Exactly. Been to the supermarket today and by leaving they asked if I already have a face mask because starting on monday we are supposed ...bla.... (..)
I must confess that I suffer deeply anytime I go out there. And seeing how all these people comply, never ask, feel good in 'doing more and better than required' scares me to the core.... more than any real pandemic could ever do.
If anybody ever asked how 1933 could possibly happen, can now have a field day.

Well said, Tauriel.

Beginning on Monday public transportation in Berlin may only be used by wearing a mask.

For shopping however, there will be no masks required. That would have been practically impossible to enforce, at least in migrant disctricts with their own local groceries and süper markets.

The upcoming First of May which is an anarchist holiday in Berlin's inner city, will have to give proof if demonstrators
are either willing to stay home or will be going out into the streets wearing corona masks.
There would a real problem because there is a "ban on wearing face coverings" at public gatherings.

I think that the whole face mask business is about teaching the subjects to obey.

Sorry, a bit off topic, and one of those rants...

Okay, just a reminder to myself not to post any comments on clearly brain washed old acquaintances' mainstream aligned posts on FB. This morning I made a mistake of posting a link to the UV-Healight video on an old schoolmates Trump-bashing (because of his comments about disinfectants) post. I knew it would provoke a bunch, and that their sleep wouldn't be interrupted, but still I did it. :headbash: I got 'great analyzes' of my personality etc.:cool2:
There is a saying in Dutch that translates to something like 'The devil always sh**s on top of the largest heap' which applies to the situation in which non-profits linked to Soros and the Koch brothers seek small business coronavirus loans, that can be fully forgiven if recipients use them to avoid laying off workers.
Earlier, the Small Business Administration tightened the rules of the Paycheck Protection Program, set up by the US Congress in March to offer support for small businesses amid the coronavirus pandemic, as the initial $350 billion in funding was swiftly spent after many big companies tapped the aid.

They will get away with it, just as the psycho-managers-in-charge and their authoritarian followers in the medical, health and food-safety institutions get away with their thievery, lying, murder and destruction of health of the peoples. There is always hope that the brave people in various disciplines who have or are gaining some or a lot of traction (like Dr Judy Mikovits) can get the ball rolling towards bringing the perpetrators to justice, but still not holding my breath
There would be really something hitting the spot with the theory linking covid19 and prevotella bacterium, as, among all the "dangerous" videos and articles I shared in FB, only the video concerning this topic has been banned as fake news by the "décodeurs mondiaux" (mondial decoders in english?):wow:
and above all, given how the mainstream media here in France hastened to publish articles refuting this theory (not serious researches, nothing certain, bla bla bla)
In the same vein these last days, lot of articles warning against the serious side effects of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycine and Kaletra (an antiretroviral combining lopinavir and ritonavir). All the articles base their claim on the warning of the ANSM (agency of drugs) based on a inquiry (more of a survey) of "pharmacovigilence" (on 215 persons) which came to the conclusion of "a probale relationship between the observed effect (electrical abnormalities in the functioning of the heart visible on the electrocardiogram) and the drug administered to the Covid-19 patient". A very scientific study indeed :cool2:
What is comforting is that the majority of people who commented on these articles seem not to buy into this:-)
Exactly. Been to the supermarket today and by leaving they asked if I already have a face mask because starting on monday we are supposed ...bla....
I think the look on my face stopped the guy from finishing his sentence.
Now that they're 'carefully....and slooowly.... start to reopen businesses here in Germany (but please 'no reopening-orgies' as Mrs Merkel commanded) they start putting us on mandatory face masks? :nuts:
My whole shopping tour I felt compelled to sing 'Eyes without a Face'.
There was this mother with her little son, both wearing a face mask and some dirty gloves although the masks were NOT mandatory today. She decided to let her son inhale his own CO2 just to feel 'good' or 'righteous' or ...there we go again... out of fear.
I must confess that I suffer deeply anytime I go out there. And seeing how all these people comply, never ask, feel good in 'doing more and better than required' scares me to the core.... more than any real pandemic could ever do.
If anybody ever asked how 1933 could possibly happen, can now have a field day.
I hear you. When I am in line waiting to go to the food store I have the chills to see how people accept to be checked their body temperature with the aparatus-thermometer that is like a gun that they put on your front head. The symbolism is so terrible that I have to look elsewhere when I see it. So now I ask every time to be take my temperature on my arm. I refuse, when I can now, that they put the gun-thermometer on my front head. Are people aware of the symbolism of this almost insignificant gesture? They think It is just the temperature! yeah. How come they don't see it at all? ok, say nothing, I know that almost everyone is blind. Blind, blind and blind! I accept it. Don't worry. ;-D
Not sure if there is any prescribed time that this clapping is supposed to last, but it certainly seems to go on for an uncomfortably long time, as people just keep going while they look around for a few minutes at a time...
Watched the creepy scenes in the video of big-city block-house-people applauding with emotional media music, as per the excellent Corbett Report. Something tells me a CEO psychopath [or a bunch of them working for the Crown-Families] are already seriously eyeing these applauding civilians to offer them the greatest opportunity of their lifetime:
To voluntarily and heroically give up family members for the Glorious Soylent Green Project! The Food Plan that will feed the world!
According to this plan, all those Locked Down Citizens you see on the videos, who have been successfully lobotomized and hystericized, are just stored-meat in the eyes of these CEO psychos: they are temporarily kept in their block-house containers, for the amazing Green New Plan! The Soylent Green Project!
I hear you. When I am in line waiting to go to the food store I have the chills to see how people accept to be checked their body temperature with the aparatus-thermometer that is like a gun that they put on your front head. The symbolism is so terrible that I have to look elsewhere when I see it. So now I ask every time to be take my temperature on my arm. I refuse, when I can now, that they put the gun-thermometer on my front head. Are people aware of the symbolism of this almost insignificant gesture? They think It is just the temperature! yeah. How come they don't see it at all? ok, say nothing, I know that almost everyone is blind. Blind, blind and blind! I accept it. Don't worry. ;-D
Hi loreta, at what temperature they consider a person suspect ? I ask because I have often more than normal temperature. In France for the moment they do not carry out temperature checks.

