Hello from France, I would like to share this text written by Pr Paul Trouillas which corresponds so much to my way of seeing things:

How did we arrive at a new containment, a new deadly threat to multiple economic agents and countless workers? A deadly threat to the physical and economic survival of the French people.
By political nullity and systematic lack of seriousness, but also by criminal obstructions to the early treatment of patients.
1. Tests not followed by effects . It is not enough to do the fan, like Véran, and announce thousands of PCR tests.
What do you do with them? What is the policy for managing symptomatic carriers? The policy is null and void. There are no true isolation measures in hotels or spaces where these people could be managed and treated. They are sent back to their families with no indication, except for a ridiculous "seven", when it is known that the virus carries for 20 days. So it is not surprising that the spread of the virus is extreme in France, because the symptomatic people are among us, infecting their families, who are by no means isolated, and spread the virus in their turn.
2. Lack of early treatment of symptomatic COVID positive patients with Plaquenil
In addition, COVID-positive symptomatic patients are not treated because all kinds of restrictions are still placed on the use of Plaquenil in France, even though a synthesis study has just formally shown that, under the conditions of early treatment, Plaquenil is significantly clinically active: it prevents 25% of hospitalizations and deaths. Moreover, according to the Raoult study, the viral load under treatment disappears within 10 days. Therefore, with early treatment Plaquenil:
a. the chances of transmitting the virus drop by half;
b; patients treated early have a 25% increase in survival and non-hospitalization expectancy.
Thus, treatment with Plaquenil has the double advantage of saving symptomatic patients, maintaining them in a normal life, returning them to the professional circuit, and doing so without danger of spreading the virus.
This is how a friend, a pediatrician, who took the virus "on the forehead" at the hospital, was treated by me with Plaquenil. As soon as she recovered, she went back to work safely and was immediately effective.
The major discrepancy between Germany's remarkable results and France's miserable record is largely due to the fact that Germany leaves doctors free to prescribe Plaquénil, whereas French government imbecility has prohibited it, and continues to restrict it.
3. Absence of a serious policy for non-symptomatic positive VIDOCs. Again, testing is useless if serious isolation is not envisaged for at least fourteen, when the virus is carried for 20 days. The 7-day government "quarantine" is ridiculous and allows the accelerated spread of the virus as early as 8 days.
4. Absence of serious border controls. Passengers from all over the world continue to flock to French airports without any temperature control or testing. Macronian France has been a sieve for months. The African country, which requires accurate documents upon entry and takes the temperature of incoming travelers, has lessons to give to this government.
5. The early treatment of elderly people symptomatic in HPAE is the best way to save them and prevent the spread of the virus among them, in order to avoid these serial deaths that plunge these institutions into mourning and bring shame to France. We owe this to our elders, who have paid Social Security contributions all their lives.
The director of the drug agency is once again proposing to place an obstruction on Plaquénil. Given that the collective survival of the French people is at stake, the active collaboration of a responsible person with the virus is truly an act of treason.
I call on general practitioners to use Plaquenil on the basis of available scientific data, namely the synthetic study Ladapo et Coll, September 2020, which provides a scientific basis for the early beneficial use of Plaquenil.
I also call on business leaders, employers, and labor unions, to pressure the government to ensure that a treatment - which allows patients to survive and return to work safely and quickly - is not only allowed, but massively encouraged.
And that opponents of these strong measures be branded as traitors and charged as such.
Professor Paul TROUILLAS

Fb Pr Trouillas

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Hello from France, j'aimerais partager ce texte rédigé par le Pr Paul Trouillas qui correspond tellement à ma façon de voir les choses :

