Corinne Lalo and Alexandra Henrion-Caude - Is the sequel already written?​

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Video (French): CrowdBunker


Et maintenant, dans certains plans, comme le SPARS, ils s'appellent SPARS 17, et bien là, ils ont prévu, et ils ont prévu la communication que devraient avoir les politiques quand les effets secondaires seraient trop difficiles à cacher. Et que la société civile aura déjà fait le travail que là, nous on dit qu'est-ce qu'on pourrait faire pour... Eux, ils ont déjà prévu qu'on ait fait ce travail, qu'on a fait des vidéos avec les victimes des vaccins, qu'il y ait un moment donné où il y a trop de victimes visibles, avec trop de vidéos, des familles et tout, donc que là, ils ne peuvent plus nier, qu'ils ont fait semblant de faire une commission d'enquête parlementaire, donc ils ont prévu la commission parlementaire bidon, qui aura lieu, qui a déjà commencé, et ils ont aussi prévu que dans ce cas-là, le président de la République, dans leurs plans, devra venir devant les citoyens et montrer énormément de compassion.

Et voilà ce qui est dit, donc président de la République, vous devrez montrer beaucoup de compassion, dire que vous remerciez les gens qui ont accepté le vaccin et qui se sont ainsi sacrifiés pour leur communauté. Mais si vous leur dites que voilà, mais maintenant, bien sûr, il va y avoir la commission d'enquête, et bien sûr, maintenant, il faut aller de l'avant. Tout ça est prévu, c'est écrit noir sur blanc. Noir sur blanc. Je vous donnerai le lien sur le site de Hopkins. Celui où il explique tout ça, ça s'appelle Spars 17. Vous allez sur le site Johns Hopkins University. C'est le même qui ont fait le event 201, dont vous avez tous entendu parler. Ils en ont fait avant. Event 201, c'était en 2019. En 2018, il y en a eu un autre qui s'appelle Clade X. Là, ils ont prévu toutes les mesures qui nous ont appliquées. Parce que pendant longtemps, je me suis dit, mais d'où ils ont sorti ces mesures-là ? Puis j'ai cherché, j'ai cherché, j'ai cherché. Et c'est il n'y a pas si longtemps que j'ai trouvé que c'était Clade X, 2018. Mais 2017, c'est Spars 17. Et Spars 17, eux, ils ont prévu comment répondre à l'inquiétude de la population après les dégâts. Donc tout ça est prévu.

Et ce qui est prévu en 2010 par la Fondation Rockefeller, les scénarios du futur, c'est justement tout ça. C'est-à-dire une pandémie, une fausse pandémie et une solution la plus efficace. Une fausse solution. La solution la plus efficace, c'est la solution autoritaire à la chinoise. Point barre. Pour lutter contre la pandémie, bien sûr. Voilà. Donc les plans politiques, ils existent. Et ils vont continuer. Et ils ont prévu l'année prochaine de prendre la souveraineté des nations à l'OMS. Et que l'OMS décide des mesures en cas de pandémie. Et les applique directement, indépendamment de la volonté des Etats. Donc si les Etats signent le traité nouveau pandémique qui sera soumis aux Etats en 2024, si ils le signent, ça veut dire qu'ils perdent la souveraineté et ils signent l'obligation d'appliquer les décisions de l'OMS dès que l'OMS le décidera. Or, il faut savoir qu'une pandémie, il y a une personne qui décide, c'est le directeur de l'OMS. Qui est un ancien terroriste. Voilà. Qui faisait partie d'un groupe maoïste terroriste dans son pays. Et bien, il lui décide, il ne rencontre personne, il n'est même pas obligé de demander la vie de qui que ce soit. Il dit, ben voilà, c'est une pandémie, point barre. Et là, il y a toute la machine qui se met en route.

I first heard about SPARS when reading this article by Derrick Broze:

Creepy that the SPARS Event point of origin is Saint Paul, Minnesota. So that's the city named after our buddy Saint Paul being used for a new pandemic. The disease itself was named after Saint Paul, and its point of origin is a church.

