I knew this was coming but I am still in shock: Coronavirus: Woman 'named and shamed' by neighbours on Facebook for not joining clap for carers

A woman says she was "named and shamed" by neighbours after she fell asleep and missed the weekly clap for carers tribute to NHS staff and key workers.

The mother said had been tired after "a rough night" with her son, and inadvertently failed to take part in the event despite having done so in previous weeks.

And writing on internet forum Mumsnet, the woman said she was later publicly criticised on the local community Facebook page.
"I was mortified. The post said everyone else turned out and I showed the street up and if I can't spend a minute showing my appreciation I don't deserve to use the NHS if I or my family get ill.
"It's really disturbing how quickly people are ready to turn on each other and 'report' each other."
My family has never joined these events either, but I cannot say if I was named and shamed because I don't have facebook, nor other social media accounts, and I really don't know what my neighbors think about me, nor I care about it as I know for sure we're not problematic people. Nevertheless, I understand we're not far from times when such mass rituals may become compulsory. When this happens, I'll make sure that I'm still able to somehow show my resistance, for example wearing a mask with Covid-1984 or something like that.

And there it is. Virtue Signaling reduced to its essential compound; people pretending to be virtuous not for the sake of virtue, but for the sake of survival!

I'll clip out one of the best quotes from Solzhenitsyn: The parable of the First to Stop Applauding...

"At the conclusion of the conference, a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for. Of course, everyone stood up (just as everyone had leaped to his feet during the conference at every mention of his name). The small hall echoed with “stormy applause, rising to an ovation.” For three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, the “stormy applause, rising to an ovation,” continued. But palms were getting sore and raised arms were already aching. And the older people were panting from exhaustion. It was becoming insufferably silly even to those who really adored Stalin. However, who would dare be the first to stop? The secretary of the District Party Committee could have done it. He was standing on the platform, and it was he who had just called for the ovation. But he was a newcomer. He had taken the place of a man who’d been arrested. He was afraid! After all, NKVD men were standing in the hall applauding and watching to see who quit first! And in that obscure, small hall, unknown to the Leader, the applause went on – six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly — but up there with the presidium where everyone could see them? The director of the local paper factory, an independent and strong-minded man, stood with the presidium. Aware of all the falsity and all the impossibility of the situation, he still kept on applauding! Nine minutes! Ten! In anguish he watched the secretary of the District Party Committee, but the latter dared not stop. Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers! And even then those who were left would not falter…Then after eleven minutes, the director of the paper factory assumed a businesslike expression and sat down in his seat. And, oh, a miracle took place! Where had the universal, uninhibited, indescribable enthusiasm gone? To a man, everyone else stopped dead and sat down. They had been saved! The squirrel had been smart enough to jump off his revolving wheel.

"That, however, was how they discovered who the independent people were. And that was how they went about eliminating them. That same night the factory director was arrested. They easily pasted ten years on him on the pretext of something quite different. But after he had signed Form 206, the final document of his interrogation, his interrogator reminded him:

“Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding!” "


Though, I would disagree with the interrogator's appraisal of the Moral of the Story.

It should be, "Don't be an ignorant goat and jump onto the virtue signalling bandwagon in the first place. Tell your friends."
A couple days late but something me and a few people at work had been wondering that would go with question two is of people that tested positive for COVID-10 how severe were the symptoms. I suppose you could get an idea of that by how question one is answered.

*** Questions for a poll ***

OK, that didn't even take too long. Here are some suggestions:

- How bad do you think COVID-19 really is?
A. It's very bad. Worse than most viruses we've experienced in the last 10 years.
B. It's worse than the flu, but there are many worse things out there.
C. It's about the same as the flu.
D. It's probably not even as bad as the flu.

- How many people do you personally know (not a friend of a friend's wife etc.) who have tested positive for COVID-19?

- How many people do you personally know
(not a friend of a friend's wife etc.) who have died from COVID-19?

- What do you think about the lockdown measures?

A. They should be stricter.
B. They are justified. I agree with them.
C. I agree with them to some extent, but they're also causing damage, so they shouldn't be in place for too long.
D. They're doing more harm than good and should be lifted as soon as possible.

- What do you think about the media's reporting on this crisis?
A. They aren't informing us enough about the dangers.
B. They are doing a good job reporting on the crisis.
C. They're doing mostly OK, but sometimes they are scaring people a bit too much.
D. They are over-hyping the threat and spreading panic.

