My remaining Grandfather passed away just before lockdown set in. We had his funeral today, unfortunately due to limits on participants I wasn’t able to attend and the live recording of the process didn’t work. Fortunately all of his children were able to attend. I do find it sad though, and annoyed at these stupid rules being put in place. I gave myself some time to say goodbye privately. My mother is planning to organise a memorial event next year so we can properly celebrate his passing as a family.
I am sorry Seato for your loss. May he RIP. I am sure he will hear your private thoughts and message. Take care of your self.
I am waaay behind with the thread, can't keep up with the pace. I am sorry. BUT I wanted to tell something positive, well actually it made my day today, because I was somehow grumpy and sad and also a little bit angry when I got up.

There is this german doctor called Dr. Bodo Schiffmann (YT channel "Schwindelambulanz Sinsheim") and he suggested, some vids ago, to handicraft a "lateral thinker bobble" (dt.: Querdenkerbommel) and to wear it visibliy. I did so (made a crochet chain with five differently sized bobbles made out of tinfoil) and today the fist unknown customer at our shop recognized it as such! It made me smile! She wore one herself. We talked and she told me she is a teacher at a secondary school (Realschule) nearby in a building where there is a high school (Gymnasium) located as well. She said at the secondary school everything is fine, even up to the school management. ALL follow Schiffmann, all wear those bobbles. But at the high school part of the building everybody is freaking out. I found this very interesting that the so called educational elite bought totally into the panic programme.
Wouldn't it be better to self isolate, if you feel that you have to for whatever reason? Allow the world to keep turning.

Now that it is stopped however, this may be an opportunity for real change. A change of the entire system, which is broke anyway. We could start by canceling all countrie's and people's debt to all creditors as that system is broken. Countries could start printing their own money. Do away with stock markets and all of those pyramid types of money schemes. Don't believe the lie that money would become useless, worthless. It would only be useless to those large institutionalized schemes of hording it. Money should be spent, put back in the economy. IMHO
The more the globalists push this top-down/absolute control version of the world, the more other alternatives are defined inferentially. Charge potential builds up. Is a 'neutralizing force coming? Highly stable regional economies could be formed bottom-up from autonomous but cooperative local economies. Autonomous local economies make autonomous local government possible. Too bad most people depend on interconnected, but fragile and complex systems for sustenance, it's hard for people to say "NO!".
Polish translation of Questionnaire is done as well. Someone were translating already, I added some other translations and also changed some of earlier translated parts, because for me personally they were not sounding okay for the pool, online translators are not very good with translating Eng to Pl, they do not provide 'nice sounding' results - I hope it is okay. I would like to kindly ask somebody more advanced in translation to provide a proofreading of it if it is possible. Thank you in advance.
If you listen carefully to what he said you'll find that he was asking a question of a doctor in generalized terms, not making any suggestions as the media is implying.

Just what I thought when I saw that CNN hit piece video, somehow the word "disinfectant " was turned into poisonous cleaning stuff:umm: and I do not think that is what he meant, and he did pose it as a question to the doctor near him.

Giving Trump the benefit of the doubt, could he have meant some other injected treatment such as Intravenous Vitamin C or something else, for example if hydroxychloroquine could be injected?
(That's how I interpreted it, as he probably can not suggest anything specific).
Sorry, cassandra, I've seen your post just now and had already put the German translation into the G00gle table. Perhaps you want to go over it and make a proofreading?

I checked it and chose for "educational level" "höchster Abschluss" since nobody in Germany can give any number and it is about demographic data.

I've got a translation in German (if this hasn't been done). I can send an email, I can't add to the google until I've got my new phone.

If you like Cassandra, post your translation here and I can make a comparison. With that we are getting close enough to a perfect translation ;-)
All this reminding me of what C's said month back ( March 21 2020 session) - script exactly played out as they mentioned as of now. Though I understood "Mind control" part at that time of session reading, didn't realize it as the critical part of the entire events.
  • Chinese wants to wipe out "Mind control" part of virus from their population, so goes down to lock-down. They can lock-down and restart , but the rest of the world can't do it so easily because of "Democracy" , meanwhile every body wants to say "Chinese Conspiracy" and sue them. I guess they will run out of steam
  • Putin ( years ago) who mentioned "why Americans showing interest in the Russian Genetics"( i.e ethno-centric weapons) locks down. so, he might have got spooked about it and went with the flow.
  • Indians got scared of Chinese experience( probably they don't know mind control part).
  • Western nations are firm grip of deep state ( Germany, UK, France, Australia and Japan so on), simply following.
  • Trump like a typical manager who listens to complaining people and ask them to fix it by giving them power and if it doesn't work, Fire them while maintaining his power and salvage what he can before the reelection.
  • Sweden maintains neutrality, decides not to lock-down (Some how they manages it even during WWII when the entire world is murdering each other). Special case I guess.
  • Brazil's Bolsonaro does his own "FU" thing without lock-down
In short, Americans went to China to Control for their mind, China squashed it with lockdown, STO guys threw monkey wrench into STS plans with promotion of beneficial mutation making STS guys run for their "Control" and start "putting off the fire" - beaming, bleed through, Chips, Viruses, Lock-down , usual MSM propaganda and so on.

