Not really. Currently Auckland is at Level 3 (higher number = greater restrictions) while the rest of the country is at level 2. And so the checkpoints are enforced to contain COVID within a certain region!! Presumably COVID19, smart critter that it is, it can't go past checkpoints! :lol:
I never thought I'd say this, but you are lucky to be on level 2 or 3. We are on level 4 and believe me, the people here are almost at breaking point. They have had ENOUGH! Most of their ire is directed at Daniel Andrews, the Premier. We have extra restrictions.
This would mean Catholics or Catholic churches were spreading the virus.
I wonder if there's any correlation between flu jab uptake in people who got the virus? Or even if there's any correlation between religion and vaccination? According to a US Military study in 2017, people who got the flu shot (healthy young people, they were too), were 36% more likely to get a coronavirus infection. There's a possibility that older people would be more at risk.
I wonder if there's any correlation between flu jab uptake in people who got the virus? Or even if there's any correlation between religion and vaccination? According to a US Military study in 2017, people who got the flu shot (healthy young people, they were too), were 36% more likely to get a coronavirus infection. There's a possibility that older people would be more at risk.
Negatively.E_W trough the country there is the bible belt, whose Saxxon ultra protestants oppose vaccinations out of respect of God. That's maybe my heritage. Frisians are, to me, very individualistic people. Catholics were prolific, relatively, maybe more prone to the vaccination scam?
Catholics, I was raised in the Catholic Church.

They think that they are the only ones who will be saved, when Jesus returns. I believed that until life intervened. Really good at following authoritarian rule. You just have to kneel before a priest, say a few holy fathers and hail Mary's et voila, you are absolved of your transgressions.
I never thought I'd say this, but you are lucky to be on level 2 or 3. We are on level 4 and believe me, the people here are almost at breaking point. They have had ENOUGH! Most of their ire is directed at Daniel Andrews, the Premier. We have extra restrictions.
I emailed this to a bunch of the politicians, adapted from another letter... It may help.

Dear members of Parliament,


My name is David, one of the people of Australia. I've heard you have a fiduciary duty to well and truly serve the people your office represents. And that you also must have personal duty to uphold a standard of integrity to be fit to be of service to others. In this spirit, I'm writing to you.

It's come to my attention that the legislation currently proposed before Parliament is seeking to extend the six-month period of the State of Emergency (declared March 13th 2020) to now beyond its expiry of September 13th 2020. Also, that you have the deciding vote remaining to make this happen.

Before you vote to have it extended until September 2021 and to fulfill those duties as above, you will have assessed the impact and the possibility of harm with this decision; you also must have concrete evidence that this decision reduces harm too - is that correct?

As per the ‘Emergency Powers, Public Health and COVID-19 Research paper’, off the Victorian Parliament house website (referenced), it states, “By their nature, then, emergency powers raise vexing questions about balancing security with individual freedom. As has been the case with COVID-19, the exercise of emergency powers also often raises questions about ministerial accountability and decision-making.”*

If people's vote in your constituency counts because they can make sound decisions for themselves, then shouldn't those same people assess the benefits and risks and then decide what health and medical precautions to take in this context? By taking an active vote to put this decision into the hands of the Premier & it’s Government alone for another 12 months with minimal to no accountability & full control over decision making with little to no parliamentary scrutiny, who is the responsible party when harm is done as a result? If the Premier isn't - because you voted that way, and if the people you serve are not - because they are forced or coerced to comply - who else is left?

Again, if the measures you decide on require coercion and force to ensure the people comply; and the Premier's accountability is limited, then do you understand you may be held responsible, being part of that decision, and by extension liable?

I trust as a Member of Parliament when you come to vote on this extension of state of emergency, you will vote towards putting the decision about what precautions to take into the hands of the people you and your office serves, rather than putting it into your own hands.

I look forward to receiving a reply from you on this matter.

Kind Regards,

The article posted by Nucifera was prefaced with this quote:

The purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded and even destroyed.
A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. – Theodore Dalrymple
Just came across an article that has the above quote at the end:
A Society of Emasculated Liars
August 24, 2020

Dr. D: NY’s Governor Andrew Cuomo bans dancing. When are we going to realize they are the lemon-sucking church ladies? He does this AFTER he killed 20,000 people, AFTER the ICUs are long empty, AFTER there are no deaths in NY at all. They’re already intentionally killed 20,000 elderly citizens with their ‘helping’ in a nod to the old eugenics programs. Isn’t that enough?

