So why have these deaths not caused the same health care crisis every year?

Any explanations?
Maybe the lies of PTB are falling apart so fast they are grasping at straws. Until now, enough people had been brainwashed to accept pharmas 'cures' and they were doing very well. I think they have plans for more expensive cures, tests, equipment, etc for this problem.Big profits from a created crisis. Viral 911 n' all that.

More broadly, EU is failing, petrodollar is failing, forced/paid migration/refugee thing is failing, attempts to knockout Russia and China are failing. All their wars on fill in the blank are failing. The rats are abandoning ships ( CEOs for example) big time. The Fed's QE will not work any more because the whole world has lost confidence.

I think basically the parasites are at the point of destroying their hosts and not caring one iota.

I would also not be surprised if the reset involved dividing up some countries and new borders being forced; kind of like post WW2 scenario where the winners divided the spoils and new emperors emerged with a different trading/money system.

In any event, it smells more like geopolitics at the root of all this than anything else. FWIW
The C's said to sit back and enjoy the show and they weren't kidding. We are most assuredly living in interesting times.

I have been under the weather with a virus the last few days and am just starting to feel like I am getting better today. I don't think it is THE virus though as I have not had the fever, continual dry cough and difficulty in breathing. I did have those symptoms a few months ago though. At the time I thought to myself that it was the worst virus I had picked up in many years. Perhaps I had the virus that is freaking the world out now, then. Who knows? It was unpleasant but I survived (obviously) and I have to take a steroid inhaler twice a day for allergic asthma so I would be considered more at risk of severe difficulties with it than many I would think.

Also, I suddenly started feeling very hot this evening just before I came back to my laptop and this thread to get to the part of the discussion about feeling very hot because of the bleedthrough from 4D! I just took my temperature and my body is actually only 36.4 which is on the low er end of the range of normal body temperature. I still feel really hot though.

Occasionally the panic and mania about all this starts to get to me but then I notice that and tell myself to get a grip. I don't know how all this is going to go down; that's all out of my control. I can remain true to my values and who I am and how I live my life though. For me, that's what counts and is always what counts so that will give me something to steer by in these turbulent times. Good luck everyone. Hope to see you all on the other side of this in one piece.
Maybe the lies of PTB are falling apart so fast they are grasping at straws. Until now, enough people had been brainwashed to accept pharmas 'cures' and they were doing very well. I think they have plans for more expensive cures, tests, equipment, etc for this problem.Big profits from a created crisis. Viral 911 n' all that.

More broadly, EU is failing, petrodollar is failing, forced/paid migration/refugee thing is failing, attempts to knockout Russia and China are failing. All their wars on fill in the blank are failing. The rats are abandoning ships ( CEOs for example) big time. The Fed's QE will not work any more because the whole world has lost confidence.

I think basically the parasites are at the point of destroying their hosts and not caring one iota.

I would also not be surprised if the reset involved dividing up some countries and new borders being forced; kind of like post WW2 scenario where the winners divided the spoils and new emperors emerged with a different trading/money system.

In any event, it smells more like geopolitics at the root of all this than anything else. FWIW

Maybe its as simple that where it matters right at the top - enough of them know there won't be another normal winter to face come the end of 2020 - that the new reality that they are putting in place is essentially here to stay and that something wicked this way comes, or will be released, or whatever - that the great cull starts for real... and there's no longer any need to worry about such logical questions as "hang on, why haven't we done this every year before!"

Just a thought.
Maybe the lies of PTB are falling apart so fast they are grasping at straws. Until now, enough people had been brainwashed to accept pharmas 'cures' and they were doing very well. I think they have plans for more expensive cures, tests, equipment, etc for this problem.Big profits from a created crisis. Viral 911 n' all that.

More broadly, EU is failing, petrodollar is failing, forced/paid migration/refugee thing is failing, attempts to knockout Russia and China are failing. All their wars on fill in the blank are failing. The rats are abandoning ships ( CEOs for example) big time. The Fed's QE will not work any more because the whole world has lost confidence.

I think basically the parasites are at the point of destroying their hosts and not caring one iota.

I would also not be surprised if the reset involved dividing up some countries and new borders being forced; kind of like post WW2 scenario where the winners divided the spoils and new emperors emerged with a different trading/money system.

