I checked the comments under the video of the Florida man without a mask. As many people pointed out, one of the other people in the store had no mask either, and just about everyone else was wearing it wrong, not covering the nose, so pretty pointless even if it made any sense in the first place.

The some moron commented "why can't some people just wear a mask?", to which somebody responded with this wonderful image:
I think that's a good one for sharing.

Today I went through Tesco with no mask, and nobody said anything. Then again, hardly anyone even saw me. So here's a tip: shop late in the evening when there's almost nobody there.
Hi Wisdom Seeker. I looked at your document and it is obvious that you put a lot of effort into it. What I noticed is that it is a little bit of hard sell. Half of the document is bolded, which is very tiring and it gives the impression that the author is shouting. In the beginning you quote from Dr. Kauffmann, yet it isn't clear when what you quote stops and where your own narration starts. It appears as if you have seen things on youtube or in articles and then decided that this is the truth, which then gets asserted with 100% conviction, when in some cases it is clear that it is only your opinion of things.

The US military team stayed at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel which is 300 meters away from Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood market (known to be the origin of the alleged covid-19 virus). The three other teams who stayed at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel were Iran, Italy and South Korea.

At the time only 7 people had been diagnosed with Covid-19 and were all active in the Huanan seafood market and said to have had contact with all 42 of the hotel staff
The above gives the impression that it came from the Wuhan Seafood market, but then 8 pages further on you write:
The virus did not originate in Huanan Seafood Market; however, given its activities and location, it must have helped the spread of the virus. Let me make this clear, bats were not

So if one just reads the first 54 pages, then one would go away thinking it came from the Seafood Market, yet on page 62, it is asserted that this is not the case. Perhaps you quoted from sources, which asserted the various things, but again, it is not always clear what is quoted and what is your own opinion.

Further, I suspect you got inspired from the RA material a little and some from the C's and then added it as if it was the truth. You have only know about this material RA and the C's since March 2020, if I understood your intro post correctly and it is hard to not be fired up when one encounters it for the first time. It does help to take the time to read some more before thinking that one has the whole banana on things. Perhaps what you quoted from the RA material or the C's were close to the truth, but to assert it forcefully makes people more likely to be turned off as it is like the born again Bible basher who so badly wants you to see the light of Jesus, the Lord and Saviour etc. The whole approach to the C's sessions is that it is inspiration to then stimulate research for finding truth. They encourage us to use our own brains to figure things out and not to believe them.

You write:
The virus affects people differently, to some it may be deleterious, to others it might have positive effects but it is certainly nothing to be afraid of as previously mentioned.
For some it may be deleterious, but whether it might have positive effects, then who knows. It is too early to say much about that. You refer to the C's sessions and what they say about it, later in your writing, but again just because the C's say something does not mean that it is the case, though they have a good track record.

I repeat; over 25% of us are very likely to have already caught it!
There is no official verifiable data on this. The C's said it, but that it not going to hold in a law of court. Or did you see data elsewhere that verifies this?

Perhaps, an approach to writing a guide if that is the wish, would be to network here about it and make it a group effort. In that way, many eyes and minds would be engaged and more data would be added which would justify more the use of the word, "comprehensive". It might also be toned down a bit and allow for more humbleness in the writing style with less assertions.

Hope this helps.
Bonjour WS,
je viens de survoler ton document, je n'ai pas tout lu, mais la page 30 a attiré mon regard, au sujet du Dr Ayyadurai. En réalité c'est un opportuniste. Il dit des choses vraies dans le but d'attirer du soutien (parmi les chercheurs de vérité) à ses propres fins égocentristes.
Je te recommande fortement de lire cette page qui expose son vrai visage, et qui t'évitera de tomber dans le panneau:

Attention à ne pas cautionner ce genre d'individu, très fort dans la manipulation, un vrai charlatan.
Tu peux le remplacer par un autre expert, il y en a de très bons et honnêtes: 12 Experts Question The Need For a Global Coronavirus Lockdown -- Sott.net

Hi WS,
I just went through your document, I didn't read everything, but page 30 caught my eye, about Dr. Ayyadurai. He's actually an opportunist. He says true things in order to attract support (among truth-seekers) for his own self-serving purposes.
I strongly recommend that you read this page which exposes his true face, and will save you from falling for him:

Be careful not to endorse this kind of individual, very good at manipulation, a real charlatan.
You can replace him with another expert, there are some very good and honest ones:
12 Experts Question The Need For a Global Coronavirus Lockdown -- Sott.net
In the city where I am, the governor imposed the use of masks everywhere, with the opening of business is mandatory to wear it.
At the beginning of April, I used the N95, then the common fabric which fits the nose, at the same time I was being informed of the damage it does. Now I use the cheapest and useless, in fact are those sent by the government to adults over 80 + years along with 2 boxes of paracetamol, antibacterial gel with instructions, for to stay at home in case they had the flu or symptoms for 2 weeks.