They always said, growing up, “How could Germany happen?” Didn’t seem that hard to understand to me: men are men. We are not immune. But here watching such madness universally lauded as the best outcome, an example to all, is certainly not what I most expected.

So…crime up 400% in NYC, muggers are beating police and murdering people in the streets. Since this is generally a response to the lockdowns, it won’t be a minute until the bad economy kills more people and ruins more lives than the virus. …Like I said. But beyond that, it has ruined more lives by actually removing all fun, all humor, all discussion, all discovery, all ‘humanity’ from society toward each other. Mask-Nazis are beating fellow shoppers for non-compliance. In what seems to be a competition to show that they don’t believe either in Covid, or in masks at all. If a guy was a leper, would you run up and jump on him to hang his bells on? Clearly they do not believe – in any way – that this is real. That this is dangerous. They just are ze rules. And ze rules are ze rules. Papers please, citizen. Except when it’s US, we’re the good people and we ourselves don’t follow ze rules…you understand. Astonishing.

Even if it were dangerous, wouldn’t there be a human approach to this: Oh do you have a condition? Did you forget? Did you know our policy? Can I help you? In my experience so far, the PoA, Person of Authority, comes up with their mask below their nose, gets 2 feet away, then proceeds to order you about while having not the faintest idea what the actual law – that is, non-law, never passed, doesn’t exist — policy, is. Then I have to quote their policy TO them, they having never even THOUGHT to read it themselves, while they protest ignorance of the law…to me. Ain’t rocket science folks. I’m only literate and can read the little black lines. Their city, state, corporation posted it publicly. Not genius level.

The compliant and fully participating people, quaran-teaming, staying home, wearing masks, also then have people over if it’s their mother/brother/friend…who is then in their own quarantine…which you just broke completely…with not the slightest self-awareness of science, while spending time complaining about “stupid red people who won’t wear masks”…while the parties doing the complaining are themselves medical professionals and the medically compromised. If it’s “us” it’s not dangerous, the ‘Rona is our god, the ‘Rona can tell. …Oh wait: just like I said. Any quarantine will be quarantine theater, and the worst of all worlds.

We’ll BOTH destroy the economy – by which I mean the jobs and dreams of all who work, leaving the traders, insiders and oligarchs stronger than ever – AND have no reduction in transmission. Which exactly happened. Killing TWICE as many, because of YOUR choices, not the virus at all, which has killed hardly anyone not on death’s door, and still counting. But that’s okay: we saw the same “camera off, mask off” behavior by Birx, Fauci, and every reporter at the White House. Again, they don’t believe a word. Because again, if this was a Black Plague, coughing up blood with a black neck, they wouldn’t act this way.

This is what happens when you tell lies, especially universal lies: your brain takes it in, it can follow, but your heart and body know better and stand aside. They are not “integrated.” Which means you are a person lacking “integrity.” Worse, when everything is a lie, soon you stop even examining data as it arrives, putting it in its proper place (e.g. that Covid CAN hurt you, but the numbers are different) and resisting or pushing back on the lies, so that there is a) open discussion and b) logical, practical, worked-out agreement on size, scale, and approach. Universal lies here lead to universal obedience despite all science, math, statistics, and personal experience, as we see; but also universal disobedience, yes as we see that some resist, but most just don’t follow the rules and claim they are, then justify themselves while attacking the “other” on the thinnest pretenses, the worst of both worlds.

Just like the lemon-sucking church ladies. “There but for the grace of God go I.”

Well, it’s a good thing masks don’t work against viruses at all, or I’d be annoyed about this stuff. As it is, it’s simply compliance theatre, and having a lifetime of that already, I have a wealth of experience in how to navigate our oppressive, hypocritical, insane, unscientific, and self-defeating our culture, which will spare no expense to use a helicopter to track you down in the Outback, in the most solitary outreaches, and demand irrational compliance to a law that was never passed and doesn’t exist. Every day. With every person. Because of the lies no one will address, and the self-evident right and order no one will remedy. Like Assange.

