Laura and crew--there is no way I could navigate this crazy world and transition without you and the Cs. Whatever finances you need just ask. I think the majority of the forum feels the same way. Please please please have fundraisers etc. I'll share my last dollars. To ecstasy and the wild ride ahead!

Thank you, and others, for words of support. If everyone would just subscribe what they comfortably can afford on a weekly or monthly basis, that helps the most because then we know what kind of budget we have to stick to.
I remember the C's mentioning an April drop dead date, actually.

I'm not sure what they meant by that.

The comment came in a discussion of finances so I'm wondering if it has a financial connotation, like the flattening of stock markets or something? Drop of value of money? Something like that?

But then, it could also mean something cosmically catastrophic, like an asteroid dropping somewhere.
In one of the sessions Laura posted here, we read:

With people confined to their homes, they will be subjected even more to fake news, and dissociation. There will be a continuation of absorbing false knowledge about the current situation. Thereby, losing their free will even more, and not being able to make an objective choice. We've seen it many times, lies being spread and people buying it. Whether it's Saddam's WMDs, Syria's rebels and the need for an invasion, and so forth. It all mostly started after 9/11, the spread of lots of false knowledge, leading to people losing more and more of their free will, their ability to make an objective choice, and becoming easily manipulated into believing whatever the leader says on TV. Perhaps, you can say that it's their choice on a certain level to believe whatever the authorities say, and they might learn a difficult lesson when it's all over. The positive of staying at home is that hopefully people will spend more time on the internet, and find SOTT or this forum while searching for answers in this madness.

I'm not sure, but I personally don't think that this is the "last drama of this realm" as mARTinSky wrote (I do sure hope so!!). It's more of the same, but every time the lies get bigger and affecting more and more people, in this case everyone is talking about this and mostly everyone is in one way or another affected. In the case of an Afghanistan or Iraq invasion, there were people who didn't really care or don't like politics so they were just 'neutral' about it. But in this case, everyone is affected. So, they're ramping up the BS along with psychological manipulation Andrian mentioned ("solidarity, unity, saving lives, encouraging everybody to keep in line") and MK Scarlett mentioned (the clapping; let's all reward good behavior; clap clap clap, while the poor people in healthcare are working overtime, just for a flu).

I'm grateful that I can still work from home, however my research will be delayed and I'm not sure what the consequences of that will be. Since I'm an employee of a hospital, I chose to play it smart and not jeopardize my position (i.e. I'm not going to tell people that all this makes no sense). We do have Zoom meetings, and during those talks I just listen when some of them talk about the coronavirus and all of that. After a short update, we just get on with work. However, if there are moments where a seed can be planted, and where I notice someone is showing doubt about what the govt is advising, I do plant a seed. Laura once said: "We figure that the alphabet soup guys know everything anyway, so just don't give them anything that they can hang you with." I think we can apply that here, too. Don't go collecting fines out there (especially 20k ones, geez they're crazy!), or risk jailtime; for some people social media is where you can plant most seeds, for the self-employed this can perhaps be done more directly but carefully, for others in their daily life - it depends. In my own case, I'm mostly active on Twitter when possible - to also create some extra work for those Twitter employees who are actively looking for 'fake news' tweets that go against the coronavirus regulations that they then delete, hoping they'll miss mine! (see here).

Just some thoughts I had. FWIW! Looking forward to the next session, I'll see if I can think of any questions!

Very well said Oxajil, thank you kindly for that. I'll follow your example gladly, first because even if the majority of folks gave in to this madness and let themselves to be duped are good people, they have their lessons to learn and i want to respect that, step aside, not interfere with their progress and just sit and enjoy the ride. As Pashalis said it's easier said than done, though I think with some practice, with the help of our community it is possible to achieve this.
This crazy idea came to me yesterday before sleep:

What if all this measures are taken really for us to not to catch this virus? But not because it is dangerous, but because catching this virus could be beneficial for many people in some way?

This seems to be relevant:

And this:

From Wikipedia:

And coronaviruses have RNA genome.

So if it is possible for an infection to insert some blockages, is it maybe also possible for a virus infection to destroy some of the blockages?

And on top of that, the coronavirus really looks a bit like a crop circle and there is also a spiral:

View attachment 34402

So this also comes to mind:

Does it make any sense?

I've been thinking of what to ask the C's, and to sort things out I first need to think out loud here.

