It is lovely here today; the sun is out and it's wonderfully warm. My flat thermostat is showing 19.5 degrees C as I type this. Lots of my neighbours are out in their back gardens enjoying the lovely weather. Unfortunately, one family, in particular, have just had their day marred by a visit from a couple of P.C. Plods. I have no idea what was said but from the body language of the father/grandfather/husband, he was laying the law down with them and was not a happy bunny. I was concerned that he was going to get himself arrested but after a few minutes of it the PCs plodded off. From the route they took, it looks like someone reported this heinous transgression of the Lockdown rules :rolleyes: and they were not just walking the streets. Bring on the asteroids! :mad:
Viruses probably do exist, even in great numbers, even in our bodies. But we don't all get sick! Our bodies are made to LIVE in this world, and if a person DOES get "sick", that is the body's natural immune response and is a good thing. Living inside makes the immune system weaker when it doesn't get a chance to do its job.

So with a "virus", the government always has a good scapegoat to blame for whatever is going on or whatever it wants to cover up.
Im not saying they dont exist. But I AM saying that theyre not what we are being told they are. And our immune response too has a different purpose than just killing infections in our bodies. When you get ill and you have to lie down and you cant continue with what youve been doing it is actually a chance to evolve by changing the way you think and act.. because one, you dont want to go through that experience again.. and two, because you got an ADD ON onto you, wether it be in your experience or your DNA. And allophatic "medicine" doesnt really allow you to do that because you start believing that it will magically save you and that you dont have to change anything about yourself at all.

The main reason we are in this mess is because people blindly believe what they are being told. Instead of coming to their own conlusions through experience. Who do you think benefits if humanity is scared of "viruses"? Right! STS in all its forms and aspects.
So when you are scared of "viruses" and you blindly believe what you are being told you have no options but to be addicted to allophatic "medicine"... result of that: pharmaceutical abomination can have a grip on your soul while it becomes rich.
Btw. we can beat any flu with foods like onions and garlic and different spices.... and regular exercise and sun and fresh air. Theres absolutely no need for chemical compounds. We just have to avoid additives in our food and get out of fearfull state of mind. But that is not where the profits are and that is no way for manipulating the masses ;-)

Humanity has a huge problem with the mindset called THE FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN. Its the best reason to kill and pillage and destroy and manipulate everything and everyone around us. Only enlightened Hindus, Buddhists and followers of Tao doctrine dont have this problem. Or anyone in the west that has come across some sensible teaching and perspective of the world. Every other system of religion or society is, in my view, deliberately faulty so that it can allow for a very small group of parasites to "own" everything and everybody else.
Anyone know if there were German court cases challenging mandatory vaccines when the Constitution provides the right to physical integrity?
As far as I´ve got the whole thing according to post here:
Germany has just passed a law basically putting serious pressure on citizens to get vaccinated "on a voluntary basis". The law gives the employer the right to look up the vaccination status of the employee and other personal data. With this law, they practically opened the door for employers to reject people and maybe even fire them if they are not vaccinated. Which I'm sure many if not all obedient companies will adopt out of "safety" for their employees and companies. That vaccine will become very "voluntary" indeed! Assuming they get away with it. It is actually a better strategy for nefarious PTB agendas to vaccinate large portions of the population, not by compulsion, but by making it voluntary and putting huge social, financial and economic pressure on people who are not willing to do it.
So - you don´t have to take a vaccine (due to the right to physical integrity) but if you don´t have vaccination you might loose the job or not able to get a job..... :thdown:
Im not saying they dont exist. But I AM saying that theyre not what we are being told they are.

This debate is happening all over the web right now, and from what I've seen it really seems to come down to a problem in semantics.

Saying 'viruses don't exist' is bad rhetoric. Viral particles clearly exist; we have images taken with electron microscopes, and we've sequenced their genomes. The existence of viruses is well established, so saying viruses don't exist is a good way to get written off as a nutjob.

Now, saying 'viruses aren't what we thought' is very true and accurate, being backed up by a large body of cutting edge scientific research. Viruses are the mechanism of evolution, enabling horizontal gene transfer; a huge part of the human genome has already been determined to be viral in origin; the same is certainly true of every other organism; and there's good evidence that there isn't much structural difference between viruses and the mechanisms used by e.g. bacteria to trade genetic information.

