The Living Force
Would if very much surprise you, (and perhaps not in a good way?), if the C's came back and said: "You ARE our STO forces! You're it! You're all we've got!" and "Stand up and fight now! Or declare defeat, and side with those big fat STS liars and take the consequences!""Now that the 4D STO forces are there, battling with STS ones, is it wishful thinkings from us to say that, if we all ask it, we'll be (really/strongly) protected by 4D STO against any direct attemps to harm us ?"
It is my opinion that STS only fears being exposed for what they are really up to. The big fat liars! STS runs this planet, so we are obliged to understand how the very worst of them thinks and acts, without expecting to them to become any different. The most we can expect is for them to become irrelevant and that means losing their power. The only action I can think of, is to expose their lies and manipulations and ask them to 'please explain'. They can't, and in the end look really ridiculous, and as a consequence, no more power.
And, to explain my thoughts about STS v's STO. I don't think this is an entirely accurate situation. We all have a little of both in us. It's like a continuum with some people falling more towards one end of the scale and others towards the opposite end. This only applies to people who are aware, and able to make choices, such as a person who can 'see the unseen'... i.e. not that many! It also means 'waking up'. I don't think a person is either STO or STS, but they can however make choices to go in one direction, or the other, and this is not dependent on the intervention (or "protection") of outside forces. In other words, the choice is made actively, not passively.
An example of this might be, say 4D STS, comes in and says "we will protect you" and 3D STS believes them (the idiots). 4D STS are doing this for a reason and they expect a payoff at the end of the day! Once 3D STS has done whatever 'service' 4D STS requires of them, they can then be discarded. This is what a psychopath does, and why they have to lie all the time to get what they want.
A 4D STO might come in and say: "You want to be STO? That's great, I can 'show you the way', but I can't do the work for you". After you've done the work to become more STO, you might find the 'pay off' was actually doing the work in the first place (growth) and being able to "see more".
That's just my opinion. The one thing I truly don't like is having my free will messed with. That, to me, is a very STS thing to do and why they have to be such 'big fat liars' to get away with it!