I´ve had a small victory yesterday; since masks are mandatory here in Germany for children from age of 10 (5th class) ALL the time in the school (during the lectures as well as as in the school yard), I´ve finally got the appointment at the doctors and went with my kid to the doctor. Based on his previous breathing problems, I´ve managed to get him an excuse for not wearing a mask. :cheer:

He still has to wear a visor :-( but that´s better than the mask stick to his face 4-7h a day.

The doctor was eager to explain how wearing mask when lungs are healthy doesn´t cause damage and he should be breathing fine...
I´ve nodded with a "thankful glare" and thinking "I have to find another doctor....". Which is actually very hard thing to do since I have no connections here and only a few acquaintances.....
Does that mean that your government is lying to you about travel restrictions (in your own country), or have they just 'failed to mention it'? Something like this is pretty important and New Zealanders have a right to know about it!

Not really. Currently Auckland is at Level 3 (higher number = greater restrictions) while the rest of the country is at level 2. And so the checkpoints are enforced to contain COVID within a certain region!! Presumably COVID19, smart critter that it is, it can't go past checkpoints! :lol:
I watched the video in full. As I understand it, the algorithm he created relates to a predictability of the actions of AIRA. But that would mean that AIRA is already acting independently and forcing people to carry out certain actions.

In a sense, what the guy is saying makes sense to me. At least as far as the PTP's dreams are concerned. Still, I think (and hope) these plans will be destroyed. Definitely scary. But as with the first virus (he calls it type A), it did not have the desired effects on all people, but caused positive changes. Why should it be any different with the type B virus that is released according to this algorithm? The nature of creation is based on maintaining a balance. I HAVE to believe it deeply, otherwise I'll go crazy in these times.

What he says, does not fit with what we know about the virus being the submission enhancing vaccination that started infecting on its own. He says the great militairy exercise, Defender, was the spreader, (which can be true but unforseen,) and the whole thing an exercise, to prepare for the outbreak of a 2nd, more deadly virus. That makes no sense.
Do you have a source for that Michael? I came across the deagel.com site several years ago. It's been around since 2003 doing what it mainly does: providing stats on military equipment. It seems like a kind of military fan boy site. After the 2008 "financial crash" the owner added the future predictions table and updated it each year since then. In 2014, after the "predictions" got a bunch of attention on the net, the owner added the text below. The bolded parts give the basis of his prediction of large population reductions. The last paragraph is a disclaimer, more or less. Basically, he's a catastrophist of the standard variety.

