Creating a New World

curiouskat said:
Yet, isn't everything as IS in the scheme of things? There is nothing to fix, only to experience at the level of SL type of living I was describing. I was "musing" about it, NOT saying we are there yet. Psychopathy is also a choice, we can't alter their path because everything is exactly the way it should be and it is only another level of experience, but if we were really able to live at the level I was eluding to then there would be no worries because everyone at that level of consciousness and peace would act by their heart. I had an amazing man give me The Pleiadians Mission to it and it will tell you about how the 6th density beings live, according to this book they:

~live WAY past life span
~they have polgyamous relationships and share partners because love is universal to them (and no one has jealousy issues)
~are incredibly sensual and sexual with eachother, yet not lust or desire is felt
~they don't kill animals, they grow their food and genetically create one rabbit like animal to get their meat from
~they don't have fights or conflicts, because they are so intune with eachother and themselves that the minute they feel like if someone is destrubing the balance of the society they are either asked to leave kindly for the good of others or they pardon themselves to go learn more

Of course we aren't there yet, but this is the perfect get there is a matter of where we are on the learning point.


This all sounds wonderful, but how exactly does dreaming (what you've described is essentially a dream) help us get out of the situation we're in today on the BBM?

Only a psychopath, or one that is under the deep illusion of a dream, could look on the world of today and say there is "nothing to fix". Could you really say something like this with a straight face to a Palestinian mother who just lost all of her children? Or a Haitian child who was abducted at gunpoint and sold into slavery? Or any of the billions of people around the globe living under oppressive conditions for that matter?
curiouskat said:
Yet, isn't everything as IS in the scheme of things? There is nothing to fix, only to experience at the level of SL type of living I was describing.

Hi curioskat. If there is nothing to fix, then why are you attracted to having a 'Second Life'? :)

Your posts sound like you have not read this thread. If you haven't, I suggest you do. Also, may I recommend you read The Wave Series - many of the issues you are raising are addressed in there, and it's basic reading to understand what is usually being discussed in this forum.
world is a very dangerous place.., because there are many fake person in this world ...
so create a new world where only a true person ............
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wase said:
world is a very dangerous place.., because there are many fake person in this world ...
so create a new world where only a true person ............
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wase said:
world is a very dangerous place.., because there are many fake person in this world ...
so create a new world where only a true person ............
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hi wase,

as this is your first post, please take a moment to introduce yourself in the Newbees section ( . Please note that spamming and advertising is not permitted in this forum.
After reading excerpts from Andrew J's book on Ponerology, it seems that any kind of political system would attract psychopaths. I think the ancients knew this. That may go someway in explaining why they were ruled by select bloodlines of kingship. It stopped psychopaths from climbing the power ladder.

This might sound unwieldy, but I think a system based on the idea of cooperative anarchy may work. IF the human population is structured in small tribal groups and not states or nations. I say tribalism, because the social networking that is apparent in tribal groups seems to be enriched. Children are brought up in a crache environment, medical needs are met. I'm thinking of the American native tribes and the Australian aboriginal tribal groups as an example. As far as I'm concerned both these tribe-orientated groups had a higher ethical basis than any modern society.

There is also Plato's idea of philosopher-kings which has some appeal as far as keeping out the psychopaths. Plato's idea of isolating them from political influence and corruption was a good one.
SAO said:
As for deciding who gets the first house, I agree that those most in need should get it and then the doctor who can use his to heal people.

Apologies for the placement of this post but I am slowly working through this thread. It seems to me that rather than building a whole bunch of individual houses it would make more sense to start with to build a communal hall style building to get everybody under cover and in shelter and as a place to cook and sleep. Could be just a structure with a roof for starters. As time went by and more resources were available then individual houses could be built.
wanderer33 said:
After reading excerpts from Andrew J's book on Ponerology, it seems that any kind of political system would attract psychopaths. I think the ancients knew this. That may go someway in explaining why they were ruled by select bloodlines of kingship. It stopped psychopaths from climbing the power ladder.

This might sound unwieldy, but I think a system based on the idea of cooperative anarchy may work. IF the human population is structured in small tribal groups and not states or nations. I say tribalism, because the social networking that is apparent in tribal groups seems to be enriched. Children are brought up in a crache environment, medical needs are met. I'm thinking of the American native tribes and the Australian aboriginal tribal groups as an example. As far as I'm concerned both these tribe-orientated groups had a higher ethical basis than any modern society.

There is also Plato's idea of philosopher-kings which has some appeal as far as keeping out the psychopaths. Plato's idea of isolating them from political influence and corruption was a good one.

From my little bit of knowledge of history and monarchies, I can only see ponerological ruling classes. Just look at the Egyption, French and the British kings for example.

Also I think there is a romanticism of Native Americans where people think that they had peaceful and spiritual lives. Maybe a very few bands of "the people" did, but for the most part they did have wars with each other and at times wiped complete bands of people out. The Iroquois of New York State had a kinda mafia way to their processes. Join our group, pay us for protection or we kill you. But if you did belong to their confederate, and payed up, there was peace to be had. In north eastern Ohio, a band of people called The Cat People, was massacred by another group. And then there was the Pawnee, who were scouts for the American army and flushed out other tribes. Before that they were marauders.

