Maybe that will backfire. For example, Twitter banned Don Jr. for posting the video, and now the topic got covered by Tucker Carlson:

People will be curious about checking out the video if they hadn't heard about it already.

ADDED: Actually Tucker showed parts of the video and addressed its censorship directly:

Yeah, I think that it is backfiring, this video and comments about it are being shared everywhere, the minute it goes down somewhere, it's back up somewhere else. A few people I wouldn't have expected to even know about it have mentioned it hearing about it. It's definitely making waves and the truth is slowly starting to seep out, like an unstoppable force as it gains momentum.

However, as mentioned by the C's, the PTB won't give up so easily, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them engineering some major distraction of one sort or another in the near future. In any case, the show goes on, and despite being somewhat prepared for chaos as we are here on this forum, it's even more insane than I could ever have imagined!
The latest video by Dave Cullen of Computing Forever:

The Rising Resistance to the New Abnormal

That particular interview segment is discussed in the video at [17:20]. I can't remember seeing Bill Gates so incoherent and uncomfortable - it was really great to watch! :-D
That was a good video. What I found particularly interesting was this:

None of this is of course surprising, but it's interesting nevertheless, and it has some positive implications. The censorship of Ewwgle and Ewwtube probably runs deeper than anyone knows, but that also means that they feel this immense level of censorship is needed, which means the resistance to mainstream propaganda is much stronger than what we can see.

If CensorshipTube messes with the number of subscribers and views to make it look like popular channels/videos are not really that popular, then it means there are far more people out there who are sick of all this shit than you might think. And given how many people we can see totally sickened by ill gates specifically, the real number must be pretty amazing. Personally I find it hard to even look at this shitbag, never mind listen to him. His voice is like a torture device, and his body language is so cringe-worthy it's beyond belief.

But I think I have discovered a way he could really do something for public health. I think if he became a public punching bag, people's health would skyrocket because the stress relief gained from punching ill gates would be off the charts. Just an idea, you know.

Anyway, I think those screenshots above might tell us something about things to come. The resistance is stronger than it looks, because the MSM are not only censoring the information, but also the information about information, i.e. statistics, polls, etc. And they are actively preparing for doing even more in that regard. Might well be part of that 'going too far', but we'll see.

As for ill Bill, I feel like he's already running talking for his life. He's clearly the most hated man on the planet, and I think even in his own delusional world he might be starting to realise that. Things will end badly for him, but he chose this path. That punching bag thing might happen, but I think it's gonna be much shorter and less fun than I would like.

Overall the shitfest in the media is getting so bad that I think the people who are already sick of it will just get much sicker of it, and when they've had enough and decide to take some real action, maybe all the brainless cowards out there will switch sides, not because they understand anything, but because at some point that might start looking like the safer bet. You know, if you're too stupid to join the right side, maybe you can just join the winning side.

Given what might be going on under the surface that nobody can see, the tipping point might actually not be as far as it appears. A single trigger can make everything explode. And everything we see in the main stream is so fake now that reality is bound to start seeping through sooner or later. If you want to control every aspect of people's lives, you'd better be damn real smart. And they're not.
Ron Paul: Big Holes in the Covid 'Spike' Narrative
Motorcycle accidents ruled Covid deaths? In the rush to paint Florida as the epicenter of the “second wave” of the coronavirus outbreak, government officials and their allies in the mainstream media have stooped to ridiculous depths to maximize the death count.
Washington state last week revised its Covid death numbers downward when it was revealed that anyone who passed away for any reason whatsoever who also had coronavirus was listed as a “Covid-19 death” even if the cause of death had nothing to do with Covid-19.
“Cases” once meant individuals who displayed sufficient symptoms to be treated in medical facilities. But when the scaremongers needed a “second wave” they began reporting any positive test result as a “Covid case.” No wonder we have a “spike.”
There are more examples in the article. Yesterday I shared an article here showing that Oregon admittedly was inflating cases.

Regardless of all that, look at the trending (and inflated) death stats. Last I looked at the CDC stats (yesterday), they were down about 98% from the peak.

Online virtual classes are now requiring immunizations for students to attend
Online virtual classrooms in the State of Virginia are now requiring students who attend to be immunized against various illnesses despite the fact that the pupils will be taking classes from the comfort of their own home in what can only be considered a blatant push to inject poisonous toxins and metals into to bodies of schoolkids.
I also saw this elsewhere, perhaps with more references.

Online virtual classes are now requiring immunizations for students to attend

I also saw this elsewhere, perhaps with more references.

