Creating a New World

Vulcan59 said:
The first big thing that comes to mind to me is to make sure essential psychopaths are identified as early as possible and are prevented from seeking or gaining positions of power or influence. :cool2:

I'm agree with you ,

For me a better world is possible but only without this Pyramid of power and controll of over the globe who had controlled everyone for milleniums. If we can take down this global evil Pyramid this " mind control center" then we can create ,materealize all our will of a New World.

P.S. I think we can :)
Laura, thank you for this post. Looking at the size of the response, it shows so many things about us, the complexities of our world and the shared responsibilities we bear to ourselves and each and every consciousness. God help us if we ever had to do it overnight.

I'm finding that to even try to dream such a world requires a process of adapting the mind, since we have been programmed to consider anything but such a concept. Such a mental adaptation I imagine, would take considerable time and effort before a harmonious world could even be envisioned, let alone created. In fact, I'm even having a hard time expressing the thoughts that come to mind.

The sheer volume of posts has made this thread a little hard for me to read in it's entirety (I will plug along, though), so please forgive me if this was brought up already:

In considering such a utopian world, all of my thoughts seems to circulate around a single word, balance.

There needs to be balance struck to avoid traps of karmic debt that can arise from benefitting from one's efforts without compensation.

There needs to be balance in governance to accommodate the array of orientation ranging from the varying degrees of STS to STO, with protections put in place that respect individual rights while preventing feeding, victimization and abridging of free will.

There needs to be balance to accommodate the range of individual spiritual development while respecting collective spiritual development.

Unless a world can be inhabited solely by those of the same level of development in an STO direction, I find it difficult to imagine how to accommodate the individual needs of all conscious entities inhabiting our world.

Having said that, I have to wonder what the world would be like, what we would be like, if there never was any external interference and mankind was able to develop in a more natural manner.

Perhaps, simply said (finally), this would be my ideal world: where all consciousness on Earth are able to evolve unhindered by foreign influences in the direction of creativity instead of entropy. I think that might have been the natural and inevitable path we would have taken, had there been no meddling.

Thanks for wading through my convoluted thought process.

All the best,
Hi everybody,
this is my first post on this forum since a few years, and I'm hesitating and enthusiastic at once. I hope my participation will be useful to somebody!
This thread caught my attention about a week ago, and I'm still only at page 10, having skimmed through the other 22 pages to get an idea of where the discussion went. All opinions and ideas are very interesting, thank you so much!

I see this situation, of "creating a new world" as something that is rather happening continually than something that will suddenly come in the future. Many individuals all over the world realise that this present society and culture is not going to last. Either they fear the disappearance of western industrialised comfort, or they hope to create a better world of social justice and care for the Earth. They may not at all be on a conscious spiritual path or know anything about psychopaths, OP's, etc. but what happens is a bringing together of awakening individuals, networking, cooperating, and using their experience to create tools for "society-crafting".
I've been actively involved with a lot of groups over the past 10 years or so, and I'd like to share some of these tools with you, so that if/when you find yourself in a forest clearing with 199 other lost people, (or just decide to make things work in your neighborhood) you've not only got the will/intention to make it work, and the knowledge of what could make it all fail (psychos etc), but also the tools for feeding, sheltering, and organising in the long term.
Of course, in a situation of survival you wouldn't apply them in the form presented on the respective websites, but to make a society last and to inspire the behaviour in the beginning, I think they will be very worthwhile.

For what it is worth, here are my favourite tools for creating new worlds!
- Permaculture design, ethics principles
- Open Space Technology
- Consensus technique and
- Knowing the edible wild plants where you live (I'll let you find resources for yourself, as they vary too much from one part of the world to another) and general wilderness survival.
- Mutual credit systems - accounting for the value of goods and services we exchange can help us see who is not participating their fair share of work for the community. For resources: and (and many many other) Please contact me if you're inter...ect for all the work you all are doing. Pippi
Hi Pippi,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how much of the work here they have read. Have a browse through that board to get an idea of how others have done it.Thanks.
Vulcan59 said:
Hi Pippi,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how much of the work here they have read. Have a browse through that board to get an idea of how others have done it.Thanks.

Hi Pippi,

I think that just "creating a new world" without proper knowledge and understanding will do nothing except to create a new world just like the old world. Without fully understanding how this world got to be like it is, you just keep making the same mistakes all over again no matter how good the intentions.

Knowledge Protects is more than just a saying, it's the objective truth. So having said that, I invite you to read Laura Knight-Jadczyk's The Wave Series, Adventures with Cassiopaea and to start doing the Eiriu Eolas breathing and meditation program.
Good question, I have not had a chance to read all 32 pages of replies... so sorry if this has already been pointed out

To me, we have to start with education. I live in the UK and i have 2 children age 17 and 15. They go to "good schools" comparatively speaking, but the education standard is very low. First of all they are put into formal education too young, this stifles natural growth. Also they are taught lies from an early age and if they don't tow the line are considered disruptive and are marked, this process scars them and is a system that is designed for make them feel bad about themselves and it works. Also the system is based on a "this or that" hypothesis e.i. evolution versus creationism, they are not encouraged to develop their own ideas, only to learn verbatum what is taught. I don't blame the teachers (i know quite a few) they just do as they're told or they loose their jobs. This system has been developing in this country for over 150 years.

I could rant on here about many ways that it should be changed, but i shan't as I'm sure there are many who are more qualified than myself. However the point that I'd like to make is that unless we want a bloody revolution (which i certainly don't) then the way to change society is through educating the young. I say this because most people are indoctrinated into thinking in a particular way and not to exercise their intelligence, therefore logical and practical changes cannot take effect with our current generation. This is because sheeple cannot see beyond what is laid in front of them (unless they reeducate themselves through sites like this one), therefore to see any fundamental changes to political/social/health etc systems we have to look forward to the next generation.

oh yes..... and get rid of TV!!!!!