In any event, it smells more like geopolitics at the root of all this than anything else. FWIW

it's a very good point that you make here, The number of wishful thinking by psychopaths over the last 7 or 8 years is quite high and they've had quite a few failures. I am thinking in particular of the election of Trump or the birth of a multipolar world with Russia and its allies. The failures are accumulating and their anxiety seems to be rising. This delusion of invincibility and being untouchable is eroding (perhaps)

Sometimes I tell myself that what is happening right now is that we are crossing into a dimension where time is suspended, as if instead of being in the geometric square that moves on this symbolic time arrow, we were temporarily extracted from it perpendicularly. (as a state of stasis)
The real necessity of quarantines could be that psychopath (the PTB) are so panicked that they are gradually losing control that they need TIME to establish new strategies. It seems like telling people to "stop doing what you're doing, in the meantime we're trying to find solutions to lock in your body, mind and soul".

When we look at how this coronavirus crisis happened and the way it was very badly managed (voluntarily or not and from the beginning in France), we have the right to wonder if psychopaths would project their anguish on us in a certain way and make us live how they feel inside them. A collective punishment where they take us with them in their fall. It's just one scenario among others but why not ?
Last edited:
Also, I suddenly started feeling very hot this evening just before I came back to my laptop and this thread to get to the part of the discussion about feeling very hot because of the bleedthrough from 4D! I just took my temperature and my body is actually only 36.4 which is on the low er end of the range of normal body temperature. I still feel really hot though.

I had a spell early this evening when I was hit by a strange hot wave... I was unsure whether I was getting the much talked about fever. I thought perhaps my temperature was going up but again, not sure.

In any case, I became quite tired and promptly went to take a nap. Fell asleep, got up a couple of hours later and now feeling normal again.

I've STOCKED up on my covid-19 defense kit.... The only thing missing is the elderberry... I need to do some reading on that and figure out the ups / downs plus where to buy etc.

Ps, unrelated but there's a loo roll shortage here that's not a joke! When I say shortage, I mean there's none anywhere. :umm:

I've also been taking stock of this whole thing. It almost doesn't seem real... Not sure how to describe it. It seems to me that everything will just get cancelled. I can't see how things will return to normal. It'll probably be one thing after another. When this whole thing ends, something else will probably come up and so forth.

I still have 5 pages to go before I'm caught up with this thread so I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I just watched today's Dutchsinse YT video on earthquakes which he talks about the Salt Lake City quake, but what was a bit alarming was that he also gave a 'warning' that a 5.4 earthquake will probably strike northern Italy within the next few days. A 5.4 may not be devastating but could still shake things up pretty good, and could certainly increase the physiological chaos during the present 'lock down'.

For anyone interested:
Full hazmat suites to protect them from a cold! :umm:

That's funny. If there is something like a 5th of November finale a la V for Vendetta, the uniform of the people will be hazmat suits, surgical masks and protective eyewear. That will kind of mess up the surveillance system and all that facial identification stuff that has been talked about! That might explain the shortage of masks though.

I've added a few things in the below that closes the 10 year gap a bit.

Corona timeline

CHINA November, 2002: After its experience with the SARS outbreak in Guangdong Province in 2002, China implemented a rapid response protocol for infectious diseases. The protocol empowered the Health Ministry to assemble professional and managerial help from across the country, established an emergency response coordinating team, prepared funding and authorization for supplies, equipment and emergency health care facilities, anticipating that existing hospitals would be overwhelmed.

USA September 2008: Though the first cases of H1N1 swine flu were reported in California and Texas in late March, 2009, subsequent genetic analysis suggests that it began six months before it was first detected, in September, 2008, at the start of the ‘flu season. The CDC admits, below, that earlier Covid-19 cases went undetected, too


USA JULY, 2015:
Patent application lodged for attenuated coronavirus by The Pirbright Institute (UK), application granted November 2018.

USA June, 2017: World Bank issues Pandemic Bonds for emergency pandemic financing and pandemic insurance.

USA May, 2018: The President Fires the entire US Pandemic Response Team and does not replace it.

USA November 2018: Patent application for attenuated coronavirus (see July 2015) granted.

USA April, 2019: An outbreak of severe vaping-associated lung illness is exclusively confined to the United States, despite the fact that the majority of vapers live outside the US.

USA July 3, 2019: The CDC halts research at Fort Detrick, citing “national security reasons” for not releasing information about its decision.

USA Jul 14, 2019: Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation. Public Health Agency of Canada describes it as a possible ‘policy breach,’ no risk to Canadian public. The first Chinese to discover or warn about the Covid-19 outbreak?

AUSTRALIA August, 2019: Australia Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza released.

USA August, 2019: First Vaping Death Reported by Health Officials “Amid the lack of information, investigators scrambled to find shared links to the respiratory problems. Officials said earlier this week that many patients, most of whom were adolescents or young adults, had described difficulty breathing, chest pain, vomiting and fatigue,” the precise symptoms of Covid-19 infection.