You can see it in mainstream media here:
The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine
Catherine Austin Fitts said:
Now I appreciate why Gates and his colleagues want to call these technologies “vaccines.” If they can persuade the body politic that injectible credit cards or injectible surveillance trackers or injectable brain-macine interface nanotechnologies are “vaccines,” then they can enjoy the protection of a century or more of legal decisions and laws that support their efforts to mandate what they want to do. As well, they can insist that U.S. taxpayers fund—through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program–the damages for which they would otherwise be liable as a result of their experiments – and violations of the Nuremberg Code and numerous civil and criminal laws – on the general population. The scheme is quite clever. Get the general population to go along with defining their new injectible high-tech concoctions as “vaccines” and they can slip them right into the vaccine pipeline. No need to worry about the disease and death that results from something this unnatural delivered quickly. The notion of an emergency along with contact tracing and freedom from liability can protect you from the millions of likely deaths from such human experimentation. Ideally, you can blame the deaths on a virus.
Catherine Austin Fitts said:
Which brings me back to you and me. Why are we calling these formulations “vaccines”? If I understand the history of case law, vaccines, in legal terms, are medicine. Intentional heavy metal poisoning is not medicine. Injectible surveillance components are not medicine. Injectible credit cards are not medicine. Injectible brain-machine interface is not a medicine. Immunity for insurance companies is not the creation of human immunity.

We need to stop allowing these concoctions to be referred to by a word that the courts and the general population define and treat as medicine and protect from legal and financial liability.

The perpetrators of this fraud are trying a very neat trick–one that will help them go much faster and cancel out a lot of risk at our death, disease and expense. I understand why they are doing it.

What I don’t understand is why we are helping them. Why are we acquiescing in calling these bizarre and deeply dangerous concoctions “vaccines”? Whatever they are, they are not medicine.
An update for the Morona circus in Macedonia.
As it looks, the so-called media are slowly starting to prepare the terrain for massive vaccination. The school year will probably start with just a few children in a classroom, with masks, and very short classes. When one group will be at school, another will listen to online lessons for a week, then they will change. So probably one week at school one at home.
It is just an idea but the final solution will be something along that line probably.

Unable to maintain the historian, now the regular seasonal stomach flue became corona that can kill you even if you don't have any symptoms at all. Now if you don't have any symptoms, it is the biggest symptom that you have the deadly corona. These are the worlds of people in charge of the pandemic in this country.

This is one example from the bizarre world.
In a company where my wife works, the management makes a panic. One person was brought in the hospital in an unconscious condition, and of course, he has corona. They make some PCR tests on him and it was positive. A panic started. People acted like crazy. Who was in contact with him. Oh, this is so funny to watch. Adult people freaking out for nothing and panicking.

A few days later, while walking in the park with my wife we meet a colleague of my wife. The person mentioned above is her neighbor and my wife asked how is he.
she told us that it is all a big hoax. That person has a kidney stone for a longer time. That day the stone moved and he was in huge pain. When the ambulance came, he lost his conciseness. In the hospital, they made a PCR test and it became positive( as they always do ). After a few days of therapy he was at home feeling better.

The second example is even more bizarre. People went to a funeral. One of these people, the next day have a fever and diarrhea. He was terrified as he never experienced stomach flue in his life. His PCR test was positive of course. Terrified by this majority of the people that were on that funeral made PCR tests and all were positive. Among those people was a doctor who have a private practice. His practice is closed, scared sheeple are hiding at home in isolation, people attending the funeral are also panicking because they were "in contact" with positive people.

And I can't follow the stupid things like this anymore, This is completely out of control. We don't need any restrictions anymore. People will implement them by themselves. This brainwashing goes so deep.

The temperatures are about 40C during the day and lot of people are wearing a mask on the street even on that heat,
The elections ended. and soon the new-old government will continue with their agenda about Morona hysteria.

If somebody would tell a year ago that I would be a witness of the madness of this proportion I would think he is crazy.
Now I understand much better how the psychopathic elites rule the normal people.
Over 600,000 people sign petition to investigate Bill Gates Foundation for “crimes against humanity and medical malpractice”
More than 600,000 people have signed a petition on the White House’s website requesting that Bill Gates Foundation be investigated for “crimes against humanity and medical malpractice.” The petition, which was launched on April 10, has garnered six times the number of signatures needed in order to get an official response from the White House.
The petition added:
At the forefront of this is Bill Gates, who has publicly stated his interest in “reducing population growth” by 10-15%, by means of vaccination. Gates, UNICEF & WHO have already been credibly accused of intentionally sterilizing Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines.
Let's see where this goes. The cynic in me says it won't go far, but that we need to keep chipping away at things wherever possible.

