I finished reading Good-Bye Germ Theory: Ending a Century of Medical Fraud by Dr. William P. Trebing about a week ago. If you're worried about mandatory vaccinations, you should probably check this one, especially if you're in the US. (Though, to be honest, I think by the time they actually come up with a corona vaccine, the corona circus will have left the town, and other, bigger problems might start manifesting that will redirect everyone's focus.)
The book, as the title suggests, goes into Pasteur and Bechamp, and it has some good information on that, but it's mostly about vaccinations and how to make sure nobody manages to force you or your kids to get one. There's a lot about the legal aspects of it (in the US), and it's full of tips and tricks for what to do when your doctor is trying to push a vaccine on you. Sure, the future may bring some changes in that regard, but it's not all that easy to force you to get vaccinated if you know what to do and what to say, and I don't think the legal aspect can change all that easily. Mostly the pressure to get vaccinated works because of people's ignorance. They get it because someone convinces them that they have to, but that doesn't mean they actually have to.
Anyway, this doctor is pretty hardcore, not beating around the bush. He literally says the germ theory is a load of crap.
I've collected a lot of material about Bechamp, Rife, Naesens, and the 'terrain theory' or pleomorphism. It's pretty fascinating, so I'm planning to make some posts about that soon. So far I haven't had enough time to make much progress, and I'm still reading both Mikovits' books. I feel like once I really get into it, this whole corona business will look even dumber than now. (If that's even possible.)
Thanks for the book mention, I'll have to pick it up. I just got some books by and about Reich and Bechamp. The more I read the more I think that Louis Pasteur and Edward Jenner are the most dangerous charlatans in history, and more people may have willingly gone to their deaths based on the lies that have been developed around their "discoveries" than may have died in all the wars combined.
If you do want to start a thread on Bechamp et. al., make it a separate one. I'll post stuff on it, and maybe we can get some other biologists and doctors to pitch in and get some articles for SOTT out of it. The works of those men need to be brought back out into the light of day. The Naessens book is the one I'd recommend starting with first, though. It's the best written and gives a really good coverage of the backstory behind the pleomorphic theory. I've written a lot on that already on this thread so won't repeat it here.
What I've been doing though is looking more into the history of pandemics and plagues, trying to see if there is a pattern and why people over the centuries have developed such a deep, ingrained fear of illnesses. I think this has become a racial memory at this point. And what I am finding as I look closer just proves to me further that Bechamp was right: as long as you are healthy, eat right, and are not under constant physiological stress, you could literally cross the Gangrene River in the heart of the Marburg Valley during an Ebola mist while holding the arms of lepers and chewing anthrax jerky and
not get sick.
Every single pandemic and plague that I have researched so far reveals that those who became ill were under stress from at least one of the following things (and usually multiples): starvation; overcrowding; war; bad water; environmental degradation or catastrophes (including comets!); forced to move large distances to find better living conditions; collapse of the fauna that they hunted for subsistence; forced to exist in deplorable living conditions with lots of rats and insects; forced to live on agricultural products alone etc.
Humanity, especially in the western world, has been held mentally hostage by the Plague of Athens in 430 a.d.; the ancient Justinian plague of 540 a.d. (probably attended by comets); and the Black Death of 1347 on (also probably comet driven). The events of those times left few survivors in position to leave accounts of what they actually experienced, so that those who had control of the narrative afterwards (the moneyed elites) were able to foist upon us all memories of rats and fleas and rotting flesh that were
not true (well, the rotting flesh thing maybe, but not due solely to disease). Yes there was disease that manifested due to the environmental stresses of those times caused by cometary bombardment, but it didn't exactly happen as stated.
There were many plagues before those times of course, some in other parts of the world, but again what I'm seeing there is environmental degradation that lead to disease - not disease sprouting out of thin air to ravage populations (though I have to hedge here, as it is possible some microbes came from outer space that the human immune system wasn't ready for - but again, those bugs came at the same time that the planetary disruption occurred. Hard to suss one from the other.)
One thing that bothered me however were the consistent accounts that American Indians were wiped out due to contact with smallpox-ridden Europeans; that they died because their immune systems weren't accustomed to the disease...but what I've been reading on that front completely
destroys that theory. The Indians died because
they were ravaged by the invaders. The smallpox thing was just a way to "explain" the absolute destruction that was brought to the indigenous peoples that absolved the murderers from complicity in their demise. There is so much data there that I've gone through it deserves its own post. But most Indians that died from smallpox were already weakened by starvation or by being forced to live in degraded conditions by the invaders. Many of them had to give up hunting and take up agriculture.
Then the stuff that happened to humanity after Jenner and Pasteur did their damage...read Dr. Suzanne Humphries' book, "Dissolving Illusions". Most of that stuff is in there, and its compelling.
Anyway: the more I read, the more I am coming to believe that the entire plague and pandemic meme is a giant, multi-millennia
psy-op that has weakened people's minds and made them believe lies about their own ability to resist disease, and has thus programmed people to accept vaccinations and quarantines and useless medicines etc. as THE way to "fight disease", when the REAL answer has ALWAYS been to simply strengthen your immune system.
/end rant