- What do you think about the restrictions imposed on the people, limiting their freedoms, making them stay at home and keep a distance from other people?
A. The restrictions are necessary and should be in place for months to come.
B. They are needed to get through the worst but should be lifted as soon as possible.
C. They should have been recommended on a voluntary basis rather than made law. Making such restrictions mandatory is unacceptable.

- Do you think the lockdown, social distancing, wearing masks, and so on, have been successful in preventing many deaths?
A. Yes. We would see a lot more people die without these measures.
B. It has made a difference, but the difference isn't too large.
C. It hasn't been very successful and has caused harm in other ways.

- How significant do you think the negative fallout of the measures taken by governments will be?
A. Not very. Things will go back to normal soon.
B. Quite significant, but we will recover in a year or two.
C. Very significant. There will be a lot of damage, and things will not go back to normal anytime soon, if ever.
D. The damage will be massive, worse than the damage caused by the virus itself, things will not go back to normal, and people will suffer because of this for a long time.

- Are you afraid of getting the virus?
A. Yes.
B. No.
(No need to read the options, I think. Note down whatever they answer?)

- What do you think is the best way of protecting yourself from the virus?
(I wouldn't make options for this one. Let's just hear their opinions.)

So these are some suggestions. Feel free to add whatever you think should be included or remove whatever doesn't feel right.

For the fallout question, if D is too much, you can maybe combine it with C into one answer and word it whatever way sounds best.

If you read the questions over the phone, the options may be a bit long, so you can let people answer on their own, and then read the answer(s) that seem the closest to what they said and ask if they more or less agree.
Astute observation. Ordinary people locked in their homes desperately need to feel like they are contributing in some way. That usually comes through their work or child rearing etc. Now that they are deprived of that essential way of providing meaning in their lives, they are trying to get it by proxy by applauding for health care workers at every opportunity. I fear that this lock down, if it continues much longer, will cause suffering and death that far outstrips the tiny percentage that succumb to the flu-like virus.

I agree, and so does Ben Davidson of "Suspicious Observers". He put out this video yesterday that hits it out of the park:

List of points:

- The virus was here (USA) for a while before it was publically acknowledged

- "...this thing is still killing less than 0.1%"

- The numbers are about the same as the seasonal flu

- They overcounted the numbers of deaths

- Some of the media leaks have been baffling - e.g. number of set-up hospitals that were never used and that the army is now taking down

- He and his family are quarantined - shows picture of his family, including his small children, wearing Guy Fawkes masks

- Grandpa is playing poker, raising the stakes by pushing in rolls of toilet paper (picture)

- One could know this thing was overblown weeks ago if they knew that they never lied about these facts: weeks-long latency; 80% no/mild symptoms

- "...we have idol-licking Iranians, lung-polluted Chinese work(ers); and old, smoking, drinking Italians skewing the numbers - it's closer to 1% (death rate)... ...BUT...that's against the confirmed cases. 80% have few or no symptoms; so we are down to 0.2%...aka, a bad flu

- Goes over his credentials to speak on the corona virus (he discovered the method of action of a biomimetic antimicrobial that is strongly anti-viral and helped get it approved by the FDA)

- "The Cure is the Killer"

- Ben Davidson (Suspicious Observers) is being told, "You aren't being sensitive to the most vulnerable people!!"

- "TRUTH: the quarantine will kill far more people and create much more suffering"

- "The top two leading indicators of premature death worldwide, including child/infant mortality are hunger and general poverty"

- "What has the quarantine done to food?"

- "The number of people facing food shortage this year could double this year to 265 million people (United Nations) - 130 million more highest-risk people created by "the cure"

- "The cure is a disease."

- "50 million people will join the "extreme poverty" group"

- "Estimates of general poverty increases range from 100 million to one billion plus"

- "The cure has fanned the two most deadly flames in humanity - at least 250 million lives are at extreme risk because of the quarantine (3.5% of all people)"

- "These numbers generally do not factor in the economic downturn in the US due to closed businesses and lost jobs"

- "The ONLY reason 7 billion people exist is because society could support it"

- "Every day the quarantine continues hundeds of thousands are sentenced to death"

- "The poorest countries will be hardest hit", some with zero infections, so "The quarantine is a selfish attack on them"

- "There is no clean choice where you get to check off all your virtue-signaling boxes to feel great about yourself when you look in the mirror"

- "This is reality, and sometimes, none of the options look good"

- "The economy is still going to take a major hit"

- "The antibody tests are going to continue to reveal what we've actually done to the world"

- "The climate isn't getting any better"

- "The magnetic field is still fading as as the sunspot cycle is gearing up for maximum phase for the next five years"

- "This thing the crazy people have been warning about in the corners doesn't happen in a day, but it's already here, the game has started, this is what they have been waiting for, it's going to be a long, slow road down the spiral..."

