nteresting to see that Kissinger is bemoaning how countries are reacting to the coronavirus by turning more isolationist and nationalistic, which in turn makes the liberal world order more obsolete.

Well, that's true. I can only speak for Argentina, where the political current of Peronism advocates using this situation to strengthen nationalism, and finally achieve economic independence and become a fully industrialized country.
As everyone is well aware, it is reported that New York City is currently in the thick of dealing with large numbers of illness. The Governor, Andrew Cuomo, has been very present and has taken many decisive actions to supposedly keep this virus from going out of control. He conferences daily and always stresses that his reasoning for taking such extreme precautions is to save lives..."even one life saved is worth it".
My daughter is a Nursing Home Administrator in northern New York, in a rural mountain setting. Our county has seen around 20 Corona virus cases so far and most have recovered or are in recovery. One death has occurred...a 95 yr old. The facility has been working hard to ready themselves for the spread of the virus and has directives in place to avoid developing any cases in the nursing home. There has been a shortage of supplies throughout this time period. Masks have been used over and over and finally a shipment was received last week.
Well, at the end of March, all NYS nursing homes were advised that they will be forced to accept Covid-19 patients to their facilities by the Department of Health which is part of the administration of Governor Cuomo, who "just wants to save lives". Even if the new positive testing patients are in a separate portion of the facility, with infection protocols in place, they are contagious. It still seems very likely that it could end up causing more hospitalizations in my mind. I am not a health care professional but this does not seem logical. The elderly and compromised clientele presently housed in the small nursing homes up here are currently virus free. The hospitals in this area are not overwhelmed or crowded as a result of this virus. My daughter's facility is once again without enough resources to deal with this...not enough masks for proper protection. Families of the residents are concerned with this new ruling and my daughter has to use wording that will not reveal her real feelings about this mandate.
I am noticing that the day by day changing of rules and mandates along with fear tactics and loss of personal control over one's life is chipping away at the emotional balance of most people. There is no ground under the feet and all that is familiar is falling away. I am one who sees this as a fiasco and manipulated agenda on multiple levels and yet, I sometimes feel as I am in a dream and in this new reality I can literally feel the fear, confusion and tension in the air. I find that now and then I am picking up that fear and confusion, myself, and recently noticed myself eyeing a family in the store who was not using caution with distance, etc. and getting annoyed. I have to talk to myself when something like that happens because it is very easy to get swept up in the energy of what is going on now. I do not want to live in fear and even though my mind is clear on my beliefs about this virus/lockdown, the subconscious is picking up other things. Glad I can read and contemplate what others, here, are writing about...it is a life raft and so very much appreciated.
Yes that's it, on the left of Orion ! And for the green and red light i thouth it was my old eyes !! 😵
That's the one.
Think I just saw it. Looks like red and green stars circling a white star or something. Its in a relatively low position in the sky and to the north-west, right?
Not sure which star you're seeing but that's not Sirius. It was already behind the horizon when you wrote this and it should be around South.
I noticed it last evening and thought it was Venus. That was the brightest display that I can remember seeing. It was changing colors that were very noticeable. I wonder if it is reacting to the electrical nature of the comet that I could barely see because of the moonlight.
You'll be seeing Venus round West for awhile after sunset now. Sirius is South atm.

I never saw Sirius acting up like this but apparently it can put on quite a show when low in the sky due to atmospheric refraction. Will be keeping an eye on it for awhile to make sure this is normal. In any case it could be due to more cometary dust floating around.
[QUOTE = "Ketone Cop, poste: 853331, membre: 15596"]
J'ai lu un certain nombre de commentaires sur ce fil concernant la tentative de découvrir qui se cache derrière les systèmes monétaires mondiaux et comment les systèmes bancaires fonctionnent. J'ai en fait fait beaucoup de sondages dans ce domaine et je voudrais partager ce que j'ai trouvé avec le groupe pour discussion. Je ne présenterai ici que les bases. J'ai vu qu'il y a quelque part un fil sur la BRI (Bank of International Settlements); plus tard, je posterai le reste de ce que j'ai trouvé là-bas car il n'est pas vraiment pertinent pour ce fil.