As per C's, story hadn't even started yet, with all the remaining "Chills", "Hubris" , "Weirdness", revamp of real virus damages and so on.

In the entire story, it looks only "Deep Deep" State ( aka Consortium), Chinese and Russians knows of the game more than any body else ,while all are promoting unified narration "Coronavirus Scare". It is quite possible Russia, China are also part of Consortium and in that case it becomes fight between Consortium entities. Any way, ALL this looks more like "Gods" fighting among themselves through "us".

If you watched the Hannity segment where he was talking to someone who has spent much time in China, you would understand better China's reaction. Sure, they know something else is going on just like Russia does.

For China with over a billion people, it is better to protect the 99% of the population than catering to the 1% of psychopathic people and their plans. The general population in China seem to understand the concept better than Western Countries.

Chinese people are in agreement with their governments decisions, in general principles. They have suffered greatly under psychopathic rule. When there, standing at the gates of the Forbidden City, the stones still stained with the blood of millions were crying out to me that their sacrifice not be forgotten.
Sorry if this has been posted already, but I found this talk between Dr Judy Mikovits and Dr Rashid Buttar very refreshing. I've never heard of Buttar before, but he explains (very rapidly!) his theory of how 7 aspects of toxicity is the key to staying healthy, and it sounds a lot like the consensus we've reached around here (also kinda what the C's have confirmed). Dr Buttar also has a book out that looks interesting called The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away: Simple Actions to Shift Your Body and Mind to Optimum Health for Greater Longevity. I think that book could be worth checking into.

Anyway, here's the talk (it's a part of a longer periscope video):

It is not just 5G that is being pushed, an upgrade to WiFi is also being pushed at the same time. It would interesting to research a bit this new frequency spectrum being introduced into our homes:

The FCC has voted unanimously to allow the entire 1200 MHz of the 6 GHz band to be shared with unlicensed WiFi, the FCC's latest move in freeing up more spectrum for connecting 5G in-home devices--video streaming, video calls--and connecting IoT devices to the internet.

Once the new spectrum is officially opened for business later this year, that should translate to faster, more reliable connections from the next generation of devices.

This is the biggest spectrum addition since the FCC cleared the way for Wi-Fi in 1989, so it’s a huge deal. The new spectrum basically quadruples the amount of space available for routers and other devices, so it will mean a lot more bandwidth and a lot less interference for any device that can take advantage of it.

Things seems to be moving quite fast, despite the Global lockdown:

Devices are expected to start supporting 6GHz Wi-Fi by the end of 2020, so its implementation isn’t far away. When it arrives, expect to see it branded under the name “Wi-Fi 6E.

The first wave of devices using 6GHz Wi-Fi is expected in the final quarter of 2020, according to Robinson. But deployment should really kick off in early 2021 when the Wi-Fi Alliance begins offering a certifications program for Wi-Fi 6E devices.

Manufacturers have been preparing for this moment. Already, the chipmaker Broadcom has announced a Wi-Fi 6E mobile chip. Qualcomm has said that it’s ready to support 6GHz Wi-Fi in next-gen wireless products. And Intel said it’ll have chips ready for January 2021.

Smartphones are likely to be the first consumer devices to adopt Wi-Fi 6E, Phil Solis, a wireless analyst with IDC, told The Verge. Solis predicts 316 million devices will ship with Wi-Fi 6E support in 2021. After smartphones, he expects tablets to follow, with adoption in TVs likely in 2022.

We now have to watch what other gadgets (read built in surveillance) will come with the new phones that now everybody will want to have - "the latest 5G and 6E".
The solution can only come from the people, individuals like you and me.

The stakes are worth it, aren’t they?

