I just want to add that here, too, plastic shields are appearing more and more along with the designated floor circles to ensure proper separation. And yesterday, I had to abide by veterinary curb service to get my dog examined for an eye problem. You pull into a numbered parking space and then have to call in that you've arrived. Conversation ensues until details are worked out and eventually, a vet assistant comes out to retrieve your pet from the car and take him inside for the appointment. Another phone calls explains what transpired and arranges for payment (not sure if cash allowed). Finally, pet is returned to your vehicle along with meds/instructions. Fortunately, the weather was good and not pouring down the rain!

Again, I'm just flabbergasted as to the extent this virus scare has changed everyday life and I get the firm impression that most of the changes are going to end up being permanent.
Hi Wisdom Seeker. I looked at your document and it is obvious that you put a lot of effort into it. What I noticed is that it is a little bit of hard sell. Half of the document is bolded, which is very tiring and it gives the impression that the author is shouting. In the beginning you quote from Dr. Kauffmann, yet it isn't clear when what you quote stops and where your own narration starts. It appears as if you have seen things on youtube or in articles and then decided that this is the truth, which then gets asserted with 100% conviction, when in some cases it is clear that it is only your opinion of things.

The above gives the impression that it came from the Wuhan Seafood market, but then 8 pages further on you write:

So if one just reads the first 54 pages, then one would go away thinking it came from the Seafood Market, yet on page 62, it is asserted that this is not the case. Perhaps you quoted from sources, which asserted the various things, but again, it is not always clear what is quoted and what is your own opinion.

Further, I suspect you got inspired from the RA material a little and some from the C's and then added it as if it was the truth. You have only know about this material RA and the C's since March 2020, if I understood your intro post correctly and it is hard to not be fired up when one encounters it for the first time. It does help to take the time to read some more before thinking that one has the whole banana on things. Perhaps what you quoted from the RA material or the C's were close to the truth, but to assert it forcefully makes people more likely to be turned off as it is like the born again Bible basher who so badly wants you to see the light of Jesus, the Lord and Saviour etc. The whole approach to the C's sessions is that it is inspiration to then stimulate research for finding truth. They encourage us to use our own brains to figure things out and not to believe them.

You write:

For some it may be deleterious, but whether it might have positive effects, then who knows. It is too early to say much about that. You refer to the C's sessions and what they say about it, later in your writing, but again just because the C's say something does not mean that it is the case, though they have a good track record.

There is no official verifiable data on this. The C's said it, but that it not going to hold in a law of court. Or did you see data elsewhere that verifies this?

Perhaps, an approach to writing a guide if that is the wish, would be to network here about it and make it a group effort. In that way, many eyes and minds would be engaged and more data would be added which would justify more the use of the word, "comprehensive". It might also be toned down a bit and allow for more humbleness in the writing style with less assertions.

Hope this helps.
A lot of the miss-comprehension which you mention would not occur if the document is read from A to Z, in the intro I specifically said that it has been written in such a way to make sense if you read it thoroughly start to finish. I also say that one is entitled to their opinions and is allowed to disagree with anything stated. Perhaps the boldness is my style, please take into consideration this is the first article I have ever written. Though no one has said it's unclear; there is a difference between originating and helping the spread and anyone is bound to be confused if they read half hardheartedly. For someone who has properly read it, they will understand that I have actually included many perspectives and possibilities throughout to give them to option to choose. My final conclusion is my final conclusion and hence my opinion, they need need not to agree with me however they will have 100% taken up vital information throughout. I am still young and I initially started writing this to educate my age group who are complete loss in disinformation. A lot of what you say is based on your perspective of things which I do not particularly agree with but this does not mean I don't appreciate you taking the time to compose critical feedback because there is always something to learn; nothing is perfect. Not everything can be proved, this is the density of confusion where one may choose or listen or decide to do further research and make their own conclusion.