Mais je crois que pour comprendre ce qui se passe dans le monde aujourd'hui concernant les systèmes monétaires mondiaux, la première chose à étudier est l'histoire des monnaies de réserve du monde.

Voici un graphique illustrant l'arnaque de la monnaie de réserve, remontant à l'année 1400:

[URL unfurl = "true"] A History of Reserve Currencies in One Graph [/ URL]

Et voici le premier d'une série d'articles en quatre parties qui montre que c'est vraiment un très petit nombre de familles qui gèrent ce programme (seulement huit depuis la fin des années 1700) - et je pense qu'elles sont également à l'origine de la montée actuelle de la Chine et de la Russie:

[URL unfurl = "true"] The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families - Global Research [/ URL]

Je ne dirai pas grand-chose de plus sur ces familles puisque Laurent Guyénot les couvre très bien dans le livre: "De Yahvé à Sion", sinon pour pouvoir vraiment suivre les arbres généalogiques de ces familles il faut suivre la famille * maternelle * ligne, PAS le paternel. Je me demande si elles ont réussi à cacher à quel point elles sont peu nombreuses avec la convention selon laquelle les femmes de la famille prennent le nom de leur mari, et si c'est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles cette tradition a commencé? Je me demande également s'il existe des gènes ou des mutations codant pour la psychopathie qui sont liés au sexe, liés au chromosome X ...

Mais les exécuteurs de l'histoire depuis au moins les 600 dernières années ont été les pays qui contrôlaient la monnaie de réserve mondiale - qui est la monnaie convenue au niveau international qui est utilisée pour régler les dettes et les échanges internationaux. Et selon le graphique ci-dessus, ceux qui contrôlent la monnaie de réserve ont très peu de temps au soleil: ils ne gouvernent le perchoir que pendant environ 70 à 100 ans avant qu'il n'y ait des conflits internationaux, ce qui fait que le pays hôte perd son statut et un nouveau pays jouant le rôle de leadership monétaire.

Je crois que c'est par conception.

Comment l'arnaque fonctionne: ceux qui contrôlent les systèmes monétaires trouveront un pays qu'ils veulent maîtriser, et ils proposeront de financer un psychopathe charismatique dans un rôle de premier plan et de le renforcer militairement, ainsi que de faire valoir ses «vertus» au public via les médias qu'ils contrôlent également tout en diffamant et en détruisant tous les adversaires de leur chef choisi en renversant tous les systèmes de gouvernement interne à leurs propres fins.

Une fois cela fait, ils commenceront à contrarier un autre pays qu'ils veulent posséder, les réprimandant comme des païens et les déshumanisant aux yeux du public dans le pays hôte de leur choix, finissant par lancer une série d'événements sous faux drapeau qui finissent par obtenir le public derrière aller à la guerre avec la victime choisie.

Une fois victorieux, ils videront ensuite tout le capital du pays victime, en étant sûrs de répandre un peu de richesse parmi le public de leur pays d'accueil afin de commencer à le soudoyer pour accepter leur rôle désormais choisi de "centre de commerce" et "exécuteur de la règle", tout en continuant à répandre leurs tentacules parmi les autres pays qu'ils souhaitent diriger.

Cette façon d'être désormais instituée, les générations suivantes grandissent enracinées dans ce système, et elles continuent de dominer le monde, tout en consolidant la richesse matérielle des contrôleurs du système monétaire. Mais en cours de route, les voies violentes de leur pays d'accueil créent beaucoup d'inimitié et d'animosité parmi les pays victimes; et aussi, ceux qui grandissent parmi toute la décadence et le gain matériel commencent à devenir arrogants et doux à mesure qu'ils deviennent encore plus ponérisés.

Finalement, les contrôleurs videront chaque dernière goutte d'utilité de leur pays d'accueil, s'assurant que leurs compatriotes ont partagé la misère maléfique afin qu'ils puissent repousser une grande partie du karma de leurs actions sur ceux qu'ils ont forcés à les servir. À ce moment-là, ils chercheront alors un autre pays qu'ils souhaitent posséder ou bâtir parmi ceux qu'ils ont opposé à la haine de leur hôte choisi, trouver un psychopathe puissant approprié dans ce pays et financer * lui * pour détruire leur maintenant bientôt -à devenir ex-pays hôte.

