I find it interesting that many people nowadays don't even believe that viruses exist and blame this disease on 5G and so on, when the knowledge about viruses seem to be quite advance in some circles, and because of the corona their products can finally come to the surface. Here is one video where they explain how they can modify genes with plasmid DNA technology.

True, knowledge is quite advance is some circles, but when I see videos such as the above, I can't help but ponder the extreme wishful thinking involved. The subject is much more complex to think that it's as easy as "copy and paste" and voilà.

Well, obviously PTBs are terrified with this STO strain.....

Yeah, they seem so desperate, that they might actually find potentially useful therapies that might be applicable for cancer, etc.

So - is the whole city being beamed with some newfangled high-intensity stupid/evil laser? Or has the Wetiko virus become more virulent than ever before - with large numbers of people being too self-absorbed to do their jobs? Because based on these stories it just seems as though many healthcare workers' brains have just turned into mush; zombies wearing scrubs and lab coats.
I would just need some sort of explanation as to why medically trained professionals would be so idiotically negligent. Are there orders coming from up the chain to stick to certain protocols regardless of circumstances that are designed to maximize fatalities?
Beaming and such cannot be excluded. However, even without that, an atmosphere of fear and panic is enough to render hospitals dangerous places indeed. Fear reduces high cognitive functions and often one feels like floating in a dream-like state. So it's possible that a prolonged state of anxiety leads to a series of errors and bad judgement that put the patients in danger. Lock-downs kill healthy people and hospitalisation kills sick people. It's sick.

I think it's a combination of everything: beaming, personality disintegration prompted by the Wave, environmental factors, an atmosphere of fear, etc. I've seen mind boggling medical negligence and colleagues behaving as they never done before. Hold on to your hats, it's going to get more interesting!
When it comes to dealing with those close to us (friends, family, etc.) that are buying into fear and hysteria about this COVID nonsense, I've been thinking that it might be a good idea to watch Adam Curtis's The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear documentary with them. Even though it doesn't deal with COVID, it does demonstrate how the PTB have been creating fear and panic in order to keep their power and authority. And maybe, just maybe, it will allow them to see through the BS, at least partially.
If a majority of the population would view things as those who know what is happening, then I would think such a thing could turn out more or less good, but we seem to be confronted by an overwhelming majority that is for the measures and praises Merkel. What does that mean for those people who will go out to protest? Will it not be quite easy to paint them very badly and do awful things with them?

Any thoughts would be appreciated...

Yes, I think we should be careful what we wish for. Imagine that a large number of people/the majority suddenly started seeing "the truth". How would they react? Keep in mind that even we, who have done self-work for years, have looked the beast in the eye so to say, have networked etc., even we are furious, angry and depressed. So what would those people do who suddenly realize the extent of lies? In the best case, there would be a peaceful revolution and some decent guy taking over from Merkel. But how long would he last? I think he would be replaced by a Robespierre soon. People would demand blood. If we think it's bad right now with Merkel and the lockdown, wait until a "new regime" takes over and starts hanging the "ancien régime" and those who were involved in it. It will be far worse than what we have today. All "for the Truth" of course, all "for the German people". We know from Ponerology how such things play out. We also know about the General Law and Gurdjieff's teachings and how every impulse, even a decent one, will be "vectored" soon because of the mechanical nature of humanity. I can't see how any revolution could have a good outcome. The only solution is a maximum of self-work and trusting the universe to let things fall into place if we do our part every day. "It's who you are and what you see."

Speaking of anger, I'm beginning to appreciate the huge lesson this situation gives us. I'm currently reading "The Invention of the Jewish People", and at times I feel anger boiling up about the chauvinistic nonsense that is constantly peddled as "history". And I recognized this anger as precisely the same anger I sometimes experience due to the current situation. And because of this, I was able to take a step back and take a bird's eye view. Not "detaching" from my feelings - it's important to keep in touch with them because they are an important form of perception! - but to integrate them into a wider view of reality where everyone has their lessons, and where it's not our place to dole out judgement for ignorance. This kind of judgement is God's/the DCM's responsibility, not ours.
52 Years Ago, a Pandemic Flu Killed 100,000 in the US and Nothing Shut Down—Not Even Woodstock

Matt Agorist May 4, 2020

Mainstream media across the planet continue to refer to the COVID-19 outbreak as the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu of 1918. We are told that the economy shut down during the Spanish flu and people were ordered into quarantine, but it couldn’t stop the death toll from reaching 650,000 Americans. Now, the government has made harsh and sweeping regulations, shut down entire sections of the US economy, largely based on a model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), which says roughly 72,000 Americans will die from COVID-19.

