Here is a survey from Serbia:
If such a survey was made in a Western society I am convinced the numbers would have been higher. I think people in Eastern Europe, due to the fact that they lived through a Police State during the Cold War Era, have a stronger bullshit radar than their Western counterparts. I also noticed something yesterday, here in Canada, which made me chuckle. I went to a Polish store, but a fairly large one, the size of a normal super market. What I noticed was that there was no hysteria, neither from the staff, nor from the patrons. Only a very small percentage of the people were wearing masks, and I didn't see anybody behaving strangely, being overly concerned with social distancing. It made me chuckle when I noticed the contrast with the way both staff and patrons behave in the other stores.
The message I'm getting from the mask wearing lately is:

*I am afraid, leave me alone.

*I am obedient.

*See, I am moral.

Facial recognition cameras can “recognize” and take note of those who “do not” wear masks. And when they become stricter with the mask wearing they can watch those who still resist. Whala! There’s the group we should be concerned with.

TPTB can watch the CCTV cameras as see how well the people are complying.
What is wrong with ventilation?
The most interesting topic with mine was the question of ventilation. She informed me that patients with suspected COVID are all taken to the CT immediately to have their lungs X-rayed. It would be a picture of the lungs that would be somehow fascinating. You can immediately see these typical frosted-glass opacities. Since the lungs are more affected from behind, the patient is placed on the stomach to ensure breathing.
Now I asked a direct question: Could it be that the patients who are being ventilated do not die because of COVID but because of incorrect ventilation? She said yes. There is a certain requirement or guideline. This affects the targeted oxygen level in the blood. The patients were all ventilated according to the COPD scheme. This means that they are came with a oxygen saturation of around 60%, and since one always strives for a very high saturation above 90% from the doctors. That would be standard. She said that the patients could have been left in the lower range and that the oxygen supply could be slowly increased if necessary. They were over-breathed.

I hope I understood it correctly

I noticed a report here in the forum, which probably comes from another forum. I read through it and it was plausible for me. Since I am not sure whether I understood it correctly and maybe did not translate it correctly, I did not want to share it. I therefore ask that the experts may be able to say something. I found the theory very interesting.
In summary, I understood that COVID binds to the HÄMgruppe, there is a loss of oxygen in the blood. This leads to poor blood circulation and organ failure. There is no pneumonia but the lung damage comes from the release of the oxidative iron from the HÄM.

And there was also a hint that almost no pneumonia was found during the autopsy.
Maybe there are signs of the cytokine storm in the lungs.

Pneumonia is rare
The Swiss expert also suspects that he may have found the explanation why many Covid 19 patients cannot be saved even with ventilation. Surprisingly, very few of the 20 deaths autopsied in Basel died of pneumonia. "What we saw under the microscope was a severe disruption in the microcirculation of the lungs." This means that the oxygen exchange no longer works. The given oxygen is simply no longer transported in the body. In a paper published last week in the specialist journal "Lancet", pathologists from the University of Zurich had already pointed out that the coronavirus not only attacks the lungs, but can also lead to serious vascular inflammation of various organs.


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About the masks - they are now mandatory here beginning Monday (for supermarkets etc.), despite that the "pandemic" being pretty much over. Somehow this bothers me more than most other things. Partly because it destroys all illusions of normalcy I guess and because it's such a shocking symbol.

Some Austrian psychiatrist on YouTube who rants about the state of affairs and calls our world an asylum made an interesting point: children, when they are ashamed, cover their faces with their hands. They believe that they are "not there" if they do that. There is something deeply symbolic in this I think.

Roger Scruton has written a lot about how our faces are reflective of a higher order - they are windows into our souls, and our means to communicate from soul to soul, spirit to spirit. I think that's right. So - hiding behind a mask is like "disappearing" - in the sense of hiding one's soul and cutting all "spirit communication" so to speak. And imposing mandatory masks is forcing us to do so. It cuts us off from the deeper levels of human interaction. Very symbolic and appalling.
I totally agree. Visages express anger, joy, love, life, personality, character. Behind a mask your anger will not be seen. Nor your smile. Maybe in your eyes, but one day they will tell us, put glasses, corona enter by the eyes. Black glasses. You will not be able to communicate with your eyes. These masks are muzzles. Be obedient and shut up.

Plus, when you have a mask on you you breath less. You have less air inside you. With time you will become a puppet. A zombie. How fun is that?

We are the beasts in a circus. The elephants, the lions, the tigers but tamed, so obedient and unhappy. We are in a circus where we are treated like they treat animals in a circus, without compassion. Funny that those hysterical activists that yell against animal torture say nothing about the torture that the ptb are doing to humanity. Where is saint Greta?