They are ramping up the propaganda. We must all get vaccines.

Also, look at all this evil people protesting against the lockdown. Deplorables... the narrative is being set.

We will all get vaccinated and we will be one their property! That's the dream they have. Not only to rule our minds, but also our bodies. They want total control of the planet, nature and human beings... They want to be God.... The PTB wet dream.
YouTube deleted a very long discussion with Dr Mikovits for 'violating community guidlines'. However, it looks like it's still up on BitChute. Perhaps it should be saved for posterity, before it gets deleted?
I guess we have been posting about the same video without noticing :-D :
I also mentioned some places you can get at this post:
It is a moving target. ...
The upcoming First of May which is an anarchist holiday in Berlin's inner city, will have to give proof if demonstrators
are either willing to stay home or will be going out into the streets wearing corona masks.
There would a real problem because there is a "ban on wearing face coverings" at public gatherings.

Very curious to see how they'll solve that one...
Unfortunately I see tear gas and rubber bullets approaching. Stay safe!
Okay, just a reminder to myself not to post any comments on clearly brain washed old acquaintances' mainstream aligned posts on FB.
I hear you...
Last night I felt compelled to post Amazing Polly's last video on FB and gave the following introduction. It was long and I really felt kind of uneasy when I went to bed... I even got up again to delete it but then I saw that people were actually reading and watching.
This is what I wrote:

~~~To my friends~~~
For many years I quite often held myself back here on FB, cencoring myself so that these friends of mine who still think according to the presented narrative about the state-of-affairs don't feel compromised;
so that they still accept me as one of them;
so as not to overstep the borders this system has so successfully installed for us;
to keep up a connection of some kind, preferably harmonious; so as not to being ridiculed and laughed at;
so as not to investing the energy in discussions without respect;
so as not to get in trouble...........
I don't feel like this is the time for such behaviour anymore......

In the face of FB, Google, YouTube et al. censoring everything that doesn't fit into their idea of what the truth is,
in the face of a media monster that is feeding the whole world lies 24/7,
in the face of people starting to attack people because they insist on not wearing a face mask,
in the face of police attacking innocent people claiming their right to protest,
in the face of the biggest open overtake thus far
I want to be who I am
I want to think
I want to doubt
I want to question
I want the right to be wrong
and I claim my right to know the Truth.
If you are one of my friends who sees the world from a different angle, I'm fine with that.
If you feel uncomfortbale with what you read from me, please go your way. I wish you well from the depths of my heart.
If you only show up to place disregarding emoticons, I will remove you from this thing called 'friends list' no matter how long we 'know' each other.
If you are unsure and have nothing to say but from time to time you dare to have a look, I invite you to stay.
If you regard me as a tinfoilhead or conspiracy theorist, please feel free to leave as fast as you can (it won't get better).
If you feel your cognitive dissonance rocked, please stay a little longer.
If we do not wake up NOW I'm really afraid we'll all 'wake up' in a nightmare so dark we cannot fathom.
With this long speech I invite you to listen to Amazing Polly and I'll gracefully take the tinfoilhat attacks before I'll say good bye to you.
I chose her video because she does excellent research, has a wonderful way of presenting it and because I fear the video will get censored pretty soon.
If you should find the kind of information in the beginning disturbing and you just shut down, you might try to hold on a little further.
Thank you.

And lo and behold, when I got up and checked FB I found the most wonderful pm in my inbox.
The guy was literally saying 'thank you' and then asked for guidance what to do with this information.
So there really is a field wide open and we really can make a difference. And if it's only one person that awakes due to the information we share it's worth it, me thinks.
We had 7 deaths today, an increase from previous days, despite the curfews. How so? It's simple. Corona got inside some of the nursing homes and some of those people are now dying. So it has nothing to do with the rest of the population spending their time inside.

Unfortunately, we do not have the numbers for the overall mortality, but our president just said that LESS people died this March than in the previous year. So, as I said before, nothing is happening here.

And because of that, we decided to send eight airplanes with medical supplies to Italy, the country where something is happening.

I was also curious about the sudden rise in deaths in Ireland, so I decided to find out more about that and found this:

we are now reporting 'probable deaths due to COVID-19' in these figures too. The figures for those are 124 probable deaths due to COVID-19; 112 of which occurred in nursing homes

EuroMOMO just updated their website. It pretty looking. It's just too bad that they do not have the data for the whole Europe.

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