I know the C's said to sit back and enjoy the show and I largely agree with that but I'm wondering, do we have a duty to gently share with friends or neighbors some of the reasonable information presented here to act as a counterpoint to the hysteria and fearmongering? I've been doing this on the Nextdoor website and can only sustain it for a few days. Then I get fed up with the nitwits and have to take a break. What are your thoughts?
In a way true. But all I see is they have replaced one garbage with the other one. For the worse!

I'm not sure I understand. Nurses are now some of the most highly regarded and respected people in society - as they always should have been. How is that 'garbage', and how can that be worse than Beyoncé taking front-and-centre instead? .. I think I must be missing something
Yes. Remember the C's. Everything what is is just a lesson. And when we finish one period there is another to come.

When there were Ga Ga and Grande "era". There were a time to make a choice, for instance, to follow the crowd and be a "idol" of Grande/Ga Ga or resist to this "art" and style.

For this who live inspired by theirs idols they are now led out, but those who learnt the lesson now are more conscious and have the possibility to flow on new reality without Grande and with possibility to learn new things and after that more and more will be uncovered with possibility to survive and experience the new.

That's why C's say that we should be not afraid about the future, because for those who grow up the new possibilities will show up and progress can be made.

And every event has its good and bad side and everyone will experience it as good or bad experience, regard of what the "frequency" they have.
On a personal note: Things are pretty crazy in Germany and more security can be found in front of shopping malls and if someone doesn't have a shopping trolley people are called back: "Hey, come back and get your shopping trolley". It's like a dream for authoritarian followers to demand rules from citizens that don't obey.

In my daily profession, some people (i. e. with intellectual disability) called sheltered workshops for some time and asked if they can come back to work and said: "I haven't done anything bad, why can I not come to work?" Well, and explain to someone with an intellectual disability, what the heck is going on outside. What is good that many people work in sheltered workshops, and they are financed by the state and with that don't get unemployed. Also considering that many people with an intellectual disability/psychological disability live in institutions and just cannot go out. At least some institutions follow orders but also find ways still to make things possible that they can meet their clients (i. e. with psychological problems) and have a walk outside and get into contact with them. Some other institutions get creative and are using skype that children or elderly people can get into contact with their relatives just a bit. Others make it possible that they at least can see some of their relatives from a bit of distance. Some people say: "I'm always alone at home after work, so I'm fine with it". But for others, it is very hard, because they just need social contact to function normally and this counts for us "normal" people as well.

On another note some country folks i. e. farmers and hunters still follow their business and get out to work on fields or in the forest - still with a few precautions. Generally, it can be said more and more people are getting annoyed by these restrictions.
I know the C's said to sit back and enjoy the show and I largely agree with that but I'm wondering, do we have a duty to gently share with friends or neighbors some of the reasonable information presented here to act as a counterpoint to the hysteria and fearmongering? I've been doing this on the Nextdoor website and can only sustain it for a few days. Then I get fed up with the nitwits and have to take a break. What are your thoughts?

:welcome: il y a qu'des cactus, seeing this is your first post on the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc.
I'm not sure I understand. Nurses are now some of the most highly regarded and respected people in society - as they always should have been. How is that 'garbage', and how can that be worse than Beyoncé taking front-and-centre instead? .. I think I must be missing something
I meant the whole corona crazines and disinformation vs the celebrities. Nurses and essential services are just one thing, one drop in this ocean.
I meant the whole corona crazines and disinformation vs the celebrities. Nurses and essential services are just one thing, one drop in this ocean.

Ohh.. I get it.. you're absolutely right. where on Earth do I go now? .. lol
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Things are just getting weirder day by day. They are now using Corona to fight against Corona!

Delivered to LLNL in 2018 under a contract with Penguin Computing, the Corona system — named for the total solar eclipse of 2017 — is used for unclassified open science applications. The upgrade comes at no cost to the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) but is intended by AMD to support research into COVID-19, while furthering its partnership and collaboration with LLNL in software and tools development. In exchange for the upgraded GPUs, AMD is securing compute cycles that will be used for a variety of purposes, including providing time for LLNL COVID-19 research and proposals approved by the COVID-19 HPC Consortium, as well as supporting development efforts by AMD software engineers and application specialists. (...)

Corona will be one of the most capable of the seven LLNL supercomputers made available to researchers through the COVID-19 HPC Consortium, which involves more than a dozen member institutions in government, industry and academia and is spearheaded by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the U.S. Department of Energy and IBM. The consortium aims to accelerate development of detection methods and treatments for COVID-19. AMD officially joined the consortium on April 6.

AMD software engineers will provide support in porting certain applications critical to the COVID-19 effort to Corona and optimizing the performance of the GPUs on relevant applications.

The Corona system also will aid LLNL researchers in their hunt for potential antibodies and antiviral drugs to combat the virus. COVID-19 has become a top priority for the Corona system, where it is being used to virtually screen, design and validate antibody candidates for SARS-CoV-2 and to simulate the interaction of small molecules with the virus’ proteins to discover possible antiviral compounds. The upgrade will allow LLNL researchers to speed up the modeling of molecular interactions vital to the effort and run a wider and more diverse set of applications on the system.

