So in other words, summarizing the above: the PCR test was "weaponized" in order to detect particles of HIV that lead to many false-positive tests for many people, destroying their lives, because it was a test designed to find something that may not have existed in the form that they said it was - and that is, a retrovirus that as of today has never been confirmed to actually be the causative agent of HIV!

That blew my mind. And what blew it even further open is the fact that one of the main people behind the AIDS/HIV hypothesis was Dr. Tony Fauci - the same Dr. Fauci who is, today, promoting the use of the PCR test to determine the numbers of infections caused by COVID-19.

But it's not their fault. It's what they have been taught to do. And the system was perverted in order to accomplish this, and thus enable the use of the PCR test as a weapon for our current enslavement.

The work of Dr Kary Mullis was mentioned way earlier in the thread and I remember the topic of the ABC interview. I went looking to see if I could find the interview on youtube. I didn't find it but I did find this:

At around the 38 min mark Dr Mullis mentions that the best way to get funding for scientific study is to approach the military and design the proposal to suggest that you research could help out with a potential threat.

It is interesting to find how AIDS originated from, but if we tell people about it, they might think we are crazy.
Does HIV exist? Does HIV cause AIDS?

But it’s originated from and some humans use that stuff to inflict other humans health is another stories. Because how come the AIDS spread among mostly to gay people?

Dr Mullis was also involved with a documentary about AIDS called House of Numbers. It's a very long time since I've watched it in it's entirety, but IIRC the diagnostic criteria was very different from country to country. One person could test negative in Africa, but positive in America, then negative in Canada for example. In Africa, AIDS wasn't limited to the gay population - it was blacks from lower socio-economic areas in general. In city area's of higher density gay populations one of the diagnostic criteria IIRC was the use of a particular party drug. Promiscuity was also a part of the diagnostic criteria regardless of whether it was African or gay. It almost seems as though the diagnostic criteria were changed to target particular populations in particular area's - that's something that could also be achieved with the arbitrarily chosen number of cycles that samples were put through in the PCR test. So the whole AID's thing could just have been a part of the practice run or research for current day events.

Here's Mullis' interview from the House of Numbers:

Edited to add the full House of numbers documentary.

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While in the other parts of the world lockdowns are slowly released, here in Macedonia this weekend we will have a curfew from Sunday 11 am to Tuesday at 5 am. This is like living in an asylum.

One of the reasons is that Sunday and Monday are the biggest Muslim holiday, Ramadan.
As the Christians were locked for 3 days for Easter, they are doing the same to the Muslim population.

Just to show that they can do whatever they want, anytime they want.
There is no logic to this madness. Just showing the power and following the instructions that they receive.:headbash:

And from the next week, they plan so reopen restaurants and cafes.

On all media, in the country, the last few days hysteria about the virus was intensified. A lot of new infected, new deaths, and all this because we are not responsible citizens. All of this is because of us, it is our fault. We are not respecting the measures so this is a punishment. All these new infections are because we are not practicing social distancing enough, because of the family meetings. So, we will lock you again for your own good, because its a holiday and you will be irresponsible and you will meet your friends and families and that is not good for your health.
Can you see the direction where are they going?

Classical psychopathic behavior, to blame the victim that it is their fault for the situation that they are in. And it works like a charm in the majority of people.

A lot of decent people turned to a nazi and fascistic enforcer, literally.

My wife told me this. She started to go to work again after 2 months of pause for the lockdown and now they have to wear visors and masks. They measure their body temperature when they enter the bus, after 30 minutes when they go out of the bus, then while going to the factory entrance they must go in a row, one by one in a safe distance, wearing masks. If somebody talks or is not keeping the distance they start to yell at them, like in a concentration camp. When they enter the factory they measure their body temperature one more time. While working the same rules are applied.
Those people who now yell and measure body temperatures were once nice and decent people before all this started. Now the same people turned to nazi enforcers.

Until now the curfew is from 7 pm to 5 am next day.

So, the last week we have a small verbal incident with the police in front of the building where I live.
It was past 7 pm. A lot of kids were outside the building and playing in the park. Police patrol pass and turned on the sirens and lights.

Also there were few adults sitting on the bench, just 2 meters from the building entrance and talking.
Kids start running from one side of the building to the other, playing and hiding from the police. I was on the balcony. I watched everything.
Usually the police just pass the street with sirens, kids run, and after a few minutes they continue to play.

