That's why i never like computers...
I must confess, I like computers and appliances in general and anything that can be taken apart and be put back together again. Nothing but more or less fancy boxes of wires one can have lots of fun with. I remember being mostly fascinated by the lamps in the radio. The moment I knew what screwdrivers were for I started to open and take apart the majority of our appliances upsetting my parents in the process because of my total lack of ‘respect’. Little they knew that I was busy acquiring the basic skills for critical thinking. Long story, short because the topic was Microsoft and desktop PCs, very few people know that Microsoft was for a long time a user driven development environment. Unlike UNIX or Mac, Windows released products were not as stable as advertised and that made them the biggest catch of all categories of users. You want to experience frustration and become expert in turning it into a false sense achievement? Try Microsoft. By comparison, UNIX is dry and unforgiving, and Mac would be boring. Besides, Microsoft still remains the cheaper version but also the least productive work environment at least for heavy duty work, that is.
But like I was fascinated by the lamps in the radio when I was 5, my current fascination is derived by the large and constantly growing number of people that believe everything a computer displays on the screen. What you see on the screen is processed bits of data that has the best resemblance to the understanding of the ‘reality’ by the software developer.
So, don’t be upset, the computing world is still in diapers.
Today I have new information in the area of the health system, It seems that despite the very low workload of the practice I have the right patients at the moment who can also provide me with new information. One patient was an operating nurse in a medium-sized hospital until a week ago. She was before the end of the trial period and received her notice 2 weeks ago. An unimaginable thought until 2 weeks ago. Very critically she gave me an overview of how she experienced Corona in the hospital. There was also a very interesting conversation regarding ventilation.

Situation hospital
On March 28th, 20, the Hospital Financing Act was expanded by a further addition COVID-19 Hospital Relief Act (COVKHEntlG).

Each hospital receives the flat rate of € 560 for 1 hospital bed, which must be kept ready due to COVID. This applies to all beds because the specialists were prohibited from admitting patients, so to speak. Only emergency instructions are still allowed.
The normal case flat rate without COVID was approx. € 800 at no additional cost depending on the department and service.

In Germany, hospitals were classified by level. The classification was made according to the following criteria: intensive care beds, ventilation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, MRI, CT. Level 1 has all possibilities. This is how the patients are distributed.

A hospital that additionally creates an intensive care bed with ventilation options receives a one-off payment of € 50,000 for 1 bed.

From an economic perspective
You actually have to have several points of view in mind. Before COVID, there were very strong efforts in Germany to close hospitals, to combine specialties in one clinic. This was attempted to explain that there is an overall better structure for the patient. Several clinics were informed before COVID that they would not be profitable for economic reasons and would have to close. This would have a catastrophic impact on medical care in rural areas. In the course of COVID, all clinics became COVID clinics. It was about the provision of all beds in a clinic. The clinic now incurred an incredible loss because the flat rate per case was paid per bed. Suddenly all clinics that met the requirements for Level 1 clinic had an advantage. Now every clinic also tried to improve their financial situation and created ventilation places. It is also known that every clinic always tries to occupy the intensive care units on a long-term basis because the highest compensation is available for this. Now the amended financing law also gave every small clinic the opportunity to expand the intensive care units at the expense of the state and to equip them with ventilators, which would otherwise not be financially feasible.

Since it looks like in the long term that all clinics in Germany have the COVID status, all clinics will get into an unexpected misalignment. If COVID patients had come, it would have been the financial compensation. Now we have a completely different situation.

My patient said that 3 weeks ago her clinic (170 beds) level 3 had exactly 5 patients. 2 patients were on intensive care and did not require ventilation, 3 patients were on surgery. No patient had COVID. In the last week there were 2 stations with full occupancy COVID.
But every COVID patient is placed in a room on the ward. A room must remain free between each COVID room. So if we talk about full occupancy of a ward, that would be an average of 40 patients / 20 rooms before COVID. Now one speaks of a full occupancy in 10 COVID patients
Every clinic is now experiencing a drama. All beds are only paid as a lump sum. You can only earn if COVID patients come. One tries to bring these patients to intensive first because there is the most reimbursement here. The most economical case at the moment is a ventilated COVID in intensive care.

Every clinic treats COVID patients in its catchment area. The instruction is: Intensive COVIDs all come to Level 1 clinics (we have 3 Level 1 clinics). If these clinics are overloaded, go to Level 2 clinics. Level 3 clinics should not admit intensive care patients COVID, but all other intensive care patients. Therefore, the intensive care units of almost all Level 3 clinics are empty.
In the following, many clinics will actually close, as no clinic can survive on a flat rate of € 560. I think that's exactly what is wanted - clinic closings through the back door. This emergency lasts as long as politicians want it to. It affects every clinic.
Another great video from Amazing Polly.
To Serve Man - The Lie Of Philanthropy
"Put on your seatbelts, you're in for a bumpy ride. I show you how so-called 'philanthropists' use language and veneers to hide their bad deeds as they de-humanize us. These people are like vampire aliens determined to hijack free will."

