Really hoping the "mandate" only stays in doctors' offices.
Since there are still people walking around with masks, how likely is it that they will be mandated as before because . . . science! Of course we know that "science" is total bunk and there is factual science to prove it, but if medical officialdom proclaims it, the medical personnel will follow, along with the compliant public while the noncompliant will be refused service or worse. Listening to the Nurse Gail McCrae interview, it became clear why the doctors had to comply - they would come under investigation and could lose their license if they balked. We saw that happen to those who resisted. And really, how many believe 100% in the CDC/FDA science? Does your city/town still have fluoride in the water? The health professionals fervently believe it's one of the top ten health achievements of the 20th century!

It's funny, though, that it occurred to me that masks are equivalent to the things primitive people would use to ward off evil spirits. As scientifically based as that.
The medical facility I use relaxed the covid-thing a few months back, so after two years of canceling appointments, I made an apt. THEN, I was sent a letter that said, I must go through a covid check at the door, and wear a mask at all times. So I'm canceling again:-(
People are masking up around here due to the wildfires. It's an easy enough program to reboot again. Because I work outside, in pretty thick smoke for the past few days, I was told I should wear a mask by someone in my organization. No thanks. A mask may keep out large particulate matter from fires, but I haven't noticed any issues with my lungs yet. Probably due to supplements and good ol' tobacco.
Karen is obviously in crisis
From Mike Adams @Natural News:

Karen Kingston may be suffering adverse effects of malaria treatment, says family member, following Karen’s bizarre video claiming she was being hunted by the CIA

Roughly two weeks ago, vaccine researcher Karen Kingston posted a video claiming she was being "hunted like an animal" by the CIA, claiming that Dr. Robert Malone was somehow involved in a CIA assassination attempt against her. She posted a video in which she displayed what looked like symptoms of "raccoon eyes" (darkening around both eyes), and we have since learned from her son, Gavyn, that she likely contracted malaria and was receiving some sort of treatment for malaria.

"Those adverse effects might be affecting you really bad," said Gavyn in this video posted on substack, in which he is clearly communicating with his mother and begging her to seek medical attention. The format of this video seems strange, because it appears to imply that this public video is the only way Gavyn can reach his own mother with a message of concern.

In that video, Gavyn goes on to explain that he and Karen (his mom) took a tour to Tulum, Mexico, which involved walking through the jungle (for several days, it seems) to visit the ruins. "I remember that you had a bunch of rashes on your arm when you came back," he says publicly, referring to Karen's state of health. "And I think we did agree that it was malaria and you got some treatment for it. And I'm worried that that treatment that you got might have had some adverse effects."

Dr. Robert Malone, who was bizarrely accused by Karen of somehow being involved in a CIA hit job targeting her, published a response to Karen's video in which he correctly points out that side effects of Mefloquine -- a common malaria treatment drug -- include, "potentially long-term mental health problems such as depression, hallucinations, and anxiety and neurological side effects such as poor balance, seizures, and ringing in the ears."

In her original video, Karen had implied that Dr. Malone was somehow running a CIA hit squad, and she asked RFK, Jr. to order Dr. Malone to call off the hit, saying, "Mr. Kennedy, I beg of you to please talk to Dr. Robert Malone and not have me killed." In this video, she seems extremely anxious, frazzled, or even on the edge of a nervous break of some kind (my opinion).

In my own coverage of Karen's video, I publicly stated that Dr. Robert Malone was not involved in such a nefarious plot, and that the assertion against him was rather absurd. I agreed it was certainly possible that someone was trying to kill her, given how much she has exposed about vaccine ingredients, patents and the like. But the idea that Robert Malone is somehow running a CIA hit squad -- or that he has authority over such a hit squad -- just doesn't hold water. Casually flinging such accusations into the public space is a disservice to this entire movement.

It is noteworthy that Karen herself made this public by posting a video that, in various ways, named specific people including Mikki Willis, Steve Kirsch, myself (Mike Adams) and also Dr. Robert Malone. She was asking for help to stop what she apparently believed was an assassination effort against her. A lot of people scrambled in many different directions to try to set up safe passage for Karen, including myself talking to my various ex-military contacts, a couple of which were on stand by to shuttle Karen to a safe house location within the United States. People in my orbit care about Karen Kingston and want her to be safe. We scrambled to prepare a small group of actual military operators to put Karen out of reach of any potential assassins. And these people are serious men who get sh#t done. They don't appreciate being jerked around. You don't get second chances with guys like this.

Yet my attempts to reach Karen produced nothing. No reply.

