I've brought this subject up before - polio and the iron lung. Watch and remember that it was proven curable with Vitamin C - and as was found out years later, the vaccine was laced with cancer causing SV40! The polio vaccines did not vanquish polio, but instead are keeping it ongoing via vax afflicted children.

Using Delta to continue the scamdemic - reinstating masks/social distancing and mandating vax - apprise the brain addled how India handled it:

India's Ivermectin Blackout

News of India's defeat of the Delta variant should be common knowledge. It is just about as obvious as the nose on one's face. It is so clear when one looks at the graphs that no one can deny it.

Yet, for some reason, we are not allowed to talk about it. Thus, for example, Wikipedia cannot mention the peer-reviewed meta-analyses by Dr. Tess Lawrie or Dr. Pierre Kory published in the American Journal of Therapeutics.

Wikipedia is not allowed to publish the recent meta-analysis on Ivermectin authored by Dr. Andrew Hill.

Furthermore, it is not allowed to say anything concerning www.ivmmeta.com showing the 61 studies comprising 23,000 patients which reveal up to a 96% reduction in death [prophylaxis] with Ivermectin.
The textbook psychological manipulation just drips off this. The walk of shame!

For some reason, airports have always been a focus of authoritarian wetdream control. Why is that, I wonder? Is it the same thing which made the nobles itch and sweat at the thought of their serfs pulling up stakes and heading off to greener pastures?

Anyway, I think the approach to this would be to change the interpretation: to walk the mile with genuine joy and pride, and perhaps foster a feeling of relief that you don't have to go too near the spike exhaling masses.

Perhaps stitch a star to your jacket before heading out.
I might be prejudiced here, but it seems to me that the US (in the Western World) led the vanguard of overly intrusive control at the airport. After 2001 it just went ballistic. This control costs, hence someone is making profits on it. That is the synergy that I see driving this. Not safety, but PROFIT. Another clever scam to milk the taxpayer.

When I think of the various control trends in the US over the years, the one that jumps out at me is the use of metal detectors in schools in the 80's. As I recall, the excuse was that kids were bringing in guns/knives to school, so for the safety of the slaves, metal detectors and later guards were introduced. Not everywhere, mind you, but certain sections of town got this added feature to their schools. Again, added cost equal profits for someone.

The next trend more or less at the same time was privatization of prisons and the brilliant idea of "Three Strikes & Your Out" used to fill those private business prisons. Before they go to that slogan, it was "Just Say No To Drugs" by the beloved first lady Regan to get the masses behind increased policing to make the nation safe from drugs. Today we see the fruits of that, booming drug business.
More from the very long article [still reading] that is delving into the dark history of these players whose evil agenda is imposing global medical dictatorship:

A horrifying and fascinating expose of all the skullduggery committed to accomplish their 200-year plan - now playing!
Wow !!!!!
Nice find JEEP.

The far away SA sure has seen plenty of nefarious activity on its soil. Australia and New Zealand in my opinion is playing the same role right now because they are so far away and easy to control. They are islands in the middle of nowhere.
I might be prejudiced here, but it seems to me that the US (in the Western World) led the vanguard of overly intrusive control at the airport. After 2001 it just went ballistic. This control costs, hence someone is making profits on it. That is the synergy that I see driving this. Not safety, but PROFIT. Another clever scam to milk the taxpayer.

When I think of the various control trends in the US over the years, the one that jumps out at me is the use of metal detectors in schools in the 80's. As I recall, the excuse was that kids were bringing in guns/knives to school, so for the safety of the slaves, metal detectors and later guards were introduced. Not everywhere, mind you, but certain sections of town got this added feature to their schools. Again, added cost equal profits for someone.

The next trend more or less at the same time was privatization of prisons and the brilliant idea of "Three Strikes & Your Out" used to fill those private business prisons. Before they go to that slogan, it was "Just Say No To Drugs" by the beloved first lady Regan to get the masses behind increased policing to make the nation safe from drugs. Today we see the fruits of that, booming drug business.
I was thinking a bit more about the intense focus authorities have traditionally placed on airports...

The energy they put into it isn't merely a matter of metal detectors and customs check points. -The Denver airport is an example of just how much gothic strategy has been placed into the exercise; their efforts have left a sense of morbid obsession with apocalyptic visions and population 'processing'.