This seems to me to be similar to the negligence, and direct or indirect killing of older adults in other countries. With so much terror and fear by the government and media have spread, plus they are not allowed to go out and cannot enter in stores. At the moment there is no date for when adults over 60 can walk freely on the streets. With that fear, I assume, thousands of chronically ill older adults have not gone to the hospital or clinic until it is too late as has happened in other countries, their high mortality rate categorized as Covid-19 as well.

So this is the mask that I use to enter the stores, banks (by indication of the state) they take temperature and apply antibacterial gel also and, many places have a mat which they disinfectanted with chlorine 🙄.

Once I enter the store, I uncover my nose, when I'm near food or security guards, cashiers etc, I pull it up, even though the material is so light and it doesn't fit, it's suffocating. Here we have been at a temperature of 30+ - degrees centigrades since April.

I still have friends and family who - their income has not been cancelled or disminished - want to be in their house for another month, still believing that the coronavirus is in the air and will infect them and, send them to the hospital to die. I have shared information with them, but they prefer to continue believing in the propaganda narrative. Such is their terror which ranges from applying morality to others "if you don't put your mask on, you don't care for others" to spraying lysol all over their bodies after going to the store.

A friend wrote to me through inbox that her husband was in the emergency room at the hospital waiting for a bed, I can't say for sure that it's a lie, I haven't been able to corroborate it but, I have the impression that she just told me that to try to convince me that the coronavirus is like the plague and that I have to be very afraid of it. It was just her words, without any information or data privided. It reminded me of the agents of Matrix.

Lopez Gatell, the one who gives the updates of the Covid-19 in Mexico, continues with the dizzying speech of the States by traffic light, red with high rate of infection and deaths and orange which is decreasing, currently most the country it is already in orange, not without continuing with the threat that at any moment it can change back.

The opposition and its international allíes, whom favor confinement and vaccination, insist that, they are more than the government says and that - if it were up to them, I assume - they should get everyone back home.

Eric Feigl's tweet has been Rt by several of the opposition, following his tweets a bit, I found a very funny one of non-contagiousness at the protests.



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People really can't think straight these days. That tweet that mabar posted above, the one that says that protesters wearing masks "made all the difference" makes no sense at all. If the masks were so great at preventing contagion - and they aren't - then why on earth have people been asked to quarantine for months and are still asked to?? Surely it would have been enough to wear masks and carry on with life as normal?? It's a bit like the global warming logic. If it's hot, its because of global warming. But if it's cold, it's because of global warming too!!
I just came across this on Twitter and tried it out a few times. Crazy!

View attachment 37188
WTF!?!? This must be something like those card tricks that I can never figure out--but how? Every time dozens of hits and each link goes to a real (appearing) article on recognizable sites with the numbers I typed in. I've tried to catch the same article appearing more than once with only a new number changed, but can't--yet. I have a PC, not on a phone, used Firefox and Chrome, not Twitter, and got the same results. Always dozens of hits for whatever random number I put in--TOO WEIRD!!! What do you TECH experts out there think?

A little while ago I posted a quote which may need to be repeated here: "How many coincidences does it take to make a conspiracy?" Tom O'Neal author of CHAOS: Manson, the CIA, and the 60s
WTF!?!? This must be something like those card tricks that I can never figure out--but how? Every time dozens of hits and each link goes to a real (appearing) article on recognizable sites with the numbers I typed in. I've tried to catch the same article appearing more than once with only a new number changed, but can't--yet. I have a PC, not on a phone, used Firefox and Chrome, not Twitter, and got the same results. Always dozens of hits for whatever random number I put in--TOO WEIRD!!! What do you TECH experts out there think?

A little while ago I posted a quote which may need to be repeated here: "How many coincidences does it take to make a conspiracy?" Tom O'Neal author of CHAOS: Manson, the CIA, and the 60s
It also works almost as well if you type in your number and then "infections covid" As long as "covid" is there it seems to work the same.
A youtube vid popped up with some reporter giving my numbers!?!? OK--I'm am a bit freaked out. Are there just so many reports out there on the net about "new cases" that there is a number between 100-999 for all somewhere? Or is there some software that tells us what we want to hear?
here is also another one. I would suggest to move this to another thread.
This one from
" The Guardian's Alex Hern fed GPT-2 a few sentences about Brexit. It spit out a full-length artificial article that even generated fake quotes using real names. "

Here we go with the actual case.
"Social Media Is Full of Bots Spreading COVID-19 Anxiety. Don't Fall For It "
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It is sure a bot generating the number for any news. It is like 9/11 were everyone was seeing the planes flying in to the towers. same frightening effect.

