There is this Czech lady, molecular biologist and director of private company Tilia laboratories, who found a relatively cheap way to test for Covid-19 which was very uncomfortable for our prime minister whose company produces the test for double price so they tried to ridicule her work but that only attracted attention of media and she made waves now because she started talking about corona virus. And what she found immediately triggered response in the US because she expressed her opinion that the virus is genetically modified. I will try to paraphrase the most interesting part of her latest interview (she really wanted to explain the things in layman's terms):

What is different with Covid-19 is that the beginning sequence of RNA in the virus, which normally stays intact during various natural mutations, because it is a kind of bridge which oversees protein transcriptions in the rest of RNA, something like a boot sector or BIOS in computer. All viruses recognize themselves by this bridge because the sequence is the same for particular group of viruses (e.g. corona viruses).

Usually virus does not allow change to this sector under any natural circumstances (and if so then it has to be a very gentle change of one small part which would improve its capability). But if any experienced molecular biologist will look at this bridge they will tell you that it is exactly the case here. And it looks as if someone came to your room, pulled out all the drawers, threw all the things out of wardrobes, move chairs around etc. but everything remained perfectly functional. If this was a random mutation, it would most likely kill the virus because nature could not make so many changes at the same time without destroying the functionality of the sequence.

There are so many transcriptions, insertions and deletions in the bridge part of RNA that it is unrealistic to think the virus mutated this way naturally.

When this interview was published the US tried to debunk her findings and Czech media obediently published those articles and statements from American scientist. The fact (to my best knowledge) is that the US has so far not been able to support their claims and are saying that more data is needed to support or disprove the claim of MUDr. Soňa Peková.
figured i would add a quick update regarding how things are near me in north carolina.

went to run my errands on saturday and although the stores were not busy, they were out of many items.. potatoes, onions, pasta, rice, bread, eggs, tp, napkins/paper towels, etc. i went around 5PM. found some tp at food lion close to my house, limited to two per customer.

i can't deny the fact that i have also noticed a bit of tension amongst some members and i just wanted to take a moment to reinforce that emotions are extremely high right now. i know we are all aware of this and i know this is but my seventh post.. but let us not forget the true reason we are all here together. let us not allow emotions to overcome us. what may be a harmless statement to you may be harmful to another.

do not mistake this as saying we must walk amongst eggshells but rather, we must remain open.. open to those that may or may not have something to say you may or may not agree with. i understand wanting to keep disinfo contained but please do not present an aggressive tone towards those that may not quite be where others are. again, i know we are all aware tone can be misinterpreted through text so just be wise in the sentences you espouse. not trying to blame anyone or anything but instead am making an attempt to present something i have noticed in the usual dealings of life (these days and of course, all others that have passed as well).

i am finding myself extremely sensitive at this moment and i know if i am feeling this way, i can only imagine how many others are in the same boat.

as always, keep riding the wave and stay safe. keep the good info flowing and we will all find the wavelength. if you feel i am 'wrong' in any of this, feel free to call me out, i will oblige. i have a tendency to not speak unless spoken to.. (seven posts in a year is proof of this).. this is an attribute i have had as long as i can remember. but i have noticed that those times i do choose to speak, it is usually a 'good' moment. but what do i know? anyways,

much love,

Guessing upon YT Amazing Polly's video posted earlier, they will want to keep internet in order to spread their propaganda. But more censorship can for sure be expected.

If they want to get rid off physical money and use cards to be able to control and watch what everyone is doing they can‘t just shut down the internet and/or electricity. Same applies for cellphones as a tool for control. So I give that a low probability.
sToRmR1dR, could you please translate this passage, DeepL cannot...

Are they on their way to the Russian front or will they be used to impose the curfew on Germany?
Enquiring minds want to know... :-)

For the enquiring minds... :-)

Google Translate

The Germans panicked, 70,000 US troops landed in Hamburg! What's happening, where these go ?! Unloaded and accumulating tank!

American soldiers, according to some estimates, around 80,000 have landed in Germany.

More specifically landed in Hamburg at the airport Erding.

What can be heard in the comments circulating social networks Germans are, to say the least, confused. Some of them is a panic and everyone's wondering why tens of thousands of US troops with armored machinery coming into their country.
Just now, text message from work: "Hey guys, this is G***** from V*******. As you know, all of us are facing very difficult times and doing all we can to stay open. Unfortunately we are not able to meet financial minimums to keep everyone employed. As of right now, we are forced to make necessary cuts. We are very sad that we have to take such measures, but as of now, we won't be able to afford to have you guys come into work. We encourage you to look for other means of employment or get government assistance until further notice."

All the best to you mate :hug2: Do you have any plan B? Are you entitled to some government program? Hang in there and keep us updated :-(
I just heard a saddening story the other day about grandparents that live alone far away from siblings and now are in the dire situation of being prevented to go out doing the necessary things and people helping them. One of them has a severe health problem while the other has a broken arm. Tragedies like this are happening all over the place. And not to forget the elderly in institutions for elderly. And then you have millions of people on top of that raising small children alone without a partner. How are they supposed to take care of those kids at home and earn their living at the same time? The can’t give kids to the grandparents while working. Not to mention all the economic tragedies happening. Untold tragedies are unfolding right in front of our eyes.

