-patterned suit as he talks on the phone, opens the video with: 'One sec, Democracy is calling, see you daddy'
  • In another shot where Skinner is seated with his feet up on the desk, he says, 'We need to get shots in the arms of every single American'

  • :barf:
From Monday the 16 of August, new fascistic measures in Macedonia. Segregation of vaccinated and unvaccinated. For the unvaccinated, it is forbidden to enter any kind of catering facility. Vaccination Certificates will be checked \t the entrance to the facility. For now, we can still go to work without vaccines.

Welcome to fascism. Papers, please. Get the jab, it is for your own good.

Also, all catering facilities can open just open outside parts, inside indoor part must be closed for everyone.

From September 1, the new school year starts. Children will be physically present in the schools. I think it will last for a short time and then they will try to vaccinate the children.
My son is 14 years old and I instructed him that if anyone comes to school to force him to vaccinate to just simply leave the school and came home. If they try to use fear and force on him I told him to fight back, run and call me. so I can come to the school and take him out of there.

The health minister said that the natural immunity for those people who had Covid is not good enough and that they also need to vaccinate. I wonder why nobody at that press conference asked him to back up his claim with some facts, papers, scientific data. But anyway, people will do whatever TV says.

I was wondering one thing recently. Even the biggest fool cant do what our "government"( and many other governments) is doing right now. I mean, just look what they do. They are openly going against the people and they don't fear.
There are few options as I can see:
- They have strong backup protection from abroad high centers of power, so if people come for them they will evacuate them somewhere.
- They are blackmailed and they must play the game otherwise they will let the people get them and it is a game over for them.
- Some high centers of power know about the upcoming earth changes and they have promised them that they and their families will get protection when the time comes, but until then they must follow the orders and keep people in fear of Covid monster and force the sheeple to get the jabs.
- They are so stupid that they really think that the high centers of power want to protect people from the flu-like virus. I personally think that this option is less likely.

The nightmare continues.
George Mason University in DC is sort of the home of the Libertarian School of Economics (if there is such a thing). Here's an interesting story from GMU. I hope the scope of this thinking expands to help prospective students. Might be a good story for Sott, too.

Prominent Law Professor Sues His School Over Vaccine Policy​

Ethan Yang
Ethan Yang
August 7, 2021

Imposing a constitutionally dubious vaccine policy at a public university that not only has some of the top classical liberal law professors in the country but is also intimately connected with a global network of freedom advocates is a recipe for a lawsuit. That’s exactly what George Mason University learned recently when it imposed a school-wide vaccine mandate for students, faculty, and staff. Failure to comply subjects individuals to a list of penalties from social distancing requirements to potential disciplinary action. The plaintiff is Todd Zywicki, the George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law, who has as impressive of a resume as anyone can imagine. He has held positions at numerous influential think tanks, executive positions in the federal government, and has taught at numerous respected law schools. His lawsuit is joined by the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a non-profit law firm dedicated to advancing constitutional freedoms and founded by the prominent legal scholar Philip Hamburger. AIER contributor Jenin Younes is also a member of their litigation team and one of the attorneys on this case.
Zywicki names the president of the school and numerous other officers as the defendants in his suit Zywicki v Washington. He alleges that as a public institution, GMU is obligated to follow the Constitution and its vaccine policy violates the 9th and 14th Amendments as well as the Supremacy Clause. Zywicki contends that his natural immunity from having recovered from a natural Covid-19 infection gives him equal if not superior protection than vaccines. His sentiments are supported by his immunologist, who informed him that receiving a vaccine would be “medically unnecessary”, as well as a joint declaration from Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Martin Kulldorff, prominent medical professors at Stanford and Harvard respectively. They write that,
“Multiple extensive, peer-reviewed studies comparing natural and vaccine immunity have now been published. These studies overwhelmingly conclude that natural immunity provides equivalent or greater protection against severe infection than immunity generated by mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna).”
The declaration, found in Exhibit A of the docket, also explains that the evidence to support mitigation measures such as vaccine mandates and passports is lacking.

Count 1: Violation of the Right to Refuse Unwanted and Medically Unnecessary Healthcare​

The plaintiff asserts that GMU’s vaccine policy, in practice a mandate, and refusal to acknowledge the merits of natural immunity are problematic because they violate his right to refuse unnecessary healthcare. The complaint states,
“The Supreme Court has recognized that the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to privacy. A “forcible injection … into a nonconsenting person’s body represents a substantial interference with that person’s liberty[.]” Washington v. Harper, 494 U.S. 210, 229 (1990).”
The 9th Amendment protects unenumerated rights, which are those that are not explicitly stated in the Constitution. The 14th Amendment protects due process and equal protection under the law. The Covid-19 vaccine is currently deployed under the Emergency Use Authorization and citizens are therefore entitled to be informed of their right to accept or refuse. This fact, combined with the plaintiff’s already robust natural immunity and unlikeliness to infect others with a relatively mild disease, renders such a mandate a violation of privacy. Furthermore, established case law enshrines the right to bodily integrity. The suit asserts,
“Coercing employees to receive an EUA vaccine for a virus that presents a near-zero risk of illness or death to them and which they are exceedingly unlikely to pass on to others, because those employees already possess natural immunity to the virus, violates the liberty and privacy interests that the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments protect.”
If the state wishes to implement a coercive measure, the burden of evidence is on itself to prove that its policy is narrowly tailored to a compelling government interest. The plaintiffs contend,
“Defendants cannot show that they have a compelling interest in coercing Professor Zywicki into taking a COVID-19 vaccine, because GMU has no compelling interest in treating employees with natural immunity any differently from employees who obtained immunity from a vaccine.”