Not surprisingly, the video with AYUTY Healight, the proposed new way of treating pathogens with UV-light has been removed by YouTube. However, someone posted the same video a few hours ago. I guess it will be removed soon also, but here's the link:

Also, Lou Dobbs on Fox brings this up:

Could it be that the media is falling into Trump's trap again? By bringing these controversial therapeutic treatments into the discussion, he ensures that they get a lot of media coverage. Although, he could have chosen his words about the injecting of disinfectants perhaps more carefully...or, was it his intention to 'play dumb' and get more sensational headlines? Does he believe in the old motto of "Any publicity is good publicity"?
Since the videos will probably be removed, here's a transcript of a 'COVID-19 Initiatives - Update Call' where the CEO of Aytu discusses the UV-treatment:


Just yesterday we announced an exclusive global license from renowned research hospital, Cedars-Sinai. With this license, we secured a worldwide Rights to a medical device platform that has the potential to become a novel treatment for COVID-19 and after the pandemic has ended a new treatment option for other difficult to treat infections in severely ill hospitalized patients.

This treatment is a medical device called Healight. This UV light technology has been in development since 2016 by Dr. Mark Pimentel and his colleagues, Dr. Ruchi Mathur and Dr. Ali Rezaie, the core research team at Cedars-Sinai's MAST program. MAST which stands for Medically Associated Science and Technology has been the source of numerous medical innovations at Cedars-Sinai, including the discovery of Rifaximin for IBS, a highly effective irritable bowel syndrome treatment, and numerous other technologies. The MAST research team has studied the human microbiome for many years, most notably in the context of gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders. Through the course of studying various methods of eradicating problematic gut pathogens, it became clear to the team that UV light technology platform has broad potential application to eradicate pathogens across a range of conditions. This technology utilizes Ultraviolet light, specifically UVA light to eradicate pathogens in a very specific way. The UV technology is unique in that it delivers UV-A light only and specifically filters out the UVC light, which is known to harm human cells and by developing a device small enough with tiny LED lights, essentially a light catheter.

This device can be administered in small areas like the upper airways where the Coronavirus primarily resides. In the context of treating Coronavirus patients, the small light catheter would be administered to ventilated ICU patients by sending the device through the patient's breathing tube. Once positioned in the tube, the series of LED lights emitting a specific narrow band of UV-A light will illuminate for a specified time at a specific wattage. Preclinical work has already been completed across a wide range of bacterial and viral pathogens including Coronavirus in a variety of cell models. The results are encouraging and demonstrate safety and effectiveness in these models. The MAST group's work has shown efficacy in curing, killing bacterial and viral pathogens while preserving human cells, which is the key clinical concept in this treatment. Specifically, recent work has demonstrated that when treated with this technology, Coronavirus infected human tracheal epithelial cells are preserved while the virus occupying the cells is killed.

I'm not sure what to think of this. Looking at the bios of Aytu's board members, they do have a history of working for various pharmaceutical companies, although not the largest and most evil ones.
So yesterday we went to buy prescription dog food from the vet. It is a very expensive (overly expensive) small veterinary hospital that I think it has a built in the notion of doing everything in the extreme whether it is practically required or not. With the maximum level lockdown, only 2 clients are allowed inside the building at a time for only 5 minutes but only if you did not travel overseas. Well for all intents and purposes everyone adheres to all rules. Yesterday however a new rule popped up. After entering you had to step into a plastic box with disinfectant for your shoes. The measure in itself could be justified like all their measures taken individually. But the compound effect can only lead to paranoia for the people working there. So I semicomplained by asking whether it was a safe product to use for the shoes. They said yes and I asked whether they did tests, justyfying my question with my ebola outbreak in Guinea experience. Not getting answers we went about got the food and while my husband was paying, I told them that they must not be scared and afraid because this is nothing and it could have been much worse. That seemingly touched a chord because the guy ( it was a guy and a chick at the table distanced front desk) asked What could be worse? To which I answered, Well, it could have been ebola. Seriously, it was not a gratuitous Sheldon Cooper, PhD moment, South Africa had imported ebola cases as well back in 2013 or 14, which by pure heavenly providence did not proliferate. The reaction on their faces was deep freeze. They were still silent when we left the shop. I can’t say I am proud to have shocked to young people that were seemingly doing their extreme best in extreme declared circumstances, but my husband’s chuckle was priceless.
Something terrible has happened.:cry: It seems that smokers are protected. :cool2::cool2:The mirror writes an interesting MSM report. On the one hand, there are facts about which he has to report. On the other hand, the article consists of 90% reasons why smoking is bad. Basically the content.