Okay, so regarding the dangerousness of the virus we all are pretty convinced that it's a nothing-burger. Check-no need to ask about that. Inspired by Neil's previous post I then started thinking, if there could be something else inside this virus besides the mild illness causing properties, like something perhaps mind altering that 'they' would want people to get? However, that wouldn't make sense – if that would have been 'their' goal, they could have done this in stealth mode without stirring up the hysteria and panic. The 'something' inside the virus would have been spread silently with the only signs being people getting the normal influenza symptoms.

Then there's the origin of the virus, is that relevant? Well, the C's already mentioned that it 'escaped' from some experiment they were doing. Was it intentional, did someone arrange so that the virus escaped the facilities and started spreading? Could be, but as in any detective story, it would be more useful to know the motive.

So, the only conclusion IMO is that if this whole thing was done intentionally, the main goal and purpose was to create the shock reaction it has caused around the world, the fear and the hysteria. If we go with that, then the question becomes the classic: Cui bono? Who would benefit, and in what way?

Right now I'm thinking that the motive could be (in 3D terms):

1) The Chinese (or some Chinese faction) wanting revenge for their economic losses; they either engineered this from the start or as the virus had escaped and spread, they saw the opportunity and run with it

2) The 'deep state' and the elite wanted more control, wealth and power (as they always do) through a complete meltdown and crash of the economy, so they either were prepared that something like this could happen and they amplified this a million times (through the media and health departments), or they engineered the whole thing. Also, the interest of vaccine producers might play a role in this scenario. For these purposes, the US bad guys might have also cooperated with Chinese bad guys, who wanted the same thing

3) The US 'deep state' were still desperately wanting Trump out of power, and they engineered this whole thing either alone or together with som faction of the Chinese leaders, hoping that by crashing the economy and scaring everyone, Trump and his administration could be blamed for the whole thing.

Summing up, the virus and it's spreading could have been engineered and planned, or it could have started spreading by accident. However, what clearly is intentional is what those in power are doing in the name of this virus – the propagation of panic, hysteria and totalitarian control.

So, my questions to the C's would be something like:

1. What is the end goal of creating all this panic, hysteria and draconian control measures in the name of the Corona virus?

2. Was the spread of the virus planned in advance and done purposefully?

3. Which of the following options is most correct as the motive for the situation:

a) The Chinese wanted revenge

b) The bad guys wanted a new 9/11, using the shock doctrine to advance their agendas

c) The 'deep state' wanted to get rid of Trump, no matter the costs

d) 4D STS manipulation

e) Some combination of the previous options

In one of the sessions Laura posted here, we read:

With people confined to their homes, they will be subjected even more to fake news, and dissociation. There will be a continuation of absorbing false knowledge about the current situation. Thereby, losing their free will even more, and not being able to make an objective choice. We've seen it many times, lies being spread and people buying it. Whether it's Saddam's WMDs, Syria's rebels and the need for an invasion, and so forth. It all mostly started after 9/11, the spread of lots of false knowledge, leading to people losing more and more of their free will, their ability to make an objective choice, and becoming easily manipulated into believing whatever the leader says on TV. Perhaps, you can say that it's their choice on a certain level to believe whatever the authorities say, and they might learn a difficult lesson when it's all over. The positive of staying at home is that hopefully people will spend more time on the internet, and find SOTT or this forum while searching for answers in this madness.

I'm not sure, but I personally don't think that this is the "last drama of this realm" as mARTinSky wrote (I do sure hope so!!). It's more of the same, but every time the lies get bigger and affecting more and more people, in this case everyone is talking about this and mostly everyone is in one way or another affected. In the case of an Afghanistan or Iraq invasion, there were people who didn't really care or don't like politics so they were just 'neutral' about it. But in this case, everyone is affected. So, they're ramping up the BS along with psychological manipulation Andrian mentioned ("solidarity, unity, saving lives, encouraging everybody to keep in line") and MK Scarlett mentioned (the clapping; let's all reward good behavior; clap clap clap, while the poor people in healthcare are working overtime, just for a flu).