Well, for now I refuse to put a mask, I feel secure and in no danger at all. For now we can walk without masks, here. We will see.
My child's friend was given permission for a second play date, this time at their place instead of my house, and all my children are invited. Good to see regular people not totally freaked out.

My dad read the 2 articles in NY Times and CNBC that the virus death rate is comparable to the flu and the NY governor said under 1%. He noted that it makes sense, but the world is ignoring these facts and carrying on with the panic.
Living in Russia I was trying to understand the reaction by authorities on this situation. We don't have a dollar printing press to afford lockdown measures, we have really low mortality rate comparing to some other countries, we are not really economically dependent on the West to silently obey their orders, nor we did in the recent past, and still we play their game. More than this Russian authorities are very determined to expand Moscow digital pass experiment country-wide and extend lockdown till the middle of May. Also Russian local media including RT are very apt in promoting 'stay at home' motto, no Russian Tucker Carlson here. Why?

And during a discussion of this problem with other Russian forum members a possible explanation was born. Russia play their game but for completely different reasons. Putin being a former intelligence agent knows how stuff works behind the official curtains and he surely apply his knowledge at his current position. Information about artificial origin of COVID-19 came pretty early and intelligence couldn't just dismiss it. It's pretty straightforward to assume that the new virus created in a lab can be a biological weapon — maybe not really effective in culling a population this time — but still a weapon. If so Russian authorities could decide to make everything possible to minimize virus effect now and at the same time to prepare for a next attack, because this one definitely flopped. Not long time ago Russian medicine was reformed and a lot of hospitals for infectious deceases were closed, right now they're building such hospitals in a much hurry. Full county lockdown can be a good training exercise to prepare people and local authorities for a real upcoming crisis. And at the same time world PTB doesn't get a reason to accuse Russia of destroying its population.

So much for conspiracy theories today, sorry if this idea was posted here before because I can't chase this thread.
Well last night I had my first taste of clapping and cheering for the NHS. I went out the back door as usual for a cigarette and as I opened the door I was hit by a terrible racket of saucepans and lids being rattled vigorously clapping and fireworks. I walked towards the back of the house thinking it was all coming from the front. Big mistake. I was hit by a surround sound from everywhere on the estate. I was on the verge of tears thinking how they all thought they were doing something noble. The feeling quickly changed to disgust when realisation dawned none of them have even bothered to read up on what's really going on. If they had they would not be out on the streets with ridiculas grins on their faces.
About the masks - they are now mandatory here beginning Monday (for supermarkets etc.), despite that the "pandemic" being pretty much over. Somehow this bothers me more than most other things. Partly because it destroys all illusions of normalcy I guess and because it's such a shocking symbol.

Some Austrian psychiatrist on YouTube who rants about the state of affairs and calls our world an asylum made an interesting point: children, when they are ashamed, cover their faces with their hands. They believe that they are "not there" if they do that. There is something deeply symbolic in this I think.

Roger Scruton has written a lot about how our faces are reflective of a higher order - they are windows into our souls, and our means to communicate from soul to soul, spirit to spirit. I think that's right. So - hiding behind a mask is like "disappearing" - in the sense of hiding one's soul and cutting all "spirit communication" so to speak. And imposing mandatory masks is forcing us to do so. It cuts us off from the deeper levels of human interaction. Very symbolic and appalling.
My first thought was - we are being muzzled.
Just where PTB want us to be.
It is so true what you are saying. The other day i had new clients - nice elderly couple - both came “muzzled”.
We made it through the consult albeit weird we established rapport, as they were leaving - i said: “well we cant shake hands but it was very nice to meet you although I have no idea how you look”
Their eyes instantly lit and they both pulled down the “muzzle” to reveal a smile.
After this surreal episode i spent some time thinking about spiritual implications of all this. Scary stuff.
Here's the article:

Last night I had an unusual dream, it was as though I was looking down on a scene, there were two people, I had the impression they were males, they just looked like black images, they had glasses in their hands, drinking what appeared to be some green liquid. They were sat in what appeared to be a movie theater, it was dark and they were alone.

They were watching what in my minds eye told me was some form video presentation. I got the impression it was regarding the coronovirus, they were talking together, making comments and drinking from this green liquid periodically throughout the video. I was watching and listening, thinking to myself, this is good information, I must remember that several times. I had to get up for a pee, resettled myself and needless to say I can't remember what was presented in the video, but the partial dream recall has stayed with me all day. It could be nothing more than the response of reading this thread and the mind trying to interpret and absorb the vast amount of information. It is strange that this image has continued at the back of my mind all day.
I totally agree. Visages express anger, joy, love, life, personality, character. Behind a mask your anger will not be seen. Nor your smile. Maybe in your eyes, but one day they will tell us, put glasses, corona enter by the eyes. Black glasses. You will not be able to communicate with your eyes. These masks are muzzles. Be obedient and shut up.

