So, I have gone back on my word and am re-posting again in this thread but it wasn't my intention, I swear! I was looking to create a page in 'Suggest an Article for SOTT' and did not realize this thread was inside the sub-forum.

The main issue I have with the pandemic story being presented in the media and enforced on the planet's population is the data. The data is simplified. We never get the data about the data even though it's there. In some cases it's not easily accessible and you need to look for it. What we do get however are exaggerated statistics and biased reporting to evoke an emotional response in the audience it's being presented to, for example, it's always a tragedy when an overweight, diabetic with heart diseased person catches and dies from the coincidental virus that was not only a contributing factor but THE factor.... or when a 90-year-old who has done pretty well in exceeding their life expectancy passes away, and they also had a virus which was therefore the only reason for their death. While death is a part of life, these people are being used as numerical pawns which is bad enough, but when their deaths are politicized and abused as examples to introduce a draconian shift to society, that is a step too far.

As such, I thought about what's lacking right now - the opposite of the data that's being presented 24/7 relating to death counts and positive testing. My thought was to create a website displaying the flip-side of the reported data for each country - mostly to highlight the extreme ridiculous-ness of the relative numbers and provide some real perspective, simply based on the real data that's out there. My thinking was to display the reciprocal data, based on real-time available data regarding births, deaths, and current population. But in considering this I'm well aware that I'm a nobody. I also lack the knowledge required to program/replicate other websites but I am sure there are some folk here who are gifted in that skill set. Would a side page on SOTT be a reasonable place for that?

In my head a 'survivor count' page, updating the numbers who have so far survived the virus, based on countries and the global population too. Something simple. I could have a go at setting something like that up separately, but I wanted to convey the idea here first in case people thought it was useful and might like to set up a page inside an already established and well-visited site.
The video called "FTW Live w/ Researcher Judy Mikovits (LIVE)" (above) looks like it includes the same interview material as the one that @Bernardo had posted and @liam1310 noted was removed.

The title of the removed video was called "Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD about COVID-19 masks, pandemia, vaccines and transmitting disease" and I noticed it was gone today when I went to listen. I happened to have downloaded it last night, but I suppose that I don't I need to upload it anywhere for now since there is that similar one still available at the moment.
It is a moving target. Now that version mentioned above, has now been removed from Youtube.
However it can still be found (with yet a different title) at

Dr. Judy Mikovits (American Researcher) on Coronavirus
• Apr 5, 2020

Also probably more stable on Brighteon:

FTW Live Interview Clip Judy Mikovits Corona Virus 19
What is happening

Side note: I am fascinated by observing for myself the great number of YouTube videos being removed repeatedly. It is so "in your face" symptom of the "war for the mind" times we live in. It is also very insulting as it insinuates people cannot think for themselves and need big brother to do their thinking for them.
About the masks - they are now mandatory here beginning Monday (for supermarkets etc.), despite that the "pandemic" being pretty much over. Somehow this bothers me more than most other things. Partly because it destroys all illusions of normalcy I guess and because it's such a shocking symbol.
Masks are now required in Pennsylvania to enter grocery stores, work, etc....

Next time I go shopping, I'm wearing a white dust mask with the following written on it, with black sharpie marker:


I might design 2. The second would be drawn in red marker with the red circle and with a line running across its middle.
Hi Laura and all

I have setup a Google Form based on the file. Link for the form is below which can be shared via social media or email once approved.
Clickable link - QFG, Inc, COVID-19 Questionnaire
Can someone please check and review and let me know for corrections? It will work on Smartphones too.
Nice Form sid! There are other languages we want to put too. Most of the other websites for the Multi Language option had paid membership. But in Google Forms, one can allow people select the language and redirect to different language section based on the language chosen.

Masks are now required in Pennsylvania to enter grocery stores, work, etc....

Next time I go shopping, I'm wearing a white dust mask with the following written on it, with black sharpie marker:


I might design 2. The second would be drawn in red marker with the red circle and with a line running across its middle.

Makes me want to wear a tin foil mask to match my tin foil hat (since they think anyone who questions authority is crazy anyway)!
And there it is. Virtue Signaling reduced to its essential compound; people pretending to be virtuous not for the sake of virtue, but for the sake of survival!

I'll clip out one of the best quotes from Solzhenitsyn: The parable of the First to Stop Applauding...