USA/CHINA October 27, 2019 At a peak of international tension and the ‘flu season in the northern hemisphere, on the eve of China’s biggest travel season, 300 American military servicemen visit Wuhan for the International Military Games.

USA December, 2019. A Chinese medical researcher is arrested in Boston trying to take biological samples back to China. Zheng Zaosong, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, confessed to taking material from a lab in Boston. FBI Special Agent Kara Spice found 21 wrapped vials containing a “brown liquid” that appeared to be “biological material” (samples of post-mortem lung tissue look like ‘brown liquid’). Zheng’s roommate, also a researcher, told FBI agents that two labmates of Zheng had succeeded in getting specimens to China. China, presumably, now went on high alert.

USA/CHINA December 2019: Chinese researchers in the USA informed China’s Health Ministry of a novel Coronavirus outbreak there, triggering a readiness alert nationwide. The WHO describes what happened next, “In the face of a previously unknown virus, China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile, and aggressive disease containment effort in history…China’s bold approach to contain the rapid spread of this new respiratory pathogen has changed the course of a rapidly escalating and deadly epidemic.”

CHINA Dec 26, 2019: Jixian Zhang detects four anomalous pneumonia infections in Wuhan and reports them to the provincial CDC the next day. The provincial authorities immediately inform the national CDC which prepares to implement the pandemic response protocols.

GERMANY December 25-December 31, 2019: Charité (clinic in Berlin) starts developing test for the new Corona virus after first informal information reaches them. Later sends prototype to China, "unnamed colleagues" in China confirm that it works. WHO then publishes the test on its website as the first test. China develops own test, but demand is high elsewhere - even in Southeast Asia.

CHINA December 30, 2019: China’s national CDC notifies the WHO

CHINA December 31, 2019: WHO reports Zhang’s discovery to the world.

MALAYSIA January 5, 2020: Malaysia’s Assistant to the Prime Minister, Matthias Chang, speculates that the US is waging biological warfare on China.

USA Jan 6, 2020 Infectious disease expert Amesh A. Adalja, M.D., senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, agrees, “We are on track to have a season like the 2017-2018 season,” when 80,000 Americans died of flu complications.

CHINA January 7, 2020: China identifies the virus as 2019-nCov and confirms it five days later. President Xi tells officials that the country is on a ‘war footing’

CHINA January 13, 2020: China makes the first 2019-nCov test kits available.

CHINA January 25, 2020
: Construction begins on a 1,000 bed intensive care hospital in Wuhan.

CHINA January 26, 2020: China extends Spring Festival holiday to contain the outbreak.

USA January 28, 2020: Harvard Chemistry Professor Arrested, Handcuffed, And Accused Of Lying About Ties To China. Charles Lieber, Chair of Harvard’s Department of Chemical Biology, led a Chinese research group focusing on the use of nanotechnology to identify viruses.

CHINA February 5, 2020: First patients moved into new 1,000 bed intensive care hospital.

CHINA February 23, 2020. Chinese scientists found genomic evidence that the seafood market in Wuhan was not the source of the novel coronavirus. Their genetic data suggests the virus was introduced from elsewhere and had already circulated widely among humans in Wuhan before December 2019, probably beginning in mid- to late November.

CHINA February 27, 2020: On Taiwan TV a prominent virologist explained flow charts suggesting that the coronavirus originated in the US.

CHINA March 4, 2020: February rail freight loadings rise 4.5% YOY.

CHINA March 5, 2020: Shipments to foreign JIT customers upgraded: government subsidizes upgrades from sea to rail delivery and from rail to air delivery.

USA March 6, 2020: Question: How did the virus come to the United States? Answer:The first known patients in the U.S. contracted the virus while traveling in other countries or after exposure to someone who had been to China or one of the other affected areas. But now, a few cases here cannot be traced to these risk factors. This is concerning because it suggests the illness may be spreading across communities for which the source of infection is unknown, which we call community spread/transmission. Dr. Emily Landon, spokesperson, U Chicago School of Medicine.

USA March 9, 2020: HHS staffers often weren’t informed about coronavirus developments because they didn’t have adequate clearance. He said he was told that the matters were classified “because it had to do with China.”

USA March 11, 2020: White House classifies coronavirus deliberations. The meetings at HHS were held in a secure area called a “Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility,” or SCIF, usually reserved for intelligence and military operations. HHS has SCIFs because theoretically it would play a major role in biowarfare or chemical attacks.

CHINA March 10, 2020: Government organizes and subsidizes bus, rail and air transport for two hundred million migrant workers to return to urban jobs.