From Boze's article:
In mid-October 2025, three deaths were reported at a church in St. Paul, Minnesota. Two church members recently returned from a trip to the Philippines. While their deaths were initially assumed to be influenza, laboratory results later disproved this theory. Eventually, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed that the three patients were infected with a novel coronavirus, known as the St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SPARS-CoV, or SPARS).

Reminds me of the session below talking about the destruction of symbols as a kind of warfare, the goal being the destruction of Christianity:

Laura said:
(Pierre) I wanted to ask about Notre Dame de Paris. Was it an accident?

A: No

Q: (Pierre) Now, a lot of conspiracy theories are about this massive real estate project, making money, etc. What was the fundamental motive of this arson at Notre Dame?

A: Destruction of symbol: Our Lady Mother, i.e. Earth.

Q: (Pierre) I noticed often in those false flag operations they have prepared in advance a conspiracy theory for the mass audience. Here the conspiracy theory is money. It's about getting oil, getting fancy buildings. But really, behind that, the real perpetrators are working on deeper things like symbols, ideologies, feelings.

(L) Symbols are so important. It's like the movie V for Vendetta. He was talking about Parliament as a symbol.

(Chu) It's the collective unconscious. And how did they do it? Was it thermite or what?

A: Normal fire elements. It didn't take more than that.

Q: (L) Accelerant of some sort. And then it's in such a place that it's hard to get any firefighters in there, and there were delays. So, is it possible that STS forces were controlling the minds and hearts of the people involved setting the fire and dealing with the fire?

A: Yes!!

Q: (L) Okay, any other questions?

(Pierre) But it was not a normal citizen thinking...

(L) No, it was controlled individuals.

(Pierre) Isolated individuals, or intelligence group organized?

(L) I would say it's probably what we call the crypto-geographic thing working on a lot of people.

(Pierre) Not Mossad?

(L) I don't think it has to be Mossad all the time.

(Pierre) It feels very cabalistic here. Christianity is the old time enemy.

(Joe) If it's social engineering, if it's an attempt to affect the mass mind by destroying one of the symbols, that would play into the...

(Pierre) Let's ask: Who did it?

A: Not one entity. Fire was set by manipulated Muslim group.

Q: (L) And who was manipulating the group?

A: Your favorite STS intel agency.

Q: (Joe) Mossad?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Yeah.

(Joe) It was basically a terror attack.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) It's the same modus operandi: a bunch of manipulated Muslims.

(Pierre) But this time, unlike similar scenarios, the media didn't point the finger immediately to some Muslim terrorists. It would have been a perfect opportunity to further demonize the Muslims and push up the clash of civilizations. Why didn't they offer to the public audience a Muslim patsy?

(L) Well, in case you haven't noticed, they haven't been doing that so much lately After the last couple of Muslim incidents like the Charlie Hebdo and Muhammed Merah, everything got turned around! Now Muslims are the oppressed! They are a protected species!

(Joe) The agenda over the past number of years has been to create in the minds of Western Christians the idea that Muslims are evil terrorists. And then whenever the programmed people rise up and say, "Muslims are evil! We don't want them here!" the manipulators tell them that they're evil racists and they should shut up. So, people have already kind of assumed that it was Muslims...

(L) They put them in this situation because it's cognitive dissonance.

(Pierre) So they are so programmed into thinking these thought patterns that you don't have to give the patsy.

(Joe) There were so many other events around the ND fire about other Christian churches with fires or attacks. There was a lot of suggestion that Muslims were doing it.

(L) They have manipulated things around now to the point where Christianity can be basically demonized and destroyed after they'd already manipulated Christians to think that Muslims are terrorists. So now, they're the bad guys for thinking what they've been manipulated to think. They've essentially put themselves in the position of being subject to destruction.

(Chu) It's like a super-evil way of gaslighting people.