"At the conclusion of the conference, a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for. Of course, everyone stood up (just as everyone had leaped to his feet during the conference at every mention of his name). The small hall echoed with “stormy applause, rising to an ovation.” For three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, the “stormy applause, rising to an ovation,” continued. But palms were getting sore and raised arms were already aching. And the older people were panting from exhaustion. It was becoming insufferably silly even to those who really adored Stalin. However, who would dare be the first to stop? The secretary of the District Party Committee could have done it. He was standing on the platform, and it was he who had just called for the ovation. But he was a newcomer. He had taken the place of a man who’d been arrested. He was afraid! After all, NKVD men were standing in the hall applauding and watching to see who quit first! And in that obscure, small hall, unknown to the Leader, the applause went on – six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly — but up there with the presidium where everyone could see them? The director of the local paper factory, an independent and strong-minded man, stood with the presidium. Aware of all the falsity and all the impossibility of the situation, he still kept on applauding! Nine minutes! Ten! In anguish he watched the secretary of the District Party Committee, but the latter dared not stop. Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers! And even then those who were left would not falter…Then after eleven minutes, the director of the paper factory assumed a businesslike expression and sat down in his seat. And, oh, a miracle took place! Where had the universal, uninhibited, indescribable enthusiasm gone? To a man, everyone else stopped dead and sat down. They had been saved! The squirrel had been smart enough to jump off his revolving wheel.

"That, however, was how they discovered who the independent people were. And that was how they went about eliminating them. That same night the factory director was arrested. They easily pasted ten years on him on the pretext of something quite different. But after he had signed Form 206, the final document of his interrogation, his interrogator reminded him:

“Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding!” "


Though, I would disagree with the interrogator's appraisal of the Moral of the Story.

It should be, "Don't be an ignorant goat and jump onto the virtue signalling bandwagon in the first place. Tell your friends."

Yes, I have been seeing this phenomenon for, I believe, the past three weeks here. Seemed to be every Thursday at 8pm, confirmed here:

Looks to me like around 50% of the residents on our street join in and there are obviously a lot more in the surrounding area – including fireworks. I've not been involved at all and am usually chatting with some friends on line while it goes on. I have not seen any shaming but am not involved in any social media so it could be there.

Not sure if there is any prescribed time that this clapping is supposed to last, but it certainly seems to go on for an uncomfortably long time, as people just keep going while they look around for a few minutes at a time... The quote from Solzhenitsyn really made me think of this. In the case here though, I don't really see the 'make-believe enthusiasm' on faces, generally no particular expression or just a wry smile (that could just the slightly uncomfortable British reaction to these public displays though...).

Not sure if this was posted earlier on, James Corbett's Propaganda Watch take on this when it first started around a month ago:

Considering what others have said, this may be an option.

There's no way to provide "proof of ID" on a phone call. And I've never known a telemarketer to be asked to do so.

And not, you don't need a permit.

Yeah, it would. You would need to try to sample the others.

Well, if a dozen or so people could get 25 or 30 respondents that are truly random, it would give a decent overview and that's not too huge. I'm not thinking that people would get hundreds of interviews, just a good couple dozen that are random.

Also, nobody has really raised their hand to actually DO the interviews. So I'm wondering if the idea will even get off the ground!

Yes, it would need to be translated.

The online option is sounding pretty good, but I still think some good, random, cold calls would help a lot. What are people thinking who do not spend a lot of time online? Remember, online is where the trolls are.

I didn't know that phonebooks don't exist anymore. How do other pollsters get their data?

Didn't think about masking the calling number. That's important. Again, the online option is beginning to look better. I wouldn't add any "tips" though. Gotta keep it clean.

Again, online option is sounding better all the time. We could maybe ask the respondents that if they know someone who is not online, to ask them the questions also.

Here is an old school thought... maybe it would be possible to print the list and attach a preprinted self addressed stamped envelope to it. You would not be able to put it inside the mailbox in the US because it is federal but possibly attach it to the front or sides. The obvious problem would be getting out during the lock down but if you are out running errands maybe it would be possible to do a few at a time. Although there may be other issues that would cause this not to work well, it may be a way?
South Dakota Has “Flattened the Curve” Without Shutting Down

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota is one of seven governors who have resisted the temptation to use the virus as a means to usurp powers that are limited by their state constitutions. They may enjoy having the last laugh when the so-called virus crisis has passed. As The New American reported on Thursday, a Kentucky State University professor has shown that “there is no evidence whatsoever” that such unconstitutional lockdowns save lives.

When viewed from the future, those unconstitutional decisions will be shown to have severely damaged the culture, not by limiting the impact of the virus, but by limiting the personal freedoms and responsibilities that Noem reveres. Having grasped those powers, many of those governors are unlikely to let them go once the “crisis” has passed.

The New American

A reader's reaction to this article by ModMon2.0

The population of my county, Mohave, AZ is the largest by land mass and has a population of 212,181 with 61 cases to date. That's 4 times the amount of S. Dakota per capita and almost all of our businesses are closed. Treating all people and all situations as equal is a big mistake. Just because people in NYC want to live like crowded rats doesn't mean we all should suffer with them when they get sick from it.
In my head a 'survivor count' page, updating the numbers who have so far survived the virus, based on countries and the global population too. Something simple. I could have a go at setting something like that up separately, but I wanted to convey the idea here first in case people thought it was useful and might like to set up a page inside an already established and well-visited site.

To be clear, I would like to do this but I am not sure I can do this - it will take significant time for me to work out how to do this and there are others that from my point of view can already do their keyboard magic, click their fingers and it would happen pretty quickly. But, if that's not possible I will pursue it.