The coronavirus sport we deserve ... Vuelta a Burgos 2020. Medical mask in the color of cycling briefs.
I just have no words ... These guys (I do not mean sportsmen) break the bottom every new day.



The coronavirus sport we deserve ... Vuelta a Burgos 2020. Medical mask in the color of cycling briefs.
I just have no words ... These guys (I do not mean sportsmen) break the bottom every new day.



I don't see the images, but it could be browser security.
It would be interesting if someone could dig what it is exactly that those tests they use are actually testing for,
While waiting outside in a chair safely socially distanced apart from others while my dog underwent a medical eye procedure, I went through Sott then WRH currently has a bevy of topical articles that run the gamut of what really is happening right now. Some of these articles have just been posted on this thread. But here's one of particular interest:
The people with hidden immunity against Covid-19
By Zaria Gorvett20th July 2020

While the latest research suggests that antibodies against Covid-19 could be lost in just three months, a new hope has appeared on the horizon: the enigmatic T cell.

The clues have been mounting for a while. First, scientists discovered patients who had recovered from infection with Covid-19, but mysteriously didn’t have any antibodies against it. Next it emerged that this might be the case for a significant number of people. Then came the finding that many of those who do develop antibodies seem to lose them again after just a few months.

In short, though antibodies have proved invaluable for tracking the spread of the pandemic, they might not have the leading role in immunity that we once thought. If we are going to acquire long-term protection, it looks increasingly like it might have to come from somewhere else.

But while the world has been preoccupied with antibodies, researchers have started to realise that there might be another form of immunity – one which, in some cases, has been lurking undetected in the body for years. An enigmatic type of white blood cell is gaining prominence. And though it hasn’t previously featured heavily in the public consciousness, it may well prove to be crucial in our fight against Covid-19. This could be the T cell’s big moment.
When researchers tested blood samples taken years before the pandemic started, they found T cells which were specifically tailored to detect proteins on the surface of Covid-19
T cells are a kind of immune cell, whose main purpose is to identify and kill invading pathogens or infected cells. It does this using proteins on its surface, which can bind to proteins on the surface of these imposters. Each T cell is highly specific – there are trillions of possible versions of these surface proteins, which can each recognise a different target. Because T cells can hang around in the blood for years after an infection, they also contribute to the immune system’s “long-term memory” and allow it to mount a faster and more effective response when it’s exposed to an old foe.

Several studies have shown that people infected with Covid-19 tend to have T cells that can target the virus, regardless of whether they have experienced symptoms. So far, so normal. But scientists have also recently discovered that some people can test negative for antibodies against Covid-19 and positive for T cells that can identify the virus. This has led to suspicions that some level of immunity against the disease might be twice as common as was previously thought.

Most bizarrely of all, when researchers tested blood samples taken years before the pandemic started, they found T cells which were specifically tailored to detect proteins on the surface of Covid-19. This suggests that some people already had a pre-existing degree of resistance against the virus before it ever infected a human. And it appears to be surprisingly prevalent: 40-60% of unexposed individuals had these cells.

It looks increasingly like T cells might be a secret source of immunity to Covid-19.
The central role of T cells could also help to explain some of the quirks that have so far eluded understanding – from the dramatic escalation in risk that people face from the virus as they get older, to the mysterious discovery that it can destroy the spleen.

Deciphering the importance of T cells isn’t just a matter of academic curiosity. If scientists know which aspects of the immune system are the most important, they can direct their efforts to make vaccines and treatments that work.

How immunity unfolds

Most people probably haven’t thought about T cells, or T lymphocytes as they are also known, since school, but to see just how crucial they are for immunity, we can look to late-stage Aids. The persistent fevers. The sores. The fatigue. The weight loss. The rare cancers. The normally harmless microbes, such as the fungus Candida albicans – usually found on the skin – which start to take over the body.

Over the course of months or years, HIV enacts a kind of T cell genocide, in which it hunts them down, gets inside them and systematically makes them commit suicide. “It wipes out a large fraction of them,” says Adrian Hayday, an immunology professor at King’s College London and group leader at the Francis Crick Institute. “And so that really emphasises how incredibly important these cells are – and that antibodies alone are not going to get you through.”