USA March 12, 2020: CDC director Robert Redfield admits to a House Oversight Committee that some Americans who were diagnosed as dying from influenza tested positive for Covid-19 posthumously.

USA Mar 13, 2020: Chinese FM’s Lijian Zhao demands US authorities reveal what they’re hiding about the origins of Covid-19. “When did patient zero begin in the US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make your data public! The US owes us an explanation!”

CHINA March 16, 2020: Ninety percent of businesses expected to resume full operations. All Apple stores open.


Postscript: Researchers have greatly advanced their understanding of viral evolution since H1N1 a decade ago and finding patient zero is now more science than art. Recently, a team of Chinese researchers claimed to demonstrate that Covid-19 was born in September, 2019. The British researchers who had discovered the earlier H1N1 date are not convinced.
The "beaming" issue has given me some food for thought recently, and now, after doing the little timeline above (I hope others will add to it if something relevant is found), it is really making me go "hmmmmm...."

You see, I started having panic attacks in early November and I had about three really bad ones and then started learning how to feel it coming and take preventive measures and head it off at the pass. Ark also became ill in November with a crazy virus, was very sick in Dec and again in January. All is under control right now, but we have both noticed "agitating" effects, usually at night around 11 PM. Not every night.

So, I started wondering if this was some kind of beaming going on? Because, really, neither of us are panic types by any stretch of the imagination. But it seems to me that if something of this sort is going on, it must be some humdinger of a wave!
Funny you should mention this. Last evening I was watching a Fox Newsfeed on YouTube and I noticed an unusual buzzing and the feeling that I was losing control. It kinda crept up on me. Once I became aware of this strange sensation, it seemed to abate. I switched the programs, choosing a storage locker unboxing show. The sensation seemed to go away as soon as I switched the program. It was so strange that it made an impression and I decided to watch for similar things. It was later in the evening. I watched Fox again today but didn't get a similar feeling. Now I may have to try again tonight.
Just for the info: the official reason they are locking down countries is based on the idea that even though 80% or more of people who contract the virus won't have any problems with it, some won't even know they have it, we all need to be 'quarantined' to prevent those who do become infected (upwards of 40% supposedly) will not by chance infect the vulnerable elderly who would then become very sick and need to be hospitalized, thereby overwhelming the health care system and creating unnecessary deaths.

That said, there is the problem of why such measures are not taken for the seasonal flu which poses a very serious risk to vulnerable elderly people every year and therefore the same risk of overwhelming health care systems. In fact, the number of people who die from the common flu every winter season (the large majority of them elderly with serious health conditions) is at least 10 times the number of deaths from covid-19. So why have these deaths not caused the same health care crisis every year?

Any explanations?

Whatever the case, there is the unfortunate coincidence (I suppose) that hundreds of millions of people in Western nations are being conditioned to accept very draconian restrictions on their basic civil freedoms..."for the greater good". While that may not be intended, it is still the objective end result. And obviously, everyone with any sense should be disturbed by that.

FWIW I've brought this issue up with several people and also the comparison between Corona and the 2008-2009 Swine Flu that infected 59 million Americans and killed 12,000. One colleague told me she heard a prediction of up to 2.2 million dead from Corona without intervention, so if people in the CDC, Federal and State governments are being fed that number and believe it, that could explain the massive response.
A crisis can bring out heroes:

A hospital in Brescia, Italy, which is near one of the regions hit hardest by the coronavirus outbreak, is reportedly turning to 3D-printed replacement parts in order to keep its intensive care unit running.

Specifically, the hospital needed extra valves for ventilator devices sooner than its usual supplier could send them, according to 3D Printing Media Network. So on Friday, it called in local 3D printing companies that were able to design and manufacture the valves on-site.

"There were people in danger of life, and we acted," Fracassi wrote, as translated by Metro. "Period. Now, with a cold mind, let's think. Firstly, don't call us, as some have, heroes. Sure, people were about to die, but we only did our duty. Refusing would not have been a cowardly act, but murderous."

As a result, ten patients were treated with a ventilator that night, 3DPMN reports. Without the valves, their severe COVID-19 cases may have gone untreated in the overwhelmed hospital.

And the psychopaths:

Techdirt has just written about the extraordinary legal action taken against a company producing Covid-19 tests. Sadly, it's not the only example of some individuals putting profits before people. Here's a story from Italy, which is currently seeing more new coronavirus cases and deaths than anywhere else in the world. Last Thursday, a hospital in Brescia, in the north of Italy, needed supplies of special valves in order to use breathing equipment to help keep Covid-19 patients alive in intensive care (original in Italian). The manufacturer was unable to provide them because of the demand for this particular valve. The Metro site explains what happened next:
Word soon reached Fracassi, a pharmaceutical company boss in possession of the coveted machine. He immediately brought his device to the hospital and, in just a few hours, redesigned and then produced the missing piece.