(L) It's insidious. As far as I can see, Islam and Judaism as they are practiced today based on what Israel Shahak wrote, those are the closest things to materialistic Satanism that I've ever seen. And I'm not whitewashing Christianity either, but there are some foundational things about it that were truly good and benevolent.

A: Yes

Q: (L) If people could get back to the original Paleochristianity then the world would be a different place. But you're certainly not going to get there by materialistic Darwinism.

(Pierre) But when you look at history with a lot of distance, the feeling I get is that the most fundamental dynamic is that: the destruction of Christianity. And all we see today is...

A: How do you propose that they could make it possible to destroy Christianity?

Q: (L) Well, exactly what they're doing. Set up an opposition and then defend the opponent as a downtrodden minority.

(Joe) The point is that... I mean, you have in your head that there's going to be some kind of clash of civilizations, but that doesn't seem to be the point. If you look at social media today, they've gotten to the point where Christians are denounced as basically atavistic racist backward nutjobs. When they...

(Artemis) I think they want to speak...

A: It was the plan all along. Beware! It is coming to fruition and only those who stay awake and aware can navigate. The STS forces are determined to quash awareness and the possibility of seeding a new reality.

Q: (L) So you're saying that - and I guess you've said it before - that the importance of tuning the antennae of a group of people, the importance of staying awake and aware, is because you then become a receiver for creative energies?

A: Yes yes yes!!!

Q: (Joe) Is it that people who have a certain awareness which is equivalent to information or ideas or conception of the world in their mind, that this contributes building blocks for a new reality?

A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!

Given that the plans have been leaked and are being discussed, I don't think it'll happen as stated in the John Hopkins documents, but I'm sure the PTB were full of perverse joy in associating St. Paul with a new pandemic.
I kinda know what you mean JEEP, but I can's help but feel that they are also trying to drain companies resources in the same way more and more people are losing their jobs or just struggling to make ends meet. The middle class has to be destroyed. Just a niggling feeling I have.
I've expressed this before and I'll say it again - the plan is to collapse everything! The New World Order is to be built back better on the ruins of the current one.

Just saw this and it couldn't be more timely as in addition to the WHO threat of Disease X, a case of bubonic plague has occurred in Oregon:

Ivermectin Is Trending Again New Scientific Paper Released Exposing Miracle Drug

6 Secrets of Ivermectin: The Medication That Keeps on Giving

– It inhibits flu and RSV viral replication, which is why it’s included in the FLCCC flu and RSV protocols.

#2 – It reduces inflammation throughout the body.

#3 – Improves the gastrointestinal microbiome by boosting levels of the probiotic Bifidobacterium.

#4 – It revolutionized veterinary medicine and arguably stabilized the world’s food supply.

#5 – May help with athletic and sports performance by boosting cellular energy output in the heart.

#6 – It has profound anti-cancer properties.

Best of all, Ivermectin is incredibly safe and cheap.

When you compare Molnupiravir and Ivermectin head-to-head in the context of COVID-19, you can see what a disgraceful, overpriced stink-bomb Molnupiravir actually is:

Ivermectin: 62% improvement, 99 studies, $1 per pill

Merck’s Show Pony: 15% improvement, 34 studies, $707 per pill

I guess I really shouldn't be shocked by that price difference.
I haven't checked if this is for real or not, but I suppose it is given how things have been happening since covid. Basically France is penalizing discouraging people from using mainstream therapies, and of course that will include so-called mRNA vaccines.
If that's true, #DiedSuddenly will soon have a companion hashtag: #JailedSuddenly.
(Artemis) Yeah, it's about their wishful thinking. It's kind of inevitable what's going to happen, but they just refuse to see it.

A: They will go too far as usual and all will come crashing down. But it will take some time. Be patient and circumspect.

COVID Psychological Manipulation: Unpacked​

Ros Nealon-Cook, a psychologist from Australia, had her license suspended for sounding the alarm about the harms to children from government pandemic policy. Ros has joined forces with a number health professionals from around the world who were similarly censored and silenced. Together, they have created The Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration to raise awareness about the widespread propaganda and censorship of expert scientific opinion. You can read and sign the declaration here: – adding your signature will take less than a minute.

