It is. Everything from 37 and up is high. That's why every thermometer has a number 37 colored in red. I certainly don't feel normal when I'm above 37. Other people might be different.
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I hear you and I did not mean to be mean with you. But it also depends where you took your thermometer. For example if it is in your mouth the temperature can be a plus one or two. Under the arm, totally different. My sister says, (she is a nurse) that when the thermometer is taken from the mouth you have to put 2 lines under.

For me high temperature is around 38. But everybody is unique. I hope you feel better!

Hahahaha.... They are taking the piss now!
What they gonna fine next? Maybe: people who read books are more prone to have the damn corona? People who eat meat are sure to have Corona virus right away? people who have brown eyes are the first victims of Corona? They are absolutely nuts. They are like chickens without a head!
I hear you and I did not mean to be mean with you. But it also depends where you took your thermometer. For example if it is in your mouth the temperature can be a plus one or two. Under the arm, totally different. My sister says, (she is a nurse) that when the thermometer is taken from the mouth you have to put 2 lines under.

For me high temperature is around 38. But everybody is unique. I hope you feel better!

I always put it under the arm. When I'm healthy it's always around 36.5. I didn't have a classical fever. I was not cold, I just had a pain in muscles and bones and a usual heaviness in a head with a humming sound in ears. After two days it was over.

Influenza is for me a far more dangerous virus. From now on I will demand a total lockdown every year during a flu season. All public gatherings should be banned during the winter.

Underarm (axillary) and forehead temperatures are considered to be the least accurate because they’re taken outside of the body rather than inside.

These temperatures can be as much as a full degree lower than oral body temperature.

But just because underarm temperature isn’t very precise doesn’t mean that it isn’t useful. It can be a good way to screen for changes in body temperature.

A normal axillary temperature is between 96.6° (35.9° C) and 98° F (36.7° C). The normal axillary temperature is usually a degree lower than the oral (by mouth) temperature. The axillary temperature may be as much as two degrees lower than the rectal temperature.

I am reluctant to put thermometer in my mouth because somebody before me may have used it rectally.
What they gonna fine next? Maybe: people who read books are more prone to have the damn corona? People who eat meat are sure to have Corona virus right away? people who have brown eyes are the first victims of Corona? They are absolutely nuts. They are like chickens without a head!
Being too tall. Or being too short. Breathing also is a symptom. Or being dead from a co-morbidity, like a car crash or being stabbed by Antifa. This is a very insidious disease.
Being too tall. Or being too short. Breathing also is a symptom. Or being dead from a co-morbidity, like a car crash or being stabbed by Antifa. This is a very insidious disease.

Study confirms being alive makes you more likely to get Corona.

I'm waiting for this bombshell study to be released.

I wonder what the recommendations from the study will be and if all those people who are terrified will take it? 🤔
Misinformation on the coronavirus is proving highly contagious
The MSM said:
As the world races to find a vaccine and a treatment for COVID-19, there is seemingly no antidote in sight for the burgeoning outbreak of coronavirus conspiracy theories, hoaxes, anti-mask myths and sham cures.
This is a sample of the sort of garbage the MSM puts out while contrary facts and opinions are censored and de-platformed. This article attempts a very wide range of "debunking."

If only the evil virus would mutate to cause a Pinocchio effect….

COVID Trauma-Based Mind Control
The government and media messaging about the “pandemic” was immediate, and it was launched as a wall-to-wall campaign. News reports, ads, public service announcements, talk shows, newspaper articles, press conferences, etc. No room was permitted for counter-opinion and evidence or intelligent discussion and debate. The messaging flood plays a major role in the trauma effect.

In a state of subconscious paralysis, people obey. They follow orders. They sleep-walk. They even, on top of the layer of paralysis, actively defend the powers-that-be.

A nation asleep. A world asleep.
I would strongly advise against drinking ‘a couple of liters’ of tonic water, for two reasons:

1. The quinine content is quite low - it is not legal in the US to have a higher concentration than 83mg/l. A therapeutic dose would require at least 200mg twice a day - which translates to around 5 liters of tonic water (that is one of the COVID-19 treatment protocols - malaria requires 500mg - 1000mg per day).

2. There is a lot of sugar in tonic water - around 10g/dl. So if you drink 3 L of tonic water per day (which would only give yourself a low quinine dose), that would be the equivalent of about 300g of sugar.

Drinking 5 L of tonic water per day would not only increase the sugar intake to 500g per day, but would also potentially overload you with water, which can be lethal, depending on your underlying health.

Admittedly, if you were drinking tonic water with chloroquine as a prophylaxis (prophylaxis for what? - malaria? SARS-CoV-2?), you might be able to get away with a smaller dose, but there is absolutely no data available for that.

So by ingesting the amount of sugar you may well ‘upset the territory’ more than you gained by ingesting quinine.

Further I would question the wisdom of taking quinine as a prophylaxis. Hydroxychloroquine seems safe and effective for the treatment of Covid-19, IF you are symptomatic. Given that getting sick of Covid-19 if infected is either unlikely if generally healthy, or associated with a mostly mild to moderate illness, I would think twice about using chloroquine as ‘prophylaxis’.

There are, I think, better alternatives to boost the immune system to make it stronger against viral infections: make sure your vitamin D levels are appropriate, vitamin C, zinc, iodine etc.

Now that some states are banning the use of hydrochloroquin and doctors will lose all their credentials if caught prescribing it why not give home made chloroquine a go. I purchased 4 large grape fruits (not cheap here) and enjoyed consuming the interior over the next week. I saved the rinds to cut up into small pieces and placed them into a pot of water which needs to be brought to a boil and then turn down to simmer for about 2 hours. A tight fitting lid is necessary to keep as much of the steam from escaping as possible so once you start the process don't lift the lid. After it cools, strain, bottle and refrigerate. The result is is very strong quinine water. I purchased zinc (gluconate) 50 mg. But finding the proper antibiotic without a prescription? Is adding the antibiotic necessary and what would the quinine water and zinc dosage be?

Gee Michaelrc are you brain dead about the covid? . . . well maybe but my concerns are leaning more towards what other contagions might be coming, not this covid but maybe something else down the road? It's known that zinc helps the cells fight back but getting zinc into the cells is a somewhat tricky proposition therefore the addition of quinine water could make the cells more receptive to zinc and just maybe fight off what other real attacks that are in store for us.
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