We need to go on the warpath, not against a virus but against the dishonesty, corruption, lying and immorality which encourage people who should protect us, to ruin our health in the name of their profit.'
I listened to the Dr. Judy Mikovits segment on the Richie Allen show (I posted that youtube earlier) and followed up with an even more explosive interview (long-got very late so haven't finished it all-40 min still to go) that is so complex/complicated and beyond mind boggling. Here's the written text from the site:
A top U.S. scientist and research pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits has broken her long silence, revealing an insider’s nightmare spanning three decades of conducting research under the governmental control of Dr. Anthony Fauci. And the allegations are downright frightening. (more below)

And if true, these details warrant a host of NEW federal investigations to get to the bottom of numerous Fauci-led schemes revealed by Dr. Judy Mikovits on the Thomas Paine Podcast on Tuesday. Dr. Mikovits said Fauci helped imprison her after stealing her proprietary research not once, but twice and her allegations against the White House’s coronavirus top medical advisor and his government cronies paint a disturbing portrait of widespread institutional corruption. And greed. The alarming allegations include: stealing research, covering up tainted vaccines, fraud and much more. And Fauci’s parent agency, the National Institute of Health is not the only governmental agency involved in what amounts here to decades of corruption gone awry. Listen above or to the backup feed below —

So the podcast is close to 3 hours and almost the first half hour is the host giving his input leading up to the actual interview. One could just start at 28 min in - there's an initial clip of Robert Kennedy Jr. and then the interview actually begins. And Dr. Mikovits does start at the beginning of this 30 year corruption nightmare that's been her career and life. She has written two books - regarding the first: Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively
“This book is my best attempt to tell the truth about my research, the culture in science today which is hostile to new ideas, and what science can really do if allowed to pursue promising areas of inquiries.”—Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD

This is a story for anybody interested in the peril and promise of science at the very highest levels in our country. On July 22, 2009, a special meeting was held with twenty-four leading scientists at the National Institutes of Health to discuss early findings that a newly discovered retrovirus was linked to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), prostate cancer, lymphoma, and eventually neurodevelopmental disorders in children. When Dr. Judy Mikovits finished her presentation, the room was silent for a moment, then one of the scientists said, “Oh my God!” The resulting investigation would be like no other in science.

For Dr. Mikovits, a twenty-year veteran of the National Cancer Institute, this was the midpoint of a five-year journey that would start with the founding of the Whittemore-Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease at the University of Nevada, Reno, and end with her as a witness for the federal government against her former employer, Harvey Whittemore, for illegal campaign contributions to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

On this journey Dr. Mikovits would face the scientific prejudices against CFS, wander into the minefield that is autism, and through it all struggle to maintain her faith in God and the profession to which she had dedicated her life.
Amazon reviews:
"Plague is a must-read book so revolutionary in its implications that its author courageously faced character assassination and unlawful incarceration to keep her findings from being relegated to the dustbin of medical history. Riveting, if not at times paradigm shifting, this book reveals a dark side to modern medicine that no one knows exists, but that everyone should."
—Sayer Ji, founder and director of GreenMedInfo and board member of the National Health Federation

“For anyone who is too busy to read but wants to know the inside story on the state of American science, find the time, now, and read Plague.”
—Ritchie C. Shoemaker, MD, author of Mold Warriors: Fighting America's Hidden Health Threat

“A fascinating combination. The authors weave together a fascinating medical history, a modern day scientific drama, and a legal thriller in a unique narrative that calls attention to the deep dysfunction and corruption in the heart of the medical industrial complex.”
—Mark Blaxill, co-author of The Age of Autism and co-founder of Safe Minds

“Kent Heckenlively’s riveting descriptions of Mikovits’ arrest and incarceration—she was actually jailed for her work and principles—renders Mikovits a modern day Dr. Stockman from Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People. The skilled telling of the drama that unfolded around Mikovits’ work on the XMRV retrovirus leaves the reader unable to put the damn book down.”
—Lou Conte, author of The Vaccine War

“Unbelievable!! Thank you to Dr. Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively for your courage in discussing issues of research corruption, intimidation, and the power of the medical establishment to try to conceal the truth about scientific research.”
—Wayne Rhode, author of The Vaccine Court

Her second book has completely sold out of hard copies (according to the interview) but e-editions still available. From Amazon:
Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science
Hardcover – April 14, 2020


Dr. Judy Mikovits is a modern-day Rosalind Franklin, a brilliant researcher shaking up the old boys’ club of science with her groundbreaking discoveries. And like many women who have trespassed into the world of men, she uncovered decades-old secrets that many would prefer to stay buried.

From her doctoral thesis, which changed the treatment of HIV-AIDS, saving the lives of millions, including basketball great Magic Johnson, to her spectacular discovery of a new family of human retroviruses, and her latest research which points to a new golden age of health, Dr. Mikovits has always been on the leading edge of science.