Comment en est-on arrivé à un nouveau confinement, à une nouvelle menace mortelle pour de multiples agents économiques et d'innombrables travailleurs? Menace mortelle pour la survie physique et économique du peuple français.
Par la nullité politique et le manque systématique de sérieux, mais aussi par des obstructions criminelles au traitement précoce des patients
1. Des tests non suivis d'effets . Il ne suffit pas de faire le ventilateur, comme Véran, et d'annoncer des milliers de tests PCR.
Qu'en fait-on? Quelle est la politique de gestion des personnes symptomatiques porteuses du virus? Elle est nulle. Il n'y a aucune mesure d'isolement vrai dans des hôtels ou des espaces où ces personnes pourraient être gérées et traitées. On les renvoie dans leur famille sans indication précise, sauf une "septaine" ridicule, alors qu'on sait que le portage du virus est de 20 jours. Donc on ne peut pas s'étonner que la diffusion du virus soit extrême en France, parce que les symptomatiques sont parmi nous, infectant leurs familles, qui - elles - ne sont nullement isolées, et diffusent à leur tour le virus.
2. Absence de traitement précoce des patients COVID positifs symptomatiques par le Plaquénil
De plus, on ne traite pas les patients symptomatiques COVID positifs parce que toutes sortes de restrictions sont encore placées en France à l'utilisation du Plaquénil, alors qu'une étude de synthèse vient de montrer formellement que, dans les conditions d'un traitement précoce, le Plaquénil est significativement actif cliniquement: il prévient 25% d'hospitalisations et de morts. D'autre part, selon l'étude Raoult, la charge virale sous traitement disparaît en 10 jours. Donc, avec un traitement précoce Plaquénil:
a. les chances de transmettre le virus chutent de moitié;
b; les malades traités précocement ont une espérance de non hospitalisation et de survie augmentée de 25%.
Ainsi, le traitement par le Plaquénil a le double avantage de sauver les patients symptomatiques, de les maintenir dans une vie normale, de les rendre au circuit professionnel, et de le faire sans danger de diffusion du virus.
C'est ainsi qu'une amie médecin pédiatre, qui a pris le virus "au front", à l'hôpital, a été traitée par moi par le Plaquénil. Dès sa guérison acquise, elle est retournée travailler sans danger et a été immédiatement efficace.
Le décalage majeur entre les résultats remarquables de l'Allemagne et le misérable bilan français s'explique largement par le fait l'Allemagne laisse les médecins libres de prescrire le Plaquénil, alors que l'imbécillité gouvernementale française l'a interdit, et continue de le contingenter.
3. Absence de politique sérieuse pour les COVID positifs non symptomatiques. Là aussi, les tests sont inutiles si on n'envisage pas un isolement sérieux pour au moins une quatorzaine, alors que le portage du virus est de 20 jours. La "quarantaine" gouvernementale de 7 jours est ridicule et permet la diffusion accélérée du virus dès les 8° jour.
4. Absence de sérieux dans le contrôle aux frontières. Des passagers du monde entier continuent à affluer dans les aéroports français sans qu'aucun contrôle de température ni de tests ne soit effectué. La France macronienne est une passoire depuis des mois. Le pays africains, qui exigent des documents précis à leur entrée et prennent la température des voyageurs entrants ont des leçons à donner à ce gouvernement.
5. Le traitement précoce des personnes âgées symptomatiques dans les EHPAD est le meilleur moyen de les sauver et d'empêcher la diffusion du virus parmi elles, afin d'éviter ces morts en série qui endeuillent ces établissements et font la honte de la France. Nous devons cela à nos anciens, qui ont payé toute leur vie des cotisations à la Sécurité sociale.
Le directeur de l'agence du médicament se propose à nouveau de placer une obstruction sur Plaquénil. Compte tenu du fait que la survie collective du peuple français est en jeu, la collaboration active d'un responsable avec le virus correspond authentiquement à un acte de trahison.
J'appelle les médecins généralistes à utiliser le Plaquénil sur la base des données disponibles de la science, à savoir l'étude synthétique Ladapo et Coll, Septembre 2020, qui fonde scientifiquement l'utilisation précoce bénéfique du Plaquénil.
J'appelle aussi les dirigeants économiques, le patronat, et les syndicats de travailleurs, à faire pression sur le gouvernement pour qu'un traitement - qui permet la survie des patients et leur retour rapide sans danger à l'emploi - soit non seulement permis, mais massivement encouragé.
Et que les opposants à ces mesures énergiques soient taxés de trahison et accusés comme tels.
Professeur Paul TROUILLAS
Here's another thing that I haven't seen brought up with the spate of the recent lockdowns.

With Europe essentially going into lockdown for November, apparently to save Xmas, there's one tiny detail that's being left out the picture.

At least 2 western vaccines will get approval in November or December. The vaccine by Pfizer and that of Astrozeneca are soon to get their approval.

Can anyone see the situation that will play out?

Soon they'll dangle the vaccine in front of everyone as the thing to take to gain your freedom.

Let the games begin!
Former UN staff member, Claire Edwards on the 'Covid-19 Genocide of 2020'. She raises the connection with 5G and I'm not convinced about that, but the rest of what she says seems to fit. She also calls on the police and military to stand with the people.

