What do you think. Will it pass ?

A Bill Has Been Introduced In Congress That Would Ban Tens Of Millions Of Americans From Flying​

August 11, 2021 by Michael Snyder
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and for other purposes.
Great article on Zerohedge:

Woke Nonsense Is Warping Everyday Life

Americans are growing angrier by the day, but in a way different from prior sagebrush revolts such as the 1960s Silent Majority or the Tea Party movement over a decade ago.

The rage this time is not just fueled by conservatives.

For the first time in their lives, Americans of all classes and races are starting to fear a self-created apocalypse that threatens their family's safety and the American way of life.

Continue reading . . .
Today I have been alerted by a physician to this initiative:


[click right here]

I understand that if you join that group you will receive a participant's ID Card telling its readers that
you must not be vaccinated.

Here are some excerpts from the site mentioned above...

"The Phase one and two SARS-CoV-2 vaccine trial participants have now mostly been vaccinated – so where will the scientists find long-term safety data for the SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations?

We have taken it into our own hands to design a scientific Control Group by bringing together the voluntarily unvaccinated and asking them to record their health outcomes over the next 30 years. This data, which will NOT include names or addresses, will be made available for comparison against data from vaccinated cohorts (requests for data will need to be approved by our Ethics Panel).

We are not affiliated to any pharmaceutical corporations.

We will Record:

Medical data (including: new and ongoing medical conditions, pregnancy outcomes, fertility etc…), Blood group and Discrimination (participants will be able to record companies that discriminate against them).

Everyone joining the study will receive a digital ID card that can be shown in shop, venues and educational institutions as proof of participation.

Become an Associate and Support our Work

Become an Associate of the Control Group Cooperative Ltd (CG Coop) with an ongoing subscription of just £6 per quarter and join with like-minded people from all over the world in supporting this project and its community, because together, we have power. All Associates receive free, plastic ID cards for them and their dependants.

We are at the very beginning of what we can only describe as ‘a very interesting journey’. None of us know exactly where this will take us, but what we do know, is that we should never feel that we are alone – and that is why we have created this world community; to join us in unity and in hope and to find practical solutions to the problems we will face.

For example:
  • We anticipate people who have not been vaccinated will want to be able to access unvaccinated blood – should they need a transfusion, so we are including ‘blood type’ in our data collection system.
  • We already know that those who choose not to be vaccinated are going to face discrimination from service providers, venues and possibly schools and other educational settings. We are asking our participants to record this information in the database, so that we can build a legal team to fight against the worst offenders.
  • Gillick competence is a risk to children in schools, but we hope that your children will feel more confident with a CG Coop ID card to act as a visual shield against vaccine coercion.
The Control Group is a community cooperative, for the people. All funds will be re-invested into the project and its community."

Personally, I'm not convinced that any significant authorities will have much respect for this ID card but it might give people some respite when being confronted with house-to-house vaxx calls.

It would be interesting to find out how your employer or your grandmother will react when they are shown the card.

"I'm awfully sorry, Sir/Grandma! I very much would have liked to receive a vaccination, but I am part of this scientific study which prohibits any SARS-CoV-2 vaccination over the next 30 years."
Another "they will go too far"?


The Mayor and Health Commissioner of Philadelphia dropped an announcement Wednesday that unvaccinated city employees will need to wear two masks while working indoors and that all new hires after September 1 will have to be vaccinated.

The Philadelphia Inquirer noted the details of Mayor Jim Kenney and acting Health Commissioner Cheryl Bettigole’s announcement.

During a remote press briefing, Bettigole demonstrated that wearing two masks is “cumbersome,” and stated that “Luckily there is something else that you could do to protect yourself: You could be vaccinated.”
Last line says it all - don't want all these restrictions, then get vaxxed!
We voted to remove the California governor and replace him with Larry Elder.
Larry Elder Says He’ll ‘Suspend’ Statewide Vax And Mask Mandates If Elected CA Gov, Vows To Fight Local Orders
Leading GOP candidate promises to “fight any and all vaccine and mask govt mandates at the state and local level.”

By Jeffrey Cawood
Aug 13, 2021

Larry Elder, the leading Republican candidate in the California gubernatorial recall election, held his first official press conference of the campaign on Friday morning and promised to “suspend” any statewide mask or vaccination mandates that may be in place if elected.

“I am not going to tell private businesses what to do. I’m talking about what I would do as a governor regarding state employees,” Elder said during the Zoom webinar. “If a private business wants to require people to wear masks and require people to have shots, that’s a whole different thing.”