This time they were driving from one side to the other like chasing the children,. After a few attempts they stopped in front of the entrance and one of the cops went out of the car and start yelling on the people outside and those of us on Balconies

You are all crazy, It is a curfew and keep you, kids, at home. I cant play seek and hide with them.
When I heard that I asked him on a little louder tone who is he yelling at and who is he calling crazy. And then a lot of neighbors started to yell at him. He didn't expect such a reaction. In a few seconds he went with his patrol car and never came back.

The next day children were playing again. If this happen again we will turn him to the police internal control department for such behavior. Police don't have the right to yell at people and insult them like they are the worst criminals.

So, this is how my part of this asylum looks like in the time of this madness.
Some calm words of wisdom from an old man in a chair, who wonders whether social distancing is to be permanent, and if so what possible justification this could have:

He also wonders just how badly broken our children will be, should the prison camp conditions of the "reopened" schools become the new abnormal:

Here he points out that the shattered economy isn't going to bounce back:

Simply stated: a diagnosis of AIDS may not come from a single determined causative agent. It may instead be an amalgamation of infectious agents already present within the human eliminative and/or reproductive systems that when given the opportunity to express themselves in potentially immunologically challenged individuals via physically challenging sexual encounters, as may often be experienced by gay men, eventually results in a disease pathology that has been has of now been classified as "AIDS"/"HIV".

I am not an expert at all but I think that Dr Mikovits said that someone can have HIV and never have AIDS. To develop AIDS, you need some agents to activate the HIV.

You can read her books and you may find some interesting infos about that.
Meanwhile, masks are the new look more and more as the public is turned into trained seals
A little more hell from Russia:

In almost all regions of Russia, they were obliged to wear masks on the street / in public places.
I received several complaints from patients about the masks. Those who have low blood pressure, heart failure and COPD are really having a hard time. More people are feeling sick from the masks than from anything else these days
The way I see it, masks are going to kill more people than CV-1984, literally.

Police say ‘excessive wearing’ of N95 mask contributed to driver passing out, crashing car
A New Jersey woman who crashed her car into a power pole may have passed out after wearing an N95 coronavirus mask behind the wheel for several hours, police said.

The woman was taken to a local hospital with a complaint of pain after Thursday’s accident on a two-lane road, the Lincoln Park Police Department said.

“The crash is believed to have resulted from the driver wearing an N95 mask for several hours and subsequently passing out behind the wheel due to insufficient oxygen intake/excessive carbon dioxide intake,” the department said on Facebook Friday.
Hedge fund bear Crispin Odey says personal gold ownership could become illegal if inflation spikes
  • Central banks might outlaw private gold ownership and use the metal to stabilise currencies, hedge fund manager Crispin Odey said in a letter seen by Bloomberg.
  • The notoriously bearish investor added to his gold positions throughout April, warning clients that a de-monetising of gold could happen if governments “feel the need to create a stable unit of account for world trade.”
  • Such action isn’t without precedent. The US forced private gold holders to sell their stakes in 1933 to normalize the dollar’s value.
  • “History is filled with examples where rulers have, in moments of crisis, resorted to debasing the coinage,” Odey wrote.
The Sott Radio show in Spanish just got the badge of honor of being censored by Youtube for discussing vaccines and the possible future vaccine for Covid-19 on last weekend's show. YT removed that show for 'breaking community guidelines'. :rolleyes: Apparently, this was done 'manually', which I imagine means someone from YT bothered to watch the show, in spite of it having only around 1000 views at that point (or someone reported us). Not to worry though - the editors plan to exploit this in their favor by discussing this censorship on today's show, as well as Google's links to big pharma and vaccines, :evil: which would explain Youtube's recent censorship policy :

That's typical Big Tech hypocrisy - particularly from Google. They try to project this goody & cool image but in reality they are collaborating with the Pentagon and alphabet soup agencies (as documented in 'Surveillance Valley'), doing all sorts of morally questionable stuff like mining people's personal data, and now they are censoring those who question vaccines cause that would hurt one of their own business ventures.