Actually, it wasn't quite as simple as that suggests. Business Insider Italia explains that even though the original manufacturer was unable to supply the part, it refused to share the relevant 3D file with Fracassi to help him print the valve. It even went so far as to threaten him for patent infringement if he tried to do so on his own. Since lives were at stake, he went ahead anyway, creating the 3D file from scratch. According to the Metro article, he produced an initial batch of ten, and then 100 more, all for free. Fracassi admits that his 3D-printed versions might not be very durable or re-usable. But when it's possible to make replacements so cheaply -- each 3D-printed part costs just one euro, or roughly a dollar -- that isn't a problem. At least it wouldn't be, except for that threat of legal action, which is also why Fracassi doesn't dare share his 3D file with other hospitals, despite their desperate need for these valves.

And if you're wondering why the original manufacturer would risk what is bound to be awful publicity for its actions, over something that only costs one euro to make, a detail in the Business Insider Italia article provides an explanation: the official list price for a single valve is 10,000 euros -- about $11,000. This is a perfect example of how granting an intellectual monopoly in the form of a patent allows almost arbitrarily high prices to be charged, and quite legally. That would be bad enough in any situation, but when lives are at stake, and Italian hospitals struggle to buy even basic equipment like face masks, demanding such a sum is even worse. And when a pandemic is raging out of control, for a company to threaten those selflessly trying to save lives in this way is completely beyond the pale.

Shameless scum, eh?
Corona timeline

CHINA November, 2002: After its experience with the SARS outbreak in Guangdong Province in 2002, China implemented a rapid response protocol for infectious diseases. The protocol empowered the Health Ministry to assemble professional and managerial help from across the country, established an emergency response coordinating team, prepared funding and authorization for supplies, equipment and emergency health care facilities, anticipating that existing hospitals would be overwhelmed.

USA September 2008: Though the first cases of H1N1 swine flu were reported in California and Texas in late March, 2009, subsequent genetic analysis suggests that it began six months before it was first detected, in September, 2008, at the start of the ‘flu season. The CDC admits, below, that earlier Covid-19 cases went undetected, too


USA May, 2018
: The President Fires the entire US Pandemic Response Team and does not replace it.

USA April, 2019: An outbreak of severe vaping-associated lung illness is exclusively confined to the United States, despite the fact that the majority of vapers live outside the US.

USA July 3, 2019: The CDC halts research at Fort Detrick, citing “national security reasons” for not releasing information about its decision.

USA Jul 14, 2019: Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation. Public Health Agency of Canada describes it as a possible ‘policy breach,’ no risk to Canadian public. The first Chinese to discover or warn about the Covid-19 outbreak?

USA August, 2019: First Vaping Death Reported by Health Officials “Amid the lack of information, investigators scrambled to find shared links to the respiratory problems. Officials said earlier this week that many patients, most of whom were adolescents or young adults, had described difficulty breathing, chest pain, vomiting and fatigue,” the precise symptoms of Covid-19 infection.

USA/CHINA October 27, 2019 At a peak of international tension and the ‘flu season in the northern hemisphere, on the eve of China’s biggest travel season, 300 American military servicemen visit Wuhan for the International Military Games.

USA December, 2019. A Chinese medical researcher is arrested in Boston trying to take biological samples back to China. Zheng Zaosong, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, confessed to taking material from a lab in Boston. FBI Special Agent Kara Spice found 21 wrapped vials containing a “brown liquid” that appeared to be “biological material” (samples of post-mortem lung tissue look like ‘brown liquid’). Zheng’s roommate, also a researcher, told FBI agents that two labmates of Zheng had succeeded in getting specimens to China. China, presumably, now went on high alert.

USA/CHINA December 2019: Chinese researchers in the USA informed China’s Health Ministry of a novel Coronavirus outbreak there, triggering a readiness alert nationwide. The WHO describes what happened next, “In the face of a previously unknown virus, China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile, and aggressive disease containment effort in history…China’s bold approach to contain the rapid spread of this new respiratory pathogen has changed the course of a rapidly escalating and deadly epidemic.”

CHINA Dec 26, 2019: Jixian Zhang detects four anomalous pneumonia infections in Wuhan and reports them to the provincial CDC the next day. The provincial authorities immediately inform the national CDC which prepares to implement the pandemic response protocols.