Thank You,
Bonjour WS,
je viens de survoler ton document, je n'ai pas tout lu, mais la page 30 a attiré mon regard, au sujet du Dr Ayyadurai. En réalité c'est un opportuniste. Il dit des choses vraies dans le but d'attirer du soutien (parmi les chercheurs de vérité) à ses propres fins égocentristes.
Je te recommande fortement de lire cette page qui expose son vrai visage, et qui t'évitera de tomber dans le panneau:

Attention à ne pas cautionner ce genre d'individu, très fort dans la manipulation, un vrai charlatan.
Tu peux le remplacer par un autre expert, il y en a de très bons et honnêtes: 12 Experts Question The Need For a Global Coronavirus Lockdown -- Sott.net

J'ai inclus une brève section sur lui parce que je suis d'accord avec ce qu'il avait a dire mais j'ai beaucoup plus d'estime pour Dr Kaufman, Judy Mikovitz ,Dr Rashid A Buttar... Oui, peut-etre il est manipulateur mais cela ne veut pas dire qu'il n'a pas le droit à son opinion que j'ai inclus dans une petite section pour permettre aux gens de voir ce qu'il a à dire. C'est tout l'intérêt de mon document: d'ouvrir les yeux des gens en mettants des perspetifs differentes , y compris la mienne, puis de leurs permettre de prendre leur propre décision. J'espère que vous allez bien.
JVG (Dsl mon francais n'est pas top)
J'ai inclus une brève section sur lui parce que je suis d'accord avec ce qu'il avait a dire mais j'ai beaucoup plus d'estime pour Dr Kaufman, Judy Mikovitz ,Dr Rashid A Buttar... Oui, peut-etre il est manipulateur mais cela ne veut pas dire qu'il n'a pas le droit à son opinion que j'ai inclus dans une petite section pour permettre aux gens de voir ce qu'il a à dire. C'est tout l'intérêt de mon document: d'ouvrir les yeux des gens en mettants des perspetifs differentes , y compris la mienne, puis de leurs permettre de prendre leur propre décision. J'espère que vous allez bien.
JVG (Dsl mon francais n'est pas top)

Dear people, could you please write your posts in English or add an English translation in the same post? Most of the time I use DeepL Translator.Then, you could use the Spoiler button (see bar above) to hide the French text. At least that is what I have noticed in other posts. :-D
And I did intend to shop at one home improvement store that stopped me from entering without a mask which prompted my reply that I wouldn't be shopping there then.
Yes, i know exactly how you feel; i also made a point of telling the guard/employee that i would not be shopping there then but all they did, on several occasions, was just pull up their shoulders and they just couldn't care less. They don't own the place, they just carry out their orders, so it was more of me wanting to vent frustration at someone . Well, that clearly does not do anything so from then on i only go if there is a necessity, like: do we really need this or that, and i end up actually saving a lot of time which can be spend very wisely on the forum and reading:-D
i also made a point of telling the guard/employee that i would not be shopping there then but all they did, on several occasions, was just pull up their shoulders and they just couldn't care less. They don't own the place, they just carry out their orders,
My impression was that no mask meant no admittance period - it would be an exercise in futility to even attempt to educate the uselessness of masks as a protection against any virus. I got the impression that the employee and all those wearing masks voluntarily are totally bought into the danger narrative and that anyone coming in without a mask is a significant threat to their health. How can you reason with a mindset like that? Simply not possible. Better to just strike the store off the list of places to patronize.
My impression was that no mask meant no admittance period - it would be an exercise in futility to even attempt to educate the uselessness of masks as a protection against any virus. I got the impression that the employee and all those wearing masks voluntarily are totally bought into the danger narrative and that anyone coming in without a mask is a significant threat to their health. How can you reason with a mindset like that? Simply not possible. Better to just strike the store off the list of places to patronize.
It is nauseating to go to a store now, so long... first they took your temperature, now in the arm since I asked it at the beginning and now they decided the best way is the arm. Then the gloves. And the mask. And waiting. The only way to survive this situation is looking at all of this as a Monty Python sketch. See how ridiculous is all of this, the fear, the obedience, the zombis. And also the good side, stores are open, I can buy food, I can eat. Many people do not have money to eat. The acceptance of this, with the absurdity but also but the humanity. We are lucky, we have information that protects us in a very strong way. But yes, I go less to stores. So it is a good way to fight this, consume less and less, just what you need. An more and more you need less and less.
I just came across this on Twitter and tried it out a few times. Crazy!