I'm grateful that I can still work from home, however my research will be delayed and I'm not sure what the consequences of that will be. Since I'm an employee of a hospital, I chose to play it smart and not jeopardize my position (i.e. I'm not going to tell people that all this makes no sense). We do have Zoom meetings, and during those talks I just listen when some of them talk about the coronavirus and all of that. After a short update, we just get on with work. However, if there are moments where a seed can be planted, and where I notice someone is showing doubt about what the govt is advising, I do plant a seed. Laura once said: "We figure that the alphabet soup guys know everything anyway, so just don't give them anything that they can hang you with." I think we can apply that here, too. Don't go collecting fines out there (especially 20k ones, geez they're crazy!), or risk jailtime; for some people social media is where you can plant most seeds, for the self-employed this can perhaps be done more directly but carefully, for others in their daily life - it depends. In my own case, I'm mostly active on Twitter when possible - to also create some extra work for those Twitter employees who are actively looking for 'fake news' tweets that go against the coronavirus regulations that they then delete, hoping they'll miss mine! (see here).

Just some thoughts I had. FWIW! Looking forward to the next session, I'll see if I can think of any questions!

I actually thought of that myself a day or so ago but brushed it aside.

What if all of them apply?
1 Intentional release of the virus (due to multiple agenda) in order to enforce control --> get people used to obey
2 additionally people get their FRV lowered by accepting false knowledge, and they therefore "less free will" --> more pendulum toward their willed orientation (STS)
3. controlled demolition of the economy
4 mandatory vaccination get introduced which could then interfere with the next point
5 a virus could be a factor to introduce the needed changes on DNA with the approach of the incoming wave.
5-a if it is this virus then it could be unintentional consequences
5-b if it is another virus, then points 1, 2, 3 and 4 are there in order to try to keep control and direct the direction of the events when the wave arrive in earnest... They are desperately introducing all the needed changes / behaviours to further keep control both in 3d and potentially in 4d.

If these hypothesis are valid then they seem pretty desperate, and upped the ante. Though, seems pretty much wishful thinking.

my 2 cents.
Further back, someone mentioned that what is going on is much like an alien invasion and that got me started thinking. I poked through the sessions and came up with the following:
One excerpt was from Session 22 July 2010 and included:
Q: (L) Okay, so what's going to happen? Is the Gulf Stream breaking up, and is that going to bring on an ice age?
A: It is, it will.
Q: (L) Is that like imminent?
A: The cause is more than the oil. But the people will only see the oil reason and turn against the elite for bringing on such a disaster. Also note that the nonlinear effects will take some time to develop fully.
Q: (L) Okay, so are you saying that there are going to be some people who are very aware sooner than others, and then it's going to spread?
A: Yes.
In Shutdown of thermohaline circulation - Wikipedia they say that
A shutdown or slowdown of the thermohaline circulation is a hypothesized effect of global warming on a major ocean circulation.

A 2015 study suggested that the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) has weakened by 15-20% in 200 years.[1]
Organisations as The Extinction Rebellion, Climate Emergency, Fridays for Future have protested with the overall focus being CO2, but oil is central. The latest local initiative is all about dropping the oil, people are to strike digitally by making a video, in which they ask the minister to drop the oil and send the video to the XR organisers. One group did a lock-down sized mini demonstration last week in the parliament with a handful of semi-naked or semi-dressed young people. Having looked at some of the XR websites, the impression was that they had intended to continue with protests this Spring and do more. On the FB of Extinction Rebellion, under Groups one can get an idea of the reach, and under friends groups one can find others too. There are political, identity and faith based support groups, which means there are people for whom the idea of protesting is lively. Just like the wish for an emergency called by the climate activists has found a parallel in the present circumstances surrounding the coronavirus, will a similar parallel be found with their plans for protests?
Hello, I have seen this video, and I am wondering if it would be a good remedy to combat the coronavirus, he is an Argentine doctor (Mario Pesaresi) who talks about taking hot water vapors. I remember when I was a little girl and we got colds and we were congested, as a remedy they made us water vapors with eucalyptus leaves.
In this video, the doctor says that this remedy helps to kill the coronavirus by entering the water vapor at a high temperature (above 56ºC), in the airways. This temperature could inactivate the virus.
What do you think?

The comment came in a discussion of finances so I'm wondering if it has a financial connotation, like the flattening of stock markets or something? Drop of value of money? Something like that?

But then, it could also mean something cosmically catastrophic, like an asteroid dropping somewhere.

Well, I just came across an unsorced copy and paste in my timeline that was apparently leaked by someone on an investor call with Goldman Sachs. I went looking for a source and found both the Goldman Sachs rebuttal of the leaked information and the leaked information in the one article.

The stand outs:
- they admit that the coronavirus is a nothing burger.
- they were looking for a reason to reset the market.
- it's a great time for investors.
- they expect the slump to be short lived with a full recovery, though there could be more uncertainty than what they are predicting. The prediction is that the markets will recover in the second half of the year.

