Well, Bill Gates has mentioned reducing the population through new vaccines, health care and reproductive health. It's not like they want to kill everyone because they still need servile drones to work for them. So if vaccines dumb people down and render many of them sterile as has happened in third world countries and the health care system just lets older or chronically ill peeps die instead of supporting their life then that could be the goal. Kind of like the implementation of a fixed caste system with a set life expectancies like in
Brave New World. (link to full BBC Series for those who haven't seen it or read the book)
Where the consumption of an individual both in products and services outweighs their ability to produce then the costs of maintaining them has negative commercial value. When I worked in the financial services industry the company that I worked for had a particular program that would show how profitable each customer was. We were taught to resolve complaints based on the profitability of the client. If a client was living pay check to pay check then they rarely had complaints resolved to their satisfaction, they could tolerate the decision or leave. At the other end of the scale there was encouragement to not only find loopholes to resolve a complaint, but also to get the client better bang for buck.
With the above in mind, I'm not buying into ScoMo's 'choking back tears' in the following. His use of the word 'mate' just isn't flying with me. I reckon he's just learning to put that $150k spent on empathy training to better use. I'll admit I'm having trouble being impartial on the subject though.
‘Let’s look forward to the good days, they’re going to come.’