Rincez et répétez. Mais seulement tous les 70 à 100 ans, parce que vous voulez vous assurer que tous ceux qui ont traversé l'enfer de la dernière transition sont morts et disparus, et que vous et vos familles avez eu tout le temps de réécrire l'histoire entre-temps pour cacher ce qui s'est vraiment passé ...

Et à l'heure actuelle, il semble que les pays hôtes actuels de l'ouest devraient "perdre" à ceux de l'est: la Chine et la Russie. Tout cela a été cuit dans le gâteau: la Chine au moins depuis que Nixon a accepté d'envoyer toute la fabrication américaine là-bas, puis a supprimé l'étalon-or pour créer le pétrodollar. Depuis lors, le dollar a perdu presque tout son pouvoir d'achat ... comme prévu.

Où en est la Russie dans tout cela? J'entrerai plus en détail sur le fil BIS lorsque j'en aurai l'occasion. Mais en attendant, je recommande un livre que je crois que Laura a lu une fois, un livre qu'elle a écrit était l'un de ceux qui l'ont réveillée: None Dare Call it Conspiracy, de Gary Allen et Larry Abraham. Il y a eu un suivi encore meilleur de ce livre, écrit par Abraham en 1985, intitulé "Call it Conspiracy". Ces livres détaillent très bien ce qui s'est passé les manigances du banquier international pendant la Première et la Seconde Guerre mondiale, puis le début de ce qui se passe actuellement. Je pense que des PDF gratuits peuvent être trouvés en ligne, mais j'ai perdu les liens. Mais un autre homme qui a écrit une grande partie de ces banquiers était le professeur Antony Sutton, et bon nombre de ses livres fondateurs sont téléchargeables gratuitement sur sa page Wikipedia.

Channa, please, have a heart! Provide us with a translation... :-(
Another thing: it seems that some countries will be easing the measures taken within the next week or two, while others are threatening with or implementing stricter measures. This will be very interesting to watch, since we'll be able to track the impact of these changes and compare.
I certainly wish we could watch that show! Two new world orders blaming one another! Perhaps we will see the split of EU during this process. The EuroAtlantic part going one way and the newly formed part under fresh influence of China / SilkRoad going its own way. I am curious as to which of the former so called Western European countries will join the Eastern flock eventually. Italy? Austria (probably)? Greece? Or maybe even Germany? (that would be a thriller now!) We can surely expect formation of some significant bloc of states that will be oriented towards China and Russia - in the meantime we may find ourselves fighting each other over scraps of what's left from the decimated economics, of course, with some spectacular visuals from above and shaking earth below.

Since China has bought so much land around the world to make sure they will be able to produce enough food, they might play a role of savior who will come to their new European colonies and will be celebrated in the middle of coming upheavals as the new worshiped ruler. Social credit system and brand new ID inclusive, no doubt.

Holy crap! Just went out for a smoke an some crazy light show caught my eye, when I realised that it was Sirius. It's flashing green and red and whatnot frantically. I've never seen it like that. Can anyone take a look and confirm? It should still be visible all across Europe.
Think I just saw it. Looks like red and green stars circling a white star or something. Its in a relatively low position in the sky and to the north-west, right?
I got so confused by Sirius last year too and after about an hour of watching it, thinking it definitely is a UFO, a friend of mine use an app to confirm its identity. That little thingie can play with observer very well! No wonder that our ancestors had a strong relationship with Sirius, for example this from Wiki (small font since it does not relate to this thread directly):
In Iranian mythology, especially in Persian mythology and in Zoroastrianism, the ancient religion of Persia, Sirius appears as Tishtrya and is revered as the rain-maker divinity (Tishtar of New Persian poetry). Beside passages in the sacred texts of the Avesta, the Avestan language Tishtrya followed by the version Tir in Middle and New Persian is also depicted in the Persian epic Shahnameh of Ferdowsi. Due to the concept of the yazatas, powers which are "worthy of worship", Tishtrya is a divinity of rain and fertility and an antagonist of apaosha, the demon of drought. In this struggle, Tishtrya is depicted as a white horse.[124][125][126][127]