GERMANY December 25-December 31, 2019: Charité (clinic in Berlin) starts developing test for the new Corona virus after first informal information reaches them. Later sends prototype to China, "unnamed colleagues" in China confirm that it works. WHO then publishes the test on its website as the first test. China develops own test, but demand is high elsewhere - even in Southeast Asia.

CHINA December 30, 2019: China’s national CDC notifies the WHO

CHINA December 31, 2019: WHO reports Zhang’s discovery to the world.

MALAYSIA January 5, 2020: Malaysia’s Assistant to the Prime Minister, Matthias Chang, speculates that the US is waging biological warfare on China.

USA Jan 6, 2020 Infectious disease expert Amesh A. Adalja, M.D., senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, agrees, “We are on track to have a season like the 2017-2018 season,” when 80,000 Americans died of flu complications.

CHINA January 7, 2020: China identifies the virus as 2019-nCov and confirms it five days later. President Xi tells officials that the country is on a ‘war footing’

CHINA January 13, 2020: China makes the first 2019-nCov test kits available.

CHINA January 25, 2020
: Construction begins on a 1,000 bed intensive care hospital in Wuhan.

CHINA January 26, 2020: China extends Spring Festival holiday to contain the outbreak.

USA January 28, 2020: Harvard Chemistry Professor Arrested, Handcuffed, And Accused Of Lying About Ties To China. Charles Lieber, Chair of Harvard’s Department of Chemical Biology, led a Chinese research group focusing on the use of nanotechnology to identify viruses.

CHINA February 5, 2020: First patients moved into new 1,000 bed intensive care hospital.

CHINA February 23, 2020. Chinese scientists found genomic evidence that the seafood market in Wuhan was not the source of the novel coronavirus. Their genetic data suggests the virus was introduced from elsewhere and had already circulated widely among humans in Wuhan before December 2019, probably beginning in mid- to late November.

CHINA February 27, 2020: On Taiwan TV a prominent virologist explained flow charts suggesting that the coronavirus originated in the US.

CHINA March 4, 2020: February rail freight loadings rise 4.5% YOY.

CHINA March 5, 2020: Shipments to foreign JIT customers upgraded: government subsidizes upgrades from sea to rail delivery and from rail to air delivery.

USA March 6, 2020: Question: How did the virus come to the United States? Answer:The first known patients in the U.S. contracted the virus while traveling in other countries or after exposure to someone who had been to China or one of the other affected areas. But now, a few cases here cannot be traced to these risk factors. This is concerning because it suggests the illness may be spreading across communities for which the source of infection is unknown, which we call community spread/transmission. Dr. Emily Landon, spokesperson, U Chicago School of Medicine.

USA March 9, 2020: HHS staffers often weren’t informed about coronavirus developments because they didn’t have adequate clearance. He said he was told that the matters were classified “because it had to do with China.”

USA March 11, 2020: White House classifies coronavirus deliberations. The meetings at HHS were held in a secure area called a “Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility,” or SCIF, usually reserved for intelligence and military operations. HHS has SCIFs because theoretically it would play a major role in biowarfare or chemical attacks.

CHINA March 10, 2020: Government organizes and subsidizes bus, rail and air transport for two hundred million migrant workers to return to urban jobs.

USA March 12, 2020: CDC director Robert Redfield admits to a House Oversight Committee that some Americans who were diagnosed as dying from influenza tested positive for Covid-19 posthumously.

USA Mar 13, 2020: Chinese FM’s Lijian Zhao demands US authorities reveal what they’re hiding about the origins of Covid-19. “When did patient zero begin in the US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make your data public! The US owes us an explanation!”

CHINA March 16, 2020: Ninety percent of businesses expected to resume full operations. All Apple stores open.


Postscript: Researchers have greatly advanced their understanding of viral evolution since H1N1 a decade ago and finding patient zero is now more science than art. Recently, a team of Chinese researchers claimed to demonstrate that Covid-19 was born in September, 2019. The British researchers who had discovered the earlier H1N1 date are not convinced.


My initial take when I heard China rumbling about an American bio-attack was that, "Ah. CPC Counter-Propaganda. Welcome to the Cold War v2.0"

I mean, I'm not a fan of numerous Chinese practices and attitudes, but I've been finding various YouTube comment sections really abrasive wrt China, calling it a criminal nation which must pay, etc. I can definitely see the utility in sending out a counter message. It doesn't serve anybody but 4D STS in the end, but put in the same situation, I might be tempted to do something similar.