No one here is claiming that this virus is not serious and should not be taken serious. However, it is our duty as a free people to question the nature of the government’s reaction, especially when the economic ramifications could be far deadlier than the virus itself — with experts predicting a famine of biblical proportion that could kill millions.

When the virus passes and the suffering continues to persist, a lot of people will be asking the question, “was all of this worth it?”

Rest assured that governments across the world will be patting themselves on the back for their draconian reactions, police state, and mass surveillance programs that nearly all of them rolled out during this pandemic. But we may really never know if the lockdown helped to stop the spread or merely suppressed it.

As mentioned above, the mainstream media has referred to COVID-19 repeatedly as the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu. However, if the models are correct and the death rate stays in decline, this will not be the case. As of Monday, there are 248,000 confirmed deaths world wide, with 67,710 of those deaths in the United States. According to the current rate of new cases and hospitalizations as documented by IHME, experts are predicting a death toll of 72,000.

“In 1968,” says Nathaniel L. Moir in National Interest, “the H3N2 pandemic killed more individuals in the U.S. than the combined total number of American fatalities during both the Vietnam and Korean Wars.”

Just 52, years, ago, however, another flu, (H3N2), known as the Hong Kong flu, killed roughly 100,000 Americans and over 1,000,000 people world wide. What makes this flu particularly notable is the fact that most media outlets are not reporting on it and the fact that absolutely nothing was shut down. In fact, Woodstock — that was attended by an estimated 500,000 people — took place smack dab in the middle of the H3N2 flu pandemic.

As the American Institute for Economic Research points out:

Nothing closed. Schools stayed open. All businesses did too. You could go to the movies. You could go to bars and restaurants. John Fund has a friend who reports having attended a Grateful Dead concert. In fact, people have no memory or awareness that the famous Woodstock concert of August 1969 – planned in January during the worse period of death – actually occurred during a deadly American flu pandemic that only peaked globally six months later. There was no thought given to the virus which, like ours today, was dangerous mainly for a non-concert-going demographic.
Stock markets didn’t crash. Congress passed no legislation. The Federal Reserve did nothing. Not a single governor acted to enforce social distancing, curve flattening (even though hundreds of thousands of people were hospitalized), or banning of crowds. No mothers were arrested for taking their kids to other homes. No surfers were arrested. No daycares were shut even though there were more infant deaths with this virus than the one we are experiencing now. There were no suicides, no unemployment, no drug overdoses.
Media covered the pandemic but it never became a big issue.

Imagine that.

This was not because the government was some bastion of liberty in the 60’s. These were the days of the draft, a senseless Vietnam war, rampant civil rights violations, and even college students were gunned down by National Guard troops for protesting the spread of war. The means to enforce such draconian measures were in place and ready to roll, yet nothing was implemented.

The only action taken by the government at the time was to collect data. The medical community, not the state, was credited with successfully mitigating the disease — as they were the ones qualified to do so — not blowhard politicians.

As AIER notes, this raises the question, why was this different? This is a question we will be trying to figure out for decades to come.

Was the difference that we have mass media invading our lives with endless notifications blowing up in our pockets? Was there some change in philosophy such that we now think politics is responsible for all existing aspects of life? Was there a political element here in that the media blew this wildly out of proportion as revenge against Trump and his deplorables? Or did our excessive adoration of predictive modelling get out of control to the point that we let a physicist with ridiculous models frighten the world’s governments into violating the human rights of billions of people?
Maybe all of these were factors. Or maybe there is something darker and nefarious at work, as the conspiracy theorists would have it.
Regardless, they all have some explaining to do.