I'm not sure it even has to be a bot. In any case, I didn't find it that 'conspiratorial'. When it first broke out, almost every city, state, country etc was reporting daily numbers. Good chance that you'll find a story with some number as a headline, which gets indexed by Google. Above 9,999 it doesn't seem to work either.
In the city where I am, the governor imposed the use of masks everywhere, with the opening of business is mandatory to wear it.
At the beginning of April, I used the N95, then the common fabric which fits the nose, at the same time I was being informed of the damage it does. Now I use the cheapest and useless, in fact are those sent by the government to adults over 80 + years along with 2 boxes of paracetamol, antibacterial gel with instructions, for to stay at home in case they had the flu or symptoms for 2 weeks.

At the moment there is no date for when adults over 60 can walk freely on the streets.
I continue to be amazed at the varying degrees of limitations and requirements that different governing authorities are mandating upon the mostly unsuspecting population. They have swallowed the fearporn so completely. I see it in my own area as well. The requiring of employees to wear masks has seemingly unleashed a wave of voluntary compliance by more and more people. I see them wearing them while driving, working outdoors, shopping in stores, hiking, and well, anytime they leave their homes. I wonder if they wear them then, too. There's a grade school at the entrance of my neighborhood that now has four portable classrooms sitting in the parking lot. Work is going on in the back to prepare the site for these new accommodations. I presume these classrooms are to ensure appropriate social distancing when school resumes. I can't imagine the additional costs associated with this and if all the other schools are doing the same. A combined 1.95-mill bond and 5.9-mill operating levy was approved by voters last fall. Needless to say, none of that money was slated for "pandemic" safety improvements. In fact:
The combined issue is estimated to cost homeowners an additional $274.75 annually per $100,000 in property valuation.

The bond issue will provide funding for a new middle school, a new elementary school, safety and security updates districtwide, renovations and additions at Annehurst and Whittier elementary schools, renovations at Hawthorne Elementary School and address facilities assessment needs at Hanby, Emerson and Longfellow elementary schools.

So, I wonder what will be axed in favor of these new changes or will the schools be seeking even more money from voters?

And if all this isn't bad enough, it's running against the backdrop of BLM and "systemic racism". As I mentioned in the George Floyd thread, there's all the brouhaha about the Columbus statues and even the name of the city of Columbus itself. The mayor's role in responding to the initial Floyd protests (or lack of it - he was MIA), the continued use of tear gas by police as well as pepper spray and mace, and the continuing protest/discontent in general is generating more and more instability.
[Mayor] Ginther said on June 16 that police could no longer use tear gas to disperse peaceful protests, and that pepper spray should only be used in clear instances of violence. On Twitter Sunday night, Ginther said police had tried to clear the street and move protesters to the sidewalks for more than an hour, with some protesters reacting violently, before the pepper spray and mace were used.
Before, I thought a "summer that wasn't" would be due to unseasonable cold. Never did I anticipate a summer with all the usual activities either completely cancelled or absurdly modified in order to keep everyone "safe"! Although most days I can keep all the crazy 'out of sight, out of mind', when I do go out now for errands or dining, encountering all the masked people does make an impact. And I did intend to shop at one home improvement store that stopped me from entering without a mask which prompted my reply that I wouldn't be shopping there then. The other two main home improvement store chains are not requiring customers to wear masks.

So, all in all, my feeling is that a very wicked spell has been cast upon the global population. Which brings this to mind:

The local supermarket has now installed plexiglass booths around each self service checkout. The usual attendant that helps out with system errors at the cash register is now carrying a spray bottle of disinfectant and a cloth to sanitise each checkout after each use, and is wearing protective eyewear, gloves and an apron, but no mask. A number of shops in the centre are closed. The cigarette shop where I buy my tobacco in this same centre has made no changes other than to have sanitiser on the counter and wearing gloves. He reckons it's all nuts. We both shake our heads.

It occurs to me that the mandatory glove requirement could be one of the reasons why some businesses are refusing cash even though the treasury here has released a statement that cash doesn't carry coronavirus. Gloves make handling cash tricky and less efficient than cards.

I've had another of my regular appointments moved to telephone appointment because the floor space of the office used is not big enough for 2 people to practice adequate social distancing so the room isn't up to the coronavirus code.

My sisters church is allowed to start having services again, though they are only allowed half their congregation at a time so they are running two back to back Sunday services so that everyone can attend. They also now have an infrared thermometer gun to take everyone's temperature as they enter.

A friend lives in one of the recently announced hotspots in Victoria and was just gearing up to re-open her business when it was announced that they may do suburb by suburb lockdowns. She may not be able to leave her suburb to attend to her business, but she has a staff member living in the same suburb as the business and she may have to allow that member to run it all. Still a toss up as to whether it's worth the expense of opening up under the current circumstances.

Another friend has had to start sleeping with her 10 year old daughter who is suffering bad anxiety and doesn't get to sleep unless her mother is by her side.
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