For lack of better words, such real forced cruelty.

The C's said once (or perhaps a number of times) that at some point the world will hate America for what they have done (paraphrased without the right quote). There are a number of ways to consider that, i've tried, and it may need to be considered later as things remain unknown (like the April DD thing). However with this whole c-19/geoeconomics meltdown going on, it might be related if there is a future revealing.

I just saw they have the transcript, so this is what Trump was responding to:

Thanks for that.

At some point Trump asks, based on the question of what about deaths from the flu that are higher, his health secretary/guy to jump in who then had the most pitiful argument while wearing a grin and throwing back a hefty dose of paramoralisms for the audience to chew on. He seemed thrilled with his answer in front of his boss. That was really sad.
Data point: Japan doesn't buy into the hysteria, it seems:

Japan has managed to duck most of the culture war nonsense as well. -Unlike in the rest of the world (which immediately cowers and gives in to all demands), when a Twitter mob comes calling, spewing their fake outrage over comic book art or celebrity gossip or similar, with the aim to 'cancel' someone, the Japanese response has been instead to collectively jump on the predators. It's like they share some innate power to see through the behavioral scam of the socialist denouncement mob and they have zero patience for it. -It's anybody's guess as to why; perhaps they watched it happening from afar in other countries for long enough to recognize the nature of the snake and know to crush it underfoot.

So perhaps the Japanese immunity to those mind viruses extends its protection to particle viruses as well? After all, the physical body is often an expression of the inner mind, and the Japanese are the ones who invented wearing masks on subways. A respect for hygiene is today built into their culture.

I've always been charmed by and respectful of Japan and its ways. I wanted to move there for a long time when I was younger.
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In the event of forced ordinary vaccination, we have quite a few tools in our toolbox. Maybe a discussion for another thread, but I would certainly be making use of:

- MEGADOSE liposomal forms of glutathione, R-lipoic acid, and vitamin C
- Profuse sweating (sauna/bath)
- MEGADOSE B vitamins, zinc, selenium and sillica
- Binders in gut - charcoal, clay, IMD Silica
- Drinking lots of water
- Potentially DMSA/DMPS - depending on whether murcury adjuvant was included in the ingredients
Thanks Keyhole, this is pricelss info!
Charities that feed the homeless have started to close down. The homeless, who otherwise might scavenge through garbage for food are apparently turning away from that out of fear that their immune system might not be up to a viral challenge. The charities are also being challenged to buy food for them because of the panic buying. :-(

Economically, people are in the process of getting killed by the shutdowns. People losing jobs, businesses failing, no income, no way to pay bills.

Yes, exactly.

Had spent a lot of time with this old fella, almost a grandfather to me, and he lived to 113 (he died in the 80's). Anyway, he not only described living through so many wars, it was the depression that was so hard, and I never forgot his words. He told of how many of his friends or just people he knew or had met that never made it. They had entered a new life of abject despair, it was too much.
If they want to get rid off physical money and use cards to be able to control and watch what everyone is doing they can‘t just shut down the internet and/or electricity. Same applies for cellphones as a tool for control. So I give that a low probability.
However, they may make access to things we need to live, such as the internet, money and services, food, bank accounts, drivers licenses, passports, travel etc, conditional, or access to these things will be denied. You will probably have to be 'registered' somewhere and you know what I'm going to say next - sigh :-( , vaccinated...

That is, if the agenda is to control people, you've got to put them in a situation where they have no choice. This is especially important to apply to people who can't be controlled by fear, the ones who are thinking. Because these people are most likely to buck the system and rebel. The ones who are fearful, reactive, and easily swayed are much easier to control.
And they now know exactly who is controllable, all the people who panicked and bought tons of toilet paper.
Which is probably triggered by mind control.
Was trying to catch up before posting the following, but still 5 pages behind. :-(

C question: Does the Epstein-Barr virus play any part in current situation - either negative, positive, or zero.

3/21 Ohio update:
Ohio’s confirmed cases of the new coronavirus continued to climb Saturday, from 169 Friday to 247 Saturday, with three deaths as of late Saturday afternoon.
The most recent deaths in Ohio include an 85-year-old man in Erie County and a 91-year-old man in Cuyahoga County, according to officials.
“What we do now, today, tomorrow, will determine how many of us die. It’s as simple as that,” DeWine said.

Fanning the flames of fear - HOW MANY WILL DIE ???? 😨 Besides 3 very elderly men that is?!!

A: Sure. They are working on drastic reduction of the population before climate change goes too far. Can't have all those starving people after their heads now can they?

This is it in a nutshell?
Gaby told me how they are manipulating the whole thing with "international codes" and about everything being filed under COVID.
Digital systems needs standard codes for smooth functioning. They are diagnostic codes, procedure codes.
I mentioned before (although I can't find it now at all), that my son-in-law's mother was a nurse in a prominent Columbus hospital and they were having to overhaul their entire system to be compatible with all the other hospitals across the country - it struck me as possibly nefarious. Based on the above quotes, it would appear that the groundwork was being laid for what is happening right now regarding these digital "international codes". That would indicate that this has been planned for quite some time.
And throw any fear out the window!
you are not in the position to alter lessons that need to be learned. Free will.
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