Worth reading.
Por Cristian Taborda Sobre las “Cartas del sobrino a su diablo”. “Cartas del sobrino a su diablo. Crónicas de una España coronavirica” se titula la nueva obra de Juan Manuel de Prada escrita durante…
The Pandemonium of global plutocratic tyranny, according to Juan Manuel de Prada. By Cristian Taborda
About the "Letters from the nephew to his devil".
"Letters from the nephew to his devil. Crónicas de una España coronavirica" is the title of the new work by Juan Manuel de Prada written during the confinement and "State of Alarm", inspired by the "Cartas del sobrino a su sobrino" by C.S Lewis.
In a satirical chronicle of the crisis, the Spaniard sheds light on the darkness of a dull world. The letters of Orugario, a young demon entrusted with destroying Spain, his uncle Escrutopo is made to narrate the misdeeds he commits to put an end to the "Enemy" where he reports on the demagoguery between left and right wing parties with lackey governments of the globalist plutocracy, biopolitics as an exercise of power and the contradictions of the "experts" of a "scientific superstition" - substitution religion - that occupies the void of faith in a rotten apostate.
In a turn to the work of C. S. Lewis here the devil does not need a disguise to achieve his task but evil can act proudly in an age, with
a moulded generation, where the inversion of moral conscience has been made concrete, calling good to evil and evil to good, there "evil can - as Orugario pointed out, quoting Marcus - "reconfiguring reality, even in contradiction to the facts".
Juan Manuel de Prada makes a lucid analysis of the situation in Spain but goes further, managing to give an account of the
global pandemonium in which the plutocratic tyranny has immersed us.
Orugario will tell his uncle Escrutopo about
a tyranny where the destruction of national economies, the disappearance of the middle classes, the mockery of traditional virtues, the abolition of the family, the universal minimum income and anti-natalism are aimed not at a communist dictatorship, as some whine, but at the implementation of
a "world plutocratic government" under the mask of global governance, as the system's organic intellectuals neatly call it.
A tyranny, says De Prada, quoting Donoso Cortés, which will find no resistance, "neither physical nor moral, because all minds will be divided and all patriotisms are dead".
To this end, the pandemonium puts into practice the biopolitics that is deployed at its maximum expression, the plutocracy exercises power without objections with the aim of ""killing bodies and souls"",
which consists of the domination of people through the control of the spaces they inhabit, their personal relationships, their behaviour and affections and even his most secret thoughts and longings..." says the nephew to his devil.
The negotiation between the "poodle left" and the "right without complexes", in which they disagree on minor issues but agree on the "major perversities", establishes the demogresque (on the trifles) of which Leonardo Castellani spoke, while restoring political consensus (on the perversities) - the point of agreement among people without principles", highlights Prada, "whose ultimate aim is the oligarchic distribution of power by turns", is one of the many tricks that the young devil boasts about.
The "idolatry of Science" during the coronavirus plague and the worship of the "experts" of the "Organization of Satanic Suckers" (WHO) show that they took the place of God, as the first cause, by expelling Him from the souls, in the words of Orugarius: "the apostate rabble, having expelled the Enemy from their souls, can no longer do anything but obey these contradictory instructions (...) they will walk around like souls in pain (or rather like lobotomised zombies, since they have renounced their soul) with their absurd mask, trembling and genuflecting before my whims...".
Distanced from political correctness with this satire, de Prada reveals the practices of the devil to take over souls, the same practices used by governments and the media, and unmasks how freedom understood as the mere accumulation of "rights" disguised as "social conquests," when they are only the sum of individual interests and whims, leads to a new tyranny that reduces men to animals that only seek to satisfy their desires, far from God and reason, and free to be manipulable by their irrational impulses and disciplined by terror.
This brief review is intended as an approach and an invitation to read an illustrious literary work that goes from theology, philosophy and politics, through Donoso Cortes, Chesterton and Father Castellani, throwing light on reality in this battle between good and evil, in the battle for truth and justice for the conquest of freedom, since there is no freedom based on lies and on injustice. Only truth will set you free.