During a normal immune response – to, let’s say, a flu virus – the first line of defence is the innate immune system, which involves white blood cells and chemical signals that raise the alarm. This initiates the production of antibodies, which kick in a few weeks later.

“And in parallel with that, starting out about four or five days after infection, you begin to see T cells getting activated, and indications they are specifically recognising cells infected with the virus,” says Hayday. These unlucky cells are then dispatched quickly and brutally – either directly by the T cells themselves, or by other parts of the immune system they recruit to do the unpleasant task for them – before the virus has a chance to turn them into factories that churn out more copies of itself.

The good and bad news

So, what do we know about T cells and Covid-19?

“Looking at Covid-19 patients – but also I’m happy to say, looking at individuals who have been infected but did not need hospitalisation – it’s absolutely clear that there are T cell responses,” says Hayday. “And almost certainly this is very good news for those who are interested in vaccines, because clearly we’re capable of making antibodies and making T cells that see the virus. That’s all good.”

In fact, one vaccine – developed by the University of Oxford – has already been shown to trigger the production of these cells, in addition to antibodies. It’s still too early to know how protective the response will be, but one member of the research group told BBC News that the results were “extremely promising”. (Read more about the Oxford University vaccine and what it's like to be part of the trial).

There is a catch, however. In many patients who are hospitalised with more serious Covid-19, the T cell response hasn’t quite gone to plan.

“Vast numbers of T cells are being affected,” says Hayday. “And what is happening to them is a bit like a wedding party or a stag night gone wrong – I mean massive amounts of activity and proliferation, but the cells are also just disappearing from the blood.”

One theory is that these T cells are just being redirected to where they’re needed most, such as the lungs. But his team suspects that a lot of them are dying instead.

“Autopsies of Covid-19 patients are beginning to reveal what we call necrosis, which is a sort of rotting,” he says. This is particularly evident in the areas of the spleen and lymph glands where T cells normally live.

Disconcertingly, spleen necrosis is a hallmark of T cell disease, in which the immune cells themselves are attacked. “If you look in post-mortems of Aids patients, you see these same problems,” says Hayday. “But HIV is a virus that directly infects T cells, it knocks on the door and it gets in.” In contrast, there is currently no evidence that the Covid-19 virus is able to do this.

“There are potentially many explanations for this, but to my knowledge, nobody has one yet,” says Hayday. “We have no idea what is happening. There’s every evidence that the T cells can protect you, probably for many years. But when people get ill, the rug seems to be being pulled from under them in their attempts to set up that protective defence mechanism.”

Dwindling T cells might also be to blame for why the elderly are much more severely affected by Covid-19.

Hayday points to an experiment conducted in 2011, which involved exposing mice to a version of the virus that causes Sars. Previous research had shown that the virus – which is also a coronavirus and a close relative of Covid-19 – triggered the production of T cells, which were responsible for clearing the infection.

The follow-up study produced similar results, but the twist was that this time the mice were allowed to grow old. As they did so, their T cell responses became significantly weaker.

However, in the same experiment, the scientists also exposed mice to a flu virus. And in contrast to those infected with Covid-19, these mice managed to hold onto their T cells that acted against influenza well into their twilight years.

“It’s an attractive observation, in the sense that it could explain why older individuals are more susceptible to Covid-19,” says Hayday. “When you reach your 30s, you begin to really shrink your thymus [a gland located behind your sternum and between your lungs, which plays an important role in the development of immune cells] and your daily production of T cells is massively diminished.”

What does this mean for long-term immunity?

“With the original Sars virus [which emerged in 2002], people went back to patients and definitely found evidence for T cells some years after they these individuals were infected,” says Hayday. “This is again consistent with the idea that these individuals carried protective T cells, long after they had recovered.”

The fact that coronaviruses can lead to lasting T cells is what recently inspired scientists to check old blood samples taken from people between 2015 and 2018, to see if they would contain any that can recognise Covid-19. The fact that this was indeed the case has led to suggestions that their immune systems learnt to recognise it after being encountering cold viruses with the similar surface proteins in the past.

This raises the tantalising possibility that the reason some people experience more severe infections is that they haven’t got these hoards of T cells which can already recognise the virus. “I think it’s fair to say that the jury is still out,” says Hayday.

Unfortunately, no one has ever verified if people make T cells against any of the coronaviruses that give rise to the common cold. “To get funding to study this would have required a pretty Herculean effort,” says Hayday. Research into the common cold fell out of fashion in the 1980s, after the field stagnated and scientists began to move to other projects, such as studying HIV. Making progress since then has proved tricky, because the illness can be caused by any one of hundreds of viral strains – and many of them have the ability to evolve rapidly.