-Of course, I'd much rather, (and probably would, in some futile effort) try to come down on the side of decency and transparency, but from what we see in the world, that's just now how populations are most effectively managed. A politically significant number of people just don't take to reason and rationality, don't have the guts and brains for it; even the commentators I consider smart and refined seem quite willing to indulge in their lower brain programming.
But why then are Western governments not using the Chinese example as a reliable predictor of how things will play out in the West?
Absolutely Joe. At a politically visible level I think we are dealing with gross incompetence by the unfit to govern

I agree.
I don't think they were warned, and wonders if any human, even at the top, were warned about ?
Remember also that there's a fight STS<>SDA, maybe SDA started their plan sooner than expected, which would mean maybe "no time to give guidelines" to the sub-circle of power, ie politics + to finalize a probably other plan(s) they had.

To answer Joe, whether because of incompetence, or they rapidly figure out the utility, or were given the order to : let this com to EU.

Linked to that :
There's an interresting story to follow in France, its the recent former health ministry which resigned mid February and who is now kicking hard on the governement.
The article of "le monde" about : Coronavirus : la confession d’Agnès Buzyn suscite une double polémique

What is it happening here ? Buzin = Pharma, did Big Pharma (BP) attacked the French politics because they accepted finally to go on with the chloroquine treatment ? That would not be astonishing. Sometimes, the C's answered to some direct questions about the motivations or reason for one event and the answer was pretty a raw/basic human reaction. Oh, you did not accept our offer to sell you this incoming vaccine, ok then, take this !

I was starting to hope for a fight, but she already "came back" on what she said. At least this could be seen as a warning shoot from BP to the french gov.
Corona timeline

CHINA November, 2002: After its experience with the SARS outbreak in Guangdong Province in 2002, China implemented a rapid response protocol for infectious diseases. The protocol empowered the Health Ministry to assemble professional and managerial help from across the country, established an emergency response coordinating team, prepared funding and authorization for supplies, equipment and emergency health care facilities, anticipating that existing hospitals would be overwhelmed.

USA September 2008: Though the first cases of H1N1 swine flu were reported in California and Texas in late March, 2009, subsequent genetic analysis suggests that it began six months before it was first detected, in September, 2008, at the start of the ‘flu season. The CDC admits, below, that earlier Covid-19 cases went undetected, too


USA JULY, 2015:
Patent application lodged for attenuated coronavirus by The Pirbright Institute (UK), application granted November 2018.

USA June, 2017: World Bank issues Pandemic Bonds for emergency pandemic financing and pandemic insurance.

USA May, 2018: The President Fires the entire US Pandemic Response Team and does not replace it.

USA November 2018: Patent application for attenuated coronavirus (see July 2015) granted.

USA April, 2019: An outbreak of severe vaping-associated lung illness is exclusively confined to the United States, despite the fact that the majority of vapers live outside the US.

USA July 3, 2019: The CDC halts research at Fort Detrick, citing “national security reasons” for not releasing information about its decision.

USA Jul 14, 2019: Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation. Public Health Agency of Canada describes it as a possible ‘policy breach,’ no risk to Canadian public. The first Chinese to discover or warn about the Covid-19 outbreak?

AUSTRALIA August, 2019: Australia Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza released.

USA August, 2019: First Vaping Death Reported by Health Officials “Amid the lack of information, investigators scrambled to find shared links to the respiratory problems. Officials said earlier this week that many patients, most of whom were adolescents or young adults, had described difficulty breathing, chest pain, vomiting and fatigue,” the precise symptoms of Covid-19 infection.

USA October 18, 2019: The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. Event 201 simulated an "outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic that leaves 65 million dead.

USA/CHINA October 27, 2019 At a peak of international tension and the ‘flu season in the northern hemisphere, on the eve of China’s biggest travel season, 300 American military servicemen visit Wuhan for the International Military Games.

USA December, 2019. A Chinese medical researcher is arrested in Boston trying to take biological samples back to China. Zheng Zaosong, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, confessed to taking material from a lab in Boston. FBI Special Agent Kara Spice found 21 wrapped vials containing a “brown liquid” that appeared to be “biological material” (samples of post-mortem lung tissue look like ‘brown liquid’). Zheng’s roommate, also a researcher, told FBI agents that two labmates of Zheng had succeeded in getting specimens to China. China, presumably, now went on high alert.

USA/CHINA December 2019: Chinese researchers in the USA informed China’s Health Ministry of a novel Coronavirus outbreak there, triggering a readiness alert nationwide. The WHO describes what happened next, “In the face of a previously unknown virus, China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile, and aggressive disease containment effort in history…China’s bold approach to contain the rapid spread of this new respiratory pathogen has changed the course of a rapidly escalating and deadly epidemic.”