But don’t worry, with our world-wide slave markets, human trafficking, organ harvesting, family-killing, property-destroying, mis-reporting, slanderous, self-serving ways, we’re everso much more enlightened than 1950, before the civil rights they trot out all day, having done not a single other Good Thing™ they can point to in the last 50 years. They also are now all so young, they mis-remember everything it actually was, and just invent, make up, fabricate, whatever-they-want-it-to-be. Reality-as-democracy, the mob, the majority, decide what’s reality, and then it is so! Reviving MLK’s peace torches and peace bricks, I’m sure. The Southern Democrats manning the front lines for Integrated schools against evil Republican Governors from Ohio, while openly communist JFK joined hands with Khrushchev and re-distributed property and set up social justice re-education camps, just like Bernie’s organizers said. I mean, that’s how I remember it, right?

This is where lies get you. This is why people warn not to use them, you know, right before they use them on you. It’s because “People who can get you to believe absurdities, can get you to commit atrocities.” As we see very clearly today. This is the one motto of Cuomo and the rest: We must never, ever, leave people alone. To their own actions and their own consequences. Their own discovery. Their own lives. The only ways are my ways. The only opinions are my opinions. The One True Party UniOpinion™. Submit or die.

“When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”
– Dalrymple
This article was prefaced by a quasi-disclaimer lead-in.

Looks like the main covid story today is apparently people can get reinfected.

Good news for vaccine makers. People may need multiple injections during the year, each year for the rest of their life!

Over the past few days I've had quite a few informative conversations with shall we say 'caring' socially conscious community leaders and what I am hearing is:

1. This is only getting worse now thanks to people's refusal to obey orders - all those I spoke to have 100% bought into the propaganda that the Virus is again spreading.
2. When the schools reopen in September its guaranteed there will be major outbreaks and spread (not one person doubted this).
3. The second wave (or is it the third by now?) is guaranteed among the wider population and it will be worse than the first.
4. That protesting against mask wearing is pathetic/contemptible and a sign of self-indulgence at a time of national crisis.
5. That to solve this intolerable situation the authorities need to come down really hard next time on the people (because the first go obviously wasnt hard enough!) and do whatever is necessary to put an end to this intolerable on/off, half measures - so shut the country down for as long as it takes and as harshly as it takes. You will have our full support.

In other words, so called socially responsible, politically middle ground people preparing to line up behind full scale medical-martial law totalitarianism as the logical and only solution to such a state of chaos. Reminds one of something that went on in a certain central European country in the early 1930s... how the middle class in Germany allowed the Nazis in so as to clean up the mess whilst turning a blind eye to the Pandora's Box they willingly opened (a necessary sin)... all for the greater good. They are fully ready and willing to support the implementation of the means to justify the ends.

It goes without saying I avoided any confrontation and just listened and encouraged such individuals to share their full thinking.

The programming is undoubtedly complete.

POSTSCRIPT: watched Plandemic again for the second time last night but this time with all my family present. First time we have managed to watch such a piece of length/substance with not a word spoken the entire way through. The silence went on for several minutes after with the full implications sinking in. Then an hour plus of detailed and profound conversation. Everyone agreed that they could not send it to 95% of their contacts - even those who may be questioning to a minor degree - with any confidence there would not be huge backlash/refusal to watch such conspiracy theory. I had already sent to a number of my 'safer' contacts - and not one has even acknowledged receipt.

Also noticed on the platform we viewed it on that there were to date 12,500 votes registered with a thumping 95% dislikes. As my son said, an easy thing to arrange with some simple programming/software and most likely a sign of desperation to put people off watching... but even so... doesn't help. Have to keep up faith that the message will somehow get through to those who are ready to receive but I don't hold out a lot of hope that they form much of a silent minority.
Hello Dragger

What part of Belgium are you from?
I don't want to be indiscreet but I have already asked myself the question: if we don't have the net at a certain moment, how will we give each other news and maybe help each other?????
With Laura and the CS, we are part of a large group around the world but I think there will have to be small subgroups at some point.
How can we do this?

I know the two sites you are talking about and they are really interesting
In addition, I realized that there were more and more people following these sites;
It has a "snowball effect", as I said before.

Here is another site, from William Henry, American
He talks about the Ascension, the Change, seen through works of art.
And since I studied History of Art, it interested me.