As more countries across the world continue to look to Sweden’s approach — not shutting down the economy — to quash the spread of the virus, some governments are beginning to follow their lead. In America, however, the 30 million unemployed citizens currently out of work due to the shutdown present a massive hurdle to regaining anything close to normal.

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, and now on Minds.
Just saw this article on FB

"A researcher who was reportedly nearing some “very significant findings” in his work on the coronavirus was found killed at his Pittsburgh-area home, a local TV station reported.

Bing Liu, 37, was fatally shot in his head, neck and torso over the weekend in Ross Township, Pennsylvania, in what police are calling a murder-suicide, according to CBS Pittsburgh affiliate KDKA."

"It wasn’t immediately clear what projects Mr. Liu was working on. But researchers with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine published a paper last month in the Lancet-published EBioMedicine, that a potential coronavirus vaccine has proven effective in mice.
Researchers said they want to start human trials on the potential vaccine — dubbed “PittCoVacc” — as soon as the federal government gives its approval."

Yes, I think we should be careful what we wish for. Imagine that a large number of people/the majority suddenly started seeing "the truth". How would they react? Keep in mind that even we, who have done self-work for years, have looked the beast in the eye so to say, have networked etc., even we are furious, angry and depressed. So what would those people do who suddenly realize the extent of lies? In the best case, there would be a peaceful revolution and some decent guy taking over from Merkel. But how long would he last? I think he would be replaced by a Robespierre soon. People would demand blood. If we think it's bad right now with Merkel and the lockdown, wait until a "new regime" takes over and starts hanging the "ancien régime" and those who were involved in it. It will be far worse than what we have today. All "for the Truth" of course, all "for the German people". We know from Ponerology how such things play out. We also know about the General Law and Gurdjieff's teachings and how every impulse, even a decent one, will be "vectored" soon because of the mechanical nature of humanity. I can't see how any revolution could have a good outcome. The only solution is a maximum of self-work and trusting the universe to let things fall into place if we do our part every day. "It's who you are and what you see."

Speaking of anger, I'm beginning to appreciate the huge lesson this situation gives us. I'm currently reading "The Invention of the Jewish People", and at times I feel anger boiling up about the chauvinistic nonsense that is constantly peddled as "history". And I recognized this anger as precisely the same anger I sometimes experience due to the current situation. And because of this, I was able to take a step back and take a bird's eye view. Not "detaching" from my feelings - it's important to keep in touch with them because they are an important form of perception! - but to integrate them into a wider view of reality where everyone has their lessons, and where it's not our place to dole out judgement for ignorance. This kind of judgement is God's/the DCM's responsibility, not ours.

Just want to say Luc: we are of the exact same mind. I see the exact same things that you do. And I would add, we are far from the only ones. I just posted something very similar, in fact, to what you just shared here (though not with the references!). And if WE see this, at the exact same time - two people in far different levels of understanding and application of The Work - then there are probably MANY who see the same things. The trick is in the timing, when we can come out of the shadows to share what we know...but the fact we just made very similar posts at almost the same time is encouraging to me.

There is a higher force leading us now. And it is showing itself in synchronous thoughts and events. TRUST IT. (Well, as long as it doesn't ask for your sovereignty...)

And thank you for all you have shared on this thread. I've learned much from it.
In the USA, like in Germany and Austria, there seems to be a document that is supposed to create panic and hysteria.
Maybe you should take a closer look at the authorities and the experts for know who scribt this document. Who is above the experts? Who is above the authorities? Who is bound by instructions? Are there financial connections? Are there political connections?

The projections, based on government modeling pulled together by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently.
The numbers underscore a sobering reality: The United States has been hunkered down for the past seven weeks to try slowing the spread of the virus, but reopening the economy will make matters worse.
Hi all I would like to share with you some observations from Italy, it will be a long post, so I would like to apologize for that. Though I think it will be worth it if you have some free time to read it entirely. The observations i'm about to share with you are pretty interesting and astonishing in my opinion.