Update on Reiner Fuellmich's case - excerpt:

The Corona Committee received a lot of donations which they believed were not safe due to the recent history of bank accounts being seized by complicit governments. One million Euros in gold was purchased and put in holding. To fund operations, both Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer took out secured loans. Reiner’s loan was for seven-hundred-thousand euros and was to be repaid with the proceeds from selling his home. All documented and agreed upon by the committee.

Members of the Corona Committee met with a law firm in August of 2022, and filed criminal charges against Füllmich. Committee members, Justus Hoffmann, Marcel Templin and Antonia Fischer, claimed that Füllmich embezzled seven-hundred-thousand euros, the loan that he officially took out. They claimed he was a violent anti-Semite and that if he were given the opportunity to comment before criminal proceedings began, they would not file the complaint.

Two warrants were issued for his arrest, from Germany and from the E.U., without Reiner’s knowledge. Without an international arrest warrant, German and Mexican authorities illegally abducted Füllmich at the German embassy in Mexico. He was then flown to the Frankfurt Airport where he was arrested and put in jail. International law experts are calling his arrest an illegal kidnapping.

According to documented company plans, Füllmich’s loan was to be repaid after the sale of his property. But the very same people that filed the complaint against Füllmich, sabotaged this agreement. The contracts stated that the profits of the Füllmich property was to be transferred to a Füllmich account so that he could repay the loan. But the notary, who is sworn to be neutral and independent, instructed the buyers to transfer the one-point-one-five-eight million euros into Marcel Templin’s account. Which made it impossible for Reiner to repay the loan.

The loans were transparently agreed upon in written contracts. There was no secrecy and the company was aware of the loans at all times. The evidence that proves this has been officially submitted to the court, who has chosen to ignore it and has muzzled the defense and ordered they not be allowed to mention it.

The evidence shows that Hoffmann, Templin, and the notary, illegally obtained access to the profits of Füllmich’s property. And not only is the court ignoring this evidence, they have summoned these same people as witnesses against Füllmich.

The complaint states, “Füllmich has also made himself liable to prosecution for embezzlement by purchasing the gold bars without the consent of the shareholders, obscuring their existence and possessing them for himself.” But the purchase of the gold bars is also documented. They are in holding and can only be accessed with the signatures of both Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer. This is shown in company documents which were never given to the public prosecutor. But they have been submitted by the defense, and are being ignored by the court.

Furthermore, while the court froze Füllmich’s accounts, they failed to freeze the one-point-one-five-eight million euros in Marcel Templin’s account. Which is presumably still there, and appears to be the payoff for this internal coup.

The trial is happening now in Gottingen, Germany and the plaintiff’s sloppy accusations are beginning to fall apart. One reporter at the trial said: “The case was totally destroyed, and one could only sit there in amazement.” A journalist from BittelTV said that, “Reiner will not only be released but also compensated. The people who did this to him in my opinion will be charged themselves.”
Included is a 57:48 embedded video analysis by a legal expert panel:
Legal experts and associates of Reiner Fuellmich join Maria Zeee to detail Reiner’s kidnapping, imprisonment without due process and potential government operation responsible for his situation. Experts from the Grand Jury include: Dexter Ryneveldt (South Africa), Virginie de Araujo-Recchia (France) and Tony Nikolic (Australia).
There's also this short youtube video:

It would appear he is being exonerated.
I haven't checked if this is for real or not, but I suppose it is given how things have been happening since covid. Basically France is penalizing discouraging people from using mainstream therapies, and of course that will include so-called mRNA vaccines.

Thanks for sharing. It seems to be true. There have been a couple of articles about it in the last 2 days, but not a lot. The law did not get the needed votes end of last year when it was presented, but with a few changes, it has quietly passed 2 days ago (at least it got a majority of yeses, I don't know what the procedure is after that).