Recently, he has published articles about the virus
I suppose some of you might be interested in this:


Tenderness for everyone
Over the past few days I've had quite a few informative conversations with shall we say 'caring' socially conscious community leaders and what I am hearing is:

1. This is only getting worse now thanks to people's refusal to obey orders - all those I spoke to have 100% bought into the propaganda that the Virus is again spreading.
2. When the schools reopen in September its guaranteed there will be major outbreaks and spread (not one person doubted this).
3. The second wave (or is it the third by now?) is guaranteed among the wider population and it will be worse than the first.
4. That protesting against mask wearing is pathetic/contemptible and a sign of self-indulgence at a time of national crisis.
5. That to solve this intolerable situation the authorities need to come down really hard next time on the people (because the first go obviously wasnt hard enough!) and do whatever is necessary to put an end to this intolerable on/off, half measures - so shut the country down for as long as it takes and as harshly as it takes. You will have our full support.

In other words, so called socially responsible, politically middle ground people preparing to line up behind full scale medical-martial law totalitarianism as the logical and only solution to such a state of chaos. Reminds one of something that went on in a certain central European country in the early 1930s... how the middle class in Germany allowed the Nazis in so as to clean up the mess whilst turning a blind eye to the Pandora's Box they willingly opened (a necessary sin)... all for the greater good. They are fully ready and willing to support the implementation of the means to justify the ends.

It goes without saying I avoided any confrontation and just listened and encouraged such individuals to share their full thinking.

The programming is undoubtedly complete.

POSTSCRIPT: watched Plandemic again for the second time last night but this time with all my family present. First time we have managed to watch such a piece of length/substance with not a word spoken the entire way through. The silence went on for several minutes after with the full implications sinking in. Then an hour plus of detailed and profound conversation. Everyone agreed that they could not send it to 95% of their contacts - even those who may be questioning to a minor degree - with any confidence there would not be huge backlash/refusal to watch such conspiracy theory. I had already sent to a number of my 'safer' contacts - and not one has even acknowledged receipt.

Also noticed on the platform we viewed it on that there were to date 12,500 votes registered with a thumping 95% dislikes. As my son said, an easy thing to arrange with some simple programming/software and most likely a sign of desperation to put people off watching... but even so... doesn't help. Have to keep up faith that the message will somehow get through to those who are ready to receive but I don't hold out a lot of hope that they form much of a silent minority.

Sorry, but did you watch Plandemic 1 or 2? If your family haven't watched Plandemic 2, a.k.a. 'Plandemic Indoctornation', it's a must – it's even better than the first one.
I just noticed that the 'Official Account: Plandemic Documentary Series' on Bitchute has now published Planemic-2 with subtitles in various languages. There's at least French, German, Bulgarian, Chinese, Italian and Polish subtitles.

Look here: Official Account: Plandemic Documentary Series

I hope they can release the English subtitles as a srt-file so that we can make translations in languages that are not included in their release. Actually, I have found a srt-file with supposedly the English subs, but it appears to includes the lengthy introduction by Brian Rose. I haven't yet checked it's accuracy either, but I'll attach it to this post if someone has time to take a look.

Is there an easy way to cut the subs for the intro (Brian Rose) without having to edit every time stamp after it?


I had already sent to a number of my 'safer' contacts - and not one has even acknowledged receipt.

I thought I still had a few of those 'safer' contacts to share documentaries like that with, even at work. Now I'm more circumspect about what I say. In fact, like you, I don't say anything at all.. just listen. (And breathing deeply for patience:-)). Quite a few of them have gone all 'Moon of Alabama'. They're pretty sure there's a lot of devious stuff going on around the world and there may be a secret controlling state but this COVID-19 emergency is genuine and we all have to do our part.:rolleyes: Or whatever.

The programming is undoubtedly complete.
Seems like it. For most only coming major shocks can begin deprogramming.
Attention, all citizens!
The sixth wave of the Coronavirus Plague will hit next week. It will be very scary.
Everyone will be required to wear full body armour and stay six feet underground.
You can only shop as long as you don't meet anybody else.
If you see another person, please return to your safe place underground.
If we see two people anywhere at the same time, restrictions will have to be tightened.
You should also make sure not to let too much fresh air into your den, because fresh air is full of dangerous viruses.
Remain isolated and wait until we can inject you with our untested but patented product with undisclosed ingredients.
After that, we will consider easing some of the restrictions, depending on your overall compliance.

Please remember your government cares about you! We know what's best for you!
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