This was a very important and eye opening presentation by Polly. Their goal is literally to turn us into machines, and the scenario from the film series The Matrix is maybe closer than we think.

This got me thinking, that one part of this 'grooming process' could be what we're seeing right now with people being quarantined at home and working on distance. The other day I heard on the radio someone talking about the results of a recent poll, where they asked how many would like to work on distance even after the pandemic, when returning to the work places would be possible again. The results were shocking (at least to me): something like 40% said that even after the pandemic is over, they would like to continue working on distance from their homes! People are being brain washed to think that there's no need to actually physically interact with others – all work can be done in virtual environments on the computer, and if we can't stop it, soon our brains will be hooked 24/7 to a large main frame computer.

The Matrix is soon here... :evil:
Situation for specialist in medicin

These also fall under the new COVKHEntlG = rescue package
All specialists may only admit emergency patients. The compensation was determined in a very complicated calculation system. This is based on the percentage loss compared to 2019. If the income in 2020 falls below a certain percentage limit compared to 2019, a fixed compensation will be paid.
The first specialists to be affected were dentists. They have to invest the most to open the practice. Due to the proximity to the patient, the dentist is now dispensed with. They get 90% of the turnover from 2019 as compensation. In the case of toothache, many will pull their teeth with pliers rather than go to the dentist.
The next specialist was the ophthalmologist. I suspect the compensation is in the dentist's area.
All other disciplines are currently being saved with a fixed compensation rate.

Situation Specialists for medicin from a political point of view

From a political point of view, the number of resident specialists was too much. What has broken away here in Germany in the past few years are family doctors in the country. An important factor here is the budgeting and the health insurance company's recourse against the doctor. There are very high demands on the part of the health insurance if the budget is exceeded. Many doctors are under a great deal of stress because, on the one hand, there is always the fear of repayments. On the other hand, a great many patients today go to the doctor for trifles. The patient is incredibly dominant and demanding today. In addition, patients generally know everything better through Google than doctors and therapists.
I noticed that COVID suddenly strengthened the position of the general practitioner and weakened that of the specialist. General practitioners are the main point of contact today, specialist doctors are in the last place due to the prescribed emergency care. It was almost turned off.
Specialists are not only very cost-intensive, they also prescribe services to medical providers, radiological examinations and laboratories. Another thorn in the side of the new savings system of the health insurance.
Perhaps, according to COVID, the situation will be such that it can be seen that people have not been all that sick in all the years since no doctors were visited during COVID. That could be confirmation that we have too many specialists, radiological examinations and therapeuts. But it is not said that people were effectively blocked from access to the system.

My patient also informed me that at the moment more patients were admitted to hospitals in an emergency and also died because they were admitted too late. Either they went to the doctor too late or the referring doctor admitted them too late.
You can only earn if COVID patients come. One tries to bring these patients to intensive first because there is the most reimbursement here. The most economical case at the moment is a ventilated COVID in intensive care.
So the hospitals are trying to force treatments based on making the most money rather than based on what is medically best for the patient.
Here is an extract of statistic from a German hospital related to the study in Heinsberg. The proportion of smokers and ex-smokers is striking. I am trying to find the entire study again, since I only did this screen shoot.


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In the UK, there is this barrister, Francis Hoar, who wrote in an article that the corona measures taken in the UK could be found to be in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.
This is a quick summary by Sputnik:

'Prime Minister Boris Johnson might face a lawsuit over his decision to introduce quarantine measures in the UK, such as a comprehensive ban on public gatherings, to stop the spread of the coronavirus, Francis Hoar, a barrister at Field Court Chambers, suggested in an article published on the set's website.

Hoar argued that should the government regulations on the quarantine be brought to court scrutiny, they could be found to be in violation of numerous provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The barrister listed several violations that can be found in No 10's orders, such as depriving British citizens of their liberty, ability to communicate with relatives, gather in places of worship, organise political gatherings, as well as depriving their children of a proper basic minimum of education, despite schools continuing their lessons in an online format.'
To my knowledge, no court case has yet been filed, but at least he dares to speak up and plant seeds. Let us see if anyone picks up the baton from there.
In any case, i find it noteworthy that the PTB in the UK are on a very different path as opposed to some continental European countries as Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Austria and others that are gradually opening up. It seems to me they really are going for the complete breakdown of their population, to see how far they can go.

'A return to normal life in Scotland is unlikely to happen in the near future, even if the toughest lockdown measures are lifted, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon told the press at a news conference on Thursday.
The first minister stressed that she wanted to have a "grown up conversation" with the Scottish population about lifting restrictions on daily life.'