In Chinese astronomy Sirius is known as the star of the "celestial wolf" (Chinese and Japanese: 天狼 Chinese romanization: Tiānláng; Japanese romanization: Tenrō;[128]) in the Mansion of Jǐng (井宿). Many nations among the indigenous peoples of North America also associated Sirius with canines; the Seri and Tohono O'odham of the southwest note the star as a dog that follows mountain sheep, while the Blackfoot called it "Dog-face". The Cherokee paired Sirius with Antares as a dog-star guardian of either end of the "Path of Souls". The Pawnee of Nebraska had several associations; the Wolf (Skidi) tribe knew it as the "Wolf Star", while other branches knew it as the "Coyote Star". Further north, the Alaskan Inuit of the Bering Strait called it "Moon Dog".[129]

Several cultures also associated the star with a bow and arrows. The ancient Chinese visualized a large bow and arrow across the southern sky, formed by the constellations of Puppis and Canis Major. In this, the arrow tip is pointed at the wolf Sirius. A similar association is depicted at the Temple of Hathor in Dendera, where the goddess Satet has drawn her arrow at Hathor (Sirius). Known as "Tir", the star was portrayed as the arrow itself in later Persian culture.[130]

Sirius is mentioned in Surah, An-Najm ("The Star"), of the Qur'an, where it is given the name الشِّعْرَى (transliteration: aš-ši‘rā or ash-shira; the leader).[131] The verse is: "وأنَّهُ هُوَ رَبُّ الشِّعْرَى", "That He is the Lord of Sirius (the Mighty Star)." (An-Najm:49)[132] Ibn Kathir said in his commentary "that it is the bright star, named Mirzam Al-Jawza' (Sirius), which a group of Arabs used to worship".[133] The alternate name Aschere, used by Johann Bayer, is derived from this.[18]

In theosophy, it is believed the Seven Stars of the Pleiades transmit the spiritual energy of the Seven Rays from the Galactic Logos to the Seven Stars of the Great Bear, then to Sirius. From there is it sent via the Sun to the god of Earth (Sanat Kumara), and finally through the seven Masters of the Seven Rays to the human race.[134]

See also: Nommo

The Dogon people are an ethnic group in Mali, West Africa, reported by some researchers to have traditional astronomical knowledge about Sirius that would normally be considered impossible without the use of telescopes. According to Marcel Griaule, they knew about the fifty-year orbital period of Sirius and its companion prior to western astronomers.[135][136] Robert Temple claims that the Dogon people have a tradition of contact with intelligent extraterrestrial beings from Sirius.[137] This has been the subject of controversy and speculation.
I've been to the store again today and it seems that more people are wearing "slave gear" (that's what I'm calling it now) and they on the whole seem more afraid and just looking around wide-eyed anticipating other's movements so as to avoid getting too close. One woman gotbstuck between myself and a store employee and didn't know where to turn, her face a mask of dread. I kindly went in reverse to allow herbto pass. It's madness out there. Stay Home as they say!
Not sure which star you're seeing but that's not Sirius. It was already behind the horizon when you wrote this and it should be around South.
From my position in Zagreb under the left side of Sljeme this star was in the north-west and in the lower part of the sky (at 30 degrees roughly) at the time I posted. I see the need of learning some star orientation soon :-D.
Bombards Body Language Ghost on Bill Gates being interviewed about the virus.

There's something different about Gates in this video in comparison to the TED talks and others that I can't quite put my finger on. He seems more child like and the segments where he seems happy about events are just creepy.

Yes. We've long heard about the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers, the Morgans, etc. Now there's Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. I suspect the Bushes and Clintons cottoned on to what the deal was very early and found ways to amass piles of money so they could belong to the club; we sure notice that Killary hasn't been indicted in spite of everything.

The "Power of the Purse" strikes me as being very important. The World Bank? IMF? What do we know about these organizations? Who are top level members?

So, maybe we should start looking at this? Compile a list?

Well, I don't think they want a virus that actually does cause a lot of deaths because they, themselves, are subject to being infected. This #NothingBurgerVirus is perfect for their purposes.

Anyway, right now, I'm looking at the World Bank/IMF and WHO as being pretty near the top at least in terms of who is visible to us.

