To all German members: Please please watch this. Don't ditch it because the guy doesn't seem to be the brightest candle on the cake. He even says it himself, he doesn't think of himself as being bright, has no school graduation at all. But somehow he was able to write an algorithm, that part isn't so clear to me, an algorythm that (if I got that right) mimicks to be AIRA Artificial Intelligence Research Associate, an AI that the guy says is to be given the world as a playground so to say. Means the AI will be given power to decide on lifes and deaths and everything else here, as a made god of the so called Elite to be put into omnipotent power. Well, that is not the point I want to discuss. He is takling about two strains of the virus. Two MADE strains of the virus. The second is the more deadly, he says, and will accomplish the consent to the vaccination AND will drive the transhumanistic agenda.
I got no time now to translate the full vid, he is also repeting himself several times, but I thouhgt about a lot of stuff the C's already told us about this whole thing. and I see the similarities with what Hamudi Elbaz tells us.
He also says that all vaccinated people will be used as generators of the virus and will be spreaders with everything they exhale/excrete while the vaccinated themselves will be immune.