This is the note I added:

USA October 18, 2019: The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. Event 201 simulated an "outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic that leaves 65 million dead.

Kinda feels like the Pentagon running a simulation of hijacked planes on 9-11.
Another question is: why not confine only the vulnerable elderly ?
But I want to catch it! That is why I will refuse the vaccination when it becomes available. I am a stroke survivor who refuses most of the medication that they would like me to take. That is why I refuse to eat according to their guidelines. That is why I started smoking 10 years ago, after being quit for 30 years. Please don't take my chance to escape away from me! (A satirical outlook)

Seriously, will this solve the problem?
Just for the info: the official reason they are locking down countries is based on the idea that even though 80% or more of people who contract the virus won't have any problems with it, some won't even know they have it, we all need to be 'quarantined' to prevent those who do become infected (upwards of 40% supposedly) will not by chance infect the vulnerable elderly who would then become very sick and need to be hospitalized, thereby overwhelming the health care system and creating unnecessary deaths.

That said, there is the problem of why such measures are not taken for the seasonal flu which poses a very serious risk to vulnerable elderly people every year and therefore the same risk of overwhelming health care systems. In fact, the number of people who die from the common flu every winter season (the large majority of them elderly with serious health conditions) is at least 10 times the number of deaths from covid-19. So why have these deaths not caused the same health care crisis every year?

Any explanations?
I was thinking along those lines when considering how handy it would be for all Western powers to get rid of old generation who still holds the conservative values and make room for the brainwashed young generation to swing elections in favor of 'liberal' parties. But then it would not make much sense for the epidemic to be global. On the other hand, there are many different 'benefits' for various parties around the world.
For a governement, less expenses on this side + bonus from the inheritance tax side, enough money to close next year's budget.
But for Big Pharma, less people who will eat their daily pills.
Both actor may have opposed interests.

I would say it's coming from higher, and we may see them fighting in the future, maybe it's the plan, or the results of the "broken-plan-that-they-try-to-adapt", and to apply, now, at all costs (?)

I recently get all the Don Camillo movies. An old and well known franco-italian (suite of) movies from 1950+, 5 in total. Just watched recently the first one (wonderful). The third one is named "La grande bagarre de Don Camillo" (the big fight), just funny that i get it recently and at almost the same time I'm trying to figure out here if we are going to see another "grande bagarre" but here, between some "minor" human circles of power. If we are really approaching the final act after a so long cycle, then it's the final fight : each for himself.

At least if you were wondering for something to watch and that you can get it, I recommend to see them, it's really refreshing. (dont know if it exist in other languages thant french and italian ?)

Maybe the lies of PTB are falling apart so fast they are grasping at straws. Until now, enough people had been brainwashed to accept pharmas 'cures' and they were doing very well. I think they have plans for more expensive cures, tests, equipment, etc for this problem.Big profits from a created crisis. Viral 911 n' all that.

More broadly, EU is failing, petrodollar is failing, forced/paid migration/refugee thing is failing, attempts to knockout Russia and China are failing. All their wars on fill in the blank are failing. The rats are abandoning ships ( CEOs for example) big time. The Fed's QE will not work any more because the whole world has lost confidence.

I think basically the parasites are at the point of destroying their hosts and not caring one iota.

I would also not be surprised if the reset involved dividing up some countries and new borders being forced; kind of like post WW2 scenario where the winners divided the spoils and new emperors emerged with a different trading/money system.

In any event, it smells more like geopolitics at the root of all this than anything else. FWIW
That's what I would bet for, it starts to implode, to crackle !
About what could happen later, I prefer to avoid to give any bad supposition. It's "open" as some are used to say.
I haven't finished reading the whole thread but I just wanted to get this off my chest. Here in Mexico the authorities don't seem to be reacting as hysterically as those of other countres - not yet anyway, thoughy they are heading there slowly - and for that they get lots of criticism because they are "irresponsible", they say. So far the 'lockdown' seems to be coming from private companies asking their employees to go do home office until further notice, or from people themselves being alarmed and talking about it either in person or social media endlessly, asking others to stay home, etc.

One thing that bothers me about the social aspect of the global hysteria is the underlying argument that "ok, it's unlikely you will die of it, but you may die, and some will die, so we got to sacrifice a whole lot of liberties and obsess about the virus day in and out to stop it". And the thing that feels so wrong about it is when I compare to previous generations and all the challenges they went through - war, real epidemics, famine, etc - and how they were forced to learn that death was simply a part of life, and just because death was around the corner, it didn't mean that one should stop living as normally as they could. All those much worse situations, they just took in stride. But now it's like people just want to live forever and forget that you can die literally of anything - even of crossing the street - which makes the virus even less remarkable. It's almost as if they are 'offended' by the deaths and the possibility of death. It's the fashionable thing, to be offended for everything. For a lack of a better word, it's snowflakery towards the facts of life. I can understand elderly people being worried or people being worried for them - but to see everyone in the state of mind they're in it's crazy. The Cs mentioned recently that the program was complete - was snowflakery part of the program, I wonder?

But then, one does assume that they are behaving like this largely because of propaganda, pure and simple. I mean, the authorities and the media could as well have chosen, say, rabies by dog bite, and people would probably be campaigning by now against dangerous dogs, who knows. Still, just a few years back I would have expected people to have a more rebellious or skeptical attitude towards something like this. But nope, everyone's crazy or half crazy these days.