In no other part of my life can I think of any institution where things feel more serious and no-nonsense then when I visit an airport. Even while waiting for a flight, bored and stiff, nibbling on a crumbling muffin, there is always present the knowledge that this is not a place for goofing off. It's like visiting a police station or a hospital, but much, much bigger.

We just take that for granted, that our guard must be up, that it's very, very official.

And we can easily provide explanations. It's a national border, for goodness sake! It's where you control who gets into your country. You have to protect your borders, right?

Well, sure, but it's significantly more than that.

It struck me that an airport represents a point on a map unlike any other.

An airport is not like a regular national border, like the one running between say, Canada and the United States. -Rather an airport presents a border between one nation, and every other country on the globe all at the same time and place. And it's not restricted to the edges of the shape of a country, but can appear anywhere inside the country. An entry and exit point where people can leave or spill forth from anywhere in the world.

Put another way: Where a regular border is a defined line separating two land masses, an airport is instead a single, multi-dimensional point on a map which is connected, potentially, to every other point on the planet.

What does that sound like?

It struck me that an airport is about as near a representation of 4D as you can get in our 3D world. An airport represents the power of freedom for a soul to move across reality in a way far beyond it's normal 3D capacities.

I can't think of any other example which even comes close.

In terms of metaphor, perhaps it makes sense that because 4D STS seeks to control us as we transition into 4D, that their intent should expose itself as they focus on such 4D portals poking (metaphorically speaking) into our world.
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I was thinking a bit more about the intense focus authorities have traditionally placed on airports...

The energy they put into it isn't merely a matter of metal detectors and customs check points. -The Denver airport is an example of just how much gothic strategy has been placed into the exercise; their efforts have left a sense of morbid obsession with apocalyptic visions and population 'processing'.

In no other part of my life can I think of any institution where things feel more serious and no-nonsense then when I visit an airport. Even while waiting for a flight, bored and stiff, nibbling on a crumbling muffin, there is always present the knowledge that this is not a place for goofing off. It's like visiting a police station or a hospital, but much, much bigger.

We just take that for granted, that our guard must be up, that it's very, very official.

And we can easily provide explanations. It's a national border, for goodness sake! It's where you control who gets into your country. You have to protect your borders, right?

Well, sure, but it's significantly more than that.

It struck me that an airport represents a point on a map unlike any other.

An airport is not like a regular national border, like the one running between say, Canada and the United States. -Rather an airport presents a border between one nation, and every other country on the globe all at the same time and place. And it's not restricted to the edges of the shape of a country, but can appear anywhere inside the country. An entry and exit point where people can leave or spill forth from anywhere in the world.

Put another way: Where a regular border is a defined line separating two land masses, an airport is instead a single, multi-dimensional point on a map which is connected, potentially, to every other point on the planet.

What does that sound like?

It struck me that an airport is about as near a representation of 4D as you can get in our 3D world. An airport represents the power of freedom for a soul to move across reality in a way far beyond it's normal 3D capacities.

I can't think of any other example which even comes close.

In terms of metaphor, perhaps it makes sense that because 4D STS seeks to control us as we transition into 4D, that their intent should expose itself as they focus on such 4D portals poking (metaphorically speaking) into our world.
Good observations.

That's why my most liked airports for international travel are in Switzerland and Latin American countries. They feel like being at a bus station. :lol: After 2001 I hate US international travel airports. If I had a choice to bypass them I would, but that is not doable.

Someone has done a nice montage of headlines,

Those masks sure are keeping kids healthy in the Con-19 Era. No wonder people are being tackled/arrested on the street to make sure they have them on. With kids it is easier, "It's for YOUR PROTECTION !!!"

Not to worry, MODERNA is working on a solution,


“We believe we have a unique opportunity to develop new vaccines ... at a pace that is radically different from what the industry has previously done,” -Stéphane Bancel
Let me guess, "At Warped Speed" (speed of an insane psycho).

Isn't it amazing how ready they are to solve ANY PROBLEM THEY CREATE, I mean any problem that comes along.
Hey people in France, is there any discernible change in your day to day lives now that the health pass has come into effect?
It's weird, because there are places you can't go to anymore. I miss going to the swimming pool but as long as I don't need to go to the hospital, I'll be fine, I'll stop spending money at restaurants and cafés, that will help me have a better diet.
The hardest part is to have to deal with people who can't understand why you don't want to be vaccinated, or a new category I've discovered, those who know what's up, but choose to go along with the tyranny because they don't believe in freedom.🤷🏻‍♀️

CNN in desperation against the UnVaxed.