Will this lead to a vaccine?

If old exposures to cold viruses really are leading to milder cases of Covid-19, however, this bodes well for the development of a vaccine – since it’s proof that lingering T cells can provide significant protection, even years after they were made.

But even if this isn’t what’s happening, the involvement of T cells could still be beneficial – and the more we understand what’s going on, the better.

Hayday explains that the way vaccines are designed generally depends on the kind of immune response scientists are hoping to elicit. Some might trigger the production of antibodies – free-floating proteins which can bind to invading pathogens, and either neutralise them or tag them for another part of the immune system to deal with. Others might aim to get T cells involved, or perhaps provoke a response from other parts of the immune system.

“There really is an enormous spectrum of vaccine design,” says Hayday. He’s particularly encouraged by the fact that the virus is evidently highly visible to the immune system, even in those who are severely affected. “So if we can stop whatever it’s doing to the T cells of the patients we've had the privilege to work with, then we will be a lot further along in controlling the disease.”

It seems likely that we are going to be hearing a lot more about T cells in the future.
An update for the Morona circus in Macedonia.
As it looks, the so-called media are slowly starting to prepare the terrain for massive vaccination. The school year will probably start with just a few children in a classroom, with masks, and very short classes. When one group will be at school, another will listen to online lessons for a week, then they will change. So probably one week at school one at home.
It is just an idea but the final solution will be something along that line probably.

Unable to maintain the historian, now the regular seasonal stomach flue became corona that can kill you even if you don't have any symptoms at all. Now if you don't have any symptoms, it is the biggest symptom that you have the deadly corona. These are the worlds of people in charge of the pandemic in this country.

This is one example from the bizarre world.
In a company where my wife works, the management makes a panic. One person was brought in the hospital in an unconscious condition, and of course, he has corona. They make some PCR tests on him and it was positive. A panic started. People acted like crazy. Who was in contact with him. Oh, this is so funny to watch. Adult people freaking out for nothing and panicking.

A few days later, while walking in the park with my wife we meet a colleague of my wife. The person mentioned above is her neighbor and my wife asked how is he.
she told us that it is all a big hoax. That person has a kidney stone for a longer time. That day the stone moved and he was in huge pain. When the ambulance came, he lost his conciseness. In the hospital, they made a PCR test and it became positive( as they always do ). After a few days of therapy he was at home feeling better.

The second example is even more bizarre. People went to a funeral. One of these people, the next day have a fever and diarrhea. He was terrified as he never experienced stomach flue in his life. His PCR test was positive of course. Terrified by this majority of the people that were on that funeral made PCR tests and all were positive. Among those people was a doctor who have a private practice. His practice is closed, scared sheeple are hiding at home in isolation, people attending the funeral are also panicking because they were "in contact" with positive people.

And I can't follow the stupid things like this anymore, This is completely out of control. We don't need any restrictions anymore. People will implement them by themselves. This brainwashing goes so deep.

The temperatures are about 40C during the day and lot of people are wearing a mask on the street even on that heat,
The elections ended. and soon the new-old government will continue with their agenda about Morona hysteria.

If somebody would tell a year ago that I would be a witness of the madness of this proportion I would think he is crazy.
Now I understand much better how the psychopathic elites rule the normal people.
Similar situation in my country as well, number of positives keep coming around 100 per day which is a lot for a country of 600 000 inhabitants. Only difference is that election have not passed, but are scheduled for end of august. :)
Also, similarities are noticed in regard to the company employees panic. I have a colleague who had slightly higher temperature for one day and was feeling ok, but decided to take the test in order for company to be sure.. It turned out he has been having corona and for more than 20 days that guy has been staying isolated at home. Needles to say, his higher temperature returned to normal the next day and he is feeling great, but you know- THE test says he has it so - he has it.
Now he needs to wait for couple of days more as they say 28 days is the maximum number of days one can have corona virus in his body.
Few other employees, who were in contact with him few days prior to his temperature, were also in isolation for 7 days. The whole staff was blubbering who can be next and how noone is safe..

It has been obligatory for some 7 days now to wear masks both inside and outside of public places in the country. I drop it all the time while I am outside and it is interesting how many deadly stares I receive :) But the good thing is I am not alone, there are a significant number of people with dropped mask as well despite the high penalties. I always "scan" if there is someone with a badge or uniform nearby and I quickly lift my mask if needed.
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