On the plus side, we're living in interesting times. Like in the Chinese curse.
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FWIW I've brought this issue up with several people and also the comparison between Corona and the 2008-2009 Swine Flu that infected 59 million Americans and killed 12,000. One colleague told me she heard a prediction of up to 2.2 million dead from Corona without intervention, so if people in the CDC, Federal and State governments are being fed that number and believe it, that could explain the massive response.
Isn't it almost what the German Dr said in this famous video ? Reposting it, it's good to have it "not so far" in the thread :

Look the number of views !!! 1 188 208 in 5 days !
I sent it to many people, including some re-information sites - we should have soon a french traduced version (I mean, I hope, from Kla TV, or they would speak about in one of their reportage)

I was also wondering : how youtube reacts vs such video ? do they hack the number of views to reduce it ? how do they position in this story ?
Sorry, a third post in a few time ... it's more funny than intriguing, but remember the following one, and don't forget the band's name :lol:

Spread it you can, the power of the words : Europe, the Final Countdown ! priceless :wow:
(this will anyway be far better than the last updated amount of deaths & contamined people)
I have a feeling that I have a high temperature, but when I measure it with a thermometer it is normal. A feeling similar to a Reiki heat. I don't know how to describe it. It is not just temperature, it is a general feeling. I feel so strange, I can't describe it with words, I don't know how. I am in good health generally.
Maybe this sensation comes from the Wave. reality change, timeline change, I don't know, or just a stress reaction to all the madness.

For me, it started around New Year and amplified over the following months. A lot of "internal heat", a bit like Reiki heat. A surge in energy, mostly positive although with a bit of a weird and sometimes "semi-sick" feeling: more calm, more willpower, more "connectedness". Sometimes it really felt like "bliss" and I had (have) to calm myself down to keep a cool head. Also a sense of having more "instinctive" information accessible. Sometimes panic as well, but I was always one susceptible to that. Strong sensations in solar plexus as well. Sometimes a feeling that I'm ever so slightly "above" my body, observing it rather than being completely "in" it. Sounds a bit weird and I don't make much of it and try not to dwell on these things, but there it is. My wife has also strong sensations in solar plexus and "Reiki energy" sensations. It might also have to do with the fact that we started praying in earnest recently. Big FWIW.
Okay so it's taken me days to catch up! My laptop just flipped the screen upside down on me for no apparent reason. I'm on my roommates I Mac. I took a couple weeks off of work because I can and there are other servers who need what money there is to be made more than I do. I needed a break anyway and I can afford to take off a couple of weeks off or so. I don't necessarily want to stretch it beyond that, however. Things are closing down by the day. On Monday I went to my exercise class to find that all group activities were cancelled, but the community center was still open and I was able to get an HIIT workout in on my own. Went to see a movie that night. The next day Regal Cinemas closed all locations until further notice. This morning I went back to the community center to exercise and it was closed. Restaurants that were just opened yesterday were closed today. Some are open only for to go business. Toilet paper is near impossible to find as is hand sanitizer. The whole situation is bizarre. And no one knows anyone who actually has the damn disease!

I'm getting some cleaning projects and what not done around the house. It's entertaining if nothing else.
That said, there is the problem of why such measures are not taken for the seasonal flu which poses a very serious risk to vulnerable elderly people every year and therefore the same risk of overwhelming health care systems. In fact, the number of people who die from the common flu every winter season (the large majority of them elderly with serious health conditions) is at least 10 times the number of deaths from covid-19. So why have these deaths not caused the same health care crisis every year?

Any explanations?

Whatever the case, there is the unfortunate coincidence (I suppose) that hundreds of millions of people in Western nations are being conditioned to accept very draconian restrictions on their basic civil freedoms..."for the greater good". While that may not be intended, it is still the objective end result. And obviously, everyone with any sense should be disturbed by that.

Was thinking yesterday: every year, peeps die from the flu. Now you maybe could lower these numbers with Draconian measures. But with the same argument, you could impose a tempo limit of 30 kmh. Much less dead. You could forbid alcohol. You could forbid any sport that may lead to fatal accidents etc. etc. In short, for God's sake, THERE ARE VALUES THAT ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN STOPPING ALL DEATHS! Old-fashioned things like freedom and liberty, for example...

what if there is an effort underway to 'get rid of' the elderly under cover of trying to save them? After all, there has been much talk in recent years of the 'problem' of the increasing number of old people who are exerting a serious financial burden on the state. The yellow vest protests in France over the past year+ have been largely focused on French govt. attempts at 'pension reform' whereby people would be forced to keep working for longer, thereby alleviating some of this burden of the state having to pay pensions to more and more people who do not contribute to tax revenues.

I know it's a bit far out there, but just thought I throw it into the mix.

Now that's out there :scared: One counter argument would be that Big Pharma and many others profit the heck out of old folks. Business model: plunder the savings of an old generation that still made some money. Then again, we know that psychos are capable of coming up with such plans as you describe. Plus, perhaps the old folks with savings are gone now anyway, and the next generation of old folks hasn't lots of savings to plunder, so... Who knows.
Look the number of views !!! 1 188 208 in 5 days !
I sent it to many people, including some re-information sites - we should have soon a french traduced version (I mean, I hope, from Kla TV, or they would speak about in one of their reportage)

The MSM in Germany went into overdrive for the last few days in smearing him and his research. Not easy though because he has so much credentials. Their "story" consists of calling him unscientific and a conspiracy theorist, but giving ZERO actual arguments. Just: "he fails to see that we will be out of hospital beds and this will kill us all blabla". Pathetic. But I'm sure many people will dismiss him just because they see a headline "Doctor calls Wodarg Unscientific".
Heat, temperature, beam, radiation = these are good signs.

It means the body is building immunity against virus, like a protective shield, either at the very first contact or preemptively.

Sometimes... I get an itch on my chest, right above the solar plexus.

Why radiation isn't used against air-born viruses as in cancer treatment?
I'd rather get a shot of microwave than having my liver eaten from inside by some parasite.
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