I recently had the same thought. I even thought, "I give up, I'm done with 3rd density. There's nothing you can do."!

Except for my wife (more or less), I am "alone". Everyone in my environment has bought what is for sale and they are absolutely irrational.

Yesterday I had a conversation with my sister and I really felt emotional pain at the lies that according to her are an absolute truth. An immovable wall.

I can not do anything.

All (really all) my family and my work environment have chosen and are completely impervious to anything other than "their truth".

Part of who I am is having the constant urge to "help," however I have learned that the vast majority "don't want to be helped"!

I hear ya, Was talking to my younger sister last night. We speak on the phone more now than before this thing kicked off. We have a good relationship she is an authoritarian follower but a good person. We spoke a bit about the nonsence, she said it will go on until a vaccine is found 🙄 I asked will you take it? She said, yes we have too. She is in fear, people are dieing, worries about the future. She know the economy is not going to recover and things won't go back to normal she excepts that and thinks it necessary. She trusts the government and likes the puppet health minister. They know people are dieing because of the measures but don't seem to really care all that much. The alternative letting the virus run it's course, they think is worse than the consequences of the lockdown, many more would die . Measures are up to the 5th of May. Listening to what the puppets in Government are saying, Not much will change.

I'm lucky nothing has changed with my Job, still working full time, with some extra
People are being brain washed to think that there's no need to actually physically interact with others

Very true. There are things one cannot learn without the dynamics of physical interaction. Or rather, in person. Before the quarantine began, I had entered several classes at the university, most of them practical classes where you have to work with real prototypes and deliver drawings, etc. When they decided to do everything over the Internet, I simply refused. I preferred to drop the classes.
Part of who I am is having the constant urge to "help," however I have learned that the vast majority "don't want to be helped"!

That is a problem for me, too. It is really hard for me to keep quiet when people talk about this situation when all they know is what the "authorities" have said. They have no interest or curiosity about anything other than what they are told, accepting the party line without question, and refuse to even look at alternatives. I have always been someone who wants to learn, so lack of curiosity is something I have a hard time understanding.
It's an oft-repeated strategy of STS forces to use their minions to enthusiastically represent a hated faction, country, or agenda that would certainly raise the ire of the masses were it forced upon them; only to then remove these psychopaths from the scene in a great show that supposedly ends them and the threat they were supporting, thus sating the public - while their *real* goal is something that is far worse and is implemented in the shadows while people were engaged with the sideshow.

It is because of this tactic of theirs that I still wonder what is going on in the shade of the rising 5G hatred, among other things...
I agree Ketone Cop, it's the same conclusion we arrived at, my friend and I, after reading all these articles and reactions about B.Gates (but you formulated it much better;-))
We need to go on the warpath, not against a virus but against the dishonesty, corruption, lying and immorality which encourage people who should protect us, to ruin our health in the name of their profit.'

The only question is: are the people going to demand it?
Here the article in French for the ones who want to share it with French speaking people.

There some others articles in the same site from the author (Dr Pascal Sacré) which are also interesting as:
That is a problem for me, too. It is really hard for me to keep quiet when people talk about this situation when all they know is what the "authorities" have said. They have no interest or curiosity about anything other than what they are told, accepting the party line without question, and refuse to even look at alternatives. I have always been someone who wants to learn, so lack of curiosity is something I have a hard time understanding.
Exactly SevenFeathers ! And i think (i may be wrong) that the FRV and curiosity are linked, like something vibrate in you to progress, to understand... I think the C's talk about curiosity in the Sessions... 🤔
It's just getting more insane.