I will start with the fact that in the last couple of days I've been a lurker on facebook, have read peoples comments watched dozens of videos from some politicians, journalists, normal folks, small business owners just to understand what's their perspective on this nothing burger virus and the draconian measures that have been applied by the government. In a few words, after watching all those videos my conclusion is that most of the Italian people who are working and have a small salary, the small business owners are basically desperate at this moment and many of them are pissed off feeling betrayed by the government. Why? Because after two months of a total lockdown of the entire country, the government didn't kept his promise in assisting the people, that is the workers after two months of lockdown didn't received yet any layoffs from the government, those miserable 600€ promised to the small business owners haven't been received yet by many of these folks. I saw videos where people are forced to sell their jewels in order to be able to pay the rent or by food, crying that they can't afford to by medicine for their loved ones that are suffering from different illnesses.

The situation is pretty grim and desperate here. After seeing and understanding how the things are going here, my question will be, is the government so stupid and incompetent that it doesn't see how much the people are suffering or those in the government are so arrogant and pathological that they don't give a f**k about the people and are thinking that the italians are so stupid and obedient that they will be able to enslave them without even the carrot and stick trick, i mean without almost no assistance whatsoever from their part in order to help the people to survive until the end of the month? If i'm not mistaken in other western countries the governments did offered at least some kind of help during the lockdown (layoffs and so on), or i'm mistaken here? The fact is that, here everything is closed for 2 months now, the people aren't working, aren't receiving any support from the government and soon will begin to starve and lose their homes. Is this some kind of sick economic shock doctrine trial run in order to see if they will be able to subjugate the people while showing them the finger and expecting a blind and total obedience from them?

Another astonishing fact that i would like to share is that from 4th may we are finding ourselves in the so called "second phase" Lockdown, so basically nothing changed in respect to the "first phase", we are still locked down and in order to go outside you still have to carry with you the famous autocertificate explaining to the police the reason you dared to go outside, the parks are still closed (some of them will be open, but it still remains to be seen). Starting 18th may some businesses will reopen and the rest of them will reopen starting 1st of June. Now comes the interesting part, when the restaurants, the bars and so on will open they will have to respect inside their businesses the 2 meters distance and other ridiculous measures which in this case will be a suicide for these businesses because they won't be able to gain enough in order to stay afloat and many will be forced to close their businesses. I repeat, the whole situation is so absurd that it really feels like finding oneself in a new reality and it makes me wonder if this is not some kind of trial run in order to see really how far they can go and get away with. I would like to point out here that Italy is one of the few countries in the world where an almost total lockdown has been imposed for two months now and is still in force.

Another sad and astounding fact is that one of the most prominent alt news journalists Giulietto Chiesa has died on 26th April. Now the thing i've found very curious and i don't want to sound too paranoid or a lunatic here is that on 25th April on the day of the liberation of Italy from the nazis in 1945 Mr. Chiesa held an international video conference with such figures as Professor Tim Anderson, from Australia, Michel Chossudovsky, Director Global Research, from Canada, Vladimir Kozin, principal expert of the Centre for Political-Military Studies, from Russia and John Shipton, father of Julian Assange. The next day he died of heart attack, yes he was an old gentleman, 79 years old, but if you see him in his last video conference you won't believe that he will die suddenly just like that. I know, i don't want to imply here that there is some conspiracy behind his death, though the events that preceded his death are interesting, and by the events i mean the international video conference i've mentioned above that btw was called "LET'S GET RID OF THE VIRUS OF WAR". Maybe it was a decision he made on a different level to leave sensing what's coming down the pipe, it may be a possibility.

Below i would like to share with you some very important points that Mr. Giulietto Chiesa brought up in his last video conference. The following excerpt was taken from the Facebook page of a woman MP who shared a small fragment of the video conference where she added some of her observations on Mr. Chiesa's last video conference. It's a bit long but if you have time to read it please do so, it's worth it:

Excerpt translated via Deepl:

These are dark times for freedom of speech and thought, of the press and information. With good peace of mind of Article 21 of the Constitution - Everyone has the right to freely express his or her thoughts through speech, writing and any other means of dissemination. [...] The press cannot be subject to authorization or censorship - today in Italy there is #censorship.