View attachment 37188

Thank you very much for this very interesting information that adds a bad smell around this whole situation.

here is also another one. I would suggest to move this to another thread.
This one from
" The Guardian's Alex Hern fed GPT-2 a few sentences about Brexit. It spit out a full-length artificial article that even generated fake quotes using real names. "

Here we go with the actual case.
"Social Media Is Full of Bots Spreading COVID-19 Anxiety. Don't Fall For It "
Thank you for this surprising and interesting information that I didn't know anything about. It's good to know even if it doesn't really surprise me...

I'm not sure it even has to be a bot. In any case, I didn't find it that 'conspiratorial'. When it first broke out, almost every city, state, country etc was reporting daily numbers. Good chance that you'll find a story with some number as a headline, which gets indexed by Google. Above 9,999 it doesn't seem to work either.

I think that is simply a mix. The covid is said to be pandemic and we talk about it all around the world, so many papers have surely been really written by individuals. Nevertheless, I have no doubt that many articles aren't true and/or have been written by bots, it's too big as a coincidence knowing what we know with the propaganda system, the censorship of the alternative version of the story, the fake news and the bots existence.
here is also another one. I would suggest to move this to another thread.
This one from
" The Guardian's Alex Hern fed GPT-2 a few sentences about Brexit. It spit out a full-length artificial article that even generated fake quotes using real names. "

Here we go with the actual case.
"Social Media Is Full of Bots Spreading COVID-19 Anxiety. Don't Fall For It "
WOW! Thanks for your help Kaigen. So do our SOTT editors, or any techno savvy person, have a way to research a text's origin? One can search publication info, but who can say now with fake quotes from real people being generated how much and how deep the fakery goes. This information adds a whole new, deeper level to the meaning of "Fake News." Is there some code identifier that reveals it is AI? Can some independent search engines screen for it? Now that Photoshop has destroyed our faith in images, so writing goes next. Sorry for any noise on this thread, but Covid is apparently already targeted by this technology.
Latest from William Briggs. COVID deaths are now basically flatlining in the US, surprise, surprise. The partial lockdown conditions continue, extending into the New Normal of masks and social distancing, for no reason other than politics.

It's depressing how so many people remain hypnotized. I still see people driving with masks on. Most of those in my circle remain convinced that the plandemic is a real threat. Not surprisingly, there's almost a 1:1 correspondence between those who buy into the fear porn, and supporters of the Burn Loot Murder agenda to destroy civilization. Amusingly, these are the same types who bleat on about SCIENCE! and evidence-based practices ... yet are utterly incapable of processing evidence relating to either COVID or BLM that goes against the narrative that's been programmed into them.

It's quite reminiscent of Gurdjieff's parable about the sheep made to think they are lions.


Coronvirus Update XIX: Screw Spikes, Surges, Records In New Cases
It also works almost as well if you type in your number and then "infections covid" As long as "covid" is there it seems to work the same.
A youtube vid popped up with some reporter giving my numbers!?!? OK--I'm am a bit freaked out. Are there just so many reports out there on the net about "new cases" that there is a number between 100-999 for all somewhere?
Honestly, there isn't anything strange about this. This has been going on for over 100 days, and every day, every country, every state, every district, and every city has been reporting its numbers, which easily makes so many reports that, statistically speaking, it would be surprising if it didn't cover every number between 1 and 1000.

Given that each number I tried is giving me news from different websites and different countries and cities, I don't think this is bot-generated.

Maybe you have trouble seeing this in perspective and imagining the scale of what we've been seeing the last few months, so let me help:

This is an example of daily new cases in Washington state, US. Every day, you have a number somewhere between 70 and 834.

Do you doubt that every single day, the number was in the news? Do you doubt that it's the same in every country, state, and city?

Just this one graph shows you 100 such numbers that have been reported in the news! And that's just one place. 10 places will give you 1000 numbers. Sure, some of them will be the same numbers, but with about 50 places, you'd already cover most of the numbers between 100 and 1000. And the Earth has millions of places, and literally every place has been reporting this crap 24/7.