Idaho Protesters Surround Cop’s Home Who Arrested Mom In Front of Children

On April 23, Police arrested a Meridian, Idaho mom while she was allowing her kids on a playdate at a local park for violating Coronavirus restrictions. While the kids were playing on a swing set, officers approached the mother who they inevitably handcuffed and walked to a police car. Other parents who congregated in a grassy area flanking the swingset gasped and asked the officers for explanations. Many of them filmed the incident. Now, Idahoans are taking matters into their own hands and protesting the cop’s home. Source: https://prepforthat.com/idaho-protest...
Did Chinese know some thing which other countries doesn't know - like the mind control aspect of the virus and thought of cull it in the bud and it is not the death toll. Any way, it shows how panic ( and all other players) can destroy the civilizations in a snap.
All this reminding me of what C's said month back ( March 21 2020 session) - script exactly played out as they mentioned as of now. Though I understood "Mind control" part at that time of session reading, didn't realize it as the critical part of the entire events.
  • Chinese wants to wipe out "Mind control" part of virus from their population, so goes down to lock-down. They can lock-down and restart , but the rest of the world can't do it so easily because of "Democracy" , meanwhile every body wants to say "Chinese Conspiracy" and sue them. I guess they will run out of steam
  • Putin ( years ago) who mentioned "why Americans showing interest in the Russian Genetics"( i.e ethno-centric weapons) locks down. so, he might have got spooked about it and went with the flow.
  • Indians got scared of Chinese experience( probably they don't know mind control part).
  • Western nations are firm grip of deep state ( Germany, UK, France, Australia and Japan so on), simply following.
  • Trump like a typical manager who listens to complaining people and ask them to fix it by giving them power and if it doesn't work, Fire them while maintaining his power and salvage what he can before the reelection.
  • Sweden maintains neutrality, decides not to lock-down (Some how they manages it even during WWII when the entire world is murdering each other). Special case I guess.
  • Brazil's Bolsonaro does his own "FU" thing without lock-down
In short, Americans went to China to Control for their mind, China squashed it with lockdown, STO guys threw monkey wrench into STS plans with promotion of beneficial mutation making STS guys run for their "Control" and start "putting off the fire" - beaming, bleed through, Chips, Viruses, Lock-down , usual MSM propaganda and so on.

As per C's, story hadn't even started yet, with all the remaining "Chills", "Hubris" , "Weirdness", revamp of real virus damages and so on.

In the entire story, it looks only "Deep Deep" State ( aka Consortium), Chinese and Russians knows of the game more than any body else ,while all are promoting unified narration "Coronavirus Scare". It is quite possible Russia, China are also part of Consortium and in that case it becomes fight between Consortium entities. Any way, ALL this looks more like "Gods" fighting among themselves through "us".
So the hospitals are trying to force treatments based on making the most money rather than based on what is medically best for the patient.
Sounds about right. Especially in the US where the profit motive is utmost in every business's mind. It also plays a huge part in what pharmacological products are 'promoted'. They are usually the ones that make the most money, not the ones that save the most lives, or have the best outcomes, or are the safest. Same with the media. Most of their advertising income comes from Pharma. It's really very ordinary.
Here is the translation table for the full questionnaire (the main important part, i. e. the questions are in a darker blue and the rest can be ignored if someone just likes to call someone), if other languages are needed just add another row:

I've just done the German IT. Can someone do a quick proofreading check?
We spoke a bit about the nonsence, she said it will go on until a vaccine is found 🙄 I asked will you take it? She said, yes we have too. She is in fear, people are dieing, worries about the future.
Something that could be asked is: What if the 'cure' is worse than the 'disease'? What then? One of my family members is a big supporter of the notion that 'vaccines are the answer to everything' and 'have absolutely no down side'. He has been known to recognize that on occasion, the 'cure' is sometimes worse than the 'disease', and that occasionally those in authority do not always have your back in a crisis. Not often, but still.... :-/
Here is the translation table for the full questionnaire (the main important part, i. e. the questions are in a darker blue and the rest can be ignored if someone just likes to call someone), if other languages are needed just add another row:

Spanish Initial Translation done!
Uff, I’ve been busy all these days and didn’t write anything, but I read the forum (mainly in the evening) and only today managed to catch up with all the written messages (560 pages!)
Some guys definitely need to breathe more fresh air (I think Cs would approve of this), and not escalate the situation amid this whole situation with coronovirus.