#Agcom, which had already established an Observatory for disinformation that uses professional "debunkers" to analyze sources of disinformation, on April 2 announced the establishment of a "fact-checking" tool called Facta, managed by Pagella politica. In the meantime, the government has also organized its own task force against fake news, of which little is still known today.

"In Italy, the Government is organizing a team in charge of cleaning up those news that differ from the "official version" - denounced GIULIETTO CHIESA in his latest video - But that of the government is not enough, even the #RAI, Public Television, sets up a Task Force against fake news to erase the traces of their daily lies that flood their screens and newspapers every day. And then there are the mysterious courts that are far more powerful than these fake news hunters. They're Google, they're Facebook who censor without appeal everything that comes out of the box. They manipulate the news. They show what the markets decide and wipe out all the nosy nosiness with their algorithms. All this is done in broad daylight with the praise or silence of our media. We are already surrounded by new courts that erase our rights".

Just as in the Nazi regime, where there was a ministry dedicated to controlling cultural expressions in the country, in Italy in 2020 bodies were set up to control (and destroy) facts and opinions.

Giulietto Chiesa never accepted this unique thought. Just as many other journalists with straight backs do not stop doing their job these days. Massimo Mazzucco Claudio Messora Marcello Pamio Manlio #Dinucci Border Nights Radio... and many others. Pointing fingers, insulted, mocked by that mainstream that has become the first container of #fakenews that he says he is investigating.
Through questioning I asked the Government what are the methods of action of the task force on "fake-news" and what are its powers, what are the parameters adopted by the Government to recognize a "fake-news" and distinguish a personal opinion, protected by Article 21 of the Constitution, from a fallacious news, from a truth not yet ascertained, and that could be instrumentally censored, and from a false news ascertained. I also asked whether the Government, in publishing the activities of the "debunkers" on institutional websites, plans to make known signed articles containing authors and sources of the articles considered "fake-news", with the challenge demonstrated with appropriate objective bibliographical references. Because - to date - there is absolutely nothing objective and scientific in the government's vision (let alone action).

"In the coming months there will be a succession of blows, earthquakes, attacks on our freedom - continues Chiesa in the video - If millions of little scared people will listen and see only what the Pied Piper plays, then we will all go into slavery very quickly. And going into slavery also means going to war. The lords who control and dominate the thinking of at least two and a half billion people want to conquer everything, not money. They want the physical conquest of all the goods of the earth, before the money they have created out of all proportion goes up in smoke. Now is the time to wake up."

Because today, under the pretext of the #Coronavirus, the System is preparing a new war that aims at the final annihilation of our minds and lives.

I do not know if you have realised this, but these absurd measures are destroying our economy and our mental stability. They are driving our small and medium-sized enterprises to bankruptcy, small farmers, many families are exhausted, they no longer know how to feed their children. Those same children have been addicted for days in front of a screen. Alone, as alone as adults and the elderly are. Lobotomized. An unprecedented brainwashing. Meanwhile, they continue to produce weapons and poisons. Great works without any sense have never stopped. And there's talk of restarting, growth and piles. A mad race towards mass self-destruction accelerated by the absurd installation of 5G, against which Giulietto Chiesa has spent so much money and tried to inform. "5G turns everyone into guinea pigs," he said. "We must learn to defend ourselves so that they can't hit us. Defending ourselves in this way means defending our territory: the territory of our brain - these are his words - we must defend our thoughts, our body which is our life without which we could not live".

The last words of Giulietto Chiesa are to be listened to and listened to again. Free journalist. Coherent and integral. He was never afraid to go further and be content. To tell the truth. As long as he was allowed to do so, he did so in the pages of the great Italian newspapers: L'Unità, Il Manifesto, La Stampa, various national news. Never aligned with the pre-established power. Too critical of information and western politics. Plotter they called him. So he left the big national media and founded his own channel, Pandora TV. A free and independent online TV that even in these weeks has never stopped telling the anomalies of the Coronavirus emergency. Like him many others, to date in the sights of professional debunkers, the new Holy Inquisition.