A study in France suggests that there are surprisingly few smokers among corona patients. Researchers are now proposing to test nicotine patches on Covid-19 patients and medical staff. It is questionable whether the responsible health authorities approve the experiment. Because the researchers' hypothesis is shaky.
The proportion of smokers among the Covid-19 patients should be significantly higher, the researchers argue. Up to 80 percent more people with a comparable age and gender distribution smoked in the entire population.
The researchers therefore suspect that nicotine prevents the coronavirus from invading body cells. It could also prevent an overreaction of the immune system, which is often observed in severe cases. The researchers now want to test whether the assumption is correct on corona patients and medical staff. In addition to plasters, they also believe that it can be absorbed by sniffing or chewing gum. Such studies could find out whether nicotine slows down the spread of the coronavirus or maybe even protects against infection.

This is the very interesstant:
To allow for a valid comparison with the general population, smoking rates used as a reference should have been evaluated at a time as close as possible to the time of COVID pandemic and the same definitions of current smokers should be used for both COVID-19 and general populations, which was not clear in the previous studies. The last available study of the Chinese general population in 2015 reported rates of current smokers of 52% for men and 2.5 % for women[11]. Very recently, the US Center of Disease Control reported an analysis of current smoker rate among US COVID-19 patients which was found to be 1.3% for the whole population of COVID-19 patients, 1% for outpatients, 2% for patients, not hospitalized in an ICU, and 1% in intensive care unit (ICU)-admitted patients[12]. However, the level of missing smoking status was very high and no comparison with the general population was performed.

Something to keep in mind in people showing up in Italy with patches at the CT, even though they're not COVID-19 positive. It might be the case that some of these people have the classical cryptogenic pneumonia with migrating condensations. I would think that it can be triggered by a viral infection like COVID-19, although the whole thing is so new that is difficult for people to publish fast enough, so we can learn what to expect in these cases.

I hit the nail on the head!

A French study links cryptogenic pneumonia to COVID-19 (published this month, 3 April 2020):

The super extremely rare condition is actually very frequent in survivors of COVID-19 infection. It tends to be peripheral with subpleural distribution and is the result of lung injury due to alveolar damage.

In short, it's a scar.

For all survivors of severe COVID-19: Consolidation images at the CT scan should include organized cryptogenic pneumonia as the first differential diagnosis (instead of lung cancer). The organized variety of cryptogenic pneumonias is even rarer than the average version of cryptogenic pneumonia, but considering the effects of the virus on the alveolar sacs of the lungs, it makes sense if it pops up more often than not on CT scans.
I hit the nail on the head!

A French study links cryptogenic pneumonia to COVID-19 (published this month, 3 April 2020):

The super extremely rare condition is actually very frequent in survivors of COVID-19 infection. It tends to be peripheral with subpleural distribution and is the result of lung injury due to alveolar damage.

In short, it's a scar.

For all survivors of severe COVID-19: Consolidation images at the CT scan should include organized cryptogenic pneumonia as the first differential diagnosis (instead of lung cancer). The organized variety of cryptogenic pneumonias is even rarer than the average version of cryptogenic pneumonia, but considering the effects of the virus on the alveolar sacs of the lungs, it makes sense if it pops up more often than not on CT scans.
I remember my mother talking at some point about the lung tissue scars she was left with after having severe malaria as a child. Is it possible that the pulmonary lesions detected by CT scans in surviving Covid patients older than 80 be as a result of much older epidemic diseases long eradicated since then?

Is this why there is a lockdown and not allowed to go out into the sunshine and the parks since the sun give us the full spectrum including UV light for free? The sun with it's full spectrum and UV light has been around forever. Is this actually patentable? Well I guess we don't have to wonder who owns the company mentioned and the hospital.

One thing is for sure, when we look at the countries where people spend more time outside in the sun have less infection.
The clip provided has been blocked. Here's the vid of the entire ceremony with relevant part beginning 43:52 -
So many pyramids. Kids in pjs/hospital beds/nurses acting like robots as very scary super villain from Harry Potter rises high into the air while lesser demons/villains from childhood stories also on scene. One does look like Boris Johnson, but supposedly story character. Vigilant Citizen weighs in:

Definitely worth reading the whole article, but here's a couple of clinchers - lines from John Lennon's Imagine sung:

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say
I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

And this:

As if emerging from the fire produced by the petals (representing Nations of the world), a phoenix appears above the cauldron.