Don't get fooled again hey Joe!? Having dug down deeper into the sources they all look to go in a circle self referencing each other. I even have my serious doubts now that Edwin A. Deagle, Jr has anything to do with it as claimed (as I cannot find the evidential source that he was indeed behind it as claimed). Yes this Deagle was who researchers claimed - Rockefeller, highly connected Military, appointed to high positions in defense under Clinton, long time CFR, history of writing on long term likely 'strategic' changes to global economic structures that will impact defense spending, etc - but no one gives any hard proof he is tied to deagel.com and indeed as he is now 83 (!) and appears to have retired from (for example) the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018 after 20+ years, most likely the man now has his feet up at the yachting club rather than forecasting doom and gloom! Apart from the tone being very non establishment/agency. When I posted the forecast it was merely out of curiosity that there is someone out there making such extreme claims about the next 5 years - and at the end of the day a forecast like that is never worth the paper its written on anyway - but it does look as if there is something more mundane and yet bizarre about Deagel.com - fear porn to attract hits most likely... irony is of course the forecasts may well prove to be correct.... end of issue - back to the thread.
Mostly elderly people attend church services, and mostly elderly people died. That fits.
The wine sharing could do the trick, but protestants do that, too. Its a miracle?
I shall ask some Christians, but i still think the reason must be genetic.
There is also the issue of how all these cases were confirmed - for example, has there been a higher test rate undertaken in 'catholic' districts than others or are these just compiled from all random known cases via Drs surgeries/hospitals/care homes etc. If the former that would be suspicious. Targeting faith based communities and committed spiritual practices is undoubtedly one of the hidden agendas of this war on humanity.
There is also the issue of how all these cases were confirmed - for example, has there been a higher test rate undertaken in 'catholic' districts than others or are these just compiled from all random known cases via Drs surgeries/hospitals/care homes etc. If the former that would be suspicious. Targeting faith based communities and committed spiritual practices is undoubtedly one of the hidden agendas of this war on humanity.
No. The whole scare started with overflowing hospital wards in Uden, around carnival.
For example, several years ago Dagong, the Chinese ratings agency, published a report analyzing the physical economy of the States comparing it with those of China, Germany and Japan. The conclusion was that the US GDP was something between $5 to $10 trillion instead of $15 trillion as officially reported by the USG. We assume that the official data, especially economic, released by governments is fake, cooked or distorted in some degree. Historically it is well known that the former Soviet Union was making up fake statistics years before its collapse. Western as well as other countries are making up their numbers today to conceal their real state of affairs.
What i get out of this is that the Deagle report tries to imagine what happens when the dollar bubble bursts and the world unveils itself from under current economic viewpoint.
irony is of course the forecasts may well prove to be correct.... end of issue - back to the thread.
Not exactly, the new normal will be even more fake than the old one.
'No' what cope? I'm afraid I don't understand your point. Overflowing hospital wards in Uden may explain a local event but how do they impact the geographic spread across all of the Netherlands and Germany?
Sorry Michael I have been unclear to you in my agitated state.
Testing was done only on sick people, visiting the first aid. Uden is in the middle of the blue zone in the south. Belgium was a week further into the virus advance, getting scared. The Dutch stats that Joe posted are made on 12 April, in the 3rd week of the Dutch lockdown. Later ones lack for now. Zo gaat de verspreiding van het COVID-19 virus vooral - Maurice de Hond
The compiling date for the German stats must be from the same timeframe. Looks to me it came from the South there, too. The NATO Defender exercise was a month later, and was halted/scaled down bc of too many sick US soldiers.
I don't blame the Vatican for the spread, as the Cs said it was accidental, but yes the spread follows the spread of Catholics in Netherlands perfectly.
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Aussie Mike Palmer who has been teaching people their rights for years has uploaded a video addressing the police. He points out that police are not technically employed by the state governments and previous cases have shown that the government has not accepted liability for police injury. So his take is that where police are enforcing measures that are supporting power in excess of fundamental law, police can be personally sued civilly. He's calling the police out for getting violent over people not wearing masks. He's calling on police to quit their jobs - I wonder if this is just another way to move towards martial law by reducing police force numbers and replacing those duties with military personnel.


Here is the news article referred to in the video, and here is commentary on the Boyer case referred to in the article by Guiseppe Cabaretta, senior lecturer in Commercial and Employment Law at the University of Sydney School of Business. So, basically police have sworn a common law oath, but then signed commercial contracts with commercial entities that are the states police forces in the various states who are now their employers, only most police are not aware of that and believe they are employed by the government.

One thing for sure is that I haven't heard of any Australian police who are speaking out about not enforcing coronavirus measures, as we've heard from the US, and defending the Constitutional or Common Law rights of the people, which is more in alignment with the original oath they swore as per the 1958 Police Regulation Act.

I had an appointment with my GP yesterday and previous measures were still in place - call the clinic when you arrive in the car park, wait in the car until they call you to enter the clinic, etc. This time they requested that peeps wear a mask and stated something along the lines of we'd best just get used to it despite there being no mandate here in Queensland yet. That horrid thing was annoying for even just the 15 mins or so of my appointment! I asked my GP if the clinic, where there are 9 doctors servicing their clientele, had recorded any cases or deaths amongst their patients and she said 'Not a one.'
Latest article from Dr. Malcolm Kendrick has this little gem;

If hydroxychloroquine (plus zinc and azithromycin) works, then there was great concern this would lower uptake of any vaccine that was developed. In addition, it would not be possible to impose emergency vaccine laws, which would make the manufacture of any vaccine far quicker and easier.

Maybe that's why hydroxychloroquine is being banned and vilified everywhere! Read the entire article - COVID19 - What have we learned? -- Sott.net

Dr. Roberto Petrella is a Gynecologist, from the Teramo, in the province of Abruzzo, Italy.

This video was uploaded moments ago to FromRome.Info Video on Youtube, but was taken down by YouTube within 1 minute. That is how much truth there is in it!

This doctor is a true doctor of medicine. Listen to him!

Here is my official protest of the take down of this video:

Dr Roberto Petrella

Here is a Radio program in Italian, where Dr. Petrella speaks of his battle to defend the poor and innocent from corrupt politicians and doctors.

English Version

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