On April 25, despite all the restrictions in place, he was able to organize and broadcast live, through PandoraTv and ByoBlu, the International Conference entitled "Let's get rid of the virus of war", which was attended by international experts, writers and economists. He had put together in a single appeal voices from countries all over the world, such as Professor Tim Anderson, from Australia, Michel Chossudovsky, Director Global Research, from Canada, Vladimir Kozin, chief expert of the Centre for Political-Military Studies, from Russia and John Shipton, father of Julian Assange.

"If the plan to destroy #Assange goes ahead," he said, "to punish him because he has revealed to the world the truth and the facts of the universal masters, then it means that we too - and you too - will be in danger. Gagged, forced to defend ourselves, obscured, threatened, unable to have reliable news and to understand what is happening at home and in the world. And this is not the future. This is the present. It's already happening now."
As I though. There will be protests.

They wrote this up from a libertarian point of view. All Croatians that want a change of this globalist manipulation are called to gather on every large city square on 10/05/2020.
They describe what Rocky Gates has planned for people of the Earth.
They state the truth about how we have sold out politicians. Thanks to 30 years of CIA and MI6 influence who install their puppets on the orders of the banking cartel.

They say its not a protest, rather a gathering of people who should be the ones to manage our country. And that we need to remove all the sold out soles who just act like they work in the best interest of Croatia and its peoples but are actually tring to sell it to globalist SCUM.

Peoples referendum for allowing of patriot and land-loving people to enter our government.
I will be attending for sure. Direct democracy could work ... but ONLY if enough people supported it.

10_05 prosvjedi.png
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Russian doctors flying out the windows? Front line corona health-care workers are under a lot of pressure eh? Maybe they dont like how things are done? Or they had enough of this madness? I doubt they would think about suicide in those cases.
Reminds me of those bankers "suicides" after 2008 fake economic recession.

I'm a few pages behind, but...

All of this means, of course, that in no frigging way can the "right to live" be considered absolute. "Every life counts!" is a ridiculous argument. No: every human's dignity counts. An "administrated meat sack" has no dignity and therefore no rights, not even the right to live, so without dignity - nothing. That is to say, preventing death is NOT and can never be the most important objective of the state.
This whole post deserves an article, even if a short one!

It's frustrating to watch how people have been turned into mere virus transmission units with no rights and no sense of being actual humans, and most don't even seem to care. The most basic human rights are being taken away, and people don't even see it. They'll only notice once we have a complete Nazi Germany again and people are being shot for speaking out. Though to be honest, I suspect some of these idiots won't notice even then and will think that those people getting shot are just traitors and 'deserve it'.

But look at that stupid shit with people in supermarkets or wherever taking your temperature. What the bloody fukk? How can they possibly have the right to do that? People should be ripping those thermometers out of their hands, throwing them on the ground, and stomping on them! I guess it's a good thing we don't use anal thermometers anymore...

I'm not a lawyer and don't know how public law and all that works precisely. But I can't see how the constitutional court could come to any other conclusion than ruling most of these "lockdown" measures unconstitutional. In a sane world, they would give politics hell. But we don't live in a sane world anymore...
Actually in my country the courts have already ruled some of the things the gvt did illegal, so the gvt had to step back and change some of the measures, though I don't know the exact details. And there has been more of that in other countries, so the gvts are doing things that are unconstitutional, and this needs to be made clear to people.
Not sure if this one has been shared before “Dead Zone" TV show from 2003 mentions corona virus, talks about the Hydroxychloroquine being the cure, lockdown etc. This thing has been planned a looong time ago.
Interesting! And to lock down all the planet, (this is incredible when we think about it), needs years of planification. Same with 9/11 but much more preparation, evidently. We are talking about the entire planet. This is dantesque and extraordinary. Even Stephen King would not have though about writing a novel with this subject! He wrote the novel "The Dome" but the lock down was just a little very little city. Now we are talking a PLANET! Incredible.

Thanks for the video.
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