I read the article Deckard posted. Pretty grim and maybe going in the right direction, but I wonder if there is not more in the way of surprises around the corner?

Even if we assume that the World Bank, Big Banks and Bankers, and WHO and Big Pharma are behind all this, we still have to ask why NOW? And Qui Bono???
At the start of this Plandemic a few weeks ago now, I watched one of the Duran's live stream, Alexander Mercouris mentioned a Pandemic Bond, this piqued my curiosity, so started researching, from what I can gather, it is controlled by the world Bank, investors from what they call donor countries each put in money, betting on the probability or not of a pandemic occurring, in the poorer countries of the world. It is listed on the stock exchange and investors are paid a dividend, when funds are not access, the figure of an interest rate comes to min, I read somewhere. Bill gates mentioned that in a video interview has donated 100 million dollars.
I suspect that this is where his 100 milion dollars has been donated. I get the suspicion that this is a huge ponzie scheme for the elites to launder money, many banks are involved.

This is a wikki entry, It's called Pandemic Emergency Finance Facility

Also this from the World Bank gives more detail

It was launched in 2017, but plans were on the table in 2016 according the the bulletin. From the bulletin, the maturity date of the bonds is July 15th 2020

I think I have seen references (IMF and BCCI) to other world financial institutions, but can't find the links at this time.

The PEF covers six viruses that are most likely to cause a pandemic. These include new Orthomyxoviruses (new influenza pandemic virus A), Coronaviridae (SARS, MERS), Filoviridae (Ebola, Marburg) and other zoonotic diseases (Crimean Congo, Rift Valley, Lassa fever).

PEF financing to eligible countries will be triggered when an outbreak reaches predetermined levels of contagion, including number of deaths; the speed of the spread of the disease; and whether the disease crosses international borders. The determinations for the trigger are made based on publicly available data as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

This from Nasdaqu - seems that the World Bank does not want to cough up the cash, to those suffering and poor countries, that they care about so much.

Many policymakers have criticized the World Bank's pandemic bonds. Under their provisions, the bonds haven't yet made any payouts to threatened countries, because their terms require a waiting period of 12 weeks from when the triggering outbreak began. With the coronavirus having first been reported toward the end of December, financial experts believe that a technical default won't happen until late March or early April.

That stands in stark contrast to what advocates expected the pandemic bonds to do. There was initially a belief that money would become rapidly available to countries early on in an outbreak. If the goal was to stop a disease from spreading to new countries, then time was of the essence in setting a triggering event -- and unnecessary delays are incredibly counterproductive.

I suspect there is a barrage of insurers microscopically wading through the fine print, finding ways not to payout.

World Bank Group Leadership

Here again from Wikki listing all the Past and current President of the world bank starting in 1946


What a motley crew of pathological individuals, that is all I have at this time, hope it helps to enlarge the picture. Still can't figure Cui Buono.
And the Bizzaro world is full of surprises. From Wednesday, 8th of April in Macedonia we will have a curfew from 16:00 to 5:00 next day, and for weekends 24 hours lockdown. From 16:00 on Friday until 5:00 on Monday.
:curse: This is insane. I am so pissed off.
Can normal people somehow wake, up, organize and do something against this tyranny?
The new normal seems to be fear and obedience, so, I'm not holding my breath for that to happen. I am, however, hopefully that the intensifying pressure on people will attract a cosmic response sooner rather than later. In which form it will manifest is the 'wait and see'.

Continuing with faith that it will change is the most I can think to do for now and pretty much implementing the list Luc suggested earlier on in the thread. Anger is probably not a beneficial emotion for our health ATM.:hug2:

The lunatics have taken over the asylum and there is probably not much we can do for those that choose to join them. We need to keep the faith, hold tightly to the truth and ride the storm wave out.
I noticed it last evening and thought it was Venus. That was the brightest display that I can remember seeing. It was changing colors that were very noticeable. I wonder if it is reacting to the electrical nature of the comet that I could barely see because of the moonlight.
Sirius is a binary star (one white, one blue) which commonly appears to flash. It’s name literally means “sparkling” in Greek. Perhaps the green/red shift is the result of refraction? Just a thought.

* edit to add: just saw a few more posts above mentioning this. I should catch all the way up first! :lol:
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