With the brilliant wit one might expect if Erin Brockovich had a doctorate in molecular biology, Dr. Mikovits has seen the best and worst of science. When she was part of the research community that turned HIV-AIDS from a fatal disease into a manageable one, she saw science at its best. But when her investigations questioned whether the use of animal tissue in medical research were unleashing devastating plagues of chronic diseases, such as autism and chronic fatigue syndrome, she saw science at its worst. If her suspicions are correct, we are looking at a complete realignment of scientific practices, including how we study and treat human disease.

Recounting her nearly four decades in science, including her collaboration of more than thirty-five years with Dr. Frank Ruscetti, one of the founders of the field of human retrovirology, this is a behind the scenes look at the issues and egos which will determine the future health of humanity.
"One of the main problems of our time is the public loss of confidence in the scientific community because of a too often corrupt coalition of governmental and corporate entities. Judy Mikovits's and Kent Heckenlively's book delves into the midst of this rampant corruption, which hides from the public scientific truths which might go against these corporate economic interests."
—Dr. Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Laureate for the isolation of the HIV retrovirus

“Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits are the new dynamic duo fighting corruption in science.”
Ben Garrison, America's #1 political satirist

“What this book teaches you more than anything else is that science is a dangerous game. The notion that science is precise and unambiguous is wrong. When there is doubt, there is the potential for powerful interested parties to make life miserable for a scientist with integrity. Throughout the book, intrigue is seamlessly intertwined with fascinating revelations about the still poorly understood science behind the potential role of retroviruses in mysterious debilitating diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and autism.”
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

“The breathtaking story of an extraordinary scientist who discovered the most likely cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, only to witness a cover-up and character assassination emanating from the highest levels of the scientific community. An incisive critique of what's wrong with science today, and yet a hopeful portrait of how science still has the means to find the truth. It leaves you overwhelmed by the insidious methods and players corrupting science, but hopeful for truth-seekers in the scientific community like Dr. Mikovits who are persevering against all odds.”
J.B. Handley, co-founder of Generation Rescue and author of How to End the Autism Epidemic

“This book is a jaw-dropping excursion through the lies of Big Money, Big Government and Big Pharma. God bless Dr. Mikovits for her courage in sharing this story!”
Max Swafford, author and educator

I really think that Dr. Mikovits is the key to blowing the whole insidiously evil health science corruption wide open. And as we sit and watch the show, we can see just how horrible it already is with much, much worst still to come. What can we do to further expose these facts and the medical cabal running these death-dealing scams? Please listen to the interview and weigh in regarding the implications. BTW, she revealed that the blood supply was contaminated and responsible for spreading disease including cancer.
Sorry if this has been posted already, but I found this talk between Dr Judy Mikovits and Dr Rashid Buttar very refreshing. I've never heard of Buttar before, but he explains (very rapidly!) his theory of how 7 aspects of toxicity is the key to staying healthy, and it sounds a lot like the consensus we've reached around here (also kinda what the C's have confirmed). Dr Buttar also has a book out that looks interesting called The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away: Simple Actions to Shift Your Body and Mind to Optimum Health for Greater Longevity. I think that book could be worth checking into.

Anyway, here's the talk (it's a part of a longer periscope video):

I started watching the LastAmericanVagabond video and noticed in the list of previous videos the following interesting coincidence:


The 19 comes from the virus name, however, interesting that he links to 9/11 and if we remember, there were 19 hijackers. Maybe there is something with this number...
Wouldn't it be better to self isolate, if you feel that you have to for whatever reason? Allow the world to keep turning.

Now that it is stopped however, this may be an opportunity for real change. A change of the entire system, which is broke anyway. We could start by canceling all countrie's and people's debt to all creditors as that system is broken. Countries could start printing their own money. Do away with stock markets and all of those pyramid types of money schemes. Don't believe the lie that money would become useless, worthless. It would only be useless to those large institutionalized schemes of hording it. Money should be spent, put back in the economy. IMHO
Usually, the old world must be destroyed, and then you can build a new one.
Why do you think money can't become useless?
Money can become worthless or much less worth in matter of days/hours. It is a well-known fact that global monetary system is a Ponzi scheme altogether. Maybe not so much of those currencies that are backed with gold (such as Russia's, China's,...) but, USA dollar for sure. They are printing money like crazy. Many other countries currency is closely tied with dollar and it could all collapse any day now. It could be manufactured or it could even spiral out of PTB's control - we shall yet see if they will be able to start-up the economy. Soon.
I listened to the Dr. Judy Mikovits segment on the Richie Allen show (I posted that youtube earlier) and followed up with an even more explosive interview (long-got very late so haven't finished it all-40 min still to go) that is so complex/complicated and beyond mind boggling. Here's the written text from the site:

So the podcast is close to 3 hours and almost the first half hour is the host giving his input leading up to the actual interview. One could just start at 28 min in - there's an initial clip of Robert Kennedy Jr. and then the interview actually begins. And Dr. Mikovits does start at the beginning of this 30 year corruption nightmare that's been her career and life. She has written two books - regarding the first: Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively

Amazon reviews:
"Plague is a must-read book so revolutionary in its implications that its author courageously faced character assassination and unlawful incarceration to keep her findings from being relegated to the dustbin of medical history. Riveting, if not at times paradigm shifting, this book reveals a dark side to modern medicine that no one knows exists, but that everyone should."
—Sayer Ji, founder and director of GreenMedInfo and board member of the National Health Federation

“For anyone who is too busy to read but wants to know the inside story on the state of American science, find the time, now, and read Plague.”
—Ritchie C. Shoemaker, MD, author of Mold Warriors: Fighting America's Hidden Health Threat

“A fascinating combination. The authors weave together a fascinating medical history, a modern day scientific drama, and a legal thriller in a unique narrative that calls attention to the deep dysfunction and corruption in the heart of the medical industrial complex.”
—Mark Blaxill, co-author of The Age of Autism and co-founder of Safe Minds

“Kent Heckenlively’s riveting descriptions of Mikovits’ arrest and incarceration—she was actually jailed for her work and principles—renders Mikovits a modern day Dr. Stockman from Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People. The skilled telling of the drama that unfolded around Mikovits’ work on the XMRV retrovirus leaves the reader unable to put the damn book down.”
—Lou Conte, author of The Vaccine War

“Unbelievable!! Thank you to Dr. Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively for your courage in discussing issues of research corruption, intimidation, and the power of the medical establishment to try to conceal the truth about scientific research.”
—Wayne Rhode, author of The Vaccine Court

Her second book has completely sold out of hard copies (according to the interview) but e-editions still available. From Amazon:
Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science
Hardcover – April 14, 2020


"One of the main problems of our time is the public loss of confidence in the scientific community because of a too often corrupt coalition of governmental and corporate entities. Judy Mikovits's and Kent Heckenlively's book delves into the midst of this rampant corruption, which hides from the public scientific truths which might go against these corporate economic interests."
—Dr. Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Laureate for the isolation of the HIV retrovirus

“Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits are the new dynamic duo fighting corruption in science.”
Ben Garrison, America's #1 political satirist

“What this book teaches you more than anything else is that science is a dangerous game. The notion that science is precise and unambiguous is wrong. When there is doubt, there is the potential for powerful interested parties to make life miserable for a scientist with integrity. Throughout the book, intrigue is seamlessly intertwined with fascinating revelations about the still poorly understood science behind the potential role of retroviruses in mysterious debilitating diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and autism.”
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

“The breathtaking story of an extraordinary scientist who discovered the most likely cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, only to witness a cover-up and character assassination emanating from the highest levels of the scientific community. An incisive critique of what's wrong with science today, and yet a hopeful portrait of how science still has the means to find the truth. It leaves you overwhelmed by the insidious methods and players corrupting science, but hopeful for truth-seekers in the scientific community like Dr. Mikovits who are persevering against all odds.”
J.B. Handley, co-founder of Generation Rescue and author of How to End the Autism Epidemic

“This book is a jaw-dropping excursion through the lies of Big Money, Big Government and Big Pharma. God bless Dr. Mikovits for her courage in sharing this story!”
Max Swafford, author and educator

I really think that Dr. Mikovits is the key to blowing the whole insidiously evil health science corruption wide open. And as we sit and watch the show, we can see just how horrible it already is with much, much worst still to come. What can we do to further expose these facts and the medical cabal running these death-dealing scams? Please listen to the interview and weigh in regarding the implications. BTW, she revealed that the blood supply was contaminated and responsible for spreading disease including cancer.

Yeah, Mikovits' Plague of Corruption is definitely on top of my to-read list! She's starting to get a lot of attention, which is good and deserved, but I'm starting to fear for her safety. Since she has direct experience, and evidence, of Fauci's corruption and evilness, the deep state will not look kindly at the following she's getting. They will certainly at the very least soon start to ruin her career and reputation, I'm afraid.
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