It's an unspoken understanding among regular people. Don't ask if I have to follow the stupid rules, don't tell that I'm not following the stupid rules.

Except some customer complained that we were not wearing masks and gloves where I work to the health department. The health department issued us a warning saying they will close us down next time.

I try not to think about it because it make me quite unhappy. I don't like it when someone forces their make believe game on me. I prefer to live in reality.
Well, the depression and anxiety triggered by the lockdown has come into my home and become personal.
Dear Jefferson,

I´m VERY sorry to read your post. :-(

As from your post, it seems that your son is feeling better now.
I can only repeat the words:
That there is something in your son that still has the will to live seems to show that at bedrock, he knows that he is loved and supported. He may come through this learning that he is stronger than he thought. All of you are stronger than you think.

Keep strong and my hugs to you.... :hug2:
All of us close to him feel he is in the right place and that there is hope, and there is a sense of relief that he is getting help and the tools to deal with this anxiety and depression.

I am very sorry to hear about your son. As you wrote above, there is hope. Mari just quoted herondancer, but those words bear repeating:

That there is something in your son that still has the will to live seems to show that at bedrock, he knows that he is loved and supported. He may come through this learning that he is stronger than he thought. All of you are stronger than you think.

I wish all of you in the family strength and courage :hug2:

I think that it represents a symbolical anger at the global situation. Pretty much like Louise Hay says, anger, boiling over.

Right, then this suggests I have repressed anger issues possibly. I need to find a new outlet to vent my frustrations I think. I think I may indulge in an act of angry painting or writing. If that fails, maybe a bit of vigorous exercise, which will be troublesome 'cos my back still feels very sore following the operation. Thanks for your response.:-)
So, this "healing" this big boil, may have even been a memory of a moment of self devaluation, from the past, that was finally resolved, and by the amount of stuff, it was a BIG issue, that simmered for a while!

I've had issues with the divisions within me over the years, maybe they caused the cyst in the first place?

The abscess originates in the connective tissue layer underneath the skin. Often, a boil starts in a hair follicle, which reaches deep into the subcutaneous tissue. If bacteria such as staphylococcus bacteria assist healing, the painful growth becomes filled with pus, typically accompanied by an inflammation, termed carbunculosis, furunculosis or folliculitis. A carbuncle or furuncle could also originate in the corium skin; in this case, the related conflict is an attack or “feeling soiled” conflict.[...]

I suffer from shaving rash also. Basically wherever I have hairs growing, spots soon manifest post shaving. Thanks for sharing this, this gives me a new area to research.


Therefore I am not surprised, as Gaby mentioned she knows of patients under suicide watch. My son is at a very well-known and respected youth psychiatric hospital under suicide watch right now. There is hope, as even though the desire to live has not fully returned, as he says he “wants to leave”, he said he is open to get help and treatment. Yesterday he had a good talk with the psychiatric staff and psychiatric doctor, and my son told us it was helpful. All of us close to him feel he is in the right place and that there is hope, and there is a sense of relief that he is getting help and the tools to deal with this anxiety and depression.

This has been a huge learning lesson for myself us as a family. This is a "billboard dropping on my head" moment, in terms of a sign from the universe. We are getting support. Thank you forum for being here to help maintain my sanity during this extremely troublesome times.

First of all I wish you good fortune and courage for your son. In a sense, I think he's very lucky to have a father like you to guide him, advise him and protect him.

I wanted to thank you very much Jefferson for the sharing of your personal experience since it demands an open mind, trust, and sincerity. But in a network like this, it's always a good opportunity for others to help you but also a good occasion to learn from you and finally to see that we are not alone.

For example, I always try to stay calm despite the world where we live and if most of the time, this whole covid situation is okay, there are some moments when I lose my mind and I can feel anger and despair like many people around here. Of course, we are not perfect and I think it's normal if you can get over it and get back to handle the situation at some point. Like we already know, it has to get out sometimes...

Besides, I wanted to add that I recently traveled a bit in France and could talk about the covid situation with different kinds of people (age, job, residence...). I was surprised to see that most of them thought partly or completely agreed with what I said. They mostly think that the government was really bad and lied to us. I could see that they are not scared and try to get back to normal adapting to some stupid rules. It was also an opportunity to see that some people took benefit from this lockdown to focus on their family, on themselves, trying to see a positive effect from all of this. I even had discussions with police officers who weren't fooled about all of that.

Of course, I also noticed many people wearing masks in the streets and especially poor ones wearing it while they were alone in their car...

Anyway, as you rightly said, this forum is a good place to be, an ark for the growth, the safety and the rest of our souls ;-)
Well, the depression and anxiety triggered by the lockdown has come into my home and become personal. 😢

Jefferson, my heart goes out to you and your family.
Your son seems to be a wonderful being and I truly hope he gains back his strength and courage and can see the light again.

As you described him it was like an exact description of my son.
Reading about your heart-rending ordeal brought up my worst fear and I felt compelled to tell my son that I wish he'd come home when his thoughts are getting dark.
May God help us...we surely need strength and our kids even more so.
My thoughts are with you and your family, much love.
Today, June 13th, is #ExposeBillGatesDay on Twitter, so here's some confirmation on the C's "exposure" theme.

People are increasingly vocal about rejecting Bill Gates' coming vaccine.

So, perhaps this is a bit of light at the end of this ever expanding tunnel.
Just came across this music video on the #ExposeBillGates hashtag.

Cornavirus: The Continuing Story of Billionaire Bill (Bill Gates Song)

Hey, Billionaire Bill, who will you kill? Billionaire Bill...