Count 2: Violation of Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine and 14th Amendment’s Right to Due Process​

The Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine prohibits the government from imposing coercive incentives against exercising a constitutionally protected right. GMU’s penalties are therefore an impairment of Professor Zywicki’s right to refuse medical care. His complaint states,
“According to that body of law, GMU cannot impair Professor Zywicki’s right to refuse medical care through subtle forms of coercion any more than it could through an explicit mandate.”
Furthermore, the school’s policy is a violation of due process as it is incongruent, disproportional, and inappropriately flips the burden of evidence onto the plaintiff. In light of the robust immunity established by natural infection, the school cannot logically justify its penalties against those in the GMU community with naturally acquired immunity. The existence of such immunity fully serves the interest of the public health measures implemented by GMU.
The policy also is also deficient of proportionality, as the school indicates no intention to assess the level of antibody level of its targets. If the school believes that the prevalence of antibodies is important in advancing its public health goals, then it ought to recognize that they are acquired by both vaccination and infection. The school not only signals any intention to test for antibodies, but makes the premature conclusion that vaccination is superior, even assuming equality of effectiveness amongst all vaccines. The suit asserts,
“In short, allocating burden of proof responsibility to those with natural immunity like Professor Zywicki, coupled with GMU’s stacking the process with presumptions Plaintiff will show are scientifically unwarranted, contravene the Due Process Clause.”
The burden of proof is on the school to show that Zywicki’s naturally acquired immunity is in fact inferior to the vaccines accepted by its policy, and noncompliance poses a threat to public safety. The plaintiff alleged the school has not demonstrated this requirement.

Count 3: Violation of the Supremacy Clause​

The Supremacy Clause holds that federal law supersedes state law. GMU’s policy is Virginia state law and the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is federal law. Covid-19 vaccines are authorized by the EUA, which subjects recipients to informed consent. Because GMU’s coercive policies conflict with the letter and spirit of the EUA, it is therefore unconstitutional. According to the complaint,
“That is at odds with the Policy’s forcing Professor Zywicki to sustain significant injury to his career if he does not want to take the vaccine (in light of masking, frequent testing, social distancing, and looming disciplinary action).”
For these reasons and more, Zywicki asked the court to declare the policies unconstitutional and an injunction be issued.

Key Takeaways​

The fight over the official narrative regarding Covid-19 is still alive and well. This lawsuit is only illustrative of the two camps that have developed and how insulated many core decision makers have been from one over the other. Natural immunity for example, although clearly affirmed by the supporting evidence, seems to be unacknowledged writ large. The disproportionate perceptions of the risk of Covid-19 are still rampant.
The significance of this case cannot be overstated with vaccine mandates and passports being considered and implemented across the country. One does not need a background in law to understand that the pandemic has sent the country into another constitutional inflection point. From emergency powers, to lockdowns, to eviction moratoriums, and now vaccine mandates, the precedents we set today will forever affect the ark of our system of constitutional government.
Just saw this headline:

Made me think of something my daughters (both at UK Uni's and switched on) said about this: keep your nightclubs anyway, we're not interested in them anymore! After having spent the past 18 months in lockdowns, they creatively managed to still have home parties with their friends on a very regular basis. When a few weeks ago the nightclubs re-opened, they went to check it out. Guess what, none of them even liked being at a nightclub anymore, and would rather be at home parties as according to them bonds of friendship with many different people (friends form friends from friends etc.) were forged on a much deeper and more meaningful level. As opposed to spending time in a loud nightclub, with not much talking and bonding and with a lot of money spent (wasted) on entrance fees and drinks. Good for them!

As for the threat concerning traveling: Apart from the quarantine rules and the mandatory testing fees which can average to an extra amount of GBP 300.-- per trip, which no one has, there is still so much waiting to be discovered in the land where they live; they just went wild camping with a group in The Lake District, a magical area according to them. They foraged their own food, made "beds" from leaves and what have you and told stories at night by the camp fire. It was such a success, they plan to do this regularly and (for now) they say: keep your traveling!
George Mason University in DC is sort of the home of the Libertarian School of Economics (if there is such a thing). Here's an interesting story from GMU. I hope the scope of this thinking expands to help prospective students. Might be a good story for Sott, too.

