Jedi Council Member
Leo40 said:In nature a plant knows how to grow. Who decides?
Yes and there are very invasive plants that take over where another plant once occupied. Then all the critters that survived on the invaded plant, that does not live off this new invasive plant, will either have to readjust if they can or die because their lifesource has been killed.
Laura said:The thing is, there are actually a lot of people who are not psychopathological who ought to give up ideas of reproducing at all, particularly if they carry genes for certain defects that cause suffering. The only exceptions I can think of is if those genetics also often come with other heightened abilities that are valuable to society. Additionally, populations ought to be controlled, preferably by the personal choice of the individuals who make up the group and not imposed from "above." A person ought to look at themselves and their partner realistically, have good knowledge of their genetics, good counseling, consider their society, and make intelligent decisions about whether or not to have a child. Remember, it was the Fascist god who said "be fruitful and multiply..." and he was talking to his psychopathic followers. They have only been interested in producing more cannon fodder.
I could not agree more. Just watch the Jerry Springer show! And from my perspective this is not a prejudice, postjudice or anything of that elk. It is pure observation & discernment.
Thinking that the word controlled has also been ponerized in various ways.
control definition con·trol (kən trōl′)
transitive verb controlled -·trolled′, controlling -·trol′·ling
1.Obsolete to check or verify (payments, accounts, etc.) by comparison with a duplicate register regulate (financial affairs) verify (an experiment) by comparison with a standard or by other experiments exercise authority over; direct; command operate or regulate this knob controls the volume of sound hold back; curb; restrain control your grief
Etymology: ME countrollen < Anglo-Fr contreroller < Fr contrerole
< ML contrarotulus, a counter, register < L contra, against + rotulus: see roll
There has to be a reasonable, educated & practical application of controlling things as to make sure that things in general survive. Controlling our population on the BBM is the most logical approach to human & all the beings living successfully on the planet. How we go about this has to be from a non-poneroloical direction.
Agreeing with Laura here
Laura said:So far, I think Smaragde's solution is the best: education and exclusion/control by refusing the manipulations of the psychopath and making it possible that they could be bred out of existence. Of course, that doesn't mean that a new batch won't come along, mutating out of the human gene pool. And how to really breed them out of existence by refusal to mate with them if their genes are scattered all through the human population?
Very tricky issue.
Possible combined solution:
1) Put the violent ones in a high security facility for the rest of their lives. Doesn't seem to be any other solution that is humane.
2) Non-violent, but emotionally destructive: if they can do jobs that their natures' support, fine, but only with everyone knowing their nature and constantly networking so that they can't create problems.
3) I can't see manipulating their brains electronically - sets a bad precedent - and they really aren't to blame for being born the way they are, so no need to take vengeance on them.
4) All of them probably ought to be "neutered." One could imagine that if they DID have what they don't have genetically - conscience - they would opt to not pass on their genes, so helping them by lending them some conscience isn't such a bad idea, IMO.
My husband, an ex-deputy sheriff, was watching a TV show last night called "Cook County Jail" on the Discovery channel.
Walking into the room I sat down to see what he was watching. My mouth was in an open position, for I watched awhile being mesmerized by what I saw. It was amazing to see what the prison guards go through each and everyday. The prisoners were in a maximum security facility, separate from the general population. Somehow, even while in their separated cells, they managed to create weapons, start fights and start fires. One wonders how they even got something to start a fire with. My thoughts kept coming back to this discussion. There are some pretty bad people out there. They consistently cause others harm, even when incarcerated. There was one man, that ever time he was caught doing something illegal, like creating a weapon , he blamed someone else. It was never his fault. He blamed the guards for setting him up by planting the weapon on him. Or leaving a shard of metal around so of course naturally he would create a weapon with it. He even blamed the guards for starting the fire in his cell when he was in there alone. Now the guards and psychologist knew his antics and just gave him the opportunity to tell his side of the story. Then they told him he was going to be further charge with additional crimes that he committed. So, hoping that he will wind up living out the rest of his life inside some penitentiary system. The Cook County jail is just for those awaiting trial. This TV show was watching psychopaths in action.