So, what happened in Russia these days (I did not see this information on the forum):
- In Moscow (and the Moscow Region), digital passes (QR code) were introduced, which are tied to your car number (if you have a personal car), to your metro ticket (and other public transport in the city), for taxi rides you need qr code, even cyclists are required to get qr codes! Without this qr code, you can move around the city (Moscow is a huge city in area) only on foot! (pedestrians do not need passes yet)

- Moscow Mayor Sobyanin has already proposed the introduction of digital passes on the territory of ALL of Russia - В Москве ввели автоматизированный контроль цифровых пропусков
Welcome to the Digital Gulag!

- ALREADY are planning (next week!) To introduce digital passes in 21 regions of Russia -

- April 20 (4 days ago) in Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia, the Caucasus) 1,500 people attended a meeting against self-isolation - В столице Северной Осетии люди вышли на сход из-за режима самоизоляции

There are many photos here - Акция протеста из-за режима самоизоляции во Владикавказе. Фоторепортаж
As you can see, these are mainly men who have lost their jobs due to the coronovirus. There were clashes with the police, riot police tried to disperse people using tear gas.
Fourteen people were arrested after the meeting - Во Владикавказе арестовали 14 участников несанкционированного митинга
But yesterday, this figure increased to 46 people (arrested) - https://novayagazeta.ru/news/2020/0...46-uchastnikov-narodnogo-shoda-protiv-rezhima -samoizolyatsii
I read in various sources that military units are being transferred to the territory of the North Caucasus (Ossetia, Chechnya, Dagestan and other regions) to suppress such people's actions. So far, I can neither confirm nor deny this information.

- Today there was news (information from the Minister of Defense of Russia) that 30,000 troops were involved in the fight against coronovirus (which means that information about the Caucasus can be true) - https://www.rbc.ru/society/24/04/ 2020 / 5ea2b4579a794795663b126e? From = newsfeed

In my city, only 4 people are infected with the crown. Roads are open, we do not have digital passes (and my region is not on the list of those 21 where they want to be entered) I read local social networks and over the past 2 weeks I have noticed a dramatic change in many people regarding coronovirus. Until recently, many here shouted for the complete blocking of the city (to enter and exit the city), post various nonsense like "we are at home - do as we are." Now these same people (!) Write that cowid is a fake, you don’t need to stay at home, that there is no virus (more precisely, mass deaths from it) and that blocking and digital passes are evil!
I see that many people started to wake up with us!
I call it this: the refrigerator defeated the TV. When many people stopped receiving a salary (many have loans for a car, apartment, etc. that need to be paid), then they suddenly realized the existing reality!


I was thinking today and suddenly remembered the series The Expanse (based on a series of books by James Corey), which I watched somewhere a year ago (there are several seasons). - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Expanse_(TV_series)

In short, the whole plot is tied around a protomolecule (a virus that infects people), which flew on a comet to the Solar System from the depths of Cosmos (it was created by some deceased highly developed civilization).
Hell, I see a lot of analogies between a coronovirus and this protomolecule!
If we discard all the husks (in the series, the action takes place in the far future of the Earth, which is controlled by the ONE government, a certain analogue of our UN), it turns out that the protomolecule gives humanity the possibility of other (distant) worlds (through the stargate).
What if COVID-19 is our Stargate? Our way to 4D (or somewhere else)?
Is this what Cs mentioned in recent sessions?
I've just seen Trump's press conference where he is talking about UV lights and injecting disinfectants into the body. Did we slip into some absurd parallel universe?
Some are saying Trump is highly intelligent man with IQ of over 170 and that all his stupid blunders are just an act so he can get Deep State when they least expect it. But this is way OTT :(
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