Sheeez, the contempt for people in general that these psychos exude and verbally exclaim is almost beyond comprehension.
This great article over at SOTT deals also with the British response to covid1984. Via direct policy influencer Neil Ferguson the trail leads to.... Bill Gates. Of course.
In the UK, there is this barrister, Francis Hoar, who wrote in an article that the corona measures taken in the UK could be found to be in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.
This is a quick summary by Sputnik:

'Prime Minister Boris Johnson might face a lawsuit over his decision to introduce quarantine measures in the UK, such as a comprehensive ban on public gatherings, to stop the spread of the coronavirus, Francis Hoar, a barrister at Field Court Chambers, suggested in an article published on the set's website.

Hoar argued that should the government regulations on the quarantine be brought to court scrutiny, they could be found to be in violation of numerous provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The barrister listed several violations that can be found in No 10's orders, such as depriving British citizens of their liberty, ability to communicate with relatives, gather in places of worship, organise political gatherings, as well as depriving their children of a proper basic minimum of education, despite schools continuing their lessons in an online format.'
To my knowledge, no court case has yet been filed, but at least he dares to speak up and plant seeds. Let us see if anyone picks up the baton from there.
In any case, i find it noteworthy that the PTB in the UK are on a very different path as opposed to some continental European countries as Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Austria and others that are gradually opening up. It seems to me they really are going for the complete breakdown of their population, to see how far they can go.

'A return to normal life in Scotland is unlikely to happen in the near future, even if the toughest lockdown measures are lifted, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon told the press at a news conference on Thursday.
The first minister stressed that she wanted to have a "grown up conversation" with the Scottish population about lifting restrictions on daily life.'

Sheeez, the contempt for people in general that these psychos exude and verbally exclaim is almost beyond comprehension.
‘I am the Law!’ Judge Dredd
apologies if this has been posted before, about 10 pages behind, just got sent this!
Let me put it another way by asking a general question for the sake of discussion: why would Bill Gates tell people in public speeches that his plan is to depopulate the earth by forcing vaccines on everyone that will sterilize and/or kill them? Is he like the evil bad guy in a movie who can't help himself from a monologue detailing his whole plan? Is it some kind of demonic ritual to tell the victims exactly what's going to happen to them? Something else? What would he have to gain from tipping everyone off to his plan? How would that help him to gain power and control and make money (I'm assuming those are his goals but again I could be wrong)?
He is probably seen by those around him as a somewhat 'useful idiot'. Admittedly a very rich one, but that may be something they see as giving him credibility.
A: “Guest” has lived in a remarkably narcissistic bubble for some time despite all our encouragement. Admitting it, seeing it, atoning by awakening true conscience is essential, and soon. Constant observing of the self and journaling and other contemplation. Perhaps Ark will share some of his journals. You have a similar nature though he is more naturally empathic. Beware, there is a "cutoff" point past which there are no further opportunities in this life.
I guess the same can be said for all of us. Even Bill Gates!!!
Most hit were the counties that were next to NYC ( thinking all this testing is correct). May be it is all the scam to begin with, given that they already know it has spread before the fear mongering even started and it is going on for 2 years.


The numbers are confusing and it does not help much even when looking at the death rate percentages. They vary greatly from state to state in the U.S.

CDC - Cases of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in the U.S.
U.S. At A Glance1,2
As of April 22, 2020

CDC Numbers.png

*Total cases includes 4,211 probable cases and total deaths includes 5,922 probable deaths.
**Total jurisdictions includes 50 states, District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S Virgin Islands.

Looking at the above CDC - COVID-19 the total U.S. death rate is 5.5 % which seems high. Maybe the new antibody testing would bring the rates down by increasing counted cases, I don't know.

Using the CDC State & Territorial Health Department Websites I went to each state site to find their latest numbers and calculate the death rate percentages. I only did the mainland states to compare them against each other.

Michigan has the highest death rate of 8.44% followed by New York which strangely does not even give a death rate other than for NYC on the state website. To find the numbers for state death totals I had to go to another source which states they will vary from place to place. It could be at the county level where the delays or inaccuracies are happening I suppose. Hawaii had 0% deaths for the lowest death rate.

I had to go here to the following site to get a total death count for New York state:

Coronavirus in New York: Check our interactive map of cases and deaths by county

I think the numbers are questionable but it is not easy to prove. They are overall higher than I expected.
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Let me put it another way by asking a general question for the sake of discussion: why would Bill Gates tell people in public speeches that his plan is to depopulate the earth by forcing vaccines on everyone that will sterilize and/or kill them? Is he like the evil bad guy in a movie who can't help himself from a monologue detailing his whole plan? Is it some kind of demonic ritual to tell the victims exactly what's going to happen to them? Something else? What would he have to gain from tipping everyone off to his plan? How would that help him to gain power and control and make money (I'm assuming those are his goals but again I could be wrong)?

Pray tell, my brother,
Why do dictators kill
and make war?
Is it for glory; for things,
for beliefs, for hatred,
for power?
Yes, but more,
because they can.”
R.J. Rummel
Freedom, Democide, War: Home Page
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