CNN's Don Lemon visits the hospital where he was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, as the facility becomes fills up with Covid-19 patients who chose not to take the vaccine.

Controls of #polizia of the #13agosto on anti measures #COVID19 . Checks on: 70,554 people, 29 sanctioned, 2 reported; 6,353 businesses / businesses, 14 sanctioned owners, 4 closures. #14agosto #ioindossolamascherina #restiamoadistanza

The Ministry of Health in Israel: - Natural infection provides better immunity to "delta" than vaccines https://steigan.no/2021/07/helsedepartementet-i-israel-naturlig-smitte-gir-bedre-immunitet-mot-delta-enn-vaksiner/ via

Kristi Noem smashes back at Fauci for shaming Sturgis Bike Rally
Aug 14, 2021
A UK medical practitioner with some 25 years experience, Dr Lee Proctor, is attempting a Freedom of Information Request to find out exactly what the active biological ingredient (Full nucleotide base sequence) is of the 4 'vaccines'. Much to his disquiet the MRHA is currently refusing his request on the grounds it would threaten client secrets and commercial interests (which apparently overrides the public's right to know via certain clauses in the Freedom of Information Act). As he states this is not only unprecedented in that, to his knowledge, not a single pharmaceutical has previously had its ABI unavailable in the public realm before, but it also clearly contradicts and violates the whole premise of informed consent (whilst as he states, the government is coercing and demanding all are jabbed).

Nothing we wouldn't expect but it remains incredible how the vast majority of the population remain willing to take an experimental medical intervention with absolutely no right to know what is in it. If that one fact doesn't ring alarm bells among those still waivering, I dont know what will.


Full nucleotide base sequences for all of the COVID vaccines approved by the MRHA

MRNA SECRET / Hugo Talks #lockdown

Yesterday I learned that blocking non-vaccinated peeps from shopping or entering supermarkets for food will become mandatory here from 20th August. 🥵

I know they will enforce this, as they have done with all other weekly rules and curfews etc. Plus they love their steep fines/penalties etc.

At a push I have about 3 months of food stocks I have squirreled away over the last few years. Though must prioritize stocks now for my 5 furball rescue dog and cats!

I am thinking of workarounds, but only once the mandate come into effect will I know for sure if I can still buy from the weekly outdoor market that only sells veg, and test the order/delivery system of the only butcher that delivers to a bistro 4 miles away on a Friday. Other than that supermarkets are not digitized to do online ordering/deliveries.

I will discuss with my few unvaxxed friends here what strategy we can adopt in the meantime. Possibly finding a vaxxed person who may be prepared to do shopping for us if we pay them? Though there is a big divide here like everywhere else now as we are the traitors!

I was wondering whether it is worth asking my doctor if he could write out an exemption certificate for me? I currently have no documentation whatever of course :-). However, not sure what approach to take for the reason, especially as doctors fear for their licences now as part of the scare tactics enforced.

Luckily I have a small garden and have some seeds ready to plant in the winter, though need to find more! Plus maybe thought it is time to get some hens! I would need a lot though as this is the natural food that my pets live on anyway. Culling them though is a very very steep emotional learning curve and a test I hoped I never had to experience personally, even though we are carnivores :-(

I have all the vax exemption docs off this site and wholeheartedly am behind the Religion and Health grounds, including being a true Paleo Christian :-) But,we see they have deliberately turned the tables prior to enforced camps, by 'starvation'. This can come also indirectly too once pensions are no longer paid out or any money for that matter!

Either way, I refuse to stop posting and sharing info even if it just helps one person survive. Plus whatever activities I will do, I shall do and like everyone here intend to live my 'new normal' for as long as I can, and go down fighting, whatever form that may take. I will never fall for their lies nor cash in my soul to their evil takeover. :-)
Oh my God. Ignorance is Bliss. I had no clue that there were also the following adverse reactions to the gene therapy clot-shot,
Next up we have ear disorders and unfortunately for Jeremy Vine it isn’t just a sore ear being reported. As of the 4th August 2021, the MHRA have received 133 reports of hypoacusis, 30 reports of sudden hearing loss, and 177 reports of deafness.