All this situation reminds me of the video @Gandalf shared a couple of pages back about a leaked document where it explains how the deep Canadian government plans in the next 6 months lo set the stage to enslave it's citizens under the pretext of the current fake pandemic and other future fake pandemics to the point where the few that will resist will be marginalized and forced to leave like rats. Don't know about the validity of the said document though to mee its seems highly relevant considering how fast the global deep state is moving.

It look like it is true Andrian and already build.

MMF's COVID Camp Ready For Use - PortageOnline.com

MMF's COVID Camp Ready For Use

Details Category: Local News Published: Friday, 30 October 2020 10:00 Written by Josh Jackson

The exterior of the camp.

Nestled at the junction of Highway 2 and Highway 305 lies what appears to be an old work camp to the average eye. But to those who know, it's the base for a COVID-19 camp capable of housing nearly 100 people infected with the coronavirus.
The facilities were previously used as a hydro work camp and have been repurposed to fit the needs of the Manitoba Metis Federation. Jack Park, MMF minister of energy and infrastructure tells us the state of the camp.
"The camps are ready and able to take any affected person by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have them fully equipped, sanitized, and ready to go if anybody ever needs to. Our services are available."
The camp has not been used by any COVID-19 patients, but Park knows they'll be ready to host people if the time comes. He explains how a patient would be allowed to enter the facility.
"The procedure is that you need to be referred by one of the health authorities within Manitoba, and it doesn't matter where you're from anywhere within Manitoba," says Park. "We would bring citizens in and put them in this camp in Treherne specifically, and we have a smaller camp in Winnipegosis since that's ready as well. It's just that they need to be referred. We're hoping that the referral process happens because we've made it known."
Park says the Federation saw a need and wanted to prepare in the event of a pandemic. The facility east of Treherne can accommodate up to 96 people while the MMF camp in Winnipegosis is much smaller in size. The camp is staffed by a manager/cook, a breakfast cook, and maintenance personnel.
One of the criticisms the camp has faced is the large metal fence and gate looming around the perimeter of the facility. Park stresses they mean no foul.
"The main reason we wanted to fence those camps was to ensure that we didn't have people coming and going without our knowledge, or wandering around the campgrounds or not. You know, dealing with people that shouldn't be there when we're dealing with a COVID-19 situation," says Park. "We need to ensure that there are people that we have in that camp are protected. We didn't mean anything negative by it. It was just a safety measure to ensure the people that attend the camp are protected."

The facility has full power, backup generators, and sewage and attendees of the camp will get three meals, with access to constant cable and WiFi.The camp also features a triage unit, so those who arrive will be properly screened before shown to their room.
"We don't want anybody to worry. We want people to know that we're there If they need us, and we're ready, willing, and able to help them if they ever need help," says Park. "We want to be sure people know that the Manitoba Metis Federation and Metis N4 Construction are here for them."

Isn't it the definition of a prison with a spin.

Do Not Wear a Mask and Do Not Get a Shot: Never Comply!​

[W]e are now in a situation that is so dire that it could lead to the end of all civilized behavior, and the resulting norm would be nothing less than global totalitarianism based on a technocratic system controlled by the very few. This should not be taken lightly, because we are very close to losing all independence in favor of tracking and confinement, where individual life and family are replaced by a collective insanity. Acceptance of this new order would signal the end of civilization as we have known it, and a fundamental end to love, beauty, and joy that are the basis of the spirit of life.

While there are many aspects of this plot to take over humanity, the final attempt it seems hinges on using a non-threatening ‘virus pandemic’ as the tool to instill so much fear into the hearts and minds of this pathetic and weakened population, that it not only bends to tyranny, but breaks completely apart leaving only a captured and servile herd awaiting its own destruction.

To date, the test that has been the most effective in gauging the compliance mindset of the people has been the all-inclusive mandating of wearing worthless masks, and pretending that this is what will save humanity from certain ‘virus’ death. This trick is so absurd as to border on mental psychosis. It has been helpful that the general population’s memory is no longer than that of a gnat, and that any group knowledge of history is not only lacking but nearly completely absent.
This coming year could be a culmination of terror expressed in the form of additional disease, lockdowns, planned economic collapse, civil unrest, local and global travel restrictions, food shortages, and mass death due to the government’s development and advancement of tactics meant to subdue large populations. Without mass resistance, 2021 could be a year of mass genocide due to these multiple attempts to gain total control over humanity, and a cessation of all normal life.