I don't know anything about the aboriginal tribes of the South Pacific, but my thinking is that there were warrior nations as well. Liking councils and the whole council process the best with constant voting in of members of this council to prevent power struggles and the like.
I was thinking the only system we haven't yet discussed (that I noticed anyway, please correct me if I'm wrong) is that of a benevolent dictator or monarch, but then I realized the likelihood of finding one would be nearly impossible and they would have to become heavily armed to keep psychopaths and anyone else looking to usurp the crown at bay.

It is so difficult to envision such a utopic civilization that would include psychopaths and others bound to wrest control, especially since we are programmed to feel helpless and accept mediocrity, OSIT.

I really appreciated this exercise as it has forced me to think beyond traditional confines of our programming and stifled imagination.

Gonzo said:
I was thinking the only system we haven't yet discussed (that I noticed anyway, please correct me if I'm wrong) is that of a benevolent dictator or monarch, but then I realized the likelihood of finding one would be nearly impossible and they would have to become heavily armed to keep psychopaths and anyone else looking to usurp the crown at bay.
I think the problem with that is that no single person is capable of knowing what's best for so many others, and is conscious and aware enough to not accidentally hurt others when making decisions that impact many people. I mean even looking at this forum, even the founders are always networking and working together to mirror each other, collect data together, and help one another calibrate their reading instruments. The more you learn the more the vastness and complexity of life and the universe humbles you, so I think a sincere seeker will always seek a group of others because a group is always more objective than any single person can be, and will always make better decisions as a group.

Also, I honestly think a person who truly cares about others wouldn't want to be a dictator, "benevolent" or otherwise. It's a bit of an oxymoron I'd even say, kinda like saying "STO controller" - since STO does not control. A major reason this civilization is in its current state is because people are abdicating their responsibility for their own civilization to "others" who are more than happy to take that responsibility away from them. For a civilization to be truly benevolent and functional, everyone must be actively involved in helping keep it that way, not just by voting for someone who then makes all the decisions, but actually for everyone to be part of those decisions, osit.
Yeah, I know - the whole idea of a benevolent dictator or a wise King David type was really the best I could envision for the current world, which was my point (as poorly communicated as it was). It is a difficult task to think beyond the human capabilities we have learned through history, especially considering the programming and limitations that have been injected into our thinking.

I guess part of the exercise is, once one has envisioned the utopic new world, one can work backward to imagine what criteria is necessary to support an evolution toward that world.

When I originally started this exercise and had envisioned a world of mutual respect where both individual and collective responsibility flourish, I imagined all members had to be awake and aligned to the STO principle. But to get there, I don't know how to handle those aligned toward entropy.

So, I'm stuck trying to figure out how to get there from here. What do we do, round them up and send them to another planet? That wouldn't be very STO in my mind. I'm stuck.

Well,I think is a complex question because I think there are many things wrong with our world.
But I also think that WE THE PEOPLE,are the cause of our problems.
We need to start with ourselves and stop and ask ourselves:what can I do to make the world better?
First,we must change our ways and be more open minded to new things.
Change is the only constant in life.
We must start using our minds and really use our free will.
Make our decisions based on facts and not allowed others to make them for us.
I think most people are selfish and only think about themselves.
People are not well informed about what is going on around them and they do not want to know,period.
The bottom line is that we are in this eternal struggle of STS and STO.
People allowed to be controlled by their governments,by their parents,by their friends,by religion,etc
Change starts at home.
Let your children evolve,stimulate their minds in a positive way.
Do not impose your believes on them and yes,allow them to make mistakes so they learn from them.
Show them that every action has a consequence and is up to them the direction they want to go.
In reality,change is not a difficult think to do.
We just have to take the first step

Open your mind and let the change begin!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi curioskat. If there is nothing to fix, then why are you attracted to having a 'Second Life'? :)

I don't play anymore INFACT I played before I read Laura's book and I now choose to live my FIRST life.
curiouskat said:
I don't play anymore INFACT I played before I read Laura's book and I now choose to live my FIRST life.

You may have many more lives....but your first life will always be special ;)
In the last part of his book "Las Moradas Filosofales" Fulcanelly closes his book with a short chapter bearing the title" The Golden Age. " Regarding the description of the living environment these men have a clear understanding of its nature, his spiritual constitution and especially the clear conscience of a brotherhood in which the "entropy" is a road that has become to known, but now exist a huge pandemonium where everyone screams "his" truth without any scruple.

In fact this Golden Age is a utopia in our time, but it is the path that we, in initially, give our familiar surroundings, friends, work. Operating and must uncover the contradictions and lies in which, as Laura says in the original post, we are submerged.

New economic and political Sitemas?. Or new players with levels of transcendent consciousness that unites us to those who seek the truth. Actually : Utopia
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