“But at the state level, I’m not going to require any kind of public worker to wear masks, or any kind of public worker to have a vaccine,” he continued. “I think that’s an assault on freedom. Thomas Jefferson said it’s a mistake to trade freedom for public safety, and I believe he is right.”

Elder, 69, said that he had been vaccinated against COVID-19 after being strongly advised by his doctor to get immunized.

“I believe vaccines work,” said Elder. “I believe that if you’re in a high-risk category, you should be vaccinated. But there are many Americans who disagree with me, who feel that the vaccine was done too quickly.”

The Los Angeles Times reported, “With the spread of COVID-19 on the rise, Gov. Gavin Newsom faces a delicate decision over whether to again impose statewide mask requirements in all indoor public spaces and risk upsetting Californians just weeks before they decide if he should be recalled from office.”

The special recall election is set for September 14, and the Newsom administration has so far left that decision to counties.

But Newsom faced harsh criticism last month after issuing a mask mandate for K-12 indoor classes that applies to teachers and students. Elder said during his Friday press conference that “the idea that we’re requiring children to wear masks, to me, is against science,” saying they are less likely to be hospitalized or die if infected.

And on Wednesday, the governor announced a new statewide executive order issued by the state’s public health officer requiring health care workers to be fully vaccinated against coronavirus. State health officials described the directive as a “first-in-the-nation” requirement.

“Protecting the public health is an utmost priority for the governor, but that duty should never be abused to trample on individual freedoms,” Elder’s campaign website says. “By now, everyone who wishes to be protected by a vaccine can get one. As such, Californians who assume the risk of not wearing a mask or not getting vaccinated should not be forced to do so.”

More from Elder’s website:

Remember the original reason for the lockdowns? It was to prevent hospitals from reaching capacity and overrunning our healthcare system. No such threat exists today. Instead, our ruling classes—with Governor Gavin Newsom as their poster boy—have repeatedly imposed mandates and moved the goalposts—which they themselves think they’re above—and shut down our businesses and inflicted unnecessary pain on ordinary Californians.

I will govern as your governor, not as your tyrant.

On Thursday, Elder had vowed on social media to “fight any and all vaccine and mask govt mandates at the state and local level” if elected governor.

He specifically referenced a new health order in San Francisco requiring eligible people to prove they are fully vaccinated before entering certain indoor businesses, along with a similar proposal in Los Angeles.

“Nope. Don’t bother @LACity,” Elder tweeted. “I will fight you on this when I win.”
In addition to the "My body - My choice" being applied to Covid vax, now this is being employed:

Why won’t the US medical establishment “believe women”? Covid-19 vaccines do not warn about menstrual disruption

This August 11, the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) overhauled its COVID-19 vaccine guidance for pregnant women, now “urging” them to accept their shots.

Just 23% of pregnant women in the US have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Only something like 11.1% have been fully vaccinated.

The CDC is seeking to drive these numbers up, but it is not doing the one thing that would, perhaps more than anything else, assuage the “hesitations” of these so-called “anti-vaxxers”: investigate and explain widespread reports of menstrual disruption post-Covid 19 vaccine – and, if necessary, add a warning about it.

I think the shots terminating pregnancies is a bit more essential to know! Despite ignoring this fact, this quite long article is overall very good, hard hitting, and very strongly points out a lot facts influencing women to be vaccine hesitant - even takes up the "who benefits" $ angle!
Still, it seems that multitudes of women are prepared to continue declining The Jab.

Working class women denied critical information as vaccine bonanza creates new Big Pharma billionaires

Perhaps a Sott worthy addition.
The textbook psychological manipulation just drips off this. The walk of shame!

For some reason, airports have always been a focus of authoritarian wetdream control. Why is that, I wonder? Is it the same thing which made the nobles itch and sweat at the thought of their serfs pulling up stakes and heading off to greener pastures?

Anyway, I think the approach to this would be to change the interpretation: to walk the mile with genuine joy and pride, and perhaps foster a feeling of relief that you don't have to go too near the spike exhaling masses.

Perhaps stitch a star to your jacket before heading out.
Have to post this for the Title if nothing else!

From Patents to Profits and The Corona Industrial Complex


Editor’s Note: Dr David Martin challenges the Fact Checkers and explains the pathway — via patents — that led to the Corona Industrial Complex. [vid in article]

In addition: The video below [also in article] documents the encounter between Senator Dr Rand Paul and Dr Fauci at a Senate hearing. The original video has now been removed from YouTube, but I have posted a copy I had made. The short post from G5 refers to the video and tracks some of Fauci’s history.

