(L) Alright, here we go. We're ready!
A: The virus did not appear first in China. There were experiments at Fort Detrick regarding the creation of a vaccine that would make humans more controllable. This vaccine had unexpected effects and in some cases did the opposite of what was intended. The strain escaped into a population and further mutated. Indeed it was carried to China by US soldiers. China soon knew the type and origin and launched a massive campaign to control the situation. This was seen by Western powers as a good model to follow with additional add-on factors. In the meantime further mutations have occurred, some engineered via STO forces by virtue of the virus taking hold in certain persons whose spiritual force was able to direct the progression. At this point, there are two major strains. The elite need to stop the spread of that which they "created".
[The above answer took 12 minutes and 38 seconds with 2 short arm-resting breaks!]
Q: (L) So they need to stop that which they have created because in some cases, it does the opposite of what they wanted it to do?
A: Yes and this is the interesting factor: The virus can change DNA making individuals more susceptible to cosmic information of the STO variety. It can also enhance and activate long suppressed codons of a beneficial nature. So you can see why they are so desperate to halt the spread.
Q: (L) If they're so desperate to halt the spread, they’re not testing anyone! They're assuming everyone is infected... Well, I guess that's why they're locking everyone down. That's why it's a lock down.
(Andromeda) They really don't want people to spread it. They're really afraid.
(L) And it's not because people may die. People are not dying anywhere near the numbers that they die from regular flu. They have manipulated the system so that emergency rooms and ICUs are stacked with apparent CV patients, but that may not be so.
(Pierre) And lock down and quarantine are very effective methods to contain epidemics – witness the Black Death.
(Joe) The reason they're telling everyone it's deadly and imposing the lock down is to stop the spread of the virus because it has kind of positive effects. And they are attaching other agendas to it, including financial melt-down, money controls, and so forth.
(Gaby) But that means this virus has been out there in the world for awhile now...
(Andromeda) How long has it been circulating?
A: More than two years.
Q: (L) But it took awhile to mutate and do other things.
(Pierre) Did some people here have the virus?
A: Nearly all of you!
Q: (L) Did anybody NOT have the virus?
(Artemis) Remember last year when we all had fevers and aches?
(L) Was this what happened when Ark got sick in November?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) So it was last year when we were all sick I guess.
(Andromeda) Late October, early November.
(L) Who didn't have it?
(Artemis) I had it. I have cosmic energy, thank you! [laughter]
(Niall) I dunno if I had it.
(L) Well, you have to remember it's very mild for many people.
(Gaby) I was sick, but I dunno if it was that.
A: Not everyone will notice it.
Q: (Artemis) How come some people don't notice it then?
(L) Because it's very mild.
(Joe) They said nearly all of us. So at least one person didn't have it according to the C's. But which strain was it, the good one or the bad one? [laughter]
A: You can't divide it that way.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that, depending on the individual, one strain could have the same effect as the other strain on another individual?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Did we induce positive mutations in the virus?
(L) You know what they're gonna say...
A: Wait and see!
Q: (Scottie) If everyone who has the virus ends up with white hair like Ark, then we'll know. [laughter]
(Artemis) Can animals be affected by it?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Is that what Noko has?
A: No
Q: (Andromeda) What does Noko have?
A: Inflammation due to mold.
Q: (Andromeda) It's an allergy. Poor little thing!
(L) Okay, so read back the last part of the earlier long answer to me. [Review of earlier answer]
(L) Okay, now I know what I was going to ask. Why is it that it is so deadly amongst old people? I mean, Ark almost didn't survive. My lungs still haven't cleared up completely. So, why is it so deadly to older people?
A: For those who choose to leave, it is not so "deadly".
Q: (L) So you're saying that it's a facilitator for groups of people who want to leave the planet now? "Deadly" is in the eye of the beholder.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Are they inflating the numbers?
A: Yes a lot!
Q: (L) They're inflating the numbers of people who are dying from it, but not necessarily people who have it. Are they inflating the numbers of people who HAVE it?
A: No
Q: (L) But they are inflating the numbers of people who are dying because of it?
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) But they don't really know how many people have it.
A: Exactly!
Q: (L) Okay, so, they are guesstimating the numbers who have it and maybe more have it than they even suspect since it is so mild for some people... Now where are our questions?
(Joe) I have a question about the vaccine they created at Fort Detrick. How do you tinker or create a vaccine that would make humans more controllable? Is that through the virus or what's in the vaccine like adjuvants?
(L) It could be both, but I think they know what personality traits are linked to what DNA factors.
(Joe) They have enough detail to know that a virus can change DNA? Do they know that?
A: Of course!
Q: (Joe) In a way that would make people more easily controllable? That's pretty fine...
