I agree with you if the purpose of the bioweapon is to kill a lot of people. I've seen several posts in this thread saying that it isn't a good bioweapon because it has a low mortality rate. FWIW it occurred to me (or maybe I read it somewhere) that a pathogen that if highly contagious, makes people very sick but also has a low mortality rate could be "useful" as well, depending on the goals of the creators of the bioweapon.

For instance if a military wanted to invade a country without killing everyone, if they released such a virus covertly, and their soldiers were all vaccinated against the bioweapon, then the people on the country would all get sick and they could waltz right in with very little resistance.

I'm not saying that this is what's going on with the coronavirus, but I don't think we can rule out the bioweapon hypothesis just because something has a low mortality rate.

Well, Bill Gates has mentioned reducing the population through new vaccines, health care and reproductive health. It's not like they want to kill everyone because they still need servile drones to work for them. So if vaccines dumb people down and render many of them sterile as has happened in third world countries and the health care system just lets older or chronically ill peeps die instead of supporting their life then that could be the goal. Kind of like the implementation of a fixed caste system with a set life expectancies like in Brave New World. (link to full BBC Series for those who haven't seen it or read the book)

Where the consumption of an individual both in products and services outweighs their ability to produce then the costs of maintaining them has negative commercial value. When I worked in the financial services industry the company that I worked for had a particular program that would show how profitable each customer was. We were taught to resolve complaints based on the profitability of the client. If a client was living pay check to pay check then they rarely had complaints resolved to their satisfaction, they could tolerate the decision or leave. At the other end of the scale there was encouragement to not only find loopholes to resolve a complaint, but also to get the client better bang for buck.

With the above in mind, I'm not buying into ScoMo's 'choking back tears' in the following. His use of the word 'mate' just isn't flying with me. I reckon he's just learning to put that $150k spent on empathy training to better use. I'll admit I'm having trouble being impartial on the subject though.

Today CEO (Vladislav Filyov) of one of the Russian airlines (S7) made a prediction that international air travel will be fully restored only by April 2021.

The more optimistic prediction is that it will be restored in July-August, but considering the possibility of the "second wave" of corona, it may be shut down or restricted to essencial flights only in autumn and winter.

Don't know if the prediction is for flights from Russia only, but obviously it is a serious hit for airlines everywhere. According to Filyov, some airlines won't survive, and those that will, will be able to do it only thanks to governmental support.

This news also made me wonder about cosmic phenomena, dust, meteorites, and anything else that we speculated about in the past that could influence or restrict air travel. Well, now we have it. 🧐
Today CEO (Vladislav Filyov) of one of the Russian airlines (S7) made a prediction that international air travel will be fully restored only by April 2021.
Wasn't there a Cs session where international flights were going to be stopped in the future? (I don't know, maybe it was flights all together being stopped?) I tried looking for it, but couldn't find it. It had something to do with a volcano going off and airlines were told not to fly around that area because of the particulates that were in the surrounding atmosphere being bad for the jet engines.
Wasn't there a Cs session where international flights were going to be stopped in the future? (I don't know, maybe it was flights all together being stopped?) I tried looking for it, but couldn't find it. It had something to do with a volcano going off and airlines were told not to fly around that area because of the particulates that were in the surrounding atmosphere being bad for the jet engines.

Yes, I also tried looking for it, but couldn't find it. Found a lot of other curious mentions in the sessions, but not about that. I wanted to see if the C's gave an answer that could hint that this is how it will happen, or if as usual they said to wait and see. 😅
Wasn't there a Cs session where international flights were going to be stopped in the future? (I don't know, maybe it was flights all together being stopped?) I tried looking for it, but couldn't find it. It had something to do with a volcano going off and airlines were told not to fly around that area because of the particulates that were in the surrounding atmosphere being bad for the jet engines.

Yes, I also tried looking for it, but couldn't find it. Found a lot of other curious mentions in the sessions, but not about that. I wanted to see if the C's gave an answer that could hint that this is how it will happen, or if as usual they said to wait and see. 😅

It was 29 Dec 2009:

(Anart) Are they eventually going to just shut down international travel?

A: Yes

Scottie) 5D city on a hill, 8 months until international travel stops... oh, and there's no time!!

A: It will not be total shutdown and it will not be long lasting either.

Q: (L) So in other words, they'll do it. They'll try it, and something will happen and there'll be a reaction.

(P*****) Why they will shut down the airports?

A: Wait and see.

Edited to add session link.
Funny, I thought about this recently: "the programming is complete" may simply mean that people's brains have been turned into mush! And how do you do that? By making them believe ever more outrageous lies. This seems to be the chief brain-mushing technique. I mean there was 9/11, which was an obvious lie. But people can somewhat be excused for believing it because you need to study the issue to make the lie transparent. Then there was climate change, which is even more ridiculous than the 9/11 story, even on the surface (drive less, then climate change won't kill the planet), but still - it's a scientific issue that needs some looking into. Then came the whole postmodern/transgender stuff - there is no difference between men and women, kids should be sex-changed etc. Which is such an outrageous and horrific lie that doesn't need any study whatsoever. If you believe that, all thinking capability is just gone. And now a global fascist lockdown because of a ridiculously low number of deaths, even if you believe the official numbers, and even in the "hot spots"...