So no, there isn't anything that strange about that. That's just the amount of daily propaganda. No need to start freaking out now.
A lot of the miss-comprehension which you mention would not occur if the document is read from A to Z, in the intro I specifically said that it has been written in such a way to make sense if you read it thoroughly start to finish. I also say that one is entitled to their opinions and is allowed to disagree with anything stated. Perhaps the boldness is my style, please take into consideration this is the first article I have ever written. Though no one has said it's unclear; there is a difference between originating and helping the spread and anyone is bound to be confused if they read half hardheartedly. For someone who has properly read it, they will understand that I have actually included many perspectives and possibilities throughout to give them to option to choose. My final conclusion is my final conclusion and hence my opinion, they need need not to agree with me however they will have 100% taken up vital information throughout. I am still young and I initially started writing this to educate my age group who are complete loss in disinformation. A lot of what you say is based on your perspective of things which I do not particularly agree with but this does not mean I don't appreciate you taking the time to compose critical feedback because there is always something to learn; nothing is perfect. Not everything can be proved, this is the density of confusion where one may choose or listen or decide to do further research and make their own conclusion.

Thank You,

I don't think that Aenas' point was to simply criticize your work but rather to help you improve your ability to make better and maybe learn from what you already did. Many members, including me, think that you worked a lot and you did something at least whereas many people don't even make efforts to try to understand the situation. And all of that despite your young age.

But now that we know that you worked hard and gave interesting information, the time might have come to see what can be improved for being maybe more accurate, objective, understandable and touch more people. And don't forget that you recently joined us but there are 761 pages on this covid thread with many articles, videos, opinions, and discussions about that, and we must not forget that some members here are medical workers, journalists, engineers, state employees, scientists and so forth. I don't say that to prove that their opinion is surely better than yours and anyone else but rather to remind us that some people here can have access to some knowledge, information, feedback which can be hardly obtainable.

Don't feel bad about some remarks we could do about what you did, just try to see that like a chance to improve yourself and go on working and learning since, as you rightly said, "nothing is perfect".
I checked the comments under the video of the Florida man without a mask. As many people pointed out, one of the other people in the store had no mask either, and just about everyone else was wearing it wrong, not covering the nose, so pretty pointless even if it made any sense in the first place.

The some moron commented "why can't some people just wear a mask?", to which somebody responded with this wonderful image:
View attachment 37184
I think that's a good one for sharing.

Today I went through Tesco with no mask, and nobody said anything. Then again, hardly anyone even saw me. So here's a tip: shop late in the evening when there's almost nobody there.

Yup. Excellent. Shared. And I hope everyone reading this thread will share it and the darn thing will go viral... (pun intended).
It is nauseating to go to a store now, so long... first they took your temperature, now in the arm since I asked it at the beginning and now they decided the best way is the arm. Then the gloves. And the mask. And waiting. The only way to survive this situation is looking at all of this as a Monty Python sketch. See how ridiculous is all of this, the fear, the obedience, the zombis. And also the good side, stores are open, I can buy food, I can eat. Many people do not have money to eat. The acceptance of this, with the absurdity but also but the humanity. We are lucky, we have information that protects us in a very strong way. But yes, I go less to stores. So it is a good way to fight this, consume less and less, just what you need. An more and more you need less and less.

Yeah, a couple of times I almost burst out laughing the last time I was at the grocery store, the absurdity of it all just hit me, seeing more and more people wearing masks, when it is not even mandatory (yet) here, marching along on the arrows in an empty store, and frantically sanitizing their hands every chance they got. This was better than feeling angry or frustrated with people's mindless obedience no matter what they are told to do. It's getting a bit easier to just accept that these are their choices, it's not up to me to interfere with their free will, although of course still sharing facts whenever it's appropriate.

Shopping is definitely not fun anymore, it's just in and out as infrequently as possible, I'm also spending a lot less than I used to. And you are right, counting the blessings that we do have is important to keep our sanity. And the knowledge and network we have here is indeed protective, it's like the antidote to the mind virus that's infected the majority of the population, but doesn't affect us. When you really think about it, we are actually very lucky in a way, because it seems to me that this group is actually gaining unity and strength as together we go through these insane times!
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