Fauci was introduced to the Trump Corona Virus Task Force by Pence (Fauci’s political cohort from the CIAHIV-AIDS Genocide that murdered some six million people).

To clarify: apart from The Wuhan Bio-Weapons lab fiddling with two bat viruses and protein cocktails; some eleven labs in America were playing the same game. Note the dancing around and the straw man answers delivered by Fauci. Very specific, non-answered questions.

Behind the rhetoric: Fauci knows he will be the first under the bus if the truths leak. He hasn’t thought that completely through. He would have been leaking hints to Paul if he had while tinkling with The Nuremberg Defence.

If he is ever held in custody for anything, the Epstein Solution is his only lot. A gambler and believer of Deep State and Dark Light Intel, from the days that his initial employer Scherff (1984, no less) had positioned him during the initial International Drug Wars (1981).

As I wrote at the time; the four lead characters; who I named were working in the CIABio-Weapons lab in Winnipeg, and from where the final genocidal cocktail was sent for distribution through Rotterdam. Again: precisely as I have written.

The issue being that FAUCI FUNDED ALL THE RESEARCH TO FIND THE GREATEST GENOCIDAL VIRUS EVER INVENTED. Why would he do that; for fun; keeping labs working; WHY?

ALL THE CIABIO-WEAPON LABS. In America and Wuhan. Why?

The trail of his orchestrated [deleted] insanity did not suddenly materialize a decade ago. It has been there throughout his personal and professional life. He is a Psychopath; no less than Mengele…

When the virus began failing due to natural immunity; the desperation was mandatory genocidal vaccinations. Already Plan B. Face-mask lung disorders. Psychosis producing social distancing. The destruction of domestic economies through the removal of workforces, destroying government revenue. Compounded by relief payments, and the submissive acceptance of a totalitarian ordered society.

The exact same criminals who inside traded industries to be devastated directly, and by the political corollary of the compound frauds of green, sustainable energy, and climate change. The greatest inside trading frauds ever perpetrated in history.

Actually, "when the virus began failing" was when it was ascertained it was having the opposite effect of what they had bioengineered it to do - as the Cs said. Was that before or after soldiers sent to Wuhan for the military games? Were they sent knowingly infected so as to kick off the plandemic?
For some reason, airports have always been a focus of authoritarian wetdream control.

I've noticed that too and wondered about it. It's an interesting question with a few possible answers.

Since airports are international portals, they are naturally subject to the full scrutiny of immigration and customs in a way that train stations or bus terminals aren't.

Air travel is significantly more expensive than ground travel, meaning passengers are motivated to avoid rocking the boat lest they be denied permission to board and lose their investment.

Flying is scary and puts people on edge in a way that ground travel doesn't (it's irrelevant that it's generally safer, this isn't a rational thing). Thus they're intrinsically more willing to accept authoritarian intrusion in the name of safety (or it's illusion, more precisely, since the security theatre does nothing to keep anyone safe).

Which is the dominant factor is hard to say.
Very interesting link in the comments to the above article:



The British Crown and the C.I.A. teamed up treasonously via QinetiQ Group Plc controlled by the Monarch

Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) and his banker cousins at N.M. Rothschild & Co. were godfathers of the 2nd Boer War concentration camps (1899-1902) to drive the French, Dutch and Germans out of South Africa

New Evidence: Leading London Jews were running the first modern war concentration camps where over 60,000 whites and blacks died, including more than 14,000 mostly white children who were subjected to Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (now Wellcome Trust–Coronavirus funder and GlaxoSmithKline) vaccine experiments
These Privy Council and Parliamentary records have been discovered after much difficulty and missing documents

Read on –

3 unions representing more than 100,000 workers are fighting back against California's mandatory vaccines and testing. How long until they fold? Before or after the California governor is recalled in a month?
California unions for firefighters, blue collar workers challenge Newsom’s vaccine rules
UPDATED AUGUST 14, 2021 09:26 AM

Two more California state worker unions have filed objections to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order requiring all employees to prove they’re vaccinated or to wear a mask and submit to regular COVID-19 testing.

Cal Fire Local 2881, which represents about 6,000 state firefighters, filed an unfair labor practice charge with the Public Employment Relations Board this week, becoming at least the third state union to file an official objection.

The International Union of Operating Engineers, which represents about 11,000 state maintenance workers, also filed a grievance with CalHR July 28.

“These are conditions of employment, said union representative Brandy Johnson. “And the fundamental thing is we have the right to meet and confer over conditions of employment.”

The Local 2881 filing also says the state violated labor laws by failing to provide advance notice of the change to employees’ working conditions.