"Should Goldman Sachs predictions be correct, the COVID-19 pandemic may have provided investors with the best buying opportunity in recent memory."

"There will be economic damage from the virus itself, but the real damage is driven mostly by market psychology."

"There is NO systemic risk. No one is even talking about that. Governments are intervening in the markets to stabilize them, and the private banking sector is very well-capitalized."
Investment banking giant Goldman Sachs made some bittersweet predictions last week in a private conference call regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Portfolio clients of the firm’s private equity arm dialled in to listen to Chief Economist Jan Hatzius and Chief Medical Officer Michael Rendel from Goldman Sachs.

However, though the call was designed to reassure the nervous banking clients, notes from the call have been leaked and suggest some staggering figures about the spread of the COVID-19.

It's important to understand that these notes are not verified by Goldman Sachs but were rather taken by someone listening in on the call — meaning the information in them is the work of interpretation.

Nevertheless, here's what the second-largest investment banker on the globe predicted about COVID-19 last week:

Infection perspective

Goldman Sachs believes the spread of the coronavirus has far from reached its peak.

The virus is as communicable as the common cold, or Rhinovirus, from which the majority of Americans get infected every year. As such, half of the entire U.S. population — or 150 million people — is expected to contract COVID-19.

Germany is expected to suffer even more of a blow, with 70 per cent of its population (58 million people) expected to contract the virus.

Further, global infections will skyrocket in the next two months. The infection rate will reach its peak over the next eight weeks, then decline thereafter.

Now, the mortality rate is expected to sit around two per cent and comprise of mostly the elderly and immunocompromised. While this may not seem like an alarming figure, with 150 million expected infections, this means three million Americans are expected to die from health issues brought on by COVID-19.

Even so, 80 per cent of infections will be early-stage, meaning those infected simply need to stay at home and rest for two weeks and they will recover.

Economic perspective

With such a severe infection rate and deaths in the millions, one would expect the economy is going to suffer some serious long-term blows.

Quite the contrary, according to Goldman Sachs.

While there undoubtedly will be — and already has been — some serious damage done to the economy, the investment banker expects the slump to be short-lived.

China's economy has taken the biggest hit and subsequently affected raw materials and the global supply chain, but could recover in just six months' time.

The global GDP growth rate will hit its lowest point in 30 years at around two per cent and the S&P 500 will see a negative growth rate of around 15-to-20 per cent for 2020 overall. However, this too will pass.

"There will be economic damage from the virus itself, but the real damage is driven mostly by market psychology. Viruses have been with us forever. Stock markets should fully recover in the second half of the year," the notes from the meeting said.

"Technically, the market generally has been looking for a reason to reset after the longest bull market in history."
The economic impact from the virus over the past two weeks has been conflated by the developing oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, meaning the virus is not solely to blame.

As such, the Goldman Sachs call said the pandemic's economic impact "feels more like 9/11 than it does like 2008."

We're looking at a quick economic blow followed by a quick full-recovery.

Goldman speaks up

Goldman Sachs had to downplay some of the more severe comments from the notes, insisting in a statement to Forbes that the notes were a "very basic summary" of the call.

"The summary text was not prepared or authorized by [Goldman Sachs] and it contains erroneous information and language which was not used on the call," the company told Forbes."

"During the call, various statistics on the pandemic were cited and attributed to legitimate sources including governments and were not necessarily presented as a [Goldman Sachs] view.

"The market and economic views presented on the call were consistent with current published research views which are available upon request."

Nevertheless, a Goldman Sachs March 15 economic report seems to support the stats from the notes.
In the report, the investment bank said it expected a five per cent fall real GDP growth in the second quarter of 2020, with a three per cent rise in the third quarter and a four per cent rise in the fourth. This report is verified and produced by Goldman Sachs' economic researchers.

The report admitted, however: "The uncertainty around all of these numbers is much greater than normal."
For investors, this means now is a pivotal time to act.

Should Goldman Sachs predictions be correct, the COVID-19 pandemic may have provided investors with the best buying opportunity in recent memory.

See the unedited leaked notes from the Goldman Sachs conference call below:

"50% of Americans will contract the virus (150m people) as it's very communicable. This is on a par with the common cold (Rhinovirus) of which there are about 200 strains and which the majority of Americans will get 2-4 per year.

