I try not to think about it because it make me quite unhappy. I don't like it when someone forces their make believe game on me. I prefer to live in reality.
None of us do anymore. It's like we all got picked up and thrown into another draconian timeline without our consent. It's a nightmare and no amount of wishful thinking will ever be able to address it, or so I think.
Weirdly enough I have some idea of how both of you feel. Vacillating between absolute and total despair and complete rage boiling over. I don't want to live in this reality either, and it all happened in only 3 months!

So, I'm going to do my best to fight it on every level that I can. What the World's Elites have done is a travesty. I blame them entirely, not so much the morons who are going along with it. Some of them are genuinely ignorant and some of them are authoritarian followers.

I wish the best to you both and hope you both come out of it ok. You are right to be very angry about this.
Is the official inauguration of the ''One World Govt'' drawing to a close?

Yes. We are closer than ever before.


Thanks for the post, it does indeed seem to me that this is the true agenda and intent for all the COVID and BLM chaos. To tear down the very foundation of our current world. They are indeed becoming overt in their intended plans for a so called "Better world". But it begs the question better for whom? Pathologically deranged individuals and corporations that have murdered, raped, pillaged and plundered everything that humanity has created over millennia.

What a con job, nice graphics full of emotional slogans, is this what they have been discussing in all there forums. Davos come to mind, how to subjugate humanity into our pathological vision. It created a vision in my mind of people brought to their knees, begging for something/someone to bring order to chaos. Looking in wonder at these videos, nodding their heads in agreement, yes we want this. Reminds me of the STS trap 309,000 years ago when the trap door closed on the STO world. Will humanity sucum to this false promise of a utopia. We are again at a crossroads and a choice to be made. The question in my mind is, will the right choice be made? Looks to me there is a 50/50 split, I wonder what will be the deciding factor, maybe divine intervention. My thoughts prompted by the post by @bjorn.
Coincidentally, or not, there has been some big improvements in gene editing techniques recently:

Many basic and clinical researchers are testing the potential of a simple and efficient gene editing approach to study and correct disease-causing mutations for conditions ranging from blindness to cancer, but the technology is constrained by a requirement that a certain short DNA sequence be present at the gene editing site.

Now investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have modified the system to be nearly free of this requirement, making it possible to potentially target any location across the entire human genome.

And since nearly the entire genome is targetable, one of the most exciting implications is that that the entire genome is 'druggable' from a DNA-editing perspective.

"We have demonstrated that these new enzymes will allow researchers to generate biologically and clinically relevant genetic modifications that were previously unfeasible."

With CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, the enzyme Cas9 is used as scissors to cut strands of DNA at specific spots for editing. A guide RNA molecule is used during editing to help the Cas9 enzyme bind to the DNA at the desired strand spot. Currently, this part of the process takes several hours to complete. In this new effort, the researchers have reduced the time to mere seconds.
It's not clear as to whether it is related to age or what, but time seems to have little meaning anymore. It's like time has stopped being a measure.

Things like rent and Bill's excluded of course. But the days, in general, seem to slip by like a dream.
We currently in a heightened awareness state which changes all our perceptions. Have you noticed your dreams are also changing?
We currently in a heightened awareness state which changes all our perceptions. Have you noticed your dreams are also changing?
Not only dreams but how life in general is progressing and changing. My dreams have not been so vivid since childhood and teen years. Others have commented about this in various threads. Reality almost seems like a dream state and my dreams seem more like reality. It's kinda weird.
As unexpected things keeps happening right now, we never know what’s next surprise will be. And I noticed that some of members saying, ‘it is interesting time,’ and also Cs said that too!
So, this might mean that the time is nearer to meet 4th density STO beings?

A: Indeed, but it will get even more interesting before it is all over
September 25, 1999

Q: You hinted at one point that we would come in contact with, or interact with, 4th density STO beings who would help us in some way.

A: Yes, are you getting impatient?

Q: Well... yes.

A: Then you should know this: you will not get in, or come into contact with them until things are just about to get very "interesting." Whenever that may be.

I realized that when I posted previously, I didn’t have whole picture, because the information in transcripts is like Jigsaw Puzzle that have to find right information to put together to learn and know whole picture.

So now, I have found out that 4th density STO beings are already here, and waiting, because they don’t know who they are right now, but when time come they will remember who they are and what their mission is....
At the September 2000, they’re less than 2 percent of the population of the planet, so someone might figure out how many are here waiting.
Also another STO walk-ins people are here too.
And maybe some of our members also STO beings or walk-ins beings, we will know when time come...
And October 13, 2001 transcript descriptions matches that what we are facing situations right now.

September 23, 2000

Q: Now, our Scientology friend’s next question is: “do you have any idea of how many 4th density Nordic types might be on the planet at this time?” How many 4th density Nordic STO are on the planet is what I think he is wanting to know.

A: If it is useful to know this, use your own powers of perception to narrow it down.

Q: I would say something like 2 percent of the population of the entire planet.

A: No.

Q: More or less?

A: Less.

Q: Well, maybe that is in the ballpark.

A: No.