The symbol of the phoenix, the bird that is reborn from its ashes, is extremely important to occult secret societies and, consequently, to the occult elite.


This gigantic mural situated inside the UN’s Security Council Chamber in New York features a phoenix rising from a world in ashes.


With a phoenix rising above all nations as a backdrop, Take That sings “Rule the World”. This is getting pretty blatant.

Well, we hadn't seen nuthin' yet! Found this article as well:

No matter how blatant, the majority just doesn't see.

The mural in the security council reminds me of the murals at the Denver airport. Am I wrong that there could be a connection?
Is it possible that the pulmonary lesions detected by CT scans in surviving Covid patients older than 80 be as a result of much older epidemic diseases long eradicated since then?

It is not likely. We're talking about a very specific "scar" with very well determined characteristics. Most diseases described in the medical literature/history didn't trigger it and even if they did, cryptogenic pneumonias (formerly known as bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia) was relatively rare. And those rare people who had it had very specific symptoms associated with it which leads to medical studies for diagnosis.
About the masks - they are now mandatory here beginning Monday (for supermarkets etc.), despite that the "pandemic" being pretty much over. Somehow this bothers me more than most other things. Partly because it destroys all illusions of normalcy I guess and because it's such a shocking symbol.

Some Austrian psychiatrist on YouTube who rants about the state of affairs and calls our world an asylum made an interesting point: children, when they are ashamed, cover their faces with their hands. They believe that they are "not there" if they do that. There is something deeply symbolic in this I think.

Roger Scruton has written a lot about how our faces are reflective of a higher order - they are windows into our souls, and our means to communicate from soul to soul, spirit to spirit. I think that's right. So - hiding behind a mask is like "disappearing" - in the sense of hiding one's soul and cutting all "spirit communication" so to speak. And imposing mandatory masks is forcing us to do so. It cuts us off from the deeper levels of human interaction. Very symbolic and appalling.

The same thing is happening in Macedonia. Since Thursday the mask are mandatory. You cant enter any store without it. If you try they start to yell to argue and fear from you like you are a suicide bomber entering the store.
I also notice that all so-called " national media" are promoting wearing masks and social distancing like some new normal and that all of as a social responsible people must respect that.

What bullshit, Sorry for my language but this craziness is breaking records.:headbash:

I completely stopped watching those media, Just sometimes some movie while in lockdown.
Yesterday my wife was watching the news on TV and they were making a short interview with 2 young people that got married on a bench in the park Just two of them and the legal representative from the community to make their marriage legal.
All 3 of them with masks and gloves.
Media presented them as a heroes of the new time. They don't need anybody, their consciousness is so great that they do care for other lives and similar stupid and idiotic things.
And this is just one example.
The authorities announced that they will start to reopen businesses. From the next week, the city bazaar can open again. A lot of producers of vegetables and fruits come there to sell their products. Much healthier and cheaper products.
And it was a storm of comments that this will make things even worse. Stop it, Lockdown the entire city.
People are defending the measures. They are so brainwashed that they are afraid to live more normal lives.
Like in the movie V for vendetta. They must need us. And that is happening now, for real. People are in need of fascistic measures
Live demonstration of a Stockholm syndrome, and they are not noticing it.
We will see how things will develop.
About the masks - they are now mandatory here beginning Monday (for supermarkets etc.), despite that the "pandemic" being pretty much over. Somehow this bothers me more than most other things. Partly because it destroys all illusions of normalcy I guess and because it's such a shocking symbol.

Some Austrian psychiatrist on YouTube who rants about the state of affairs and calls our world an asylum made an interesting point: children, when they are ashamed, cover their faces with their hands. They believe that they are "not there" if they do that. There is something deeply symbolic in this I think.

Roger Scruton has written a lot about how our faces are reflective of a higher order - they are windows into our souls, and our means to communicate from soul to soul, spirit to spirit. I think that's right. So - hiding behind a mask is like "disappearing" - in the sense of hiding one's soul and cutting all "spirit communication" so to speak. And imposing mandatory masks is forcing us to do so. It cuts us off from the deeper levels of human interaction. Very symbolic and appalling.
So, I think, as utterly disturbing as this is, now it's all the more important to write some creative message onto the mask, as was suggested before. Maybe 'Covid-1984', maybe something else. I'm still thinking about it.

Afaik in most places it doesn't really matter what kind of a mask you're wearing, as they don't have enough of the 'right' masks anyway, so you can wear pretty much anything.

So it comes down to choosing the right mask, and maybe sending a slightly different message than they expected.
It could be fun if everyone started wearing these...

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