Hypoacusis is a functional deficit that arises when a person loses some degree of their auditory capacity. It can occur unilaterally, when it only affects one ear, or bilaterally, when it affects both ears. Deafness is defined as a degree of hearing loss such that a person is unable to understand speech, even in the presence of amplification, and is not something you’d expect to suffer after being given an injection to allegedly protect you against a disease.

Being willing to take this shot is turning out to be an extremely dangerous lottery.
Yesterday I learned that blocking non-vaccinated peeps from shopping or entering supermarkets for food will become mandatory here from 20th August. 🥵

I know they will enforce this, as they have done with all other weekly rules and curfews etc. Plus they love their steep fines/penalties etc.

At a push I have about 3 months of food stocks I have squirreled away over the last few years. Though must prioritize stocks now for my 5 furball rescue dog and cats!

I am thinking of workarounds, but only once the mandate come into effect will I know for sure if I can still buy from the weekly outdoor market that only sells veg, and test the order/delivery system of the only butcher that delivers to a bistro 4 miles away on a Friday. Other than that supermarkets are not digitized to do online ordering/deliveries.

I will discuss with my few unvaxxed friends here what strategy we can adopt in the meantime. Possibly finding a vaxxed person who may be prepared to do shopping for us if we pay them? Though there is a big divide here like everywhere else now as we are the traitors!

I was wondering whether it is worth asking my doctor if he could write out an exemption certificate for me? I currently have no documentation whatever of course :-). However, not sure what approach to take for the reason, especially as doctors fear for their licences now as part of the scare tactics enforced.

Luckily I have a small garden and have some seeds ready to plant in the winter, though need to find more! Plus maybe thought it is time to get some hens! I would need a lot though as this is the natural food that my pets live on anyway. Culling them though is a very very steep emotional learning curve and a test I hoped I never had to experience personally, even though we are carnivores :-(

I have all the vax exemption docs off this site and wholeheartedly am behind the Religion and Health grounds, including being a true Paleo Christian :-) But,we see they have deliberately turned the tables prior to enforced camps, by 'starvation'. This can come also indirectly too once pensions are no longer paid out or any money for that matter!

Either way, I refuse to stop posting and sharing info even if it just helps one person survive. Plus whatever activities I will do, I shall do and like everyone here intend to live my 'new normal' for as long as I can, and go down fighting, whatever form that may take. I will never fall for their lies nor cash in my soul to their evil takeover. :-)

That's definitely the hammer falling!

I've been increasingly focused on this question, puzzling over what to do when it happens here.

So.., you have five days before access is cut off. Thankfully in your case, you have some supplies set aside. But it might be wise to approach and talk to the managers of your local grocery outlets in person. You might find a sympathetic ear. You can explain the need to set up some kind of alternative distribution system which allows you and others in your position to not suffer while staying "legal" as it were. This goes doubly for your retailer, who presumably is going to be where the state applies pressure. If they can see that you are looking out for their best interests in earnest as well, they may be willing to work with you.

There are already curb-side delivery systems around here. I would imagine similar things exist in your region. It sounds like those are going to become hot spots of activity and that the grocery retail managers are going to find themselves flatfooted if they don't redirect some resources to cover that end of the market.

Please let us know how you manage. There are many of us, (me included), who are likely going to be watching very carefully how you proceed in order to learn ourselves!

(And.., stay strong and know you are important and valued.)
One perspective on what is happening in France,
So the result? All the low paid employees quit, they can make more on welfare here. (for now) We can still technically “get take out food” but I just tried last night and every restaurant in our town (that is dine in with take out) has closed their doors due to the lack of staff.

As of last week ALL doctors, nurses and health industry workers have been mandated to get the jab or lose their license, practice, job, business etc. (ALL health care here is Govt paid positions and there are no private health care Doctors or Hospitals etc.)

Since the Health care system is state run and funded, it has been run into the ground. All the good doctors left France 5 Years ago, all the hospitals look like they are 3rd world hospitals since there is no money to repair them, half of the equipment doesn’t work and not every hospital is stocked with supplies needed for daily needs (masks, gels, disposable gowns etc).
From the comment section,
Georges S

Here the list of towns in alphabetical order where the French are going to protest with date time and exact location in the town (sorry it’s in French). Be ready for a very long list.
Manifestations ce week-end, courez-y vite !

mabar - I suspect these agitators are paid to start this trouble. Anarchist supporting gov. mandates ??????? Smells Fishy.
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