Here's an article about it in French:

Que dit le nouvel article 4 de la loi sur les dérives sectaires ?

English translation:

Since November, we have regularly warned of the dangers of article 4 of the law on sectarian aberrations, showing that its real aim was never to combat sects, but to prevent debate on health policies imposed as a matter of urgency, as in the case of COVID. Indeed, one of yesterday's speakers from the majority in the Chamber made no secret of the fact that the aim of this text was quite simply to silence any would-be Raoults.

The new wording of the text establishes, in principle, 4 "precise" criteria to describe a violation that the Conseil d'Etat had judged to be detrimental to freedom of expression.

These 4 criteria are defined in the explanatory memorandum to the amendment:

- the call to abandon treatment is aimed at people suffering from a specific pathology
- the abandonment of treatment must be presented as beneficial to health
- the consequences of abandoning treatment must be serious
- the risk to health must be proven.

These 4 criteria exclude legal action against Raoult who advocated the use of a drug where official medicine suggested Doliprane. In a way, it's the government's health policy during COVID that could be targeted.

However, the text finally adopted does not state exactly the same things as the explanatory memorandum.

"Art. 223-1-2. - Incitement to abandon or abstain from therapeutic or prophylactic medical treatment is punishable by one year's imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros, when such abandonment or abstention is presented as beneficial to the health of the persons concerned, whereas, given the state of medical knowledge, it is clearly likely to have serious consequences for their physical or mental health, given the pathology from which they suffer.

"The same penalties apply to incitement to adopt practices presented as having a therapeutic or prophylactic purpose for the persons concerned, when it is clear, in the light of medical knowledge, that these practices expose them to an immediate risk of death or injury likely to result in permanent mutilation or disability.

"When the incitement provided for in the first two paragraphs has been followed by action, the penalties are increased to three years' imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.

"When these offences are committed via the written or audiovisual press media, the specific provisions of the laws governing these subjects are applicable with regard to determining the persons responsible."

This text therefore identifies the following criteria:

- a call to discontinue or refrain from receiving treatment (therapeutic or prophylactic, e.g. mRNA vaccine)
- the recommendation must be presented as beneficial to the health of the persons concerned
- the recommendation must be made when the state of medical knowledge at the time it is made indicates that refraining from or abandoning care would be " obviously likely " to have serious consequences for physical or mental health
- the same violation applies to calls involving "an immediate risk of death or injury likely to result in permanent mutilation or disability".

As it stands, the wording of this Article seems confusing and not entirely in line with the criteria set out by the parliamentarians who tabled the amendment. It reeks of censure by the Constitutional Council...

The law is so vague that anything can be taken and made to look like a violation. Notice also that online material will be taken into account, and that any "incitement" against standard medical procedures will be deemed "sectarian aberration".

They must be pissed that a few doctors saw through the last pandemic and warned the public or made suggestions that were actually effective, so they are taking measures to prevent this from happening when they launch whatever new plans they have cooking.
Thanks for sharing. It seems to be true. There have been a couple of articles about it in the last 2 days, but not a lot. The law did not get the needed votes end of last year when it was presented, but with a few changes, it has quietly passed 2 days ago (at least it got a majority of yeses, I don't know what the procedure is after that).

Here's an article about it in French:

Que dit le nouvel article 4 de la loi sur les dérives sectaires ?

English translation:

The law is so vague that anything can be taken and made to look like a violation. Notice also that online material will be taken into account, and that any "incitement" against standard medical procedures will be deemed "sectarian aberration".

They must be pissed that a few doctors saw through the last pandemic and warned the public or made suggestions that were actually effective, so they are taking measures to prevent this from happening when they launch whatever new plans they have cooking.
Can it get any more Orwellian?

Ultimately no law can undo the basic instinct of any living creature to preserve its life. They can flood people with incorrect information saying eat lab grown bla bla, take DNA altering jabs and so on but beyond some level, the basic instinct for self preservation kicks in.

What then?
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