It almost makes me nervous when it looks like something "good" like this is happening. I mean, do the PTB have some kind of back-up plan that we're just not seeing yet? Or are they really taking a serious hit here, end of story (end of Bill)?
Also: #EastVillage (NYC) is trending too. Seems a pretty big crowd were out on the streets partying, it looks like. A lot of them not wearing masks. And, unlike Seattle, they don't seem to be concerned about starting a new country or anything. I mean, they must have realized that you could just go outside and have a band going and do some partying without all the muss and fuss of nation building. I didn't even notice any protesting going on. Unfortunately I can't link to the video on Twitter... wait... found this version on Youtube:

I respect your beliefs in Louise Hay, and from studying her material in the past, I agree that she was a very gifted medium, and agree that some of her suggestions/affirmations for the "emotional causes" of some of her material had merit.

Unfortunately, as with the example you gave,"symbolic anger" for boils, that is WAY off the mark, or so I think.

Louise Hays didn't base her "reasons" or "causes" on factual evidence of the interconnected elegance of our Psyche/ Brain/Body, to the extent that the Researchers and Physicians of the early 20th Century did. (Many of whom were Executed first, by the Nazis. That is for another post)

Please give this a bit of thought:
Our connective tissue is part of our external protection layer.
Our armor.
If something/or someone is perceived as a "threat to our value, or worth", the logical thing would be to increase the thickness of the armor in that area that was attacked, right?
So, the removal of the "weak tissue" begins.
These areas can feel a bit itchy, or warm but we tend to ignore those little things.
When an area goes into healing mode, that's when fluid, pus, and swelling happen!
We certainly notice THAT!
and...the Medical Circus begins!!

We were Intelligently Designed for SURVIVAL.
Tissues in our bodies respond, and issues like a boil, IS in response to a REAL LIFE issue.

It gets tricky here, because, based on current research, the Intellect/ego sees/feels everything in the NOW.
So, this "healing" this big boil, may have even been a memory of a moment of self devaluation, from the past, that was finally resolved, and by the amount of stuff, it was a BIG issue, that simmered for a while!

As always:
What I am posting is Research for Entertainment Purposes Only.
I have no authority nor license to give any medical, psychological, or life skills advice, I just have information to share, for entertainment purposes only.

I have studied this information for over 15 years, and personally, after having experienced and completely HEALED issues considered by Mainstream Medicine as having "UNKNOWN CAUSES" and there being "NO CURE", my trust and confidence in this Research is based on a very solid Foundation of factual, repeatable results.
No Woo woo!!

Please consider this:
BIOLOGICAL CONFLICT: The biological conflict linked to the connective tissue is a light self-devaluation conflict or loss of self-worth. The specific self-devaluation conflicts are the same as for the bones and joints.

In line with evolutionary Intelligent Design reasoning, self-devaluation conflicts are the primary conflict theme associated with cerebral medulla-controlled organs deriving from the new mesoderm.

NOTE: Whether the conflict affects the connective tissue of the right or left side of the body is determined by a person’s handedness and whether the conflict is mother/child or partner-related. A localized conflict affects the connective tissue that is closest to the site associated with the self-devaluation conflict.

A carbuncle or furuncle, also known as a boil, develops at the area of the body where the self-devaluation conflict was experienced, for example, on the forehead because of an intellectual self-devaluation conflict.

The abscess originates in the connective tissue layer underneath the skin. Often, a boil starts in a hair follicle, which reaches deep into the subcutaneous tissue. If bacteria such as staphylococcus bacteria assist healing, the painful growth becomes filled with pus, typically accompanied by an inflammation, termed carbunculosis, furunculosis or folliculitis. A carbuncle or furuncle could also originate in the corium skin; in this case, the related conflict is an attack or “feeling soiled” conflict.[...]
View attachment 36911

Note to Mods: This is probably going to be considered a "Derail".
I apologize if you consider it noise, please move it to where ever you see fit.
It is very interesting. I had one of this some years ago on my sacra, the only solution, after suffering many times under the doctors that opened 3 times without sedation and taking many antibiotics was simply putting green clay and some homeopathy. It never returned on the sacra.

I imagine that the lockdown, the masks and the stress will bring some health problems, infections, etc. like boils. Take care everybody!
I believe the body specially our flesh is suffering a lot these times.

Increasingly I think it's the current situation that is causing these conditions. I've been very stressed during this lockdown, having to shop for my parents (over 70 years old) and dealing with the daily life challenges. I suffer from anxiety, and shopping in supermarkets has been very annoying what with the one way system and endless hassle in the stores. In many ways though I feel happy, my parents are very grateful that I can get daily food for them, and when we eat together we always enjoy good meals. I just wonder what things are going to be like if things get worse than this, which they probably will. So long as I've got good tobacco, I'll probably be okay. It's been a wonder for me, how what was before a simple day to day task has now become a struggle, this year has been amazing in how it's just thrown new challenges to us. Ah well, we will do what we will do, and I'll always do all I can to help my family, regardless of the stress involved. Much love to them, and to all of you on the forum who always have so much to offer during these testing times.:-)
Just came across this music video on the #ExposeBillGates hashtag.

Cornavirus: The Continuing Story of Billionaire Bill (Bill Gates Song)

Hey, Billionaire Bill, who will you kill? Billionaire Bill...

It almost makes me nervous when it looks like something "good" like this is happening. I mean, do the PTB have some kind of back-up plan that we're just not seeing yet? Or are they really taking a serious hit here, end of story (end of Bill)?
Looks like I accidentally came up with a new spoof name for COVID-19: Cornavirus
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