Plus, when you have a mask on you you breath less. You have less air inside you. With time you will become a puppet. A zombie. How fun is that?

We are the beasts in a circus. The elephants, the lions, the tigers but tamed, so obedient and unhappy. We are in a circus where we are treated like they treat animals in a circus, without compassion. Funny that those hysterical activists that yell against animal torture say nothing about the torture that the ptb are doing to humanity. Where is saint Greta?

Well, for now I refuse to put a mask, I feel secure and in no danger at all. For now we can walk without masks, here. We will see.

Dr. Mikovits was emphatic that ventilators were harmful - cannulas should be used. More so, because of the HIV component of the virus, the patient in effect has AIDS and the immune system crashes causing death. She said do not agree to be tested and do not wear a mask. She's 62 and her husband 81? - trying to remember accurately what she said. She's very concerned for themselves due to age and possibility that access to viable supplements (vit A and D) may become unavailable. That's just what I could pick out and probably not the complete information.

Just a footnote - the DIA was dedicated on March 19, 1994 by the New World Airport Commission.
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Organizations: University of Melbourne and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (Australia); Radboud University Medical Center (The Netherlands); Faustman Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) (United States)
Vaccine candidate: Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) live-attenuated vaccine for COVID-19
Original indication:
Tuberculosis (TB) pediatric vaccine

Would this be something that was talked about here earlier, the Tuberculosis vaccine?

Yes, that is the one that might explain the big difference in mortality rates between countries.

Professor Mihai Netea of Radboud University said they were conducting two trials with the BCG vaccine. “The first involves 1500 doctors and nurses. The second trial involves 1600 people above the age of 60. In both, half of the participants get the BCG vaccine while the other half get a placebo,” he said.

The interest in the BCG vaccine is based on studies that have shown its ability to boost innate immunity which helps in providing protection against illnesses other than tuberculosis.

One such study was conducted by Professor Christine Stabell Benn from the University of Southern Denmark.

BCG tests

“Our study in Guinea-Bissau showed that administering the BCG vaccine reduced child mortality much more than we could explain from its protective effect against tuberculosis. Child mortality among those who got the BCG vaccine was almost half, compared to those who didn't get it.

Since tuberculosis isn't that common during childhood, the vaccine was in fact protecting the children against respiratory infections and septicemia,” Professor Stabell Benn said.

Professor Netea pointed out that studies done among adults also showed lower incidence of respiratory tract infections in those who were given the BCG vaccine.

Other studies have shown that the number of virus particles responsible for respiratory illnesses is lower in those who receive this vaccine. We have therefore hypothesised that it will work against the new coronavirus,” he said.

Another trial to test the BCG vaccine’s efficacy against Covid-19 is being conducted in Australia. Led by Professor Nigel Curtis at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, it began in Melbourne on 30 March and involves 4,000 healthcare workers. According to Professor Curtis, the trial will run for six to 12 months to find out whether BCG vaccination reduces the severity or COVID-19 among the volunteers.

The reason why the BCG vaccine boosts the innate immunity is because of the use of a live, attenuated bacterium.

A live-attenuated vaccine uses a pathogen that is weakened but still alive. It enters the body and creates a very mild infection. It appears these vaccines enable the immune system to respond to a broad range of pathogens. People who get them seem to be protected against a number of diseases,” Professor Stabell Benn said.

This Corona virus is so hard on drug cartels. So sad!:lol2:
Coronavirus chokes the drug trade — from Wuhan, through Mexico and onto U.S. streets --
Kate Linthicum
LA Times
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 01:34 UTC

© Getty Images
Wuhan, China, is the world capital of production of chemicals needed to make fentanyl.
For drug traffickers interested in getting in on the fentanyl business, all roads once led to Wuhan.

The sprawling industrial city built along the Yangtze River in east-central China is known for its production of chemicals, including the ingredients needed to cook fentanyl and other powerful synthetic opioids.

Vendors there shipped huge quantities around the world. The biggest customers were Mexican drug cartels, which
have embracedfentanyl in recent years because it is cheaper and easier to produce than heroin.

But the novel coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan late last year before spreading across the planet has upended the fentanyl supply chain, causing a ripple effect that has cut into the profits of Mexican traffickers and driven up street drug prices across the United States.

Few industries — illicit or not — have been unscathed by the pandemic that has upended the global economy and killed more than 190,000 people worldwide.