It seems to me that usually those saying 'viruses don't exist' have in mind the meaning that 'viruses aren't what we thought', but the rhetorical phrasing is very open to misunderstanding. Part of the problem is that 'virus' has an inherently negative meaning to most people, so just saying 'viruses are beneficial' also seems crazy to the normal person. So, perhaps a rebranding is in order, which frames viruses as helpful genetic repositories rather than infectious disease agents. Then, instead of saying 'viruses don't exist', discussion can simply proceed using the alternative vocabulary, which sidesteps the programmed prejudices against viruses.
Saying 'viruses don't exist' is bad rhetoric. Viral particles clearly exist; we have images taken with electron microscopes, and we've sequenced their genomes. The existence of viruses is well established, so saying viruses don't exist is a good way to get written off as a nutjob.
This is a very important trap to avoid. Cointelpro in these mind wars are very active and one can be sure that there are insiders within the ranks of those who criticise the dominant narrative who will use easily ridiculed notions to throw the whole argument away by association. Imagine those who come to the questionning of the 911 narrative and the first thing they encounter is "the plane were holograms". So some discernement is needed, not only to approach the truth, even if it's slightly less fantastic than desired, but also in order not to loose a debate by using easily debunkable semantic gimmiks.
This is a very important trap to avoid. Cointelpro in these mind wars are very active and one can be sure that there are insiders within the ranks of those who criticise the dominant narrative who will use easily ridiculed notions to throw the whole argument away by association. Imagine those who come to the questionning of the 911 narrative and the first thing they encounter is "the plane were holograms". So some discernement is needed, not only to approach the truth, even if it's slightly less fantastic than desired, but also in order not to loose a debate by using easily debunkable semantic gimmiks.

I've used precisely this line of argument when debating this question.

"Viruses don't exist" = "The planes were holograms"

"Viruses aren't what we thought" = "Israel did 9/11"
I understood that. I was agreeing with you. Sorry for not being clear.
No worries. And for your information there was a study which shows that the number of different viruses droping out of skies is STAGGERING 800 000 000! Being deposited onto a square meter of ground from the atmosphere every single day.
Aerosolization of soil-dust and organic aggregates in sea spray facilitates the long-range transport of bacteria, and likely viruses across the free atmosphere. Although long-distance transport occurs, there are many uncertainties associated with their deposition rates. Here, we demonstrate that even in pristine environments, above the atmospheric boundary layer, the downward flux of viruses ranged from 0.26 × 109 to >7 × 109 m-2 per day.
Now, saying 'viruses aren't what we thought' is very true and accurate, being backed up by a large body of cutting edge scientific research. Viruses are the mechanism of evolution, enabling horizontal gene transfer; a huge part of the human genome has already been determined to be viral in origin; the same is certainly true of every other organism; and there's good evidence that there isn't much structural difference between viruses and the mechanisms used by e.g. bacteria to trade genetic information.
This study is suggesting that we can thank the viruses for our consciousness!!! Which is completely logical once you acknowledge that Panspermia hypothesis can be called a Panspermia theory ;-).

The neuronal gene Arc is essential for long-lasting information storage in the mammalian brain, mediates various forms of synaptic plasticity, and has been implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders.

Heres another nice fresh vid from Max Igan.
Ok - the Max Igan/Andrew Kaufman interview looks to be the one in which AK is wearing headphones and a small-check (plaid) shirt. Of course now, I can't remember how much of this interview I listened to or the gist of it - information overload and getting all scrambled together! Guess I'll have to play it again, Sam!

And for your information there was a study which shows that the number of different viruses droping out of skies is STAGGERING 800 000 000! Being deposited onto a square meter of ground from the atmosphere every single day.
For sure and I believe that's what Zach Bush was saying - viruses are ubiquitous in the environment - another vid I need to finish watching but from the beginning again! :umm:
Awaken With JP engaging in some gentle (maybe not so gentle) mockery of the bluepilled cowards who believe everything the media tells them.
Have to think the majority still believes the official 911 BS so why wouldn't they soak up every officially sanctioned lie being 'aerosolized' into the public consciousness. Here's the front-page headline from yesterday's Columbus Dispatch in large, bold letters:

Nurse latest to die in Ohio prisons

Just think of the emotional impact seeing that when opening the newspaper! Fear factor of 95? more?

And today:
"The widow of John Glenn, the former astronaut and U.S. senator from Ohio, died early Tuesday morning at a nursing home near family members in St. Paul, Minnesota, of complications from COVID -19. She was 100."

Seriously?!!! That was front page along with "Legislators ponder new look for K-12". But wait - there's more!
Crowd at Short North bar prompts warning from DeWine about social distancing

So anybody think the "new world order" is not being rolled out across the entire planet?

Stay muzzled. Obey social conditioning. Contact prohibited - if you know what's good for you.
Have to think the majority still believes the official 911 BS so why wouldn't they soak up every officially sanctioned lie being 'aerosolized' into the public consciousness.

I'm not so sure about that. I definitely know normies who don't buy the official JFK, 9/11, or Epstein narratives, but still think the virus is the real deal. TPTB have a way of mainstreaming various aspects of conspiracy culture, making belief in specific conspiracy theories socially acceptable while still maintaining the belief that the authorities are totally telling the truth this time.

I mean, it's been years since I got into a fight with someone over 9/11. Now, if you say "it was an inside job", people generally just sort of shrug and say, "yeah, probably".
I think the pathocrats want to make this thing a part of the new normal, a type of indoctrination for the young generations, a sick social engineering on a different level where people will socialy interact less thus jeopardising further the bonds between people.

They already are the most technology dependent generations so I do not think they can understand the life without it, if online platforms are used it will enable more surveilence and profiling of children through access of these platforms and more dependeble on computer screens if already are not so it will be a matter of time when you get transhumanism and virtual reality in real life when the schools would be not needed anymore when it comes to younger generations if everything would proceed as it is and luckily it would not. Glad I do not have any children in these times, never were that type although.
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