70% of Germany will contract it (58M people). This is the next most relevant industrial economy to be effected.

Peak-virus is expected over the next eight weeks, declining thereafter.

The virus appears to be concentrated in a band between 30-50 degrees north latitude, meaning that like the common cold and flu, it prefers cold weather. The coming summer in the northern hemisphere should help. This is to say that the virus is likely seasonal.

Of those impacted 80% will be early-stage, 15% mid-stage and 5% critical-stage. Early-stage symptoms are like the common cold and mid-stage symptoms are like the flu; these are stay at home for two weeks and rest. 5% will be critical and highly weighted towards the elderly.

Mortality rate on average of up to 2%, heavily weight towards the elderly and immunocompromised; meaning up to 3m people (150m*.02). In the US about 3m/yr die mostly due to old age and disease, those two being highly correlated (as a percent very few from accidents). There will be significant overlap, so this does not mean 3m new deaths from the virus, it means elderly people dying sooner due to respiratory issues. This may however stress the healthcare system.

There is a debate as to how to address the virus pre-vaccine. The US is tending towards quarantine. The UK is tending towards allowing it to spread so that the population can develop a natural immunity. Quarantine is likely to be ineffective and result in significant economic damage but will slow the rate of transmission giving the healthcare system more time to deal with the case load.

China’s economy has been largely impacted which has affected raw materials and the global supply chain. It may take up to six months for it to recover.

Global GDP growth rate will be the lowest in 30 years at around 2%.

S&P 500 will see a negative growth rate of -15% to -20% for 2020 overall.

There will be economic damage from the virus itself, but the real damage is driven mostly by market psychology. Viruses have been with us forever. Stock markets should fully recover in the 2nd half of the year.

In the past week there has been a conflating of the impact of the virus with the developing oil price war between KSA and Russia. While reduced energy prices are generally good for industrial economies, the US is now a large energy exporter, so there has been a negative impact on the valuation of the domestic energy sector. This will continue for some time as the Russians are attempting to economically squeeze the American shale producers and the Saudi’s are caught in the middle and do not want to further cede market share to Russia or the US.

Technically the market generally has been looking for a reason to reset after the longest bull market in history.

There is NO systemic risk. No one is even talking about that. Governments are intervening in the markets to stabilize them, and the private banking sector is very well capitalized. It feels more like 9/11 than it does like 2008."

this is insane! every time i read through a page on this thread, ther is another one already there!

What I want to share may seem completely off topic, but I managed to work in my little garden yesterday a little bit at least, sowed some carrots (different types, very old to old kinds) and it was sooo relaxing! It was so good to actually do something with earth and seeds.

Well today the thread even exploded more than ever. Coming home from work - 10 more pages. Insane.

I wanted to say just that I am glad I have my pets, who definitely seem to sense the extraordinary situation. For us personally, as small entrepreneurs, up to now nothing has changed (looking at the figures), so I guess we are lucky. People say we should apply for help anyways but I do not see the point of that. As I said up to now we DO NOT have any losses. For me, in this situation, applying for help would be fraud.

My pets seem to be even more loving and cuddely, as if they want to make sure we are alright. Do you notice some changes in your pets?
Hello, I have seen this video, and I am wondering if it would be a good remedy to combat the coronavirus, he is an Argentine doctor (Mario Pesaresi) who talks about taking hot water vapors. I remember when I was a little girl and we got colds and we were congested, as a remedy they made us water vapors with eucalyptus leaves.
In this video, the doctor says that this remedy helps to kill the coronavirus by entering the water vapor at a high temperature (above 56ºC), in the airways. This temperature could inactivate the virus.
What do you think?

I'm pretty sure it was mentioned earlier in the thread that the coronavirus doesn't like heat and humidity, so there's a good chance that it will help👍
Do you notice some changes in your pets?
Yes. Arthuro, one of them, that is a very intelligent dog, is less happy and I feel he is a little depressed. Colette is quiet also, all sense that something is in the air. The cats of one of my friends also. So quiet suddenly. And more gentle.

Arthuro eats less, and apart of this impression that he is depressed he is quiet almost all day. He sleeps more also.
Can anyone think of good questions in regard to what is happening and the russian side of the equation (Putin and co.)? And a good question on the Chinese equation in all of this?

Sure. How about this one:

- Did China, in cooperation with Russia, deliberately unleash the coronavirus on the rest of the planet in order to trigger total economic collapse, in pursuit of their own agenda of world domination?
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