The narcotics trade, which relies on the constant movement of goods and people, has been stymied by lockdowns, travel bans and other efforts to contain the virus, according to government officials, academic researchers and drug traffickers.

Mexican production of fentanyl and methamphetamine appears especially hard hit.

Fentanyl pills
© Associated Press
Fentanyl pills disguised as prescription pain killers.
Both drugs are made with precursor chemicals that are typically sent on planes or cargo ships from China, where despite U.S. pressure to ban them, they continue to be sold legally.

That supply chain was shut down in January when authorities in Wuhan enacted a
lockdownthat forced residents to stay inside for more than two months.

In February, after a major manufacturer of the chemicals closed, vendors began posting apologies on the online sites where chemicals are typically sold, said Louise Shelley, a professor at George Mason University who tracks global fentanyl production.

"They were saying: 'We're not producing or selling or shipping,'" she said.

Logan Pauley, a researcher at C4ADS, a Washington-based think tank focused on transnational security, also noticed a decrease in advertisements for fentanyl precursors. He said vendors switched to selling other products, including face masks and anti-malarial drugsthat some doctors and politicians initially hoped would help treat the coronavirus.

The drop in exports has left some Mexican drug producers with less access to needed chemicals.

Simultaneously, cartels have encountered another colossal challenge: new restrictions on entry to the United States — the world's biggest market for illegal drugs.

Normally, more than a million people cross the U.S.-Mexico border legally each day. But that number has fallen significantly since March, when President Trump closed the border to all nonessential traffic, reducing opportunities for cartels to smuggle drugs north.

Some cartels are hurting financially, said Falko Ernst, a senior analyst at the International Crisis Group. He said he has interviewed gang members who complain that cartel bosses have not paid their salaries.

"They're being told that business is bad, that finances aren't flowing smoothly," he said.

Other factors are also hurting organized crime. Experts say quarantines have slowed the movement of cocaine from South America to Mexico and harmed legal industries, such as the avocado trade, from which cartels extort money. Meanwhile, the downturn of global oil prices has been a blow to gangs that resell stolen gasoline.

That loss of income could be exacerbating violence in Mexico, which saw 2,585 homicides in March, more than in any month in nearly two years.

In the United States, reduced drug production and less trafficking across the border appear to have resulted in rising retail prices.

Kameron Korte, a spokeswoman for the San Diego field division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, said fentanyl pills in her region now sell for $7 each, up from $5 a few months ago.

The average cost of methamphetamine has risen from $1,000 per pound to $1,400 per pound, she said.

Similar price hikes have been seen in other parts of the country.

Drug users have grumbled about rising prices on online forums. On a message board on the website Reddit, one person complained that prices of fentanyl pills in Phoenix had nearly doubled. "Border shut = less trafficking," it said.

Despite that, drug treatment experts say they are seeing a surge in drug use.

Jeffrey Holland, who runs a nonprofit rehabilitation facility in Albuquerque, said anxiety about the pandemic and the economic recession is a potent trigger. It doesn't help that Narcotics Anonymous meetings and other recovery programs have been moved online, he said.

"This is cultural trauma on a global scale," he said. "And when people have more anxiety, they turn to alcohol and drugs."

The country's opioid crisis began more than a decade ago with prescription painkillers and heroin, but in recent years it has been dominated by fentanyl.

In 2018, more than 31,000 people in the United States died after taking fentanyl or one of its close chemical relatives, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. No other drug in modern history has killed more people in a year.

Holland said he's seen no sign of a slowdown in New Mexico during the pandemic.

"Drug dealers are still driving around, and they're still selling from their houses," he said.

Jaime López-Aranda, a Mexican security analyst, said that drug traffickers are accustomed to disruptions in the supply chain and that they would bounce back from the pandemic the same way they rebound from cartel infighting or law enforcement crackdowns.

"It's part of the business cycle," he said. "This has never been a stable market. The rule is strife and conflict."

In Mexico, there has been some evidence that cartels have been trying to adapt.

Miguel Angel Vega, a journalist and expert on the Sinaloa cartel, said multiple drug producers have told him of efforts — so far unsuccessful — to manufacture the precursor drugs needed to make fentanyl and methamphetamine in Mexico.

ended its 76-day lockdown on April 8, and many of the city's 11 million residents have returned to work. According to Shelley, some online websites have already resumed selling fentanyl ingredients.

Ben Westhoff, who traveled to Wuhan in 2018 while researching the opioid trade for his book "
Fentanyl, Inc.," said it's likely that Mexican cartels are already designing more resilient supply chains.

The only reason they relied on Chinese manufacturers for precursor chemicals in the past was because it was easy, he said.

"The reason they buy these ingredients from China is the reason everybody buys things from China: because it's cheap."
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