Love and luck
I apologize for my English. That is why it is the first time I have participated in the forum.
Trying to think what the world is STO, is revealed starkly how STS is this world and how well we are indoctrinated to accept it, with no questions, or some questions about my car or my tooth paste, or whatever a kind etc. and that is why becomes very difficult without these elements to give, in my opinion, a true quantum leap in our mental structure .
Much of my time I have invested in making these uncomfortable questions and the answers, in many cases are more uncomfortable. Especially since I have arrived 4 or 5 years from the information of Cassiopeia and the group.
Ark and Laura were my virtual friends, sometimes extremely comfortable and other uncomfortable, but if I look back and that means 40 years of an action seeking information that allows me to put in a huge contradictions the “rational” context in which we vegetate , You and the whole group actually are my most common source of acquiring information.
Bear this for sure I do not lose opportunities to investigate, in his work and writings, and of course, on the many different sources that Laura (It is also the name of my wife) and Ark.

Dear friends I am always with you, behind the scenes, this is one of the very few times that I am participate.

Hi Carlin.

Welcome to our forum. :)

We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, how they found the cass material, and how much of the work here they have read.

You can have a look through that board to see how others have done it.
Carlin, I hope you take Gandalf up on his suggestion and post on the Newbies thread.

Your english is just fine and it is wonderful when we can all network together and discuss various things.

I am glad to meet you. :)
Today I crossed the border, I saw my name on the foro.Gandalf and Nienna Eluch. thanks.
I have read all the recommendations, I am not a follower of manuals, but I am entering in your house and I abide by the rules.
All material available from L and A, C's and the whole saga, is my subject of analysis.
From now on I will always be in the forum. When it's time I will do my comments or questions.

I know this may sound strange, but I feel like this is a safe place to share this idea :)

I have more of a musing rather than a solution to the world's problem, but I can't help feel the connection to this particular game to the way the world could be. I used to play Second Life and for those who don't know this interactive experience, it involves you creating your own reality. You begin life in SL by choosing a "template avatar" and later make it more "real" by adding your own body parts and features. The main purpose of this game is to develop your skills and talents you choose in order to make SL money. However, the neat thing is that there are abilities to build your own dream house from scratch without spending a single penny. You can completely live in SL without spending a single real life dollar, I did! Without goverment regulations, laws and power struggles, you virtually are free to create, communicate, trade and share both resources and talents infinitely. It is based off of an IM idea so you can communicate with people from around the world, there you can give, sell, share resources together or simply talk. I know there are no challenges such as no monsters to kill, no worry of losing your life, but I have to admit it sounds pretty peacefull. So if we can get rid of rules, regulations and govern our own selves under the laws of the common good, learn how to barder/trade, create and design our own reality maybe this world can be as transcendent as SL. I believe I read something about this kind of utopia in the Celestine Prophecy. It makes sense how people can get so addicted to this experience...the free flying is the cherry on the top!
Hi curiouskat --

curiouskat said:
So if we can get rid of rules, regulations and govern our own selves under the laws of the common good, learn how to barder/trade, create and design our own reality maybe this world can be as transcendent as SL.

The biggest obstacle which I see to that (besides the inherent STS nature of all humanity at present) is psychopathy. As long as psychopaths remain unchecked in the population, I don't think that our society will ever be free to abandon rules and govern ourselves in a completely egalitarian way. There is some discussion of this earlier in this thread, if you haven't read it already -- have you done much reading on the forum in general yet about psychopathy?
Yet, isn't everything as IS in the scheme of things? There is nothing to fix, only to experience at the level of SL type of living I was describing. I was "musing" about it, NOT saying we are there yet. Psychopathy is also a choice, we can't alter their path because everything is exactly the way it should be and it is only another level of experience, but if we were really able to live at the level I was eluding to then there would be no worries because everyone at that level of consciousness and peace would act by their heart. I had an amazing man give me The Pleiadians Mission to it and it will tell you about how the 6th density beings live, according to this book they:

~live WAY past life span
~they have polgyamous relationships and share partners because love is universal to them (and no one has jealousy issues)
~are incredibly sensual and sexual with eachother, yet not lust or desire is felt
~they don't kill animals, they grow their food and genetically create one rabbit like animal to get their meat from
~they don't have fights or conflicts, because they are so intune with eachother and themselves that the minute they feel like if someone is destrubing the balance of the society they are either asked to leave kindly for the good of others or they pardon themselves to go learn more

Of course we aren't there yet, but this is the perfect get there is a matter of where we are on the learning point.
BUT how I think we get there is another Revolution...where the masses form together and show we are bigger in size and no longer will we let the few control the many. Yet, this needs to be a huge, total and final movement and we need to not cut of heads storming in, but show through ideas and sheer TRUTH that we are far more powerful as far as the physical space that we inhibit on this physical plane verses theirs. Maybe it is time to turn that pyramid upside down. ;)
curiouskat said:
I had an amazing man give me The Pleiadians Mission to it and it will tell you about how the 6th density beings live, according to this book they:

~live WAY past life span
~they have polgyamous relationships and share partners because love is universal to them (and no one has jealousy issues)
~are incredibly sensual and sexual with eachother, yet not lust or desire is felt
~they don't kill animals, they grow their food and genetically create one rabbit like animal to get their meat from
~they don't have fights or conflicts, because they are so intune with eachother and themselves that the minute they feel like if someone is destrubing the balance of the society they are either asked to leave kindly for the good of others or they pardon themselves to go learn more

Nearly all of this is absolutely contradictory to what the C's tell us about 6th density existence -- is there any particular reason that you think this source might be accurate?
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