Whatever is necessary should be done to stop this madness in its tracks, or we will all become slaves to an oligarchic system made up of evil monsters intent on global domination.
Something to watch out for... Quite the coincidence that the Muslim situation is blowing up in France just as they announced a new lockdown. Almost as if the Muslim situation is being used to direct public frustrations from the lockdown / politicians and onto the foreigners.

With England soon to go into lockdown, I wonder if the same tactic will be deployed here over the next week or 2.
Personally, I’m okay with the new normal and feel better having the barista, or the cook or the store vendor wearing a mask - and any stranger I get to interact with as a matter of fact - keeping their distance, rather than spitting over my food and in my face. How didn't somebody think about this before? So I'm optimistic that everything will be alright.
Personally, I kind of like interacting with strangers without masks as has been done through the ages, and am willing to share a few atomized particulates, even shake hands and exchange a few virions rather than to watch as they breathe in and out through cloth fiber while adjusting their mask all day long turning it into a biological sponge - then rearranging and mopping the food on my plate. If the new normal is not about more natual means of open sharing, nah, it is not for me (a self-admitted old school stick in the mud).

Btw @mbww, it seems that a formal introduction was never asked of you, or perhaps it was? If the former, and given your advanced postings to date, apologies are in order for not noticing and asking it of you before (may have missed it though). Thus if not, you might wander over to the Newbies & Important Notices to All Members wherein you may find some things not found before and a place to introduce yourself so people can get to know you.
The crew that registered as a political lobby group in Australia, Reignite Democracy - the ones with the Dan bus - is still attracting police scrutiny and interruption as of these latest vids their members have been arrested at least twice besides having official exemptions and reason to carry out their actions protected by federal law.

Here's the MSM report on the above. One of those funny things where 21 out of 25 'protesters' who claim that Victoria is becoming a police state were approached by over 200 police demonstrating that it is pretty much a police state. Note the news heading under the anchor says "Heavily armed police swarmed an anti-government protest" - didn't mention that the group is registered as a political lobby group.

Public comments on the video have gone wild calling out the dodgy reporting on the story!
Something to watch out for... Quite the coincidence that the Muslim situation is blowing up in France just as they announced a new lockdown. Almost as if the Muslim situation is being used to direct public frustrations from the lockdown / politicians and onto the foreigners.

With England soon to go into lockdown, I wonder if the same tactic will be deployed here over the next week or 2.
'An Island Now Controlled by Pure Evil'

The Gaelic Gulag Archipelago - Thomas Sheridan​

I'll try to give this a listen sometime tomorrow, since it is interesting to see Sheridan's name come up many years later. There was some Cass and Sheridan 'interaction' or disagreement that I remember being less than appealing, but would have to refresh my memory of the details from this thread. "Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person
Something to watch out for... Quite the coincidence that the Muslim situation is blowing up in France just as they announced a new lockdown. Almost as if the Muslim situation is being used to direct public frustrations from the lockdown / politicians and onto the foreigners.

With England soon to go into lockdown, I wonder if the same tactic will be deployed here over the next week or 2.

On a recent Tore Says podcast she highlighted a recent veiled call to Jihad in France by Erdogan after Macron spoke negatively about Islam following the recent beheading (of the teacher who showed cartoon(?) of Mohammed to a class)

Just an FYI
I'll try to give this a listen sometime tomorrow, since it is interesting to see Sheridan's name come up many years later. There was some Cass and Sheridan 'interaction' or disagreement that I remember being less than appealing, but would have to refresh my memory of the details from this thread. "Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person
Yes Mike, I'm afraid this is the same Thomas Sheridan of previous repute and Joe & Niall did a great in depth dig into him back in 2012 under the title From Internet Troll to Psychopathy Expert: The Con-Artistry of Thomas Sheridan.

So manybe I should have added a viewer be warned. However in this video its the message that rings home, not the messenger - and maybe he's come on in his life lessons since then, who knows.. Despite the understandable expletives, his rage and disgust is I think righteously genuine and what he has to say - for once - worth taking on face value. Yes I think he is right, Ireland is being set up as a front rank guinea pig and things may well happen here first in Europe as we are a perfect testing ground. Plus as he says, there is a uniformity here around rule following that seems to have taken over the island in a total Gaslighting and mesmerizing with barely token resistance. And his anger at the terrible 'collateral damage' rings true - or at least his voice carries the message of one who sees it and calls it for what it is. However that doesn't change the fact that in the past he was clearly someone not to trust so yes, you are right to raise this concern, thank you.
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