Wow, as other's have said this is a fast moving thread. Nice to see so many people here participating.
What is crazy about the situation is curfews and statements about closures until foreseeable future , it could last until august ( trump) etc. Last week, 1.5 trillion promised to Wall Street, still market went down 13%. Then trump talked about another trillion. It was not sure it same trillion or separate, trump is saying he will give 800 billion to businesses effected by the measures. Tax filing date will be extended by 45 days. Is decision makers thinking about the implications? They are printing left and right and there no consideration to logistics of how they will feed 300 million people? Do they really think they can feed 300 million people for 6 months just by printing paper?
last year, floods devastated bread basket of US reducing many crops to two thirds like corn etc. is this entire thing to control the inevitable food shortages in the name of coronavirus?
how do they know it will last for un foreseeable future or august, when China can control it in 2 months and the panic is supposed to be due lack of knowledge of the mutation. Even during the peak period in China, didn’t last more than a month. These statements are so irresponsible and it is during the election year?. They are not saying ‘we will get through it, be patient’, instead they are saying it will last long, get used to it. It’s like those post 911 statements, like ‘war on terror will last for long time.’
why do they need curfew at night? Do they think people vandalize some thing in the night because there is coronavirus?. It doesn’t make sense. Are they plan to do some thing in the night which they don’t want any body to see? If there are riots it make sense, not for coronavirus. Do they expect people come out in the night, when people are not even coming in the morning?
This looks like most unplanned action ever heard. May be they have.
May be they have body bags, black bags ready for 97% containers and wants to take in the night?
I know It looks crazy, but Nothing making sense of these measures.
One of my colleagues who has totally bought into the hysteria told me she has a friend at the CDC. Apparently her friend told hers that they are implementing social controls as quickly as possible but also in a step by step way because people get used to the "new normal" very quickly. This is from a text chain we were having on Sunday:
In my convo w the public health friend who's researching the virus he said this odd thing about how research has shown that people adjust to a new normal quickly. This is the context of him saying that response to the virus is political, that even though strict social isolation could contain this, closing everything too quickly would lead to panic. I think the government is rolling out restrictions so that we get used to it and then will call the lockdown. My guess is a week.
One of the effects of the mass hysteria is that people are more willing to accept all of these restrictions in the name of "public safety". When the "crisis" is over people will have forgotten to a greater or lesser extent what life was like "before the crisis". The longer it lasts the more people will forget. Just look at how quickly everyone forgets about the last "crisis" and the one before that. It will be easy for them to keep some or all restrictions in place, especially if there is some other outbreak or new "crisis" that they can use to justify it.
There is an incredible session
Session 23 March 2019 about the underlying basis of the physiology and the role of proteins, as antennas for information. Viruses may not have a cell of their own, but they have some code enveloped in proteins. For this reason they should also be able to pick up information, and it may help to explain why and how a virus can interact with a host and modify its structure to fit or not fit.
I reviewed the session you quoted. Thanks for bringing it up, I had mostly forgotten it. One quote that stood out to me:
Q: (Joe) Why do starlings flock and move in the way they do in apparent instantaneous communication?
A: Love. Flowing and fluid movements are an expression of delight in life.
Q: (L) I would say that that doesn't mean in general, but...
A: Not always, but generally, yes.
I had two thoughts about this. We can see how the current panic is causing the human population to move in apparent "unison", but it is a stampede, a panicked herky-jerky movement and not the flowing and fluid movements that we see in a flock of birds or a school of fish. It occurred to me that I could track my own "delight in life" by checking in with myself and my body, checking in with how my body is moving. When I am afraid or angry or "shut down" emotionally my body becomes very tense and stiff. I am certainly not loving life when I am shut down.
Don't forget about Giovanni Boccaccio's book that was recently referenced on Sott:
Today, we see the Decameron as a collection of entertaining stories to keep next to your bed. In the 14th century, it was a form of social prescribing. According to Pace University's Martin Marafiot, Boccaccio's prescription for an epidemic was a good dose of "narrative prophylaxis". That meant protecting yourself with stories. Boccaccio suggested you could save yourself by fleeing towns, surrounding yourself with pleasant company and telling amusing stories to keep spirits up. Through a mixture of social isolation and pleasant activities, it was possible to survive the worst days of an epidemic.
Don't get caught up in the fear and panic (I'm addressing this to anyone reading this post, not just seek10). Keep in mind what the C's have said so many times and in so many ways about how life is lessons, enjoy the show, get the popcorn, etc. This too shall pass.
If you start getting overwhelmed sit and meditate and feel into your body. That is real (or at least more real than what's in the non-stop media coverage). Watch the sunrise or sunset. Look around for dogs playing and the wind in the trees.
I'm not advocating for a "pretend that nothing is going on and focus on the positive" "love and light" kind of head in the sand attitude, rather remember that life will go on and remember what the C's have said about how we should
be during this time and not just what that they said might happen. Just sharing some thoughts that have been helpful for me in the last few days.