Surely today's show will be censored again, but then who cares about being in YT if you can't just speak what you know. There are several platforms out there, and the editors will make sure to use a few of them.
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Whoa! Been so busy keeping up with reading the CV thread to the end, that I just realised the original post for this thread was merged with a thread started in 2013 about a new mysterious virus causing respiratory problems. Just caught up on those posts too (don’t panic people, it’s only 13 posts, lol!!)
A previous thread on the topic of a mystery, previously unknown Coronavirus was discovered in the forum from March 2013, so it has been merged with the current COVID-19 Pandemic thread, which now commences at Post#14 at the end of this first page. The Coronavirus outbreak from 2013 gives a bit of historical background to the topic.
The article quoted in what is now the 1st post of this thread I assume is MERS (a virus from the CV family)?

These rules for children going back to school will be their undoing. There's a lot of disturbing stuff going on with all this but this takes the cake! Normal adults naturally want to protect children. Even the authoritarian followers should be finding this to be a hard pill to swallow.

They think they're so smart. They obviously don't understand normal people at all.
It is lovely here today; the sun is out and it's wonderfully warm. My flat thermostat is showing 19.5 degrees C as I type this. Lots of my neighbours are out in their back gardens enjoying the lovely weather. Unfortunately, one family, in particular, have just had their day marred by a visit from a couple of P.C. Plods. I have no idea what was said but from the body language of the father/grandfather/husband, he was laying the law down with them and was not a happy bunny. I was concerned that he was going to get himself arrested but after a few minutes of it the PCs plodded off. From the route they took, it looks like someone reported this heinous transgression of the Lockdown rules :rolleyes: and they were not just walking the streets. Bring on the asteroids! :mad:

I managed to have a word with my neighbours who had the unpleasant run-in with coppers as I mentioned above. I asked them if they were okay and there does not seem to be any fallout, thankfully, although it was clearly very unpleasant at the time. Plot twist though: it turns out that they were reported to the police by a mutual near neighbour who was also in her back garden with her partner and her brood of kids. I am not sure how many kids they have tbh, six, seven? She seems to pump them out on a regular basis but then everyone needs a hobby I guess. Oh and apparently she is a drug dealer which was news to me. My best friend called by so I told him about all this and his response was that in his experience it is always those who are up to no good who act like this whilst claiming to be virtuous. I guess the credo of "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" does not apply to them.
I am not an expert at all but I think that Dr Mikovits said that someone can have HIV and never have AIDS. To develop AIDS, you need some agents to activate the HIV.

You can read her books and you may find some interesting infos about that.

Also, check out Jon Rappaport's blog ( He did extensive research on HIV/AIDS back then. He has a book called AIDS, INC
Remember how the C's talked about multiple agendas?

Well, after reading Plague of Corruption by Mikovits, watching many interviews with her and others talking in similar lines, and especially after watching this whole 2 hour interview with Judy on something is becoming very clear, IMO. This is what I think:

One of the main agendas and motives to go ahead with the Covid-19 PSYOP is to erase and muddy the waters concerning the incredibly egregious and malicious practice of poisoning and killing millions of people by contaminated and untested vaccines. For ca 50 years or more these vaccines have included a bunch of malicious stuff and most importantly, apparently retroviruses like XMRV:s from animals that have probably caused millions of people to get cancers, CFG, Alzheimers and other fatal diseases.

Nobody knows what all kinds of critters these vaccines have, because as Suzanne Humphries pointed out: you can only test of the existence of something in a vaccine if you suspect it's there. There's no test that will show e.g. all the possible viruses that these vaccines contain.

I think that they've been realizing, seeing e.g. the popularity of films like VAXXED and people's raising awareness about individuals like Bobby Kennedy Jr. that the tipping point and critical mass of this being exposed – which would be yuuuuge – was maybe just a few years away, and now they got their opportunity to sweep the table clean. Or, maybe they didn't fear this but saw it as a possibility, and when the opportunity came, they 'pulled the switch'. So, as Mikovits explains, they are encouraging this 'very liberal approach to COVID-19 deaths' where everyone with the virus is determined being killed by the know the story...because that will lay the perfect backdrop for future claims of something like XMRV:s killing people – voilà, you can for years just blame it on SARS-CoV-2 !!! And it's starting also to look like, again like Mikovits points out, that those who've suffered the most of this SARS-CoV-2 virus are those who have been recently vaccinated.

The more I read and learn of this thing, the more I think that this is probably the absolutely biggest and most horrendous scam in medical history – they've been killing people for ca 100 years with this stuff and covered it up. I just started reading Heckenlively's book 'Inoculated', and there you learn the same: the corruption and pathology of state sponsored medical scientist and administrators is just off the charts !
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