And now we learn from her own family members that Karen may be suffering side effects of malaria treatment medication, meaning that Karen's bombshell video may not have been recorded in a sound mental state, and it may have been the medication influencing Karen into a state of extreme anxiety or, possibly, hallucinations.

Her family demands that we all, "cease speculating about and politicizing Karen's recent behavior," yet we have no response from Karen herself, no statement, no contact, nothing. From our point of view, Karen is indeed still "missing" and a lot of circumstances emerging in this mystery seem very concerning.

Importantly, her accusations against Dr. Malone in particular demand an apology. To publicly and repeatedly accuse Dr. Malone of somehow running a CIA assassination squad is no small thing. Where is the evidence that Dr. Malone has any influence or access whatsoever to CIA hit squad resources? Why was his name even brought up in the first place?

Dr. Malone, in his response, talks about a "hate ecosystem" that has emerged across the so-called "health freedom" space, where a relatively small set of individuals have decided that Dr. Malone is persona non grata and must be relentlessly attacked. He writes about "fifth generation warfare," saying:

I write about fifth generation warfare from the point of view of someone who has been constantly subjected to it for about three years. Day in and day out. Five, ten times a day. Coordinated waves of attacks, some clearly coming from corporate media cooperating with the US Government and Pharma, others from the fevered imaginations of a wide variety of individual actors with a wide variety of motivations, and some coming from coordinated cyberstalker teams of bots and trolls...

Whatever your opinion of Dr. Malone and his role in speaking out about mRNA vaccines, Karen's video naming Dr. Malone most definitely supports his assertion that he is being subjected to outrageous, unjustified attacks and accusations.
The world deserves an explanation of exactly what happened and how this went sideways. Specifically, you don't post a video saying you're being hunted like an animal by the CIA, and asking for help, and then cut off all comms with the people trying to help you.

We await word from Karen or her family, and we hope that the very next video Karen posts publicly begins with an apology and/or an explanation, retraction or something that actually makes sense. We pray for Karen's recovery from whatever she is going through, and we hope she will find her way through this and continue her research and advocacy from here forward.
From Mike Adams @Natural News:
Pretty unanimous disagreement with Mike's assessment in the comments!

One comment stated Karen has posted on her substack - her latest post [8/20]:


Previous post:
This is not my son. It’s a weird CGI video imitating him.

The Pandemic Planning Racket
Story at a glance
+ The biosecurity crisis needs to continue indefinitely because it’s the primary justification behind The Great Reset
+ In the fall of 2022, mainstream media started warning of a potential “tripledemic,” with COVID, seasonal influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) being in circulation at the same time. The sudden focus on RSV just so happened to coincide with announcements that RSV vaccines were being fast-tracked
+ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first-ever RSV vaccines in the summer of 2023 for seniors 60 years and older — one by Pfizer (Abrysvo) and one by GlaxoSmithKline (Arexvy). Both vaccines are recombinant subunit vaccines, and both manufacturers have reported Guillain-Barré syndrome as a side effect
+ As we’re heading into the fall of 2023, the “tripledemic” of COVID, RSV and influenza is again making headlines. A Google search for the key words “triple pandemic 2023” garnered a staggering 41.1 million articles, and as we saw all through the COVID pandemic, news agencies are using he exact same headlines and talking points. This is
unequivocal evidence that the tripledemic narrative is being coordinated by a central
+ For this fall, U.S. health officials recommend a flu vaccine for everyone 6 months old and older, an updated mRNA COVID-19 booster targeting the Omicron XBB.1.5 strain (specifics on who should get the shot and when are still undetermined) and an RSV vaccine for seniors 60 years old and older


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+ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first-ever RSV vaccines in the summer of 2023 for seniors 60 years and older
After posting the above, I read the following article (22 Aug):

FDA Approves Children’s RSV Shot for Pregnant Women​

The FDA has just approved the first-ever Respiratory Syncvtial Virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant mothers.

The shots are supposed to help infants up to 6 months old fight the cold-like virus. The next step is for the CDC to study and issue recommendations for the vaccine. According to HUFFPOST, in clinical trials the shots didn’t prevent RSV, yet “proved 82% effective at preventing a severe case during babies’ first three months.”

In October 2022, Dr. Juan Salazar of Connecticut Children’s Hospital, where RSV has caused a shuffling of patients into playrooms and other spaces not normally used for beds, called RSV “an emergency” that needed addressing immediately.