Prominent Law Professor Sues His School Over Vaccine Policy​

Ethan Yang
Ethan Yang
August 7, 2021

Imposing a constitutionally dubious vaccine policy at a public university that not only has some of the top classical liberal law professors in the country but is also intimately connected with a global network of freedom advocates is a recipe for a lawsuit. That’s exactly what George Mason University learned recently when it imposed a school-wide vaccine mandate for students, faculty, and staff. Failure to comply subjects individuals to a list of penalties from social distancing requirements to potential disciplinary action. The plaintiff is Todd Zywicki, the George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law, who has as impressive of a resume as anyone can imagine. He has held positions at numerous influential think tanks, executive positions in the federal government, and has taught at numerous respected law schools. His lawsuit is joined by the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a non-profit law firm dedicated to advancing constitutional freedoms and founded by the prominent legal scholar Philip Hamburger. AIER contributor Jenin Younes is also a member of their litigation team and one of the attorneys on this case.
Zywicki names the president of the school and numerous other officers as the defendants in his suit Zywicki v Washington. He alleges that as a public institution, GMU is obligated to follow the Constitution and its vaccine policy violates the 9th and 14th Amendments as well as the Supremacy Clause. Zywicki contends that his natural immunity from having recovered from a natural Covid-19 infection gives him equal if not superior protection than vaccines. His sentiments are supported by his immunologist, who informed him that receiving a vaccine would be “medically unnecessary”, as well as a joint declaration from Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Martin Kulldorff, prominent medical professors at Stanford and Harvard respectively. They write that,

The declaration, found in Exhibit A of the docket, also explains that the evidence to support mitigation measures such as vaccine mandates and passports is lacking.

Count 1: Violation of the Right to Refuse Unwanted and Medically Unnecessary Healthcare​

The plaintiff asserts that GMU’s vaccine policy, in practice a mandate, and refusal to acknowledge the merits of natural immunity are problematic because they violate his right to refuse unnecessary healthcare. The complaint states,

The 9th Amendment protects unenumerated rights, which are those that are not explicitly stated in the Constitution. The 14th Amendment protects due process and equal protection under the law. The Covid-19 vaccine is currently deployed under the Emergency Use Authorization and citizens are therefore entitled to be informed of their right to accept or refuse. This fact, combined with the plaintiff’s already robust natural immunity and unlikeliness to infect others with a relatively mild disease, renders such a mandate a violation of privacy. Furthermore, established case law enshrines the right to bodily integrity. The suit asserts,

If the state wishes to implement a coercive measure, the burden of evidence is on itself to prove that its policy is narrowly tailored to a compelling government interest. The plaintiffs contend,

Count 2: Violation of Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine and 14th Amendment’s Right to Due Process​

The Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine prohibits the government from imposing coercive incentives against exercising a constitutionally protected right. GMU’s penalties are therefore an impairment of Professor Zywicki’s right to refuse medical care. His complaint states,

Furthermore, the school’s policy is a violation of due process as it is incongruent, disproportional, and inappropriately flips the burden of evidence onto the plaintiff. In light of the robust immunity established by natural infection, the school cannot logically justify its penalties against those in the GMU community with naturally acquired immunity. The existence of such immunity fully serves the interest of the public health measures implemented by GMU.
The policy also is also deficient of proportionality, as the school indicates no intention to assess the level of antibody level of its targets. If the school believes that the prevalence of antibodies is important in advancing its public health goals, then it ought to recognize that they are acquired by both vaccination and infection. The school not only signals any intention to test for antibodies, but makes the premature conclusion that vaccination is superior, even assuming equality of effectiveness amongst all vaccines. The suit asserts,

The burden of proof is on the school to show that Zywicki’s naturally acquired immunity is in fact inferior to the vaccines accepted by its policy, and noncompliance poses a threat to public safety. The plaintiff alleged the school has not demonstrated this requirement.

Count 3: Violation of the Supremacy Clause​

The Supremacy Clause holds that federal law supersedes state law. GMU’s policy is Virginia state law and the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is federal law. Covid-19 vaccines are authorized by the EUA, which subjects recipients to informed consent. Because GMU’s coercive policies conflict with the letter and spirit of the EUA, it is therefore unconstitutional. According to the complaint,

For these reasons and more, Zywicki asked the court to declare the policies unconstitutional and an injunction be issued.

Key Takeaways​

The fight over the official narrative regarding Covid-19 is still alive and well. This lawsuit is only illustrative of the two camps that have developed and how insulated many core decision makers have been from one over the other. Natural immunity for example, although clearly affirmed by the supporting evidence, seems to be unacknowledged writ large. The disproportionate perceptions of the risk of Covid-19 are still rampant.
The significance of this case cannot be overstated with vaccine mandates and passports being considered and implemented across the country. One does not need a background in law to understand that the pandemic has sent the country into another constitutional inflection point. From emergency powers, to lockdowns, to eviction moratoriums, and now vaccine mandates, the precedents we set today will forever affect the ark of our system of constitutional government.

While I hope this action has some positive effect, I think we've learned over the last few years that violent mobs (and probable night visits) trump fairness and legal solutions.

But maybe if this captures enough public attention, the powers behind the throne will not be bold enough to trample the courts.
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