“The addition of these new state-of-the-art GPUs on Corona will boost the capability of the teams working on COVID-19,” said Jim Brase, LLNL’s deputy associate director for Programs. “It’s going to allow us to go faster, with more throughput. We’ll have more resources, so we can run more cases and potentially get to new designs for both antibodies and small molecules faster, that may lead to better treatments. They’ll also enable some of our new software, both for simulation and machine learning applications, to run more efficiently and better.”

Employing a first-of-its-kind virtual screening platform combining experimental data with machine learning, structural biology, bioinformatic modeling and high-fidelity molecular simulations, a team of LLNL researchers has used the Corona system to evaluate therapeutic antibody designs that could have improved binding interactions with the SARS-CoV-2 antigen protein. The team has narrowed the list of antibody candidates from a nearly infinite set to about 20 possibilities and has begun exploring additional antibody designs. The researchers believe the upgrade will double the number of computationally expensive simulations they are performing, making it more likely they’ll discover an effective antibody design.

LLNL computer scientists and computational biologists also are using the Corona system to examine millions of small molecules that could have anti-viral properties with SARS-CoV-2. Increasing the speed and performance of Corona will allow researchers to perform additional, highly detailed molecular dynamics calculations to better evaluate possible SARS-CoV-2 target sites for small molecule inhibitors that could prevent infection or treat COVID-19.

They do seem desperate to stop this virus!

I have Lyme and had about 3 IV UV/Ozone treatments, they did cause a herx reaction, but after I felt significantly improved. So monitoring for herx reactions needs to be addressed when considering this treatment IMO. This is a well know treatment for some Naturopathic practitioners and is decades old.

This is an article from the NIH website archived in 2017 The cure that time forgot. This treatment was used in the 30's and 40's with great success before the advent of antibiotics.

And also a PDF of the original article from 1996 for those inerested

This is an article from the NIH website archived in 2017 The cure that time forgot. This treatment was used in the 30's and 40's with great success before the advent of antibiotics.

Does it mean that going out to the sun and exposing yourself to the UV light can help to kill the virus?

Maybe this could be the reason why in spring when people expose themself more to the UV light the flu season naturally comes to an end?
Hi Zaphod,

Yes I can see your point, one of the things I do not miss is reading about another form of discrimination in some place by some diversity group, or Greta telling everyone how to behave, I think the last thing I heard about her was that she was sure she had covid at some point. Although I have seen these articles about how great the lockdown has been for the planet. Regarding celebrities, I am not sure, we did just have that WHO briefing with Gaga, so i'd say she's still relevant. and Madonna just came out to say that this was the "great equalizer". Tom Hanks was crucial in selling this corona madness to people. And don't forget that a lot of these celebrities came out and pushed everyone to stay home at some point.

We sure don't follow Ronaldo or Messi anymore, but now we have other celebrities like Faucci or Boris and his sickness or Bill Gates.

I think nurses and electricians have always been crucial to the proper functioning of society, just now they're being used as propaganda pieces in my view. Much like the soldiers after the american invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. And I think that is in order to prevent people from questioning the narrative by giving it a human and relatable hero, we all know a solider as much as we all know a nurse. But we're not asked to think about the close to 2 billion people in the world who are informal workers who participated of the economy who are now out of a way to make a living. I think they're just as crucial to keep things going smoothly for everyone as nurses are. Or farmers who can't sell their products because they're not allowed, how long before the heroic nurses have no food to eat? How long before those same nurses and doctors are treating malnourished individuals and not someone with the flu?

I personally miss going outside to work, I still deal with office politics and I still deal with meetings and everything else, only now I am experiencing that in my home, which I always liked being able to leave it at work. People are dying from covid, but people are dying from everything else in the world and no one has brought attention to it. I saw figures once of 146k people dying every day but we're asked to be concerned about the few thousands that the media tell us are dying from Covid, even though the figures are highly unreliable. Specially if they're listed as dying from it even if it's only suspected to be involved.

I do think that every situation, however unbearable, has the potential to show positive potential and it's up to us to extract it sometimes. So there's positive results from this, but I think it's more as a result of the negative I see. People clamoring to have their liberties taken away, denouncing their neighbors for not behaving, jail time and prisoners being released, economy crashing.. everything being done for the sake of a threat that seems way less deadly than the regular seasonal flu. And this has allowed me to see my surroundings more clearly, to learn things about people and myself I couldn't have otherwise.
[QUOTE = "Joan, postitus: 859946, liige: 3748"]
Mul on puukborrelioom ja mul oli umbes 3 IV ultraviolett- / osoonravi, need põhjustasid küll herx-reaktsiooni, kuid pärast seda tundsin end märkimisväärselt paranenud. [/ URL]
Borrelioos drug:
  • Lilla Loosestrife
  • Vikerkaare umbrohi
  • Kihiline Loosestrife
  • Lythrum salicaria
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