Just for the info: the official reason they are locking down countries is based on the idea that even though 80% or more of people who contract the virus won't have any problems with it, some won't even know they have it, we all need to be 'quarantined' to prevent those who do become infected (upwards of 40% supposedly) will not by chance infect the vulnerable elderly who would then become very sick and need to be hospitalized, thereby overwhelming the health care system and creating unnecessary deaths.
That said, there is the problem of why such measures are not taken for the seasonal flu which poses a very serious risk to vulnerable elderly people every year and therefore the same risk of overwhelming health care systems. In fact, the number of people who die from the common flu every winter season (the large majority of them elderly with serious health conditions) is at least 10 times the number of deaths from covid-19. So why have these deaths not caused the same health care crisis every year?
Any explanations?
I was thinking along those lines when considering how handy it would be for all Western powers to get rid of old generation who still holds the conservative values and make room for the brainwashed young generation to swing elections in favor of 'liberal' parties. But then it would not make much sense for the epidemic to be global. On the other hand, there are many different 'benefits' for various parties around the world.
For a governement, less expenses on this side + bonus from the inheritance tax side, enough money to close next year's budget.
But for Big Pharma, less people who will eat their daily pills.
Both actor may have opposed interests.
I would say it's coming from higher, and we may see them fighting in the future, maybe it's the plan, or the results of the "broken-plan-that-they-try-to-adapt", and to apply, now, at all costs (?)
I recently get all the
Don Camillo movies. An old and well known franco-italian (suite of) movies from 1950+, 5 in total. Just watched recently the first one (wonderful). The third one is named "La grande bagarre de Don Camillo" (the big fight), just funny that i get it recently and at almost the same time I'm trying to figure out here if we are going to see another "grande bagarre" but here, between some "minor" human circles of power. If we are really approaching the final act after a so long cycle, then it's the final fight : each for himself.
At least if you were wondering for something to watch and that you can get it, I recommend to see them, it's really refreshing. (dont know if it exist in other languages thant french and italian ?)
Maybe the lies of PTB are falling apart so fast they are grasping at straws. Until now, enough people had been brainwashed to accept pharmas 'cures' and they were doing very well. I think they have plans for more expensive cures, tests, equipment, etc for this problem.Big profits from a created crisis. Viral 911 n' all that.
More broadly, EU is failing, petrodollar is failing, forced/paid migration/refugee thing is failing, attempts to knockout Russia and China are failing. All their wars on fill in the blank are failing. The rats are abandoning ships ( CEOs for example) big time. The Fed's QE will not work any more because the whole world has lost confidence.
I think basically the parasites are at the point of destroying their hosts and not caring one iota.
I would also not be surprised if the reset involved dividing up some countries and new borders being forced; kind of like post WW2 scenario where the winners divided the spoils and new emperors emerged with a different trading/money system.
In any event, it smells more like geopolitics at the root of all this than anything else. FWIW
That's what I would bet for, it starts to implode, to crackle !
About what could happen later, I prefer to avoid to give any bad supposition. It's "open" as some are used to say.