CHINA Dec 26, 2019: Jixian Zhang detects four anomalous pneumonia infections in Wuhan and reports them to the provincial CDC the next day. The provincial authorities immediately inform the national CDC which prepares to implement the pandemic response protocols.

GERMANY December 25-December 31, 2019: Charité (clinic in Berlin) starts developing test for the new Corona virus after first informal information reaches them. Later sends prototype to China, "unnamed colleagues" in China confirm that it works. WHO then publishes the test on its website as the first test. China develops own test, but demand is high elsewhere - even in Southeast Asia.

CHINA December 30, 2019: China’s national CDC notifies the WHO

CHINA December 31, 2019: WHO reports Zhang’s discovery to the world.

MALAYSIA January 5, 2020: Malaysia’s Assistant to the Prime Minister, Matthias Chang, speculates that the US is waging biological warfare on China.

USA Jan 6, 2020 Infectious disease expert Amesh A. Adalja, M.D., senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, agrees, “We are on track to have a season like the 2017-2018 season,” when 80,000 Americans died of flu complications.

CHINA January 7, 2020: China identifies the virus as 2019-nCov and confirms it five days later. President Xi tells officials that the country is on a ‘war footing’

CHINA January 13, 2020: China makes the first 2019-nCov test kits available.

CHINA January 25, 2020
: Construction begins on a 1,000 bed intensive care hospital in Wuhan.

CHINA January 26, 2020: China extends Spring Festival holiday to contain the outbreak.

USA January 28, 2020: Harvard Chemistry Professor Arrested, Handcuffed, And Accused Of Lying About Ties To China. Charles Lieber, Chair of Harvard’s Department of Chemical Biology, led a Chinese research group focusing on the use of nanotechnology to identify viruses.

CHINA February 5, 2020: First patients moved into new 1,000 bed intensive care hospital.

CHINA February 23, 2020. Chinese scientists found genomic evidence that the seafood market in Wuhan was not the source of the novel coronavirus. Their genetic data suggests the virus was introduced from elsewhere and had already circulated widely among humans in Wuhan before December 2019, probably beginning in mid- to late November.

CHINA February 27, 2020: On Taiwan TV a prominent virologist explained flow charts suggesting that the coronavirus originated in the US.

CHINA March 4, 2020: February rail freight loadings rise 4.5% YOY.

CHINA March 5, 2020: Shipments to foreign JIT customers upgraded: government subsidizes upgrades from sea to rail delivery and from rail to air delivery.

USA March 6, 2020: Question: How did the virus come to the United States? Answer:The first known patients in the U.S. contracted the virus while traveling in other countries or after exposure to someone who had been to China or one of the other affected areas. But now, a few cases here cannot be traced to these risk factors. This is concerning because it suggests the illness may be spreading across communities for which the source of infection is unknown, which we call community spread/transmission. Dr. Emily Landon, spokesperson, U Chicago School of Medicine.

USA March 9, 2020: HHS staffers often weren’t informed about coronavirus developments because they didn’t have adequate clearance. He said he was told that the matters were classified “because it had to do with China.”

USA March 11, 2020: White House classifies coronavirus deliberations. The meetings at HHS were held in a secure area called a “Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility,” or SCIF, usually reserved for intelligence and military operations. HHS has SCIFs because theoretically it would play a major role in biowarfare or chemical attacks.

CHINA March 10, 2020: Government organizes and subsidizes bus, rail and air transport for two hundred million migrant workers to return to urban jobs.

USA March 12, 2020: CDC director Robert Redfield admits to a House Oversight Committee that some Americans who were diagnosed as dying from influenza tested positive for Covid-19 posthumously.

USA Mar 13, 2020: Chinese FM’s Lijian Zhao demands US authorities reveal what they’re hiding about the origins of Covid-19. “When did patient zero begin in the US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make your data public! The US owes us an explanation!”

CHINA March 16, 2020: Ninety percent of businesses expected to resume full operations. All Apple stores open.


Postscript: Researchers have greatly advanced their understanding of viral evolution since H1N1 a decade ago and finding patient zero is now more science than art. Recently, a team of Chinese researchers claimed to demonstrate that Covid-19 was born in September, 2019. The British researchers who had discovered the earlier H1N1 date are not convinced.
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From Friday evening, March 20th, schools and teaching institutions here in Wales are closing for the foreseeable future. The UK market might be following the US and Italian markets with a crash as less people are able to work.

In the health food centre I work at, the number of people coming in asking for supplements or products to support and strengthen the immune system, or buying in greater quantities than usual, is rising. Our queues, which are usually short, have definitely grown.
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