Q: You mean it's so much less we aren't even in the ballpark?

A: Yes.

Q: Is it possible that there are people on the planet now, who are manifested as 3rd density STS, who at a certain point in time, due to some event, such as the Wave, will activate genetically, so that they will then transform into 4th density STO Nordics?

A: Close, once again, the answer is not so much physicality as it is spirituality.

Q: So, there could be a lot of 3rd density people who are conduits or projections of 4th density STO into this reality?

A: Souls, my dear, it is the souls!

Q: So there are 3rd density bodies, inhabited by 4th density souls, but these bodies, because of the STO honoring of free will, have all the 3rd density limitations for the present?

A: Yes.

August 20, 2001

Okay, are we near to the time of seeing 4th density Nordics among us?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Have any of us here met any?
A: Good possibility

October 13, 2001

A: Force will not get out of hand yet.
Q: (A) Which I read as a "negligible number of people will be harmed" in global terms. (L) Is it true that only a negligible number of people will be harmed in the upcoming period?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) But, of course, if one is among that "negligible number," it can be up-close and personal. Can you give us - do we dare ask for a number? (A) No, because then we would have to specify the country and work our way through all the details. You see, four thousand is still negligible in global terms. (B) Will the primary harm to people be psychological?
A: Partly but also real strictures.
Q: (L) Do you mean greater control and loss of freedoms? Is this stricture going to be physical, or a stricture on our freedoms, or a combination of both?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Is there going to be a witch hunt in this country for people who the government wishes to identify as being potential terrorists, or anti-American, like the McCarthy era?
A: First there will be controls by laws. Then more force.
Q: (L) Is all of this going to culminate in some plan that is being activated at the present time? Is this all directed to a specific outcome by the powers that be, so to speak?
A: Mostly; but unexpected twists and turns from opposing forces.
Q: (L) And who are these opposing forces? Are there good guys, or is it just like another "gang," as in global gang wars? Using "gangs" metaphorically here.
A: 4th density STO will manifest help for some 3rd Density groups.
Q: (L) Do any of those 3rd density groups that are going to be helped include us? {Laughter.}
A: Close.
Q: (L) BT wants to subtract himself from the question to see if that narrows it down? In other words, do you mean that help will come to Ark and me in particular, excluding others?
A: Same as a group.
Q: (L) Okay, so there are going to be twists and turns. Can we know any of the highlights of these twists and turns in our global or national situation? It sounds like an interesting show? Is it better that we don't know? If the STO forces are planning something, maybe it's better that we don't know so that it remains a surprise. Is that true?
A: Close. Just know that help is near

February 25, 1995

Q: (BP) Who is M__ H__?

A: True STO.

Q: (J) True STO? Wow! (L) Who is M__ H__? (BP) Is she a 5th density walk-in?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who is this person? (T) Is there more besides just a yes?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, continue.

A: Exactly!

Q: (L) Who is M__ H__.......( BP) She is still living with her husband who won't touch her, who thinks she is crazy, he is total 3rd density. She hadn't been able to get out of that situation. She is way into some weird stuff. (L) Well, M__ may be pure STO, but she may not be fully manifested in the body. (BP) Yeah, she says she is having a lot of trouble anchoring here. (L) My thought is that a lot of us are actually 4th density beings who have come back down to serve. (BP) We are all multi-dimensional masters playing at limitation.

Q: (L) Ask if M__ H__ fully manifested as a 5th density STO being?

A: Define.

Q: (L) Is she doing her work as she is supposed to?

A: Close.

Q: (BP) Does she know clearly who she is?

A: No, not yet

June 10, 1995

A: Strangers among us refers to the phenomenon identified by Ruth Montgomery as "Walk-Ins."

Q: (L) But, you have said in previous sessions that this rarely occurs.

A: Rare is relative.

Q: (SV) Ruth Montgomery also said that sometimes walk-ins don't realize who or what they are.

A: Rare also may be transitory in nature.

Q: (J) You mean walk in and walk back out again?

A: No. Frequency is not necessarily static according to the time line, as you measure time.

Q: (T) I have not done a lot of research on walk-ins, what is the definition of a walk-in?

A: A walk-in, as described by Ruth Montgomery, is a soul that has chosen to take over the body that was vacated by another soul that has chosen, at some level of awareness, to depart for varying reasons. In this way, a higher level entity can enter into the body that was previously occupied by a different level entity, in the form of a soul, that is to say.

Q: (T) A fourth level soul can then enter the body of a third level?

A: Or perhaps a fourth level soul...
Q: (J) So, physicality is involved in levels one through four short wave recycling. (L) So, thismeans that a fourth density being can recycle through fifth density into a third density body?

A: That is one method that can be used, yes.

Q: (L) Can it also be that they can come directly from fourth density into a third density body, just as one of the options?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) As a walk in. (L) And either could be considered a walk in?

A: That is correct.

Q: (T) I'm going off on a tangent on what we have been discussing here... what happens to the soul that's in the body that the walk in takes over? Where does that go?

A: Most likely to the fifth level for recycling and contemplation.

Q: (T) And then returns?

A: Returns, yes.
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