(L) They use viruses to go in and replace very specific segments of DNA to cure diseases. They can...
(Joe) But that's in very general terms: we want to make people more controllable. How are you gonna do that with a virus?
(L) Well if there are certain sets of genes that make people less controllable, they go in and they have the virus that'll cut 'em out. There are personality characteristics that people have that make them open to experience. Read your 23andMe analysis. You're open to experience, you're creative, you don't follow the crowd, or you like coffee. They know all that stuff.
(Artemis) And that's just what they share with the public. They probably know a LOT more.
(Pierre) One question about DNA: The fall and previous STO state, the flesh, burning DNA segments. Are we talking about re-activation of DNA segments...
(L) ...that we lost in the fall?
A: Some!
Q: (L) Okay, let me look at the questions...
This collective hysteria shows us that the point of contact with death transforms a bunch of people into little Nazis from the top of their watchtower ready to denounce their neighbour at the slightest deviation. So there's a double pressure. Fear of the virus, fear of others.
The question for the C's would be whether the promotion of the vaccination solution put forward is doomed to prevent certain signals from being able to activate certain genes? For this would risk broadening perceptions and thus raising awareness.
(L) And they were planning on doing exactly that, or something related, but we learn now that it backfired. So the question is: They are now working {past tense with 3 years of the damned things} rapidly on a new vaccine that's supposed to counteract the screwup that they made. And they want to impose this new vaccine on everybody?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Lemme guess: That one's gonna backfire too?
A: Likely. Hubris!
Q: [laughter] (L) However, the question has been asked: If people are forced to be vaccinated, and it seems that it's not a good idea - because obviously if they get a vaccine that the PTB really want to spread around, one they've tested and does what they want it to, we certainly don't want the vaccine they push on us - are there ways we can counteract this? There are going to be situations where people can't refuse a vaccine.
A: Yes. You have done the research!
Q: (L) So what research have we done about healing DNA? Um... Melatonin heals DNA.
(Niall) Dietary changes.
(L) Being in a proper dietary state if you have to get a vaccine is going to be beneficial and maybe it is for just this type of situation that we were so motivated to do health research and experiments for so long; it was preparation and we didn’t even know it.
(Artemis) Being in ketosis heals you.
(Gaby) Vitamin C.
(Niall) Detoxification.
(L) Detox would be NAC and other things...
(Andromeda) Infrared sauna.
(Chu) Constant knowledge input.
(L) Willpower even. And they just mentioned that there are certain people with spiritual force who were able to modify the virus by their own inner powers in a positive way. I would imagine that having inner force or inner spiritual power would all be beneficial. Are we on the right track?
A: Yes yes yes!
Q: (L) Okay.
[Short Intermission - Everyone goes out to the lobby to get a snack (while maintaining a 1.5m safe distance from each other)]
Q: (L) Okay, I had a thought. Is it possible that this virus can infect some people and make them worse, as in make them bad people?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Why is that?
A: It depends on the inner makeup.
Q: (L) So it really depends on what's inside the person as to what transpires after they've experienced the virus. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, the virus may enhance connections to Cosmic Information, but it depends on who you are, how that works out. That reminds me of the answer, given a long time ago: "It's not where you are, but who you are and what you see." I guess this thing is going to enhance "seeing" for some people? Next question from our list:
At this final stage that we are now, should we stand up to things that we don't agree with, jeopardizing ourselves and our love ones well-being, or should just give up fighting for this world and concentrate on this "internal light" only? In other words: does it make sense to risk ...(put here whatever horrible you can think about) just for the sake of rebellion in a world that is over anyway? Or should we rather tune into and maintain frequency of a pendulum that lights our light, making choices that are less painful in this last drama of our realm?
A: The second option is the better one. But one can continue to share truth in a careful way.
Q: (L) So sitting back and enjoying the show, to some extent, is the proper response. Nobody needs to get out there and make a target of themselves. Another question:
Are they going to haul out those soldiers from all eras in storage underground, since they wouldn’t have to arrive from the sky, but from under our feet?
(L) That was from an old session when they were talking about underground bases and so forth.
A: That is for fourth density, assuming they survive!
Q: (L) So in other words, there's a chance that all of those soldiers they've been creating and storing up could be wiped out, too?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Would that be by virus?
A: Some.
Q: (L) How about earth changes?
A: Some.
Q: (Pierre) Cometary impact?
(L) Well, that goes with earth changes.
A: Some.
Q: (L) Next question:
Is there an actual virus going round that makes people go crazy and think there is a respiratory virus?
Was some kind of ultra-new special beaming technology employed in the past 10 days (or something very shiny and special that they only bring out for 9/11 type events)?
(L) In other words, we'd like to know about the beaming...
A: Both beaming and 4D bleedthrough.