Not without us - today’s demonstration in Berlin for fundamental rights.
On the floor the man make the new form for meditation demonstration with a the seat on a cloth of 2 x 2 m. That was how it was described at KenFM.


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Wasn't there a Cs session where international flights were going to be stopped in the future?
So in the sessions of 25 April 2010 and 29 december 2009, the C's spoke of ultimate shutdown of international air travel. The news in this article on SOTT could signal a potential start of this. It is about about the French state bailing out Air France-KLM airline with a package of Euro 7 billion with strings attached:

"Air France needs to present a plan for reducing CO2 emissions and transforming its fleet to be less polluting," he said.

Comment: These demands are based on flawed science so unless there's a technological revolution that creates planes that don't emit CO2 this idea seems seems set up to fail; unless restricting travel for the many is one of the goals (the wealthy can buy 'carbon credits') - and, judging by the behaviour of the authorities during the lockdown, this very well could be.'

I hear you...
Last night I felt compelled to post Amazing Polly's last video on FB and gave the following introduction. It was long and I really felt kind of uneasy when I went to bed... I even got up again to delete it but then I saw that people were actually reading and watching.
This is what I wrote:

~~~To my friends~~~
For many years I quite often held myself back here on FB, cencoring myself so that these friends of mine who still think according to the presented narrative about the state-of-affairs don't feel compromised;
so that they still accept me as one of them;
so as not to overstep the borders this system has so successfully installed for us;
to keep up a connection of some kind, preferably harmonious; so as not to being ridiculed and laughed at;
so as not to investing the energy in discussions without respect;
so as not to get in trouble...........
I don't feel like this is the time for such behaviour anymore......

In the face of FB, Google, YouTube et al. censoring everything that doesn't fit into their idea of what the truth is,
in the face of a media monster that is feeding the whole world lies 24/7,
in the face of people starting to attack people because they insist on not wearing a face mask,
in the face of police attacking innocent people claiming their right to protest,
in the face of the biggest open overtake thus far
I want to be who I am
I want to think
I want to doubt
I want to question
I want the right to be wrong
and I claim my right to know the Truth.
If you are one of my friends who sees the world from a different angle, I'm fine with that.
If you feel uncomfortbale with what you read from me, please go your way. I wish you well from the depths of my heart.
If you only show up to place disregarding emoticons, I will remove you from this thing called 'friends list' no matter how long we 'know' each other.
If you are unsure and have nothing to say but from time to time you dare to have a look, I invite you to stay.
If you regard me as a tinfoilhead or conspiracy theorist, please feel free to leave as fast as you can (it won't get better).
If you feel your cognitive dissonance rocked, please stay a little longer.
If we do not wake up NOW I'm really afraid we'll all 'wake up' in a nightmare so dark we cannot fathom.
With this long speech I invite you to listen to Amazing Polly and I'll gracefully take the tinfoilhat attacks before I'll say good bye to you.
I chose her video because she does excellent research, has a wonderful way of presenting it and because I fear the video will get censored pretty soon.
If you should find the kind of information in the beginning disturbing and you just shut down, you might try to hold on a little further.
Thank you.

And lo and behold, when I got up and checked FB I found the most wonderful pm in my inbox.
The guy was literally saying 'thank you' and then asked for guidance what to do with this information.
So there really is a field wide open and we really can make a difference. And if it's only one person that awakes due to the information we share it's worth it, me thinks.

That was beautiful and inspiring.
I know most of us know this, but I thought I'd share the thought anyway in case it's useful.

A lot of words could be saved if we all just accept that the reason many people have such a negative response to anyone questioning the lock downs is because they have a strong aversion to the implications, rather than the details, of the argument that is made.

Most arguments I've seen so far are valid, yet many people reject them out of hand, often quite obtusely. Such people are obviously, therefore, not interested in the rights or wrongs of what you are saying, but rather that you are saying it at all.

For them, to question the lock downs implies much more terrifying things than a virus or the prospect of being virtually imprisoned in their homes and the economy destroyed for years to come.
I noticed the new t-shirts on revolt site. It is a very good initiative for display our point of view on the current situation.
Too bad I can't get them yet. I still have an order apparently blocked in Mexico since March 7
A little advertising ;-) :
_Crisis doesen't change people
_Control through fear