Newsom announced the new vaccination requirement for state workers during a press conference at 10 a.m. on July 26.

About 45 minutes later, the California Human Resources Department emailed union leaders outlining the new vaccination policy. The email said employees needed to show proof of vaccination by Aug. 2 or undergo testing as part of a protocol that would be phased in over a number of weeks.

Cal Fire’s position is that vaccines should be voluntary, said union president Tim Edwards.

“We oppose mandating vaccinations and believe he state has a contractural obligation to meet and confer with labor over any possible impacts to the employees,” he said.

Advance notice would have provided time to meet and discuss details, such as how COVID-19 tests might be administered at fire camps, he said.

“It’s a logistical nightmare,” Edwards said.

Human Resources Department Director Eraina Ortega said Thursday that the emergency declaration Newsom issued last year over the coronavirus pandemic gives the department authority to make changes to working conditions without the usual notice periods.

In the department’s July 26 email, deputy director of labor relations Paul Starkey noted a doubling in the rate of COVID-19 cases and a spike in hospitalizations.

“We don’t’ have 30 or 60 days to wait to take action when the cases are rising,” Ortega said Thursday. “And that has been the approach throughout the pandemic.”

She said the department would meet and confer as soon as it could with the unions.

SEIU Local 1000, California’s largest state worker union representing about 100,000 employees, filed an unfair labor practice charge and sent a cease and desist letter to the state Human Resources Department on July 27.

Local 1000 president Richard Louis Brown acted on his own in filing the complaints, rather than bringing it up with the union’s board of directors, and the filings sparked the ire of some members who supported the requirement.

All of the state employee unions face challenges of appeasing members who are vehemently in favor of vaccination requirements for all their coworkers and others who are strongly opposed to the directive.

The California Correctional Peace Officers Association, representing about 27,000 officers, has supported Newsom’s July 26 mandate, since it gives officers the option to choose testing over the vaccine, but has told its members it will oppose more stringent vaccine requirements.

The California Statewide Law Enforcement Association, representing about 7,300 miscellaneous law enforcement officers such as park rangers and security officers, has concluded the state has the authority to require vaccines, according to board meetings notes posted on its website.

Testing is still ramping up for state workers who aren’t vaccinated.

The Human Resources Department initially launched pilot programs in offices of four departments — the California Highway Patrol, Caltrans, the California Department of Motor Vehicles and Cal Fire — to work out logistical details. The Employment Development Department has since been added to the pilot program.

More departments could be added as soon as next week, and additional departments will be added on roughly a weekly basis going forward, Ortega said.

Ortega said the state will pay for the tests and the tests will be administered on state time.

As employees return to offices, those who haven’t provided proof of vaccination will be required to be tested before going in, as long as a testing protocol is in place for their office, she said. All unvaccinated employees will be required to wear masks.

The Human Resources Department is gathering numbers of vaccinated employees — but not identities — from departments in order to gauge how much testing will be needed for unvaccinated employees, Ortega said.
More from the very long article [still reading] that is delving into the dark history of these players whose evil agenda is imposing global medical dictatorship:
The British South Africa Company would empower Rhodes to run South Africa as a corporation with its own laws, taxes and police force. This profligate governance model eventually led to Milner and Roberts establishing the world’s first concentrations camps in the 2nd Boer War. Over 60,000 souls, including 14,000 children were murdered in these barbaric camps via suspicious outbreaks of measles, typhoid and dysentery. Family described to our researchers that children with even sniffles were taken away from their parents and never returned, presumed murdered. Notably, Henry Wellcome supplied his medicine chests full of experimental vaccines to the British Army that were used in these death camps.

The British acknowledge that the concentration camps helped break the backs of the Boers and led to their defeat. This ghoulish model was repeated by Adolf Hitler thirty years later.
A horrifying and fascinating expose of all the skullduggery committed to accomplish their 200-year plan - now playing!
From comments to the above that brings up Deagel is this:

Ned, your page shows effects of v-cc-ne depopulation but this OCD guy has preserved some older Deagel forecasts on video and towards the end there are 4 slides of text. The one at about 6:40 predicts mass death by economic collapse, saying the ponzi pension funds will collapse and there will be no service jobs. This would have been written before Klaus Schwab came out with his “great reset”, where you will “own nothing and be happy”. Gee, that sounds better then defending yourself with a machete while starving to death.

I recall the Cs said that economic collapse would occur first - and we can see the writing is on the wall with the pension plans being "completely broke" and taking out the retirees via Covid/midazolam.
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