I've had the same thought. You can see a chain of developmental illogic starting with the postmodern rejection of the idea of objective truth in favor of discourses of power, starting back in the 60s, when the notion that "everyone has their truth" started to take hold. Then this advances through an ever escalating series of absurd claims that people are required to accept in order to be admitted into polite society. In no particular order:

- global warming
- transgenderism, gender theory, the gender spectrum, etc.
- radical equalitarianism i.e. the idea that there are no differences whatsoever between the sexes and races (as distinct from egalitarianism i.e. that individuals should be treated based on their personal merits)
- white privilege i.e. the idea that Europeans must be uniquely ashamed of their past (which is in direct contradiction to equalitarianism....)
- 9/11 and everything that came from that
- the idea that drugs are the answer to psychological problems such as depression
- the idea that all vaccines are always good
- veganism
- Russiagate

By 2020, the population had been thoroughly hystericized, living in a media-produced hyperreality, a completely illusory mental construct with no anchor in truth.

All that said, I don't know that this is a sufficient explanation. Many of the most enthusiastic covidiots in the alt-media are quite aware of the absurdity of all of the above, indeed made their names attacking those sacred cows, yet fell for it anyhow. So the programming must also include other aspects, e.g. encouraging narcissism via social media attention whoring, encouraging a fear-based psychology, etc.
Wasn't there a Cs session where international flights were going to be stopped in the future?

Apart from the 29 dec 2011 session, i also found it mentioned in the session of 25 April 2010:

Q: (Rabelais) Along that line, they mentioned that international travel would be shut down, but it would be temporary. Was this Iceland volcano event related to that?

A: First instance...

Q: (L) Anything further?

(Andromeda) Well, is it to be shut down again soon?

A: Ultimately.
Okay, here's the questionnaire for the poll. It's in docx format for ease of replacing translated versions. Please don't otherwise modify it without asking. We all need to be using the same model.

So, for any of you who feel ambitious and very curious about what is going on, this is your ticket to find out.

If anybody wants to put it online to get something going that way, just let us know and go for it.


Well, Bill Gates has mentioned reducing the population through new vaccines, health care and reproductive health. It's not like they want to kill everyone because they still need servile drones to work for them. So if vaccines dumb people down and render many of them sterile as has happened in third world countries and the health care system just lets older or chronically ill peeps die instead of supporting their life then that could be the goal. Kind of like the implementation of a fixed caste system with a set life expectancies like in Brave New World. (link to full BBC Series for those who haven't seen it or read the book)

Where the consumption of an individual both in products and services outweighs their ability to produce then the costs of maintaining them has negative commercial value. When I worked in the financial services industry the company that I worked for had a particular program that would show how profitable each customer was. We were taught to resolve complaints based on the profitability of the client. If a client was living pay check to pay check then they rarely had complaints resolved to their satisfaction, they could tolerate the decision or leave. At the other end of the scale there was encouragement to not only find loopholes to resolve a complaint, but also to get the client better bang for buck.

With the above in mind, I'm not buying into ScoMo's 'choking back tears' in the following. His use of the word 'mate' just isn't flying with me. I reckon he's just learning to put that $150k spent on empathy training to better use. I'll admit I'm having trouble being impartial on the subject though.

I don't necessarily disagree with you that one end-game could be a Brave New World style caste system by at least some of the PTB, but IMO we need to keep in mind that the PTB may be a bit schizophrenic with different agendas. The peeps at Fort Detrick and other military bioweapons labs might have a different agenda than Bill Gates.

Also I mentioned before that when Bill Gates talks about population reduction via vaccines, healthcare and reproductive health IMO he is addressing a known idea that improving a population's standard of living and overall access to healthcare reduces that population's growth rate and future population. Now I'm not defending him or arguing about what he really means when he makes those statements, but IMO from what I've seen they are taken out of context and misconstrued.

At face value as far as I can tell he and the UN and the Gates Foundation are talking about trying to reduce population growth rates and the future peak population of the world by improving access to healthcare and "educating" people. They may be using those "face value" statements to push a secret agenda to make money and poison everyone with vaccines, or they may "believe what they're selling" and doing damage to people by their hubris, or something else altogether. Personally I think the whole "useless eaters" NWO depopulation conspiracy theory could be a kind of controlled opposition designed to make people look crazy for opposing ID2020 and universal mandatory vaccines, both of which could make Microsoft and its partners TONS of money. So in other words I think its more about control and making lots of money.

I'm partly "thinking out loud" and this is just my two cents, so FWIW
For instance if a military wanted to invade a country without killing everyone, if they released such a virus covertly, and their soldiers were all vaccinated against the bioweapon, then the people on the country would all get sick and they could waltz right in with very little resistance.

Worth noting that there's evidence that lyme disease originated with a biowarfare program intended to weaponize tics, not on order to kill the enemy, but in order to use the tics as an area denial weapon ... biological landmines, basically.

So no, not every biological weapon needs to be aimed at mortality.

And then there's the C's suggestion in the most recent session that COVID-1984 was developed not to kill people, but to make them easier to control.
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