_It’s easier to fool people
_Transmarginal Inhibition
Since the beginning of this crisis, I see the progression of the alt media, it reporter and the connection they make, the description of this monumental attact on humanity. More and more are giving reason to the conspirationist after digging into the past and present on the principal actor of this machievelian conspiracy and it progress slowly to show, who are those that present themself as gods, great phylantropiste, full of good intension. Yes, the unseen is being reveil and we are slowly but surely seing who those pseudo benefactor are serving other than their own gread, lust for power and control. More and more journalist realise that all of them are connected at the hip by their beleif, be it eugenisme, mind control trought new technology etc.. but lately, their religion as well, SATANISM.

It is still embryonic at this time but let see where this lead.

Translated: Google Traductor

Dr. Pablo Goldschmidt, a leading international virologist, continues to be one of the dissenting voices regarding the treatment being given to the coronavirus in the world. In his opinion, the problem of the current pandemic lies not in the mortality rate of the virus (with percentages below 1%, if we consider that the vast majority of infected people are asymptomatic, they are never diagnosed and do not enter the statistics, while the people who die do, as a study of the Bonn University Hospital has shown), but in the systematic disinvestment that has taken place throughout the planet in the area of Health, both in the hospital infrastructure and in the adequate training of intensive care professionals:
"Are there people trained in every country and city for intensive care? Are there enough people who know how to put in a laryngoscope to intubate patients? Are there nurses and doctors whom the state has made responsible for training them to deal with that? The answer is "no". And there aren't enough machines either. In Germany there are six times more ventilators than in Italy. And ten times fewer deaths from the same pathology. In Europe there are 80,000 therapy beds with trained personnel, an average of 12 per 100,000 inhabitants; in the United States there are 28 per 100,000; in Germany, 29; in Portugal, 4.2; in Spain, 10.3, but the problem is that there 78 percent of those who attend these beds are trained for medical-surgical therapy and coronary unit, people who know how to handle heart attacks and strokes, but the State did not train pneumonologists to take charge of this type of crisis. So how far is the virus alone responsible?" he wonders.
I'm now working from home, and one of the things I find astonishing is how much I'm getting done - in comparison to working in the office. No meetings, no noise.. I'm asked to produce a solution, and I just get on with it.

9-5 has gone.. along with the cancer that is office politics - infantile showboating and strutting, and as I said .. meeting after meeting after meeting.. it's all gone and you know what?.. I thank COVID-19 for this.. for showing who and what clearly matters to society. Doctors, nurses, rubbish collectors, sewer cleaners, supermarket workers, electrical engineers, carers.. these are the people keeping your mum alive, your water flowing and your electricity on in this time of crisis - and we should not let this lesson go

People are dying from this, so there's little room to be positive about COVID-19. But one positive is no one cares about Beyoncé any more.. because she is, and always was, fucking useless. No one cares about Madonna.. Taylor Swift, Adele, Lady Ga Ga, Ariana Grande, Pink... I'd have posted some male names, but no one gives a fuck about men any more. All these people were at the top of society when they should have been at the bottom, and COVID-19 has put them there .. no one cares about anything they have to say or do. Hurraah... at last

Richard Branson can go die in a house-fire if he thinks his tax evading ass is going to be bailed out by the British tax payer. Politicians are useless, degenerate scum who just cost us resources that could be better used elsewhere. In this crisis they've performed little better than I'd expect a bat-shit cat-lady to perform

Do we really want things to go back?.. I'm not sure I do. I want COVID-19 to die.. but I'm pretty certain I don't want things to go back


Rant over.
Last edited:
There was something in the C's sessions about +90% of humanity being used as containers. I'm wondering if the percentage matches up with those that see through the lies vs those that swallow them whole.

It seems to me that the "containers (94%)" have been programmed to turn against the 6% (wanderers, northern, & such).
The containers mimic, while the others receive the Light.
ALL of it is falling apart.

"The instruction for people to keep two meters apart from other people to reduce the risk of infection, advice which was “conjured out of nowhere,” according to professor Robert Dingwall.

“There's never been a scientific basis for two meters, it’s kind of a rule of thumb. But it's not like there is a whole kind of rigorous scientific literature that it is founded upon,” he told BBC’s Radio 4. Evidence exists that observing a one meter distance would be beneficial during an epidemic, but even that “comes out of indoor studies in clinical and experimental settings.”

~~~To my friends~~~
For many years I quite often held myself back here on FB, cencoring myself so that these friends of mine who still think according to the presented narrative about the state-of-affairs don't feel compromised;
so that they still accept me as one of them;
so as not to overstep the borders this system has so successfully installed for us;
to keep up a connection of some kind, preferably harmonious; so as not to being ridiculed and laughed at;
so as not to investing the energy in discussions without respect;
so as not to get in trouble...........
I don't feel like this is the time for such behaviour anymore......

In the face of FB, Google, YouTube et al. censoring everything that doesn't fit into their idea of what the truth is,
in the face of a media monster that is feeding the whole world lies 24/7,
in the face of people starting to attack people because they insist on not wearing a face mask,
in the face of police attacking innocent people claiming their right to protest,
in the face of the biggest open overtake thus far
I want to be who I am
I want to think
I want to doubt
I want to question
I want the right to be wrong
and I claim my right to know the Truth.
If you are one of my friends who sees the world from a different angle, I'm fine with that.
If you feel uncomfortbale with what you read from me, please go your way. I wish you well from the depths of my heart.
If you only show up to place disregarding emoticons, I will remove you from this thing called 'friends list' no matter how long we 'know' each other.
If you are unsure and have nothing to say but from time to time you dare to have a look, I invite you to stay.
If you regard me as a tinfoilhead or conspiracy theorist, please feel free to leave as fast as you can (it won't get better).
If you feel your cognitive dissonance rocked, please stay a little longer.
If we do not wake up NOW I'm really afraid we'll all 'wake up' in a nightmare so dark we cannot fathom.
With this long speech I invite you to listen to Amazing Polly and I'll gracefully take the tinfoilhat attacks before I'll say good bye to you.
I chose her video because she does excellent research, has a wonderful way of presenting it and because I fear the video will get censored pretty soon.
If you should find the kind of information in the beginning disturbing and you just shut down, you might try to hold on a little further.
Thank you.
That was awesome. People should really do more of that and not worry about what others think. How can it be wrong to be honest and speak the truth?

This is leading by example, showing people what honesty looks like and that they're not alone, if they have similar thoughts. And if they disagree, well, at least you find out who's really your friend and who isn't. Good thing you didn't delete that.
If I remember correctly, the % was even higher but that was way back in the 90 and they said that it was still open.
Maybe 94%? So, I've been wondering what might be different about the 2 groups. Just unlucky as in wrong place at the right time? Or maybe they have a common trait or behavior? Good question for the Cs.
It does seem like society is dividing, painfully. Almost like a mitosis, and maybe that process is even painful at the cellular level. But I was thinking this social division was more like 50/50. I rarely talk to anyone outside of my preferred bubble anymore (except at work). It is increasingly shocking when I do interact with other-minded folk. Maybe there are not so many of us, after all. I think it might be hard to determine such as many people self-censor.
The following could be one of the dealbrakers that contributes to break the Corona-Lie open. As you know, german chancellor Merkel and her government (same with a host of other governments around the world) together with the media heavily claim that they rely on the Robert Koch Insitut (RKI) for their assessment of the situation and how and why the restrictions (lockdown) should be increased or decreased. As you know, Merkel just told germans again that this lockdown situation will continue for a long time and so on.

Now it turns out that the RKI itself published a study in which the data apparently basically says that the lockdown measures show almost zero influence on the spread of the Virus. The study was first published last Wednesday online and then in the RKI Bullitin itself one day later, while Merkel told the germans again on Wednesday, that the lockdown measures will continue for a long time and cautioned against lifting measures and reinforced both points to this day.

The Study is here: RKI - Navigation - Schätzung der aktuellen Entwicklung der SARS-CoV-2-Epidemie in Deutschland - Nowcasting
Greta Thunberg.. thank god, that embarrassing fawning by adult politicians, to a small ignorant school child is over.. I thank COVID-19 for ending this awful, pathetic and disturbing media obsession with an obviously abused child. Hopefully her handlers will now stop feeding her puberty blockers and let her grow up.. it wasn't us who stole your child-hood Greta..
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