Cases had died down during the pandemic but are now set to surge as post-pandemic life returns to normal, he said. Pfizer, maker of the vaccine, said they believe if the shots are approved soon, this season’s RSV surge might be contained.
Here we go:

Film Studio Lionsgate Reinstitutes Mask Mandates​

Of course, the mask mandates are starting again in, of all places, Hollywood.

The coddled liberal elite are apparently already in a panic over a coming fall Covid wave that it appears everyone has already decided will once again debilitate the country this year. The new variant EG.5 has become "dominant" in the U.S., according to reports. Congrats to those who celebrate!

Leading the charge is film company Lionsgate, which reportedly "has instituted a mask mandate for its employees in light of the current COVID wave", according to a new report from The Hollywood Reporter.

The company emailed its staff "asking them to mask up on certain floors of its Santa Monica office after several employees caught the virus", the report says.

The latest variant of the virus has caused a boost in cases, according to data sources like the L.A. Public Health Twitter feed and the CDC, however, as THR notes, experts have said that the new variant "has thus far shown to be no more of a cause of concern than previous variants".

Even the New York Times has admitted the new variant isn't expected to cause a major wave, the report says.

As we noted just hours ago, there are reports all over the country that colleges and offices are beginning to reinstate COVID mask mandates and contact tracing despite no new cases of the virus being reported.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Monday that Morris Brown College, a black private liberal arts college has reinstated the measures as part of a “precautionary step.”

The report notes that students and staff will all be asked to mask up while on campus, only one week after classes began.

A communication issued by the college claims there have been “reports of positive cases among students in the Atlanta University Center,” a consortium of black colleges and universities located on the western side of Atlanta.

FDA Approves Children’s RSV Shot for Pregnant Women​

The FDA has just approved the first-ever Respiratory Syncvtial Virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant mothers.

The shots are supposed to help infants up to 6 months old fight the cold-like virus. The next step is for the CDC to study and issue recommendations for the vaccine. According to HUFFPOST, in clinical trials the shots didn’t prevent RSV, yet “proved 82% effective at preventing a severe case during babies’ first three months.”
Really sad to read about these blatant mother and child abuse.... It just shows that not even the fetus is safe at this time. Clearly no one can stop them now.
Since there are still people walking around with masks, how likely is it that they will be mandated as before because . . . science! Of course we know that "science" is total bunk and there is factual science to prove it, but if medical officialdom proclaims it, the medical personnel will follow, along with the compliant public while the noncompliant will be refused service or worse.
Well, while I certainly hope you are right, I don't see any reason to assume anything. A maddening total rehash...rinse, wash, repeat would be so cruelly insane that I would not rule it out. Brazen could be the keyword from here on out.

Germany Hands Jail Sentence to Judge Who Ruled Against Governments Mask Mandates

A judge who struck down government rules that children must wear masks at school in a German state in 2021 stands to lose his legal career and pension, and has been handed a two-year suspended prison sentence for “perverting the law”.

Judge Christian Dettmar struck down the order by German state Thuringia in 2021 that, as part of Coronavirus lockdown procedures, children must wear masks while at school, should keep a minimum distance from each other, and should be subjected to virus tests. Ruling that this was not compatible with the welfare of the children involved, Judge Dettmar ordered two schools in the city of Weimar, Thuringa no longer had to enforce the order, and the judge’s decision caused instant outrage in state government.

His ruling was overturned by a higher court following a complaint by the state’s education department meaning masks returned to schools, and a prosecution against Judge Dettmar was launched, as he stood accused of “perverting the law” and ruling on a matter he did not have authority over. It was also alleged when making his original decision, the judge had only listened to evidence from experts who were critical of lockdown rules.
Maybe the letter shouldn't have been secret. 🤨

Top epidemiologist told CDC in secret letter that COVID face masks DONT WORK, and that the government deliberately misrepresented scientific data to say the opposite

Internal documents extracted from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) show that the corrupt federal agency lied about science in order to push an aggressive pro-mask agenda during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic."

The NIH under the leadership of now-departed director Francis Collins relied on inaccurate information and misrepresented medical research to falsely claim that wearing a face mask helps to prevent severe transmission of the Fauci Flu. And the agency did so in spite of conflicting scientific evidence in its possession demonstrating the exact opposite.

If anything, masks make a person more prone to infection by blocking oxygen intake, not to mention the fact that mask material tends to harbor deadly pathogens and other exhaled waste, which sits right next to a person's nose and mouth.

In a recently obtained letter sent in November 2021 to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), leading epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, along with seven of his colleagues, warned the CDC that it, too, was promoting the same flawed data while excluding contradictory data showing that masks do not work to prevent infection or spread.
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