Acknowledgment must also go to the author of the current headline: 90 Days of Madness: Official Numbers Prove COVID-19 is STILL Benign -- I think it would be great if this could be expanded upon with a simple counter in real-time and easily referenced to.
Dr. Mikovits was emphatic that ventilators were harmful - cannulas should be used. More so, because of the HIV component of the virus, the patient in effect has AIDS and the immune system crashes causing death. She said do not agree to be tested and do not wear a mask. She's 62 and her husband 81? - trying to remember accurately what she said. She's very concerned for themselves due to age and possibility that access to viable supplements (vit A and D) may become unavailable. That's just what I could pick out and probably not the complete information.

Just a footnote - the DIA was dedicated on March 19, 1994 by the New World Airport Commission.
YouTube deleted a very long discussion with Dr Mikovits for 'violating community guidlines'. However, it looks like it's still up on BitChute. Perhaps it should be saved for posterity, before it gets deleted?
Some more news from Russia:

- In Tatarstan (Kazan and its environs) it was forbidden to appear without masks and respirators in shops and public transport from April 20 - В Татарстане запретили появляться в магазинах и транспорте без масок

But, as local Tatar media write, very few people wear masks - obyazatelnogo-nosheniya-masok-v-obschestvennyh-mestah-5737650
That is, the ban does not actually work

- Russian retail chains (Globus and Billa) forbade buyers to enter their supermarkets without masks - Российские торговые сети начали закрывать вход для покупателей без масок
Curiously, Billa has already reversed - bla-bla-bla, we haven’t forbidden anything -

- Electronic passes (QR code) will be introduced in Kuzbass (Kemerovo, SIBERIA) from May 5 - В Кузбассе с 5 мая введут электронные пропуска для контроля режима самоизоляции 2Fnews

And the news is not directly related to the crown. I just add it here - «Изображены руководители нашего государства, в том числе среди народа»

In the main temple of the Armed Forces of Russia (it is being completed and they want to open it on May 9, 2020 to mark the 75th anniversary of Victory in World War II)
on the walls there is a mosaic with Putin, Shoigu, Patrushev (and other guys)

I remind you that this is the Orthodox Church! And he sings of Putin, Shoigu and other guys! This is a crazy house !:headbash:
Hungary, small city of 17000, West of Ukraine:

+ Less people are wearing masks on the street.. about 8%.
+ First "Let's Get Lit Up" parties are happening, youths voices can be heard at night. A modern music beat in the distance could be heard yesterday [Friday] night, as was usual Pre-Fake-Pandemic times, when this drum-beat came from nightclubs or houses.
+ I forgot to mention that 1 or 2 months ago, when the Lockdown was supposed to be in full strength, there was a "Remodel-Your-House"-fever with contractors zipping here and there to work on bathrooms, more elaborate garden fences, etc..
+ No food shortages yet, stores are filled to the brim.
+ Vitamin C price went down after a couple weeks of crazy high
+ Price of USD and EUR is the highest in recorded history versus our domestic currency. So that means I can buy more stuff with my salary coming from abroad. Domestic prices increased some, but largely still remain at Pre-Fake-Pandemic levels.

About the masks - they are now mandatory here beginning Monday (for supermarkets etc.), despite that the "pandemic" being pretty much over. Somehow this bothers me more than most other things. Partly because it destroys all illusions of normalcy I guess and because it's such a shocking symbol.
We only have mandatory masks for the single vegetable / grocery market in our small agricultural city. I had a feeling the mayor realized, he can keep the place open, if he declares masks for everybody. Because "everybody" buys their stuff there. So he can show he obeys the dictates of Central Authority.
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Despite Lockdown: France Rocked by Four Straight Nights of Riots

Riots erupted across France for the fourth night in a row, spreading to cities and towns with cars set on fire and mobs of locals attacking police and firefighters despite the Wuhan coronavirus lockdown measures.

The riots began on Sunday following an incident between a local on a motorcycle and police in the Paris suburb of Villeneuve-la-Garenne. They have spread to even more areas with violence continuing to increase.

I think there is clearly a great difference in the behavior of people depending on whether they live in the city or the countryside.
I live in a village (less than 2000 inhabitants) which adjoins a small town (more than 4000 inhabitants).
Everything looks normal around my house. I hear the neighbors having barbecues, and obviously they have guests. (Maybe other neighbors). Maybe i should report them ...:evil:;-) People go for a family walk, the children play ...
When I go shopping in the city, everything is deserted, except the food stores. The most important of them gathered gloved and masked people in great majority. Even behind their masks, we see that they are tense. The smallest stores, whether more or less expensive, are certainly less crowded, but few people wear gloves or masks. There is more relaxation and smiling to them, whatever they think of the covid. They are of course more pleasant for shopping.
I bless the fact that I